Supreme Demon

Chapter 1459: Serious injury is dying!

The momentum is rampant. Such as

The mountain is falling. First

The four-day robbing is completely invisible, as if it is integrated into the space, and it gives a sigh of breath and makes people suffocate. Virtual

The three-day catastrophe in the air has dissipated, and only the momentum is not scattered. The whole sky looks calmer, but the real Tianwei is in this calm.

The space is shaking.

Ling Feng's face is heavy, he feels dangerous, and he is in danger of life and death. It is a feeling that has not been experienced for many years. Even the three-day robbing did not give him this feeling before asking.

Needless to say.

This catastrophe is even more terrible, far from being understood by the gods. for

What day is it not visible?

Why is there such a robbery in the world? its


People can't see the robbery now. Only a few powerful people can feel the terrible suffocating Tianwei. More people are forced and completely invisible. Some of the devils have pessimistic feelings. The tragedy did not fall on Ling Feng.

but. Ling

The wind body is tight, the momentum is more fierce, the power is violent, and the road is hitting the void, and the forbidden soil under the body releases the top Tianwei, and the lightning comes out. he

Hands up the piano, cold to the void.

The prelude to the immortal is blasting, forming a terrible fairy sound, which directly collapses the mountains and rivers.


The power in the void has been calmly and embarrassed, and there is no form, no material, and only the instinct of life and death is imminent. boom

Long. clear

The sky suddenly appeared loudly, like a thunder in nine days, tearing a terrible crack over the forbidden soil of the Tao, devouring all sentient beings, and a devastating force is crushing the forbidden soil of the road, making it a huge roar It was actually torn apart, not only forbidden soil, but also for the ban.


There was a big hole in the forbidden soil of the Tao, and there was no such thing as the ravage of the day.

The ban on restraining the road is actually restrained at this moment. There is a kind of power that can crush it and damage it. This is to surprise Ling Feng. Display

Of course.

Everything in the world is not as simple as he imagined. The ban of the road is not able to restrain all the roads. Some roads are not weaker than the bans of the Tao. Especially in the category of heaven, it is difficult to glimpse the power of heaven.

Ling Feng is just now just getting in touch with Heaven.

It is a contradiction and a ban, but it is a fur.

Only by truly understanding the heavens and exploring the truth, can we create a ban on the world, and at that time the heavens will bow down.

The loud noise. Ling

The wind blew blood and was directly hit into the forbidden soil. Only one head was left, his face was pale, his body was stained with blood, and blood mud was falling from him.

pain! thorn

Heart pain.

This is completely different from Nirvana. Nirvana is a fierce fire, and Tiandao is directly shooting. In that short moment, Ling Feng almost died.


In the sturdy Tianwei, there are also attacks on the soul and flesh and bones, which almost caused the collapse of Ling Feng. "

Is it confined? ”

Ling Feng wiped off the blood of his mouth and tried to raise his head. He looked at the terrible charm of the sky, and his face was full of playful smiles. three

When the world is robbed, it is necessary to force the confinement space. Now

In the triple catastrophe, it is not disappearing, but it is integrated into the confinement space, and it is confined to ban.

I can't see it, but the top is terrible.

however. Ling

The wind is laughing, full of evil spirits. Only the three-day robbery has not looked at it, but the confinement of the robbery is different. It is another kind of road different from the heavens, the anti-dao, the magic road, and it is terrible.

But what if you understand it? ban

Close everything. This

The power is very special and suffocating. He has not seen it. first

Not to mention that his worldly wall can force the confinement space, saying that when he was on the ancient road, the character buried in the golden coffin should be exploring this way. when

He didn't understand much at first, but now he understands. in

In the era of the last law, the entire starry sky was buried, and the characters who could survive were searching for the avenue, and the character of the world should be the imprisonment of the ban, in order to suppress the power of the end of the era. Display

Of course. that

The characters have not been successful, otherwise they do not have to wait in the golden coffin. this


Ling Feng wants to explore the power of confinement in it and understand the true meaning of it.

"The Prelude to the Immortal, the Devil is Never!"

The forbidden soil of the Tao is recovering, and the speed is not so fast, but it does not affect the battle. Lingfeng plate sits on the forbidden soil of the road, hands on the guzheng, suddenly squeezed and bounced to the void.嗡

. choke

. Virtual

There is light shining in the air, and the breath is stirring, and life is endless. that

Light is the form of the demon, appearing in the void, and soon bowed into a corpse, the blood of the demon will dye the sky into red and black, the bones are crippled, the picture is extremely tragic and fierce. but

. that

Tragic and strong, but it casts its terrible power, only because the prelude of the immortal can really make the gods float and the power becomes empty. in

In that power, the will of heaven and earth is destroying, and all beings will bow down and everything will be destroyed.

The prelude to the immortal is like a knife, overlooking it, like a king overlooking all beings. not


The only thing that allowed Ling Feng to do his best was the fourth day of the robbery. The vast expanse of Tianwei swallowed up almost every day. People felt that the feet were shaking. Some weak Wu Xiu felt that they were unstable and were threatened by terrible momentum. His face is pale. Boom


Like the two handles of the sky hammer together, broke out nine days of mysterious sound, directly collapsed the mountain river.

The world is turbulent.

Breathless. Ling

The wind flew three hundred feet, and the soil was smashed. The body was directly beaten with blood and flesh, and the internal organs were like light. The whole person was like a sieve with a lot of holes. The blood of the red was filling the sieve hole, and the pain was severe. Ling Feng's face was pale and crumbling. but

. he

The vitality is too tenacious, and I survived and survived. under

A moment. he

The outbreak of vitality, swallowing the medicinal herbs, allowing the medicine to cover up the "regeneration" to restore flesh and blood, at the same time, the road is also restored, and reorganized at a horrifying speed, completed in a short time. "

If I don't want to die, it will be difficult to collect! Ling

The wind was cold and staring at the sky, killing the blast, although the fourth heaven was extremely dangerous, almost killed his life. but

"Regeneration" is quite amazing with Taiyi Zhenshui, which can keep him tenacious. "

Come! ”

Ling Feng took out the star spring directly, took it down, let the cold spring water moisturize the body, and then shot the terrible light.

Dantian has another piece of forbidden land that appears to be looming. but

. most

Still did not emerge.

It is only because the world of the world is too rebellious at the level of heaven, and it is suppressed by the heavens. I don’t want it to be born like this, and Lingfeng has just asked for success, and it is difficult to show its Tianwei. It is naturally difficult for the world to break out of the top.

but. which is

It was only the illusion of cockroaches, and the day was also awesome. The terrible Tianwei ran through nine days and went up one level.

"Destroy!" Ling

The wind pushed back, and a mad stream broke through the nine heavens, and it took a hole in the day.


At that moment, the fourth day of the robbery fell down. Unlike the previous one, this time Lingfeng smashed the fourth heavy day with two heavy-forbidden soils, letting the power collapse.

"It’s going to be against the sky!"

The local devils took a sigh of coolness and were shocked by Ling Feng. The power of Fang Cai is that the top Tianwei encounters blood, but can be compared with the half-step Tianzun?

of course. This

The strength of the kind is still not enough to see in front of the devil, but this does not mean that the future wind is not enough to see. can

To say.

The current Lingfeng makes them feel the top danger, and the future will be the enemy of life and death. "

This person can't stay, and when it's bleeding, let's kill it directly! "for

The first devil's face said heavy.


Don't let it live! ”

There are characters in Xianting, and the character threatened to die with Xianting. They naturally did not want Lingfeng to live.

"Hey, it seems that someone can't help it."

A magical power is smiling, and they are also gearing up, just not in a hurry.

"The good skin is ours!"

The fish smiled and said: "It’s really exciting to think about it."

Ready to fight! ”

The old man looked cold and looked around. He also felt the danger of the fourth heavy looting. There was a kind of power that made him feel suffocated. Obviously, the wind would not be seriously injured, and those who hide in the dark should not miss it. This opportunity.

In fact. that

Some characters and forces have already touched it. "

Start killing the odd door! ”

Ye Xinran stunned the distance, and the power blew directly to ignite the void.

Accompanied by her voice, there was a world of annihilation. There was no sound, no turbulence, and a danger of life and death appeared on the top of Ling Feng and landed on the forbidden soil of the Tao.


There is no violent shock, only the annihilation of the temperament, the road of the forbidden soil is silent and disintegrated, the gray smoke disappears, the prelude of the fairy is crushed in an instant, the flesh and blood of Ling Feng becomes blood, the strength is broken, and Dantian is terrible. The power is shredded. on

It was the ruins of the **** volcano that were razed to the ground by a mighty force.

That heavy force almost collapsed the whole world. before

Unprecedented horror.

Unprecedented pressure.

Lingfeng Tao is annihilated, only a trace of surviving.


Ling Feng screamed and slammed the void. He leaned on the "medicine power" and barely survived, but his body was weak, and the fourth heavy force of robbing penetrated into his flesh and blood. He could not be expelled for a time, making him difficult to recover. It is like a martial art who has just stepped into the realm of the gods. and

And. because

His injury is too heavy, and he is even weaker when he is seriously injured.


He spurted blood and slammed it directly on the ground, cold sweats, and blood, and the whole figure was fished out of the blood.

Serious injury is dying. This

Probably the most tragic ending at the moment. "

Hands-on! ”

The demon domain has long been waiting for this moment. Ling Feng’s current state is really bad. Don’t say that the heavenly characters are the gods who can kill them alive.

They naturally don't want to wait.

next moment.

They swooped in, and the power burst, especially the headed emperor, carrying the concentrator, it was a painting of the sky, completely demonized, and stabbed, the entire space and the world collapsed. (

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