Supreme Demon

Chapter 1449: Anti-war frenzy!

The sky is getting darker.

Starry in the night sky, dispelling the color of the night, showing a pale color. "

Get started now! ”

The character spoke directly, becoming an unprecedented chill, with a penetrating power in his voice. "

Yes! "black

Someone responded in the dark, then left quickly and flew far away.

The night is empty. One

The stocks of the stocks have emerged from the gods of Wuxing, carrying the vast expanse of Tianwei, and marching straight toward the volcano of the gods. They are covered with black scarves and cover up the true features with power. The heavenly characters are the ones that open the mountains and rivers.


The heavens and the earth tremble at this moment, and it seems that there are thousands of troops rushing through the air. It is the power frenzy that can annihilate the beasts. "

Destroy him! ”

In the other direction, someone is shouting, and the voice is full of sorrow. to

Yes, another force is like a blowout, rushing to the sky, killing the volcano, and the low power is almost suffocating. only


That is the elite of the entire power. "

This is an opportunity. If we miss it, we don't know how many years to wait! ”

"Get rid of him!"

The stocks rushed out of the air, and a team in the night sky was neatly arranged, like a pine, straight and cold, and the low atmosphere ruptured the entire night sky. under

A moment. he

They disappeared into the night sky and rushed into the distance.

Obviously. in

When the stars and the stars came to kill, when the Mozu was crazy, the forces on the Shenwuxing also became unsettled. There was a black hand sneaking in the dark, and it was necessary to make the fire of the anti-God burning more intense.

The demon, the starry forces, the **** Wuxing forces.

This is a huge and suffocating horror, and they are aimed at the same person, even the top force of the empty road will tremble, not to mention the anti-God.

after all. Now

In the anti-God wing is still far from full. shape

The situation is very dangerous. ...


The sky is vast.

Five canopies passed by and plowed nine days of dust, and the whole void became dazzling with the five canopies. in

On the Tianzhou, a beautiful heavenly girl stood on the boat, and the cold eyes and light of the gods opened and closed, and a heavenly glory stood beside her, and there was a cold light flowing through her body.

"Poetry, how much victory do we have in this matchup?" asked Liu Liu of the East. "

Less than 30%! ”

The oriental poetry said seriously. "


Do we still have to do this right? "The oriental poetry said with a smile."

Yes! "Oriental Liu Wei."

There is no retreat in the anti-God, and we have no retreat! "east

Fang Shishi sighed. "In the past, we were in the same breath with the gods, regardless of each other, belonging to the alliance. If we tear the alliance at this time, it is not only to offend the gods, but also to let those forces despise, they will not believe us. Just give them a chance and bite a bite."

Even if the blood is ruined, it will not be annihilated, and they will not be clean. ”

"As long as there are still people alive, the gods will not be annihilated!"

Strive to fight, we still have hope. "east

Fang Shishi said with anxiety: "But if we give up the gods, the oriental clan will only be slowly eroded by other forces."

understood! ”

The Eastern Liu Wei is a serious man. In this respect, he does not think much about oriental poetry. He only sees the present and ignores the future of the oriental clan.

"That's a fight, we don't necessarily lose!"


The poetry of the oriental poetry said: "Shen Wuxing, we don't know how much strength we have against the gods. We don't know. It's not bad for us to have a 20% grasp. If the anti-God is strong enough, then We have 30%, 40%, and even 50%."

What if we succeeded? ""

The Eastern clan will fly like the **** of the world. ""

If it fails? ”

"Oriental clan will attack the enemy of the stars with the power of anti-God, and it will kill the gods, but the top characters will not be killed. Our Oriental clan will get these characters to help."


The oriental Liu Weidao shines.. "This is worth it."

For a moment, they swooped to the Tibetan stars, banned from the treasures of the heavens, and burned them to their arrival, without blocking them.

"Give it to you!"

Burning Tianzun solemnly slammed the road.

"We are not dead, we will not destroy God!"

The oriental Liu Wei shouted far away, and the voice formed a spiritual power to the soul of the burning heaven.

"We also come to help!"

Not long after, the goddess of the Shangguan clan marry and directly rushed to Shenwuxing.

"And us!"

The void road appears, led by Xuankong, standing side by side with the burning Tianzun, killing the stars and gods together. One


The whole world is trembled, and the contest between Tianzun tears the heavens and the earth, making it difficult to understand, and the horror is unimaginable.


Wu Xing.

Advance! fast

Advance! This

Belonging to the rhythm of the Mozu, they used it all and hit the volcano.

In the night, they are a wild frenzy, not only the naked eye can not see clearly, but the gods can not feel much.


The emperor opened his mouth and pushed his strength across the square. "

punish! ”

In the farther direction, the stars and gods have fallen, and the heavenly characters such as the God of God, the Yinshen and the Zero have not stopped them, but there are not many people who can come, especially the top figures.

When the Eastern clan and the Shangguan clan arrived in time, the situation was more stable.

What is really terrible is the power from the inside of the **** Wu Xing. They are like a sharp knife, which will open the **** Wu Xing, making the "fire" light more hot, and let the war explosion more vividly. three

The shank knife slammed into the volcano of the gods and smashed toward the heart of the gods.

The situation is imminent.


God on the volcano.

Ye Xinran stood up in the air, Ling Qing, falling rain and cold looking at the front, there is a beggar in front of them, the shining light in the Tao. not

Undoubtedly. Mixed

The chaotic nine is still abducted. Under the strong pressure of burning Tianzun and Wannian Laojiao, in the temptation of Ling Feng, this scorpion decided to fight against the gods. As long as he wins, he will get unprecedented resources. And this is exactly what it needs.

The entire volcano is very empty, but the eyes of the witches and the cold moon are different.

"He is here." Ye

The witch opened her mouth and the voice became hoarse and dull. "There is no blood disaster like never before. I know that this will sacrifice a lot, but isn't he enough to give up against God?"

"He is against God!"

Therefore, I beg you, fight for God and fight for him! ""

The enemies committed in the future will smite in front of the volcano of God and kill the enemies who dare to insult the dignity of God! ”

“This is our home, no one is allowed to let go!”

"War, in the name of the god, in the name of the Lord!"

war! ”

The volcano sounded in the volcano, but when the battle sounded, the whole Shenwuxing seemed to be in turmoil. In the darkness, a pair of eyes opened and stared at the front, braving the wolf.

"Do your best, let's fight!"

When the moon flies into the void, it directly ignites the butterfly order. Only she has this qualification in Shenwuxing, and once the butterfly butterfly's main command shines, it means that not only the butterfly on the bright face will come out, but also the dark butterfly.

This is all done!

"Take my blood to the world!" Ling

Qing Fei went to the void and said: "Before he was fighting for you, now he needs your strength, will you let him down?"


There seems to be a tremor in the darkness, as if it is responding.

"To start the anti-war frenzy today, don't hide, don't cover up, take your courage, and take out your mentality for decades. Let us witness your glory as ever!"

Just tonight, right now! ”

"Anti-war frenzy!"

A moment. leaf

The witch ignited the reign of the Lord and allowed it to be placed in the void. In the three days of robbing, these lights seemed inconspicuous, at least not with the attention of the Mozu and the stars.


Under the night sky, there was a pair of eyes that saw the light. "

war! "end

In the sound of a low voice, in the dark wasteland, between the distant rivers. call

! Such as

With the breeze blowing, the sound of the grass and the sand, the power that had been suppressed for decades, finally unblocked at this moment, and opened the shackles at this moment. "

Waste Lord, why not us? ”

The red tiger is red-eyed, and anyone knows that the anti-God has reached the point of life and death, but the wilderness has not been dispatched.

They have been suppressed for decades and are now being suppressed.

"We are the last natural danger against the gods." Qin Feng said faintly. "There is no real life and death moment, no gods will appear."


It is really dangerous now, but why are we still not moving? "Qin Feng said bitterly." "That is because we are not strong enough!" ""

Work harder! Qin

Feng said seriously: "We only have one chance. As long as we do it, it is equivalent to the advent of the world. It will be difficult to hide it later, so it will be at a more critical moment."


But we still have to be prepared. ""

Why is this? ""

If you are against the gods and the people to the point of life and death, then there is no need to hide, live and die, and do everything! ""

Yes! ”

Jiudao River! This

It is not a famous river. It is not eye-catching on the Shenwuxing. However, just tonight, a frenzy has surged through the Jiudao River, carrying the wind and power and pushing forward.

but. on

When the force was about to fly over the Jiu Dao River, a hurricane swept past the ear of a delicate woman, and when she reacted, a blood rushed out of her neck. thorn


A dark light appeared in the mad stream, lightning exploded, no sound, no cold light, only black panicking power. Are

In the meantime, the heads of several Valkyrie were separated from the body and fell in a pool of blood.

Boom! sink

The screaming sound blew in the Jiudao River. A giant hammer didn't know when it appeared on the head of a true god. Before he reacted, the brain was sprayed.

A bang rang. One

The sword was slashed out, piercing the nine bodies and turning them into a skeleton.

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