Supreme Demon

Chapter 1451: Quit civil strife!

The night sky is very cold. swallow

Xian Tai is a bit colder.

They feel that they are concealed enough to integrate several major forces, especially the forces of the Yin Shenzong, the bans, the districts, etc., so that the gods are ruined and rebellious, but they are even less determined. only


The forces of Yin Shenzong, Zhutian Ban, and District have been inclined to reverse the gods in these years. Only a few talents occasionally show different sides.

Putting these forces on the third force is impressive, and they are acting in a low-key manner, fading out of people’s horizons and making people wonder.

In particular, the two forces of the gods and the swallows.

The emperor's holy land is too conspicuous, just beside the gods, it is unlikely to be neglected, and the swallowing of the gods and the gods are far away from others, not in the sphere of rebellion against the gods and the gods, not to touch their interests, should not be so Let people pay attention.


Things didn't show up in the direction they expected. They didn't let them go, but they stared at them. Display

Of course. when

The first few forces counterattacked the gods, let the gods completely remember, did not trust them, and kept watching, but only confirmed at the moment. more

What is terrible is that the power of the anti-God has already penetrated into their power. If the main brain figure does not reveal the true intention, I am afraid that the forces such as swallowing the gods and sealing the gods will be dazzling stars, and will be directly killed by the gods.


Even so, when they moved, their intentions were still exposed to the gods. and


The anti-God will also find out the third forces. The emperor, the gods, and the swallows are the three main brain forces, while some of the characters such as the Yin Shenzong, the Heavenly Ban, the District, and the Xishen Island are enchanted by them. Against the gods.

what does this mean? First

The three forces have completely surfaced, and there is no possibility of hiding.

If they can't get rid of the gods and the wind, then wait until the gods solve the troubles before them, waiting for them is a dead end. Bureau

The situation has become more difficult than ever.

What is more serious is that they want to leave alive and live, and the anti-God's elite power is fully displayed. It is like a dark knife under the night sky, which will open them. only

Only a quarter of an hour. number

Hundreds of martial arts repaired the life, Yin Hong's blood water stained the red nine-way river, the bones are turbulent along the river, and the surging. but


The **** of death is still moving forward, the dark gods knife shines, killing a god, quite fierce and crisp, without giving them any reaction time, especially a support arrow in the night sky, is simply a sword of the soul, harvesting life like It is generally harvested in wheat fields. thorn

! One

The sound of a burst of crisp sound, a top **** will fly back to the sky, the eyebrows have a sharp arrow.

It's hard to prevent! hide

Can't flash!

It is the "shooting hand" that the **** of darkness has made every effort to suppress the characters of the gods, and at the moment it shows its magical side. "

Killing all! ”

The candle dragon strode forward, and the anti-God was behind the candle dragon, his hand fell, and the head was clean and neat.

An hour.

The swallowing ban, the district’s army has poured a large film, and the Jiudao River has become blushing, while the anti-God has stepped on the damp land to further kill the ban, the district martial arts, and not let any one The character left to live.

"Run, don't fight!"

The old man was too sighed and sighed, knowing that there was not much time, and the power of the anti-God was so terrible that it was not exactly what they could now match.

The blind love will only lead to the entire ban, and the district will disappear. This

The cost is too heavy. Of course

and. also

When they did not wait for the ban, the gods of the district escaped, and the anti-God was completely suppressed, and they were treated as shackles, annihilated one by one.

This is an unprecedented **** battle. hundred

After the year, the anti-God, let the whole swallowing the ban, the district is tremble, they use the top power to let the whole world know, they return strongly. he

We dare to face the entire big 6!

They dare to face the entire sky! ...


Hanging mountains! This

It is not a strange mountain, and the terrain is not dangerous. but


Just tonight, this mountain is famous all over the world, only because the army of the Holy Land of the Emperor is about to turn over the mountain and hit the volcano.

however. he

We did not expect that in this mountain, a person who is against the gods is wearing a black cloak, standing in the air, like a bat in the night sky, not showing up, not even showing a voice.


They are so cold to the people's holy land, for the two characters of the proud birds, Lin Yong, as well as the two heavenly figures of Ling Qing and Luo Yu. Display

Of course.

It’s not enough to deal with the heavenly character of the Emperor’s Holy Land. After all, Ling Qing is not as good as the candle dragon. The characters who have been pouring into the heavenly level for many years are far from rivals, but the two heavenly figures are enough to contain As long as you give them a little time, you can end the battle against the gods.

not to mention.

Tsundere bird, Lin Yongke is not eating rice, the strength can not be underestimated, it is really urgent, and the same can kill the heavenly characters. "

coming! Ling

The Qing Dao is shining with cold light, and at this time the forces that dare to fight against God will fall.

Who dares to reach out to Ling Feng, she will get rid of that hand.

After a while. people

Under the leadership of a heavenly character, the Emperor's Holy Land successfully climbed over the mountain and headed for the volcano. suddenly

Of course. One

The dark tide of the stock appeared in front of the army of the Holy Land of the Emperor. A sharp arrow took off and suddenly shot in the eyebrow of a top god. When it was now, it was already killed.


There is no sound. In the Holy Land of the Emperor, the gods suddenly burst into flames, and the lightning hit the surrounding martial arts. One by one, there were wolves and sexual light.

Just because.

They sensed the decades of the atmosphere, and the top figure really appeared. Ling


Clear God! cold

For example, in the moon, the butterfly is a belief, and the anti-god in the leaf witch is a belief. The characters such as hidden gods, Qin Ao, and Lin Yong are beliefs. Those characters are beliefs in Lingqing. he

How many years have we been crouching, waiting for this moment.


There is only one word, but it shows that the arrogant ambition of the gods, the demeanour, the unyielding fighting spirit. this

Engraved, only war!

Needless to say. Now

The dark gods are far more terrible than the original anti-God. It is not a level at all. Although the annual exhibitions of the Emperor's Holy Land are also good, how can they be entrusted to the resources that the fairy has used for decades? ?

The Dark God has long been defeated by God to become a real murderer, indestructible.

Sting! when

When a bright and bright light appeared, the hanging mountain was already a bone like a mountain, and the body was everywhere.

"You...reverse God!"

The face of the heavenly characters was immediately pale, and at this time they were able to beat them by surprise, but they were able to find out where they were, even if only the original butterfly could do it. Want

know. in

Before the expedition, they had allowed the dark forces to suppress the situation, suppress the news, etc. Even the forces such as the gods were not easy to find their whereabouts.

but. in

There is also a cow on the 6th of Shenwuda, a dark force that is shining.

Against God!

Since its appearance, there has been no dark power to compete with it. The dragons of that year have been beaten, not to mention them.

Curb the dark forces and contain the news. no

Sound is breathless! With

The wind sneaked into the night, and the moisturization was silent. afraid

It is the horror of the power that describes the anti-God. and

And. he

It is better to be smarter than the old man. When Lingqing, the rain falls, and the anti-god appear, he knows that the problem is too terrible. They have always neglected the potential power of the anti-God. They only see the surface, but they don’t see the counter. The power behind God. Now


They must appreciate the dark **** frenzy that has been pouring back for centuries. horizontal

Push! single

The forces are not against the opponents of the gods. They are not only the heavenly level, but also the gods, the true gods, and the gods of war. What's more, the people's holy places are still vivid and chaotic, and the situation has been passive since the beginning.


He took the initiative and wanted to withdraw from the battlefield. At this juncture, the anti-God must be killed. They are not their opponents.


He thought too naively, and he had already known his movements, and he was extremely prepared, and how could he escape? "

kill! Ling

Clear and falling rain, banned from the heavenly figure on the opposite side, a big showdown. another

one direction. inverse

The third force of God appeared and slammed the gods. inverse

Most of God's heavenly characters have been out, **** battles, and the heavens are indeed weak, but don't be rebellious because of these, and there is a wonderful creature in the anti-God. One

Only awkward.

I got the help of the Burning Heaven, the Wannian Laojiao, and the chaos and the nine spirits have really reborn. Although they have not completed the nine changes, they are definitely the souls of the Tianzun Tianzun class. Especially the flesh and bones are strong and can withstand the Tianzun weapons. Don’t say the heavens. The character, that is, Tian Zun sees it is extremely headache.

The chaos and nine spirits did not disappoint Ling Feng. it

Leading the elite power of the dark gods, directly attacking the army of the gods, and they are on the blue seal.

This is a showdown without any suspense.


With just one punch, the blue seal was shot and forced on the spot. number

In the past ten years, Blue Seal has made great progress, almost approaching the level of Tianzun, but it is still being beaten by a beating, and life is being grayed out.

What is even more tragic is the Fengsong martial arts. When the secret power of the dark **** appeared, the battle was over. One

Collapsed! This

It is the battle of the gods.

In a short period of time, the gods of the gods level, followed by the true God, the Valkyrie, etc., only a moment, the entire battle has been controlled by the anti-God, less than two hours, the seal of the Emperor is completely annihilated.

of course. This

It’s just a part of it. When the anti-God is all-out, it’s not just these three forces that have been attacked. There are also some characters such as Yin Shenzong, Zhutian Ban, and District.


Qiu Shuyi opened his mouth and used two ancestors to ban the bans and the people and the forces in the district.

Yin Shenzong. Qin

Haotian appears to be more intensive, directly betraying the Yin Shenzong, the characters belonging to the third forces, and then killing them. Of course


This overall situation has only just begun. It is very important for the anti-God to stabilize first. It is very important that only internal stability can confuse foreign enemies.

"To the devil!"

The candle dragon led the dark gods and flew into the distance. "

Suppress the stars! ”

The squint squinted, strong forward, and died with the stars.

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