Supreme Demon

Chapter 1450: Dark God!

The night is the coat of death.

The power of darkness is the sickle of death.

It flashed, lightning struck, and people were caught off guard. When the reaction came, the Jiudao River had bones like mountains, blood spilled over the river, and the thick **** smell covered the sky.

however. night

There is also a terrible hand in the air that is pushing their life and death to death. call out

! One

I don’t know when the arrow was flying from afar. It suddenly appeared in the eyebrow of a god. There was no fluctuation in the early stage. It was like a leaf falling down. People don’t care. Until now, the power really blasts. Destroy the Buddha, even the space of the gods becomes fragile at this moment.

A **** is killed! This

When people really reacted, they felt the dark tide under the night sky. "

Enemy! ”

The heavenly character for the moment opened his mouth, reminding the gods, and he flew into the sky, igniting the sky with the vast heavenly space, and dispelling the night. that

Tiandao Space is like a round of holy sun, which illuminates this sky with white.

can. Let

What is puzzling is that Jiudao River is very calm, and no other characters appear. It doesn't feel any madness. It seems that everything is not born, but things are different. The bleeding bones are telling them that they are fierce and miserable. . This

It means that there are people in the dark who are killing them.

“What is the situation?” asked a **** who was cold and cold.

"What about people?"

Many people looked at each other with a blank look. They didn't know the specific situation. Because they were blindfolded, they used power to cover up their true colors. They could only see the blind eyes.

"They are in us!"

The figure of the heavenly character suddenly changed suddenly, and the difference between them was sensed. Not everyone is the same breath and the same strength. Some people are very good at covering up, but they still can’t hold the heavenly characters.

They are in it.

They are one of them!

But the ability of these characters to cover up the atmosphere is indeed not small, the number of people is so many, so that the Tiandao characters can't do anything at all, can't they get rid of pieces of martial arts?

Although this can kill the culprits in a short period of time, it will also make their forces lose too much.


People were shocked. They didn't expect anyone to be among them, and they didn't even show it at all. he

They immediately reacted and separated from the characters around them to prevent being killed. but


At the same time as they reacted, a sharp knife smashed out with a handle, and suddenly appeared on the head of Wu Xiu, who was next to him, and cut off his opponent’s head simply and let the blood spew out.

"It's him!"

One of the gods shouted in a panic, only because the character was too fierce, and the body flashed the spirit of the gods, belonging to the top level. Display

Of course, that is a top god.

however. under

For a moment, he closed his mouth forever, and a sharp arrow flew from afar, directly piercing his soul sea and crucifying him in the air. "

court death! "for

The heavenly characters are furious, and the **** is hidden in them, making a terrible **** kill. He makes him feel suffocated so fiercely. If he does not kill him, then the gods here are the culprit.


Just when he was about to start, a beautiful figure appeared in front of him, without a bloodstain, and she was exposed to people.

"Candle Dragon!"

When the heavenly road saw the coming people, they couldn’t help but shudder, and there was a feeling of being caught.

They were extremely careful, they came from the night, and they should have avoided these characters, but they did not expect that they were still in their sight. "

Swallowing the ban, the district, a little meaning! "candle

The dragon’s face was sneering and said: “The stars are coming, we are not afraid, the Mozu invasion, we are not afraid, we will stop the Mozu in front of the Shenwuxing again and again, and you are the last culprit, the third force Right?""


"Looking for you for many years, it's time to end!"

Long cold said to the sky, murdered. "From today, swallowing the ban, the district annihilated!"

"Hugh think!"

The blood towel on the face of the Heavenly Man with the bloodstain fell down, revealing the old man's face. He said coldly, "You face the stars and the gods, you have to deal with the Mozu, I don't believe you have more. The energy to deal with us!"

Yes! ”

The candle dragon amount, said with a smile. "You don't believe that the Mozu, the stars and the gods should not believe it?"


“Only the top level, you can suppress, but what about other levels?”

The old man swallowed the contempt. "Would you still be against the gods decades ago? When I swallowed the ban, is the district a few decades ago?"

It’s better to be against the gods. "Have

People are ridiculing, when the extraordinary annihilation of the world is annihilated, now only the top level of the anti-God is enough to see, and the forces of butterflies, hidden gods, and anti-God have long been out of climate, how can they stop their gods?

"Is it?"

Long proud but laughed, and sighed quietly. "Unfortunately, you don't understand!"

Who said that God is really annihilated? ”

"Who said that the butterfly disappeared?"

Who said that the hidden **** is missing? ”

"Who said that God is not against?"

Tonight, when the night is empty, he needs your strength! ""

war! ”

It seems to be echoing the sound of the candle dragon. In the darkness, a martial artist is shouting, low and powerful. They are firm in their footsteps. Their bodies are straight and forward, and the weapons in their hands are releasing the moonlight.

"The night is hidden here!"

When the voice fell, a flood of tidal waters rushed to the ground, killing the ban, and the district.

"The night is against the gods here!"

Now people are in the face of shallow detachment. The character who once murdered in the empty road carries the top power, and directly kills the ban, and the gods in the district.

They are not alone, but a group of people, vast and innate.

The anti-God that has been hidden for hundreds of years has finally come out at this moment. Do not

The same is that they are not anti-God, but dark god.

They are proving to the whole world that the anti-God is not annihilated.

They are always there! when

The Lord is in danger, and when the danger is in jeopardy, they will fulfill their promises and be born out of the world! on

At the night. on


war! thorn


A skylight dispelled the night, they broke into the Jiudao River, and they killed the third force of the ban. "

In the name of the gods, I am the avenue, we are the gods! "to

At this moment, the people who swallowed the ban, the people in the district blew, and a god, the god, and so on flew out, directly killing the martial arts, the martial arts in the district, they are real dead.

They belong to Ling Qing. by

The horrible power created by one hand belongs to the fifth force of the anti-God, but it is more concealed and is responsible for spying on other forces. Now they are powerful in stimulating the world.

This is a tragedy! swallow

The singers and the martial arts in the district were completely smashed. They thought that the power of the anti-God was already fragile. Once the top level was restrained, the other characters were fish.


They will never think that the anti-God has not fallen, they just live in the night. he

They are dark gods!

After tempering the centuries-old spirit, after the fine carving, what kind of light and fire can you wave? when

When the dark **** broke into the ban, the terrible side was truly revealed. With the top gods, it was completely horizontal. No characters could suppress their rhythm. They were like a knives. The swallowing ban, the area plowed a **** wound. "

Oh! ”

The martial arts in the district were swallowed and sorrowful, and the death and wounds were large. The lethality of the dark **** was really shocking.

At least on the level of the Valkyrie, the true God, and the gods, the swallowing ban, the district still has no strength and anti-God shopping, the previous equilibrium situation, now the balance is terrible. This

It is a place where God is bad.

At the top level, it is the candle dragon and the old man. candle

Although the dragon is a new born Tiandao, but its own unique Dragon Palace, the power is extraordinary, so that the old people of Tengxian feel a headache, he was held back, unable to help, can only watch the swallowing ban, the district martial arts One by one.

This is not enough. in

In the distance, there are terrible archers, who specialize in restraining the sacred gods and the top gods in the area. Once they are shot down, the gods will bow.


A sharp arrow flew out and penetrated the space, forbidding to shoot a god. swallow

Fortunately, the district has a tragic taste. "

Retreat, retreat immediately! ”

The old man swallowed the mouth and knew that it would go down. The swallowing ban, the district really had to be smouldering, the anti-God was more terrible than they thought, and its elite power was not annihilated. If it grew up in a hundred years, it would not be their rival. Want

It is because they have not taken this step, and there is still a rescue. Now it is a dead end. inverse

God will not let them go. only

Wait until the stars and the demons appear to be able to turn things around. but


They think it’s a bit naive, and they have been waiting for so many years, how can they let them go? "

Ignite the fire and destroy the enemy! ”

A voice sounded, and I don’t know when it appeared on the battlefield, directly igniting the fire of God, and when the fire was on, the swallowing ban and the district martial arts completely lost their voice. only

Because of the emergence of the mighty heavens around them, how many thousands?

That is the 100,000 heavenly army! Take

The top gods are the ones behind the true gods and the gods of the gods. They cast the situation, and there are also Qimen blessings around them. No martial arts can fly.

This is a dead end! "

how is this possible? ”

The old man who swallowed the horror was so horrified and dead that only a hundred years of martial arts, true gods, and gods were born. "

Oh, do you really think that we are the third force? ""

Do your best to get rid of us, you have to pay the price! ”

"Do your best?"

The dragon is full of sneer, if the dark **** only has this strength, then I really feel sorry for the endless resources of the gods. Why did the fairy have not made much progress in these years?

That is because the resources are fully devoted to the dark god, not only in the **** of Wu, but also other stars. Now


The dark gods fly back to the gods, and what other forces can understand? "

Sealing the gods, emperors, and swallowing the gods should be the main brain of the third force? ”

The candle dragon opened, so that the heart of the old man was swallowing.

"Some characters of the Yin Shenzong, some characters of the blood phoenix, some characters of the Xishen Island, and even the bans of the heavens, some of the characters in the district, really can not be underestimated." Candle Chan said coldly. "But when you come out, Be prepared for the commandment!"

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