Supreme Demon

Chapter 1461: Forbidden!

The void has a moment of abrupt end.

People looked at the sky, and their eyes fell on the Emperor Wu, a feeling of suffocation. only

Only a moment, a demon is killed. Want

know. that

The demon emperor poured a lot of effort into the heavens and tempered for many years. Although it is not the top emperor, it is not to be underestimated.

however. on

It was this demon emperor who was directly killed and killed in the air. There was no gorgeous confrontation in the whole process. There was no eye-catching light rain, only a blow to the world.

Simple and direct!

Simply and neat! in

In front of Ling Feng, the devil is a chicken, and it is hard to beat.

What people did not think is that Ling Feng did not dying, still have a sigh of relief, maintain the power, let the emperor smash blood, if they were killed before, then the end of the game should be worse than the devil. ? he

Are you deceiving the gods?


Just when people's faces are heavy, Ling Feng knees on one knee and spurts blood. The red blood blood stains the space of the heavens and the earth, and ignites the anger and sadness in the hearts of the gods. he

Our people are hurt to this extent in front of them. he

Their lives are dying, but they are not helped. They can only rely on themselves to face the enemy of life and death. This

Let them feel incompetent.

This makes them feel ashamed.

Can they still stop the situation? Do not

They are not willing.

"They are going to die!"

The leaves of the witches are killing, and they are striding forward. The world is coming at this moment, carrying thousands of lights to the front, directly colliding with the demons of the demon domain, and the characters of the heavenly devil level.

A light passed by.

Tianyu is dull and exhausted. that

The power created by the gas field blends at this moment, exploding unprecedented power, and melting the sacred gods, although it has not been asked, but the power is absolutely heavenly. "

Do not! ”

A demon screamed, although he tried his best to move forward, but still did not contain the power of the end of the world, was taken away with a blow. and

And. day

The power of the world has not weakened, and it is still strong and forward, with the irreversible momentum to suppress the front, the emptiness of the void, and then kill more than a dozen demons. day

There seems to be a sad song in the ground.

People are shocked by this terrible picture, especially the Mozu, the starry sky, at this moment they are really clear, not only the Lingfeng, but also the leaf witch. in

Killing the level of the demon, Ling Feng gives people the feeling of invincibility, and the feeling of the leaf witch is fearful.

Just because. day

There is no solution in the world.


The leaf witch knows her strength, and it is difficult for the characters on the level of the emperor to break out the lethality. Therefore, she is targeting the characters of the demon level. Only at this level can she kill the other side.


She is quite strong, and does not care about consumption. In advance, she sent the top medicinal herbs and provided them with sufficient resources to consume.

then. she was

Then they broke into the magic field, hit the front of those devils, broke out the end of the world, annihilated a demon, let the emperors all look red, crazy to kill, to kill the leaf witch. "

Daoqin demons! ”

What is terrible is the leaf witch? alone

Lonely rain moon uses the piano to prove to people what kind of magic the Daoqin has. When the top piano sounds, the space of five hundred miles becomes turbid, like a river, like a storm, directly strangling the surrounding people. magic.

This is the rhyme of the day. No

Any form, coming from all directions, is even more difficult to prevent. when

In the field, more than a dozen devils were injured, and several devils were killed. They could not resist this power.

next moment.

In the rainy month, he entered the magic field and used his power to hold those devils and provide more opportunities for the leaf witch.

"Get rid of the wind!"

The head of the demon is watching the leaf, and she has already seen the intention of the leaf witch. She and Duo Yuyue want to use this way to force the emperors to turn to them and sacrifice the blade, so that Ling Feng has a chance to breathe. can


In the Devil's domain, their main goal is Lingfeng. After knowing the horror of Ling Feng, they would rather kill Ling Feng all here. Area

District Tianmo only.

As long as the wind is dead, everything is worthwhile, and if Ling Feng survives, even if he loses the leaf witch, the solitary rain moon will not be worth the candle.

"He is already running out of oil and can't hold on."

When the voice falls.

When he first rushed to Ling Feng, he abandoned the old man, and the magic fairy and the Tao soldiers confronted him. "

court death! ”

The old man’s face was cold and the eyes suddenly flashed. The corner of the void flew in a virtual body and hit the devil.

Boom! One

The fists fell and the nine-day mountain river collapsed. that

The head of the emperor screamed, even the top emperor, in front of the real Tianzun deficiency body is not enough to see, after all, the Tianzun virtual body has a law, this is not the space rules can be comparable. "

Be killed! "that

The imaginary body quickly fell down and killed the top demon who was headed. "

Oh, you are fooled! ”

The top demons sneered, and the lightning flew away from the battlefield, letting Tian Zun squandered empty. Of course


Just as the imaginary body flew away from the battlefield, the eight demons killed the Lingfeng and broke through the defense against the gods. At this moment, no Wudi-level characters can stop them.

It is sighing against the weakness of the gods.

"Damn!" Far

Fang, that 豺, Mingtian beast, Tianqi, evil emperor, candle dragon, etc. are flying wildly, but time is too late.

"Is it really so bullying?" Ling

The wind is in the forbidden soil of the Tao, and the breath is weak, like the next second will kill.

His body was fragmented and revealing light, but he still looked coldly at the eight emperors. "

Then see what you have! "Eight

The Emperor is not panicking, even if Ling Feng shows the strength just now, it may not be able to stop all of them, and as long as one person can fight, Ling Feng will die.


Is the situation really as they wish? Do not


The situation is even more terrible than they think.

When they came to the forbidden land and wanted to get in, the forbidden soil of the road suddenly shot out of the mans, and the power of the martyrdom, even the rule power, was detained here.

This is a forbidden zone. This

Forbidden! Boom


The first demon emperor fell directly from the air, fell into the forbidden soil of the road, the body quickly melted, accompanied by sorrow.

His way is empty here.

"Dead!" Ling

The wind is cold and looks at the other side. It does not use any force. The purely infernal land is killing the opponent. thorn

La. First

When the two emperors rushed in, they were crushed by the forbidden soil on the spot, and the road was empty. The flesh and blood of the district is not worth mentioning here.

Then there is the third, fourth and fifth emperor. he

They came too "in time" and did not have the possibility of dodging. They were killed on the spot.

The sixth and seventh devils responded promptly, and their bodies stopped shortly. There was no blind land that was blindly entered into the road. However, at that time, the forbidden soil of the road suddenly magnified and the three emperors were also shrouded together.

All die!

This is a zisha-style tragedy. Eight

The power of the demons is terrible, but it is still too late. They are too small to see the soil, and there are forces they cannot understand. Road

Become empty.

Even if Ling Feng is now dying, it is the forbidden soil of this road that can crush the emperor. what

Waiting for style? what

Waiting for dazzling? inverse

The hearts of the gods calm down, and the Lord has long been a myth in their hearts. Who can kill the Lord in this world? magic

The domain is the dregs. "

Forbidden! ”

The face of the demon emperor suddenly changed, with a heavy taste to open, in a short period of time, the nine devils died, it has proved that the sinister land of Ling Fengdao is terrible, and only in this forbidden soil Can be born out of the prelude to the immortal.

They are too naive. "

Are you really not doing it? ”

"When he asks for success, the robbery disappears, how much do you have to pay when he recovers? How many people can survive?"

The head of the devil screams, do not want to let the starry forces, the roster of death, the magical forces and so on, and urge them to do it immediately, otherwise it will be too late. "

You are too fast! ""

You want to get rid of him too much, now blame us? ”

Someone grinned.


Of course. he

They didn't ridicule the demon domain too much, but they quickly moved forward and carried the treasures. They are all heavenly respectors, and there are several heavenly deities. Now


They also saw that Lingfeng’s road was very embarrassing, so they wanted to get rid of the wind. The simple heaven power is not enough. Only relying on Tianzun’s power to play the law can make Lingfeng get rid of it. boom


Turbulent, empty and dull, the fourth heavy robbery landed, tearing the road to the soil, and Ling Feng was also bombarded in this force, the body was torn apart, the road became broken, almost killed. "

It’s hard to collect! Ling

The wind coughs up blood, while the body reorganizes, and the body that is seriously injured faces the stars and the gods. "

Unfortunately, you really can't! "One

Tianzun appeared, holding a jade bead. When the jade beads fell down, the forbidden power lost control. Ling Feng flew three thousand feet, and the jade beads pierced through a blood hole. not


Although they are not Tianzun in Shenwuxing, they can still play the power of law by borrowing heavy treasures. In front of this power, the forbidden road at the heavenly level cannot be restrained and cannot be restrained. "

If I survive, you don't want to live one by one! ”

Ling Feng coughs blood, the sound is desolate, but the killing is very heavy. "

Then don't live it? "Have

People are cold and sneer, striding forward, heavy treasures are falling apart, playing the wind and coughing blood constantly, that is, his strong vitality can persist until now, and a person has long been killed.

"I am coming too!"

Only squatting in the air, came to Ling Feng, facing the heavenly man holding the jade beads.

"Want to kill him, first ask us if we can't agree!"

Mingtian beast, Tianqi, etc. flew in time, suppressed in front of Lingfeng, on the one who was in heaven. "

You are not enough to watch! ”

Several Tianzun did not put these souls in their eyes. The heavens in the districts were only the real dragons, not to mention them. "

Then let the horse come over! "Ming

The beast of the beast is cold and open, and the killing is more heavy, and the strength of his body is fully occupied, reaching the point of half-step Tianzun directly. (

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