Supreme Demon

Chapter 1448: Hit the volcano!

It is a darkness! image

It is night! through

Out of the suffocating and breathtaking atmosphere, there is no corrosive atmosphere, no sinister taste, only the sacred charm is stirring. in

There seems to be a demon in the light, because the light is too embarrassing, can not see the appearance of the devil, but the vast momentum makes the whole world tremble, as if to be collapsed by the magic. magic


Dump the mountains and rivers! that

How arrogant?

It’s like being the whole world.

This should not appear in the star of Shenwu Da6. It is not a Mozu, it is not a magical star, but it appears like this. It carries the Tianwei-like Tianwei, flies down from the void and blasts through it. Thirty-three heavens, horrified in the world. that

Magic light is not lightning. and

Like the creatures flying from the nine secluded, the vast and shocking world, the body of the real dragon, the wings of the phoenix, and the claws of the gods... it almost has the place where the world’s creatures are fierce, but with Devilish. Of course


It was only the initial form, and when the magic light was rolling, it became deeper and the form changed.

For a moment, it is no longer a creature, more like a star. half

After an hour, its vastness is like a universe.

Time is changing.

This is the essence of the magic light.

Even in the middle there was a sacred light rain that sprinkled the world, and a character was born from the sacred light rain.

"Magic fairy!"

The Mozu gods took a sigh of coolness and looked pale, almost stunned. It was incredible. In the history of the Mozu, there was indeed such a character, but it was not a magic fairy, but a heavenly level. phase

It is said that he once boarded the fairyland, but he did not know it for the world.

Is it confirmed now? "

Magic fairy robbery! "One

The old devil said, the voice was filled with tremors.

This kind of catastrophe is only a legend, and it has not appeared. It is the lord who claimed that the first demon of the ancient times has never provoked such annihilation. But what is the situation now?

"Is the magic fairy coming out?"

The gods of the demon domain were really shocked, and it was difficult to speak. I was afraid that only the magic fairy would come out to be able to give birth to these days. can


Here is the Shenwu University. "

This is a magical earth! "One

The emperor opened his mouth and said with a heavy face. "This star is very different. It has appeared before the ages. At that time, the city was full of wind and rain, and the opportunity of becoming a fairy appeared. It was shocking. The three races of the demon demon had fought here. The real result is not clear."

what? "The demons were shocked and there was such a history."

In the most powerful period of the kingdom of heaven, there were top figures who appeared on this star, but in the end they could not go back. ""

what? "people

Their faces suddenly changed, as if they heard the most terrible things. This

What kind of star is it?

This kind of magic?

How do you feel more poisonous than the Mozu? "

The vastness of the gods is boundless, and now we are only seeing a mountain and a river. He is far more mysterious than we think. ""

What do you mean? ”

"When the golden age comes, this star will change its nature. The mountains and rivers are hundreds of miles, and the vastness is endless, forming the same universe." One of the emperors said heavily. "This is where my Mozu value it." ""

"This is a prosperous land!"

The devil said, full of fascination.

Such a star, as far as the star, can make the stars and stars crazy.

Just because. Billion

When the Wanli Mountain River appears, it is necessary to carry vast resources. How many characters can it create? "

Not really! ”

The demon sighed and said, "To be really like this, the top big people in heaven do not have to kill, it is very magical."

where? ""

Star map, the gate of hell, we suspect that it is another starry sky, but it has not been confirmed. ”


The demons are silent, this is a very complicated star, the golden world resources are endless, but once the end of the world is coming, this is another star of death. star

What does the picture really look like? Ground

Is the door of prison really the temple of the gods?

"This is something that big men should worry about. We have to find a way to get rid of him now!"

The old emperor opened his mouth and pointed directly to the volcano of the gods. The character who was able to give birth to the magic fairy was indeed a big problem in the heart of the demon, and he did not try to get rid of it. "

Yes! ”

The next moment, the demons marched forward and rushed to the volcano of God. versus

At the same time.

There is also a problem on the side of the Tibetan star. The strength of the anti-god and the powerful forces is not the opponent of the stars and the sky, and the situation is one-sided. Do

Guan, against the gods in the **** interception, but still does not help.


Stars and gods drink, move forward, and go to the volcano along the gates of the stars.

but. on

At that time, the starry sky was turbulent, and a vast wave of volatility erupted from the door of the starry sky. It was like a road of lightning. It was shot down in nine days, with a horrible Tianwei. On the spot, many Tiandao figures were seriously injured, and even on the spot. Commandment. "

what's the situation? ”

People were shocked and did not expect this to happen. "

This is a magical star, with terrible magic, trying to find death! "Have

The old man solemnly reminded.

Unlike other stars, Shenwuxing is full of dangers, but it has not yet exploded. But this does not mean that it is not dangerous enough. Public

The horrible stars, the last few stars of the Star Trails are also terrible, but those stars are in the face of the **** Wu Wu, completely child-level. God

Wu Xing is really dangerous. It is the top Tianzun who is here to be an ant. It is to ask the characters of the heaven level to come back to life.

How terrible? only

It’s just a light, you can kill the characters at the heavenly level, if the whole star is turbulent?

"You are really naive!"

Burning Tianzun sneer, he has been in the town for many years, but he has never set foot on Shenwuxing. Why?

Not wanting, but not. magic

The family has invaded Shenwu for more than 6 years, but the characters of the demon level have never set foot. Why?

Not wanting, but not dare!

Just because. One

The characters of Tianzun and Mozun will set foot on Shenwuxing, which will awaken their ancient creatures. If the creature comes from the door of Hell, the impact will be quite horrible. Even the big figures of the heavenly level will be killed, and they will How many lives?

of course. to

The characters on the **** Wu Xing are not listed here. "

All die! "burn

Tianzun urged the treasures of the heavens to move forward, suddenly hit the door of the starry sky, stirred up the mountains and seas, and blasted on the door of the stars.

The bang was loud. whole

The door of the starry sky almost burst, and Shenwuxing was even more like this force. but

. on

In the presence of that wave, a **** of divine power suddenly swayed out from the **** Wuxing and hit the direction of the earth star.

"Not good, retreat!"

God's face is mad, and he knows the evil of burning Tianzun. If Nima is hit, don't say that the person at the heavenly level is that Tianzun will be killed.

They are about to retire, but they are still too small to fight back. thorn


A light hit, there are dozens of gods on the spot, and the smoke is gone, including Heaven and Heaven. boom

Long loud noise. One

The road flies and annihilates hundreds of starry gods, and there are no dying voices.


Finally, the afterglow was played, and the Shenwuxing calmed down, but it was this glory that shrouded the stars and slid out of the sky, causing the calm of the entire starry sky. all

dead! thing

It is proved that burning Tianzun is not targeted.

"Block him!"

At this time, dozens of Tianzun and demon statues were killed, and they lived against the burning of heaven and the will of the heavenly people, so that they could not do anything.

"Go to Shenwuxing immediately, be careful!"

Tianzun is drinking and the situation is serious.

The face of Shenwuxing is too bright, and a heavy catastrophe has a long-term impact. Even if they can sense the weak fluctuations, it means that Lingfeng has already reached a critical moment.

If Ling Feng is so successful, then their sacrifice will not make any sense.

"Death list is forward!"

The small fish appeared, with the roster of death to kill the front, which was opened by the top heavens.

"Magic forward!"

The magical power finally appeared, and there were more than a dozen top heavenly leaders who also succumbed to Shenwuxing. and

Rear. star

Many empty forces also hit the front, but when they passed the door of the starry sky, it seemed calm. Without any characters, it was equivalent to finding death.

quickly. he

They fly to the **** Wuxing by the gate of the starry sky, and some of the forces fly by the heavens and go straight to the **** Wuxing, bypassing the gate of the starry sky. but

. he

They are still being strangled and constrained by the terrible Tianwei of Shenwuxing. It is not easy to cross the starlight and rain. Only the door of the starry sky is relatively stable and safe. Do not


In front of the gate of the sky, there are heavenly characters such as the gods of the gods, the gods of the yin and the gods, and so on. The vast gates have been opened, and the gods of the stars will be killed. Of course


Their numbers are still too small, and they are insignificant in the face of the vast numbers of the stars in the sky.


Just a moment of stalemate, the stars of the sky will tear a gap out of the heavenly figures and Qimen, and hit the volcano. "

The whole starry sky is killing him, this person is really the best. ”

Someone was sneering and said: "His talent is as good as his ability to get into trouble."

“Isn't that what we want?”

This is the truth! "that

The individual smiled and said: "Wait for so many years, wait for this moment."

Are we going to do it? ”

"We must do it!"

"The burning of the gods was blocked, and Wenyuan was fighting in the magical star of the gods. Now it is only a thousand years old to sit down against the gods. As long as he is dragged, then...hey."

“What is good for us when we are reversible?”

"Nature will have the power to replace it!"

The man’s sinister smile said: “It’s not just against God, but God’s sorrow and several other forces are also going to be destroyed. This is a big reshuffle, and we are the winners.”

Starry forces and demons..."

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend!"

The character laughed innocently. "I believe we will be good friends, and we are still too weak and need the support of the stars!"

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