Supreme Demon

Chapter 1445: First!

The kingdom of heaven is full. through

It’s fine.

Covering the sky, hiding the stars below, the vast momentum, like the tides, sway out, igniting the void, and the fire is burning.

The whole world is in turmoil. mountain

The river is dumped and everything is indulged. people

They were shocked, especially those who were completely stunned by the burning of Tianzun. When they reacted, they were only stunned and ugly.

The situation is much more serious than they think.

The treasures of the kingdom of heaven come out, and the will of all beings is fully awakened, and they are driven to the front in a way that is set off. The kind of Tianwei is that Tianzun feels chill.

Needless to say. This

It is the will to destroy Tianzun.

"To what extent did the heavenly kingdom be brilliant?"

They ask themselves, they are all sighing, and the treasures of the world's kingdoms are only the will of the ancient times. There is such an imposing manner. If the real body appears, is it not to destroy and smash the stars?


People thought of burning Tianzun. At the beginning, he should be one of them, and he was not the most eye-catching member. He was an ordinary member. can

It is this ordinary member, but now it is such a light rain, one person can annihilate the 18th Heavenly Respect, and the Japanese gods are born, if every character in the heavens is like burning Tianzun?

Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

of course.

They don't have much time to think about these problems. What is even more difficult now is how to deal with the will of the people of heaven. So many wills are slamming down, that is, Tianzun must be killed.

They are very reluctant, they are very afraid of death.

Therefore, they are at a loss. "

Don't panic, panic can't solve the problem! "first

The former old man’s vigilant opening said: "He is bluffing, the real treasure of heaven is not as terrible as we imagined, don't rush to scare yourself."

Moreover, the will of the sentient beings of the kingdom of heaven is very limited, not too much, limited by time, as long as we hold on to it, and when their will is consumed, then it is our world. ”

"Chen Tian Zun is very good, but it is a strong urging of the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, so that the will of the sentient beings will be full, and the consumption will be serious, and it will not pose a threat to us at that time."

This is a pretty green voice.

From the ages, it is natural to look at the problem more than some of the characters in the world. Because of this, he dared to say it, but he knows that the treasures of the kingdom of heaven are extraordinary and can make the Burning Heavens do their best, that is, not only killing the 18th Tianzun It's so simple, it should be doubled, and even more. "

Come to war! "burn

Tianzun urging the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, full of blood and tears, heartache, the brothers and brothers of the past have only the will to fight at this moment, for the later generations of Guwu to fight for more time, but already do not know him. year old

What is the moon 斩? also

There are people! this

Engraved, his eyes are full of blood and tears, to lay down this flourishing world for the anti-God, guarding their wings gradually full.

In fact. inverse

God did not let him down. In just a few decades, Ling Feng could ask, and the cold moon, Ye Witch, etc. are also about to ask, when this overall situation is cast, there is not much to hurt the anti-God. It is. more

What's more. inverse

God still has the guardian of Wenyuan and Wannian, even if he is **** and dead, there are people who can guard against the future of God.

Only war! to

Dead party! people

We are silent, who is willing to burn Tianzun and the treasures of heaven at this time?

That is equivalent to looking for death.

It is not necessarily the most terrible to know that the first attack of the Treasures of Heaven is not the most terrible, but it is absolutely at the top level. Only because the will of the heavenly kingdom will be full, without excessive consumption, will be able to give a strong light and heat, only to wait until the will of the heavenly people will weaken. When it is more beneficial to them.



Burning Tianzun did not let them wait for too long, the opponent can wait, but he can't wait.

In the next moment, a stream of light was shot from the treasures of heaven. The horrible atmosphere shredded three thousand words on the spot. It was an invisible sword, piercing the nine heavens and killing the young. in

Behind the invisible sword is a middle-aged body with a tough body, but the body is illusory, but it is faintly long and fluttering. This

Once a top esteem. when

When its will is completely burned, the power that is provoked is swallowed up, and its power is full, especially when its laws are in full bloom.

"Every year is dead!"

The Tianzun's hands were printed and suddenly fell on the invisible sword, letting it scream, carrying a rotten smell and mottled cracks to attack the green.

"Looking for death!"

The face of the green face has changed greatly. This middle-aged man is not easy to deal with. If he is in the age of eternal life, he is afraid that he will be killed at this moment. It is this world that makes his heart chill, showing how terrible it is.

The entire space is distorted, exhausted, and corrupt. force

The amount is decaying, and the law is annihilating.

It seems to be going to reverse the entire sky. "

Wild animal! "quite

Qing suddenly drunk, the body rushed out of a blue light, forming a hazy light rain, covering the surrounding, and in it seems that there are cyan monsters flying out, can not see, true, but extremely large. green

There is a claw in the light that hits the invisible sword. when

... stabbed!

It was only a short-term stalemate, and the claws were invisible on the spot by the invisible sword. No blood poured out, only the endless gas was flowing. and


In the twilight rain, three claws were shot in succession, and the invisible sword was confronted. The sky was broken, the time and space were broken, the space was distorted, especially the contest between the rules, which caused the space to be completely turbulent, without any rules. At that time.


After a short time, the three claws were broken, and they couldn’t stop the invisible sword. They were still stunned, and they were shocked and changed their faces. They couldn’t help but retire backwards.


The behemoth in the twilight rain carries the whole body and slams into the invisible sword, and the screaming loud noise, the wild beast is instantly smouldering, and the invisible sword is still coming. "

Broken! ”

The pretty green face is ugly, and the chicken is more eaten. The sword is not very powerful. The most powerful thing is the law of blessing. thousand

Ancient is dry!

There is a kind of horror that despise the law. he

On one side of the retreat, one sword was thrown out, and a phoenix bathed in a nine-fold catastrophe. It was banned from falling to the front and facing the invisible sword. sulfuric acid

The loud noise. that

The invisible sword was finally blocked, and immediately collapsed, and the phoenix bathed in the nine-day disaster. "

But so! "quite

Cyan said guilty. Of course

Later, just as his voice fell, a sharp sword passed through and was banned from penetrating the pretty body.


It’s incredible, and it’s unbelievable. He clearly has escaped the invisible sword and has not sensed its breath. Why is it still being killed? "

Everything can be a sword, and the heavens and the roads are all exhausted! "burn

Tian Zun sighs and sighs. This is an extraordinary figure, but it is so desperate. no

The shape of the sword is only an illusory image, and the beautiful sword is the essence. Do not

Same as other martial arts. This

Tianzun reveals the illusory image, which makes people mistakenly think that it is the sword itself, but in reality, that is illusory. not


It is too much rush to be too rushed, and there is no reaction time at all. When the reaction comes, the sword is still stuck in his heart.

"I am not dead!"

Qing tried his best to plow down the sword directly, let the heart tear, let the terrible law force penetrate the body, take away a large flesh and a half-body. phase

When it’s hot! but


This is the truth. Want

It’s quite green and I can’t bear to cut my flesh. I’m afraid that he is dead at the moment.

He is going backwards, away from the land of right and wrong, and people are stunned by this will, so strong that they are still being killed like a pretty young man. It is conceivable how wonderful the former heaven was. "

This is just the beginning! "burn

Heaven is full of scorn, these people want to disobey God, we must know how serious the consequences.

next moment. day

The treasures of the country are thoroughly in full bloom, and a heavy force is unfolding, carrying a will to kill the stars and gods. "

war! ”

For a time, the entire starry sky was blown up, and the fierce battle between Tianzun was so fierce that it was terrible to the point of suffocation.

Rumble... in

Between the terrible light rain and the roaring, a starry sky is desperate, the stars are falling, the red is like blood, and people are so cold. It is obvious that there are many extraordinary people in the will of the heavenly kingdom. Even if they go to the ages, they can still make people jealous. the power of.

but. in

In this confrontation, the more serious deaths and injuries are the will of the sentient beings of the kingdom, and they are killed dozens in a short time.

You know, not every will has the previous tyrannical tyranny. ...



Shenwuda 6 is turbulent, and its center is the volcano, where the light and rain are rampant and the momentum fluctuates extremely frequently. Ling

The wind disk sits in it, and the enlightenment tree is placed in front of it. The whales swallow the sea and drink the resources around it. The flowers bloom and thank you. The process is not complicated, but the picture cast is very magnificent. One

The universe appears, the heavens and the earth are hanging upside down, the moon is overhanging, and the white and the night are eternal.

There is no alternation, but a harmonious existence.

There is no turmoil, but a calm evolution. Billion

Wan Xingchen, Wan Qian Xing River, like the hair of the human body, is hidden in the top of Ling Feng, and then flies to its eyebrows and penetrates into its body.


Ling Feng only felt that his body was going to burst and he didn't want to live, but at the same time he also sensed the white will, the darkness and the terrible will of the universe.

That is the rule of the reverse!

That is the last step of asking. boil

In the past, he is the Emperor Wu! "

Then come a little more! Ling

The wind suppressed the sound, and suddenly the white, dark, and cosmic power lightnings were integrated into the body, and the whole body was almost blasted. The blood was **** and the flesh and blood became mud. In his body, there seemed to be thousands of worms colliding and flesh and blood. The top of the earth, the horror to the level of the blood of the Emperor Wudi is tearing at this moment, there is a bright red blood from it. "

First, I want to go over! Ling

The wind is so painful that it hurts, but there is not much worry. If even this road cannot be rectified, what other two things are still talking about?

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember.. Mobile version to read the (www.101novel .com)

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