Supreme Demon

Chapter 1452: Against God and the Devil!

The night sky is like a wash. Traditional

The star is like a jewel, hanging in the void, lighting up the night. Of course


In Shenwuxing, this night is as bright as daylight, almost the entire sky is lit by the shining annihilation, and the Nanqian volcano is the dazzling center. Light

The rain is like a fire, and it is roaring quickly. nine

The wind and rain of the sky appeared because of this roar, and it slowly fell down, and there was no match, which could cover people’s eyes, and because of the death of the heavenly characters, the rain and the sky with the blood, and the charm of the Tao, can conceal the people’s consciousness. .

Bang! One

The road robbed from the imaginary air, and the same head phoenix lived, swooping down, carrying the mountain sea Tianwei and the fire. Are


The mountains and rivers collapsed, and the surrounding area was scorched. There was no power to block the fire. It was because of the impact of the top heavenly characters. The power was too terrible. when

Of course.

If it is only this power, I am really sorry for the terrorist influence of the three kinds of annihilation. in

When the Shenhuang phoenix appeared, a waterfall fell off from the void and directly hit the volcano. There was a knives in the waterfall, and the mountain was in the blood.


In the faint, there is a fairy knife trembled, and the sky is full of power, and it lasts for a long time.

The second day of robbery.

This is not enough!

When the magic light appeared, the whole space was collapsed. On the nine days, a magic fairy was faintly revealed, and a punch pierced the nine heavens. three

The same day, the three top heavenly characters attacked the same person. that

Gorgeous and suffocating.

What is even more tragic is that Ling Feng is at the critical moment of asking. There is no extra energy to deal with these three catastrophe. He can only endure the power of three kinds of catastrophe. Boom


The first day of the robbery landed down, the hurricane was full of scorching, and the skin was aging.

He spurted his blood, his face was ugly, his face was grayish white, his body was violently shaking, and he almost died.

! First

The double-day robbery fell, hitting the top of Lingfeng, letting his long hair scatter and fading, and the scalp was opened with a blood line. If Lingfeng had previously used the nine-stone to suppress it, he was afraid of death.

Even so.

He was still described as being dry, his chest overflowing with blood, and his doubles broke.

How miserable?


The third day of the robbery did not fall until this moment.

The magic light swallowed the fairy, and a punch blasted the 30,000 mountains.


Ling Feng screamed, the whole person was bombarded from the altar to the center of the earth, in the magma, flesh and blood smashed, and a piece of blood mud was falling from his body.

have to say. three

The superimposition of Tianwei is really terrible. It is not that he can withstand it at present. Even if there are nine stones in the process of suppression, there is a weakening of the blade, but it has little effect on the triple-day robbery. not

Undoubtedly. Want

It is Ling Feng who can't ask for success in a short time, and then face the day, which will soon die.

"Damn!" Ling

The wind is gray and white, letting the blood overflow from the corner of his mouth. What really makes him feel heavy is not the triple-day robbery, but the last one. that

Although the power of the magical road robbery is terrible, it is only comparable to the other two kinds of annihilation.

The problem is that this kind of catastrophe is breaking apart his flesh and blood power and breaking the prohibition in his body. magic

Bone ban! when

early. because

Ling Qing "death", the eighth heavy ban in Ling Feng's body collapsed, leaving only the last one ban, was suppressed by that page of gold paper, there is no problem. but

. This

The emergence of the Tao robbery is to ban the magic bones from being severely stripped. That is the massive magic light, that is, the gold paper is very difficult to suppress, let alone the current wind. Ling

The wind had thought about this problem before, but did not expect it to be so tricky. "

Go ahead! Wan

The old man reminded him in the distance that he stared coldly at the sky, and the Taoist eyes were full of killings, but he was more worried about Ling Feng. "

During the life and death, I have tried too much! ”

Ling Feng’s eyes are persevering. He knows that because he asked, this continent has people dying every moment, and the gods are at the expense of the people. The will of the heavenly kingdom is dying, that is, the people who burned the heavens and the old man are all shopping. Life and death are unpredictable. he

It is very dangerous and more painful. but

He is still alive!

Those who are alive should not let the spirit of sacrifice be disappointed!

"Repression!" Ling

The wind and the gods shine with the low light, stubbornly and firmly sitting on the plate, smelting the flesh and blood, allowing the three paths to be integrated into the body, tearing a heavy flesh and blood.

This process is uninterruptible, otherwise it is equivalent to asking for failure.

At that time, he will face up to three terrible days, and he will only have a chance if he is past.

"He will hold on!"

I am happy to look at Ling Feng, my eyes are red, she is very distressed, but more determined.

She knew that there was no difficulty to stop him! Take

No before! Now

Not even better! and

What they have to do is to stabilize the whole situation before they ask for success, to cover up the storm. inverse

God has been preparing for hundreds of years, waiting for this moment!


Ye Xinran’s eyes were removed and he looked at the magnificent mountain gate of the volcano. The whole Qimen Gate was already in full bloom and could stop the characters of the Tianzun class.

But it is not enough to deal with the stars and the demons.


When the demons of the Mozu come out and come to the Shenwuxing, it means that the power of the Mozu, which the Devil Lord has devoted all his efforts to, must also appear. The roster of death and the power of the Demon are also terrible dark forces, and the time and space for their growth are better than the anti-God. Farther, quite unpredictable. inverse

At the same time, God has to face several major forces, and both face the decision, and it is not enough to reverse the current strength of God.

thus. he

We are going to prepare... to die!


The night sky is dark. inverse

The gods are marching at a very fast speed. They want to suppress the battlefield in front of the volcano as much as possible. They don’t let the demons step on their feet and prevent the volcano from being destroyed. Otherwise, they don’t know how many people will sacrifice, and they don’t know how to spend it. How much resources can create another volcano. This

These volcanoes are already a symbol of anti-God. In my heart, the anti-God does not want the volcano to be "insulted." because


They want to move the battlefield to other places, such as the Holy Land, the Immortal, and the District. anti-

It is not your own people who are dying. anti-

It is not against God that is being destroyed. call

! dark

God advances faster, across the mountains and rivers, in the other direction, and the butterfly plays a top role at this time, sending the message to the Dark God.

of course. butterfly

The more tragic thing about the butterfly is that they are the first to sneak into the magical field, the same strength that is the level of the spying, and they directly collide when they meet.

Although the result is both loses. but

. butterfly

The butterfly has already lost. This

It should have been their site, and the shadow is the away game, but it can only be tied with the shadow, if the anti-God appears in the Mozu? that

What will be the situation? This

There is no way to do things. It is too late to start the gods, rushing for more than 100 years, and the demon domain is hundreds of years, even for a thousand years. With the great wisdom of the devil, I believe that the demon domain will not be too weak. thing

Empirically. magic

The domain is more terrible than they think. This is just the power of the magical domain that invades the martial arts star. It shows such a terrible side. If the magic domain does its best?

"There is a long way to go!"

If you sigh with sorrow, if you really confront the devil and the magic domain, it will be a horizontal push.

The anti-God wing is still far from full, and can't withstand such wind and rain. Do not


As long as they give them time, they don't need a thousand years, they can catch up with the magic domain.

"The demon domain stops in front!"

This is the latest news from the cold.

"They are ready!" She

Looking at the front, the demon domain can get the news, and the devil can also get the news. The two sides are in a state of balance and know each other. inverse

God came over the mountains, but in the eyes of the demons, it is still transparent.

The magic domain hides in front of the line, but in the eyes of the gods, they are clearly visible. No

There is a need and possibility to hide.

It is necessary to see the true chapter on the true strength, or defeat the gods against the gods, or they will move forward strongly. Display

Of course.

At this point, the demons are very confident, and they will annihilate them in one fell swoop. "

This is still a battle of fighting and fighting! ”

The cold moon is cold and cold, saying: "Send the message to them immediately, and this battle must be taken anyway."

"And, let the butterfly do its best to find out where the demon field is."

"Butterfly Lord, what do you mean?"

His butterfly face is ugly, they have been so hard, confidence has long been the "destroyed" of the magic domain, how can there be a fish that leaks? "

intuition! "cold

As the month seriously said: "Sometimes ability is very important, intuition is also very important, the demon domain has such a delay, is it necessary to fight against the net, or want to drag us?"

"It's better to be tired, not a step!"

"If the demons of the demon domain have the fish of the net, the man will have more blood on the other side. If the leader collapses, how many heads do we have enough to cut?"

"Yes, immediately check the subordinates, even if it is to traverse the entire continent, do not miss any fish!"

Well, go! "very

fast. Eliminate

The interest falls on the hands of Ling Qing, Candle Dragon and others. The demon domain is stagnating in front. They are waiting for them. How can they disappoint their opponents? "

war! ""

Don't underestimate your opponents, the real elite of the demon domain is coming, win this battle, and we will be qualified to conquer the Mozu in the future! ”


"Reverse God is in front, hidden behind, shoot the heavens to prepare!"


When necessary, let the chaos become a creature, and it can withstand the situation! ”


A moment. inverse

God is fully flying in the direction of the Mozu. This is not a single force, but the power of the candle dragon, the Ling Qing, the proud bird, the chaos and the nine spirits, and the top figures such as the God of God and the gods are flying. To participate in this matchup. only

because. east

The Fang clan and the Da Zhou dynasty came flying, and they were facing the starry forces in the front, allowing the rebellious gods to free their hands and fully confront the demon domain. Of course

and. on

When the anti-God approached the power of the Mozu, the power of the majestic dissipated in a short time, blended into the night, and the magic domain disappeared in front. (

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