Supreme Demon

Chapter 1460: There is still a breath!

The magic light is shocked. gas

It’s swallowing. One

The handle of the sky is spurting straight, and the light on it is not dazzling, but it can tear the piece of heaven and earth apart, which is puzzling. thorn


In the process of straight forward, the space bursts open and the power does not look magnificent, but there is no power to contain it. The heavens are disintegrating, the reverse is falling, and the fourth catastrophe is affected.

It’s just the magic light, and there are such heavens. "

wrong! ”

The old man was found to be different for the first time, his face suddenly changed, and heavier water could drip out.

"The magical sacred **** soldiers!"

He opened his mouth and exclaimed, his face was ugly, and there was a phantom on the square painting, shining the temperament of the magic fairy, although the face was vague, but the temperament was not imitated by others. although


The original magic fairy had already died, and its polar soldiers did not have the momentum and strength of the original, but they still could not be underestimated, at least the level of the heavenly esteem, and the power of the magic fairy was contaminated on it, even if there was only one point, it was enough to tear the strength of the heavens and the earth. Non-Ling Feng can now face it, that is, he feels horrified.

Obviously. magic

The family has already learned about the power of the anti-God. It is necessary to suppress the stars and the stars of the magic road. Therefore, it is only a thousand years old in the situation of Shenwuxing Town, and the power of Tianzun level is needed to deal with the old man.

then. magic

The ultimate **** soldier of the fairy will come out.

"Even the ultimate Taoist soldier, I don’t want to be fierce here!"

The old man smothered his enthusiasm, and his power burst, and he single-handedly launched the wilderness trend. He rushed to the sea and directly slammed into the magician who held the ultimate sect of the magic fairy. choke


The strength of the hand was like a Taoist soldier. He shot down on Fang Tian's paintings and made a loud thunder. Million

After all, the old man is a true god, and the power is naturally not the same as that of the magical sect. But it is very difficult to suppress it with just one hit. This

one strike. magic

The Xiandao soldiers flew out and almost flew out of the hands of the emperor, letting the devil be injured, and the old man did not take a step back and stared at each other. "

Oh, it’s not the real magic fairy, the magic fairy should only take half a step! ”

Fairy. from

In ancient times, even the people who asked the heavenly level were not sure that someone in the world could reach the level of immortality. The devil did have a shocking figure, taking a half step on the magic fairy, but this half step is not Other character-level characters can match. can

Cherish. he

After many years of death, the former magical sects have long been different from each other. There is no eye-catching light, and it is not easy for the tens of thousands of years old to come from the ages.

"Kill you enough!"

"Then let the horse come over!"


The Magical Immortal Soldier came out strong, and confronted the Wannian Laojiao. The heavens and the earth were collapsed and everything was annihilated. "

Dragon line! Wan

The old man screamed and sighed, and his body suddenly appeared. His first two horns, very god-like, was not the same as that of the past, and he really wanted to be a true dragon. "

cut! "in

When his voice fell, the void suddenly trembled. A real dragon soared in the world. It was only the body that was emptied for nine days. When it was at the end of the tail, it was the direct blow of the magical sect. Blood, how ugly it is to look ugly. "

kill! ”

The dragon went to the world and bowed for nine days.

When the real dragon steps to this level, it is really a wind and rain, a breath can make Wandao sink.

"The magic fairy is coming!"

The devil emperor's face was heavy, and he did not expect that the old man would be terrible to this point. It is impossible to rely on himself alone. Only the magic fairy can be awakened to curb the old man.

next moment. that

There is a magic light shining on the magical sect, and the dark light scatters the spirituality. A demon is born from it, wearing a black robe, slowly stepping out, and the whole heaven and earth are like being collapsed by him. No

There are such momentum in the shots. world

Only the magic fairy has such a prestige. "

Non-magic fairy, no fairy power! ”

Wannian sighed and sighed. He had to say that this was a genius figure. He asked the sky and peeked at the fairy machine, but in the end he did not give birth to Xianli. He could only die in the old age.

Xian Li.

How many geniuses have annihilated hope? Of course

and. on

In the past, Ling Feng actually appeared such a force, does this mean that Ling Feng really has the ability to ask the immortal?

Needless to say.

Ling Feng is the most qualified person to ask immortals in the past hundreds of millions of years. "

war! ”

The old man squats with the real body, and against the "magic fairy", the force is heavily suppressed, like the light and fog lightning, and the magic fairy is different from the previous one, when the magic fairy is in his hands, release The cover of the world is light and rain, directly to the tens of thousands of years old.

! One

The sound is loud, the old man is flying backwards, and the big mouth is spurting blood. The "magic fairy" can't be underestimated. Even if it has been dead for many years, the power that can be exerted is still terrible. actually

But let him be hurt. but

. "

The Magic Fairy is also very tragic. It was hit by the "Dragon Line" of the old man, and the body was penetrated and the power collapsed."

What are you waiting for? ”

The demon emperor shouted. "I really have to wait until my family's body is broken, do you want to do it?"

That is what you will face in full bloom! ""

It is not a real magic fairy. "Someone said in the distance."

Hemp, which **** is talking? Have the ability to stand up. "The Emperor directly blows up." "This time I was talking about the cool words, you are going to do it." ”

The Mozu is arrogant.

Although the magic fairy is not a real magic fairy, they feel that there is no immortal in the world, so the magic fairy is qualified to be called the magic fairy. he

We can't let other powers insult the magic fairy.

What's more, at this time, the focus is not on the magic fairy, well!

"Hands!" Black

Someone in the dark couldn’t help but speak to the old man, holding the polar soldiers, the power is not weak, and in the air, releasing endless gas, although it does not let Tian Zun kill, but can make its power affected. This

It is enough.

"Death of the Dead!"

The old man’s face is cold, and in this world only the death **** roster will do this.

"Roll, I still haven't done it yet." In the distance, the important figures in the list of deaths are uncomfortable. but


What is the real situation, they have not asked, even if there is power to play the banner, borrow their skin to smash the old man, they agree. when

Of course.

This does not mean that they are willing to give back to these forces and people.

"Come on, then don't go back!"

The witch looked coldly at the front, and when the body was completely full of momentum, the volcanic heart of the gods flew out of the 10,000 roads, and the strange light formed a small gate, and the tens of thousands of small doors created a vast gate.

There are four ghosts around the gate of the vast gate.

Although hey, he can still distinguish his appearance. burn

Tianzun, Wannian Laojiao, Wenyuan, and Chaos have become spiritual.

Virtual body!

It is completely heavenly. by

These four heavenly sacred bodies can make this singularly solid, even if the Tianzun-level characters want to move, it is not so easy, not to mention the other martial arts stars, other stars and stars must be suppressed even if they come in.

It is difficult to show the power of heaven.嗡


When this strange door unfolded, the whole world was roaring, and the radius of 100,000 miles was in this strange gate. The atmosphere of the four heavenly gods was too embarrassing to keep the situation. "

Don't want to leave alive! ”

The leaf witch is so murderous, dare to do it at this time, dare to kill the wind, and today will die.


The crouching heavenly characters started at this time. Although there are not many people, the forces of the Mozu and the stars are not weak. more

The important thing is.

The rebellious gods also succumbed to the front at this time, using their flesh and blood to withstand the starry sky, to suppress the Mozu momentum.

but. when

The old man is trapped, and the whole battlefield tends to be starry, demonic, and so on, while the anti-god is too passive. After all, they are too few. boom

Long! magic

A demonic emperor punches out and fights against the gods. He breaks a **** road, and then he moves forward and wants to lose the wind.

"Hugh think!"

The leaf witches came up and confronted the upper emperor and started a life-and-death matchup. "

You can't stop it! ”

Another demon emperor killed, after killing dozens of people against the gods, they slammed the wind, and at this time no one character could stop him. thorn


A light tears the sky, and it appears in front of Ling Feng, and when he is seriously injured, he wants his life.

"Ling Feng!"

Master! ”

Against the gods and other faces, ugly, impatient, they desperately want to stop the devil, but still can not suppress.

"Severely hurt the body, how can you not die?"

The demon emperor smiled and stabbed a sword. The magic light swallowed the light around him. The power destroyed the ruins around the ruins. The rules of space cast black paint and magic fire. It was not a power level.

Within the rules of space, he is like a king. weight

The dying hurricane has to face the emperor in its heyday, and there is almost no hope of surviving.


Just when the demon came to Lingfeng, the Ling Feng, who had been seriously injured, suddenly looked up and looked at the emperor coldly. One

A strong sense of danger appeared in the heart of the emperor. "

I still have a sigh of relief! Ling

The wind opened, and the forbidden soil of the divided road suddenly merged, and it was as good as ever. and


He pressed directly to the front, and the town of the emperor was in the forbidden soil of the Tao, almost at the moment when he entered the forbidden soil of the Tao, and the dark space rule was instantly annihilated. ban


The rule is the dregs in front of the road.

"Do you want to do me?"

Ling Fengqi came to the demon emperor and said coldly. "I am sorry that you have failed. I still have a breath!"


He waited for the emperor to open his mouth and smashed his head directly. people

Their faces are heavy and pale, and many characters are cold and sweaty. The emotional wind has not reached the point where they can't afford to die. There is also the strength of the first battle. If they only started, they are now dead. Even

What is the most scary? Yes

Dead and climbed out of the tomb. Yes

Sit in dying!

It is the tone after dying! 10(

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