Supreme Demon

Chapter 1462: God Buddha sighs!

The emperors are all together!

This picture is not much.

To know.

They can now represent the top level of anti-God. After solving the problem of the magic domain, they found that they were not right at the first time and flew back in time. The speed is much faster than the dark god.

In this process. butterfly

The butterfly has already found the news and presented it to the Dark God, which makes the Dark God anxious. The moment of death and death is the moment of their madness. Want


The top dark gods are all in the distant battlefield, and there are only the characters of Wannian Laos and Ye Witches who support the situation. They want to kill the Qimen to kill the situation. Now the situation is much more difficult than they think.

If it wasn’t for the previous Lingfeng to withstand the pressure, the road was killed by the forbidden soil, I’m afraid he is now a pile of blood. shape

It is in critical condition. "

we are coming! "Ming

The beast looks at the face of Ling Feng’s serious injury, full of madness, but this is the hope of future generations. Want

It’s such a fate. I don’t know how many people are going to be crazy to blow up. At least, the Burning Heaven must step on the starry sky and start a blood wash. The whole anti-God does not want to be stable. It is necessary to fight to the end. that

What hope is there in this world? and

And. This

In the past few years, Lingfeng has been a brother and a brother. It has gained too much resources in the face of God. As long as it wants it, it will do its best to do it. inverse

God did not let it down, how can it disappoint the gods?

"Anyone who dares to target you, we must let them pay the price!"

Tian Qisen was cold, and her feelings for Guwu were very deep. The original ancestor of the goddess was sheltered by the kingdom of heaven. Now she is born, and naturally she will solve the trouble for the later generations.

Only death!

"Come on!"

The evil emperor has no extra words, and the anti-God is a special force. Only here can he be asked to ask. and also

Only here can make him boil. Mixed

There is not much love for the anti-God, but it knows that only the anti-God will survive, and the Burning Heaven will help it to ask for respect. Now the damage it receives will be compensated after the war.

They did not break into the magic domain, and did not even hit the stars.

Instead, standing firmly around the Lingfeng, any gods who want to kill the wind must follow their bones.

"As soon as we break the catastrophe, we need that power!"

The old man looks forward to Ling Feng. The current situation is that the Burning Heavens are all bloody, not to mention them.

thus. he

We need Lingfeng to break through the catastrophe, and truly ask for success. Only in this way can they use that power to turn the tide. "

it is good! ”

Ling Feng’s forehead, the reconstituted flesh and blood is more sturdy, but this does not mean that he can hold the fourth heavy annihilation. The invisible force is real, and the prelude to the soil and the prelude of the immortal are to be wiped out. Heavy Tianwei can be seen. Have

Some of the forces he did not want to let him come out, but now it is time to life and death. hidden

It is important to hide, and life and death are more important. "

come on! ”

Ling Feng got up and used the power to reorganize the road, but the guzheng did not appear. choke

! One

The shank of the handle appears in the forbidden soil of the Tao, flying in the form of petals, and making a slap in the face, there is no smooth sound of the fairy sound, and some are the meaning of the war, as if the whole space is due to this war sound. Baozha.

Ling Feng volleyed and stood in the forbidden soil. he

The treasure is solemn and killing.


at the same time. day

In the air, the fourth heavy annihilation did not sound any sound, the space was broken instantly, and a frenzy was forbidden to push to the wind, and after that force, the thunder and lightning and the disintegration sound appeared in the void, just the sound Many people in power have pale faces and their hearts have been affected.

Extremely terrible.


Lingfeng Dao suddenly flashed, his hands pushed forward, and the mighty momentum was like the tide hitting the sky. choke


The handle of a handle carries the will of Ling Feng, and carries the sound of the fairy to shoot down to Tianzhu, and the fourth heavy robbery that is unattainable. Boom



The blade of the petal form collapsed on the spot, the power melted, and the battle sound became messy at the moment. The sound of the sound of the sound broke, and the frenzy was even more violent. The power of the fourth heavy robber was far more powerful. It must be amazing before. Do


The battle of the fairy became even more terrible, but it was still not enough to watch in front of the fourth day.

In an instant.

Those Tianjians were completely disintegrated, and the fourth heavy robbing carried a weak advantage to Lingfeng. Although it was weak, it was enough to make many Tiandao figures die, but it was not enough for Shangfeng. "

broken! ”

Ling Feng snorted, and a boxing broke the fourth heavy day to rob Yu Wei and slammed the blow.

"Should there be a few more hits?"

Ling Feng spurted blood, and the mental attack made him hurt, but not enough to kill him.

Just, is it the only attack of the fourth heavy catastrophe?

Ling Feng has not remembered, but this should not be the limit of the robbery. he

Waiting. only

To get past the past, those people present must pay the price.

"It's terrible, I can't leave you!"

In the dark night sky, someone is opening and looking gloomy.

He is very jealous of the power that Ling Feng has shown. The prelude to the immortal is really a prelude, but it can also go forward. The battle of the fairy should be just a change in the prelude of the immortal, and it can't be said. but

In it, people can still appreciate the power of change. Wait

When Ling Feng is good enough and scary enough, is it that the sigh of the fairy will come out?

thus. Let

Ling Feng is too dangerous to live.

"Which old dung ball is talking?"

Ling Feng is like a proud moon, coldly looking into the distance, said: "I don't want to fight!"


He flew directly into the distance, carrying the forbidden soil of the Tao and the battle of the fairy. "

Oh, it’s really crazy, thinking that by your current strength...”


His voice has not yet fallen, the fourth heavy annihilation will fall down, drown him and his voice together, and Ling Feng will carry the sound of the fairy to the Scorpio, although he was shot down, seriously injured, but not killed .

"Is this your strength?" Ling

The wind despised the man who had already died. whole

People in the sky are dumb. This

A dead biantai is going to be poisoned.

With the fourth heavy robbery, he is a **, he can withstand the fourth heavy annihilation, does not mean that other characters can also stand up, even if the Tianzun characters are very jealous of these days, not to mention Say the heavenly character.

"Who else is not convinced?" Ling

The wind carries the fourth heavy robbery and rushes to the magic domain. boom

Long. One

The big tragedy, the demon emperor's blood tragedy, is that the top demons are flying backwards, and the fear is affected. They don't know when the robbery will appear, but the strength of Ling Feng is not what they can now match. under

A moment.

Ling Feng flew to the starry sky, directly detonated the sky robbery, killing hundreds of people on the spot, including Tianshen, Wudi and so on. "

Are you coming to join in the fun? ”

Ling Feng coldly looked into the distance and found the roster of death, flying without hesitation. boom

Long loud noise.

The death of the roster of large-scale characters **** tragedy, that is, the small fish are injured, if she did not find and dodge in time, at this moment I am afraid that it has already disappeared, only because Ling Feng was eyeing her at the beginning.


Is the injury only a roster of death? most

The tragic thing is that Ling Feng, he was beaten by four, and the battle of the fairy can't hold back the attack. The fourth day of the robbery of Tianwei is being further sprayed, and the sound of the battle of the fairy has to be wiped out. but


Ling Feng's life is too hard, like undead and strong, even surviving, the gray-faced face, the body of blood is reorganized, climbed out from the center of the earth.

Every force and every person who sees such a person must have a cold back.

This ** is too dark. Want

Pull them to die together.

He borrowed the fourth day of the robbery to kill some characters and reduce the burden on the gods.

"How long can you hold on?"

Fang, there are people in the starry sky sneer, although the Lingfeng life is hard, but the vitality is losing, the loss of the essence is serious, even the top resources can not recover.

and. Ling

The wind's road injury is getting heavier and heavier, and it is estimated that it will be consumed again. It is difficult to stick to it.

"Be able to stick to your death!"

Ling Feng strode forward and directed at the guy who was yelling. scare

The man who flew down for three thousand miles, stuck to the side of the murder of Qimen, could not live or die, and the fear of life was caught by the transparent sky on top of Ling Fengtou.

At this moment. Ling

The wind stopped and looked into the sky.

He frowned slightly. At this time, the robbery did not appear, but was brewing in madness. Does it mean that the last moment is coming? First

The last blow of the four heavens!

It is the Lingfeng that cannot be valued. This

For a moment, he has to face up to life and death.嗡

. boom


There are thunderous sounds between heaven and earth, from the boundless wildness, the sound of light waves in the world, from the distant starry sky.

I can't see it, but it's the most terrible. "

It’s coming! ”

Ling Feng Dao is deep, like a star in the sky, every hair on his body is upside down, feeling the crisis of life and death. "

Come on! ”

Ling Feng did not move forward, but instead flew to the chaos and became a ghost, and the Tao looked coldly at the sky.

then. he

The power of the body is thin, and the sounds of the celestial beings become violent, completely substantial, and there are gods and phantoms coming out, and the scent of the scent is flashing, all appearing around him, blending into the blade of the petal form. Fairy

The war is alive, and the Buddha must sigh. end

to. that

The void was brewing for a moment, and a low breath fell from the nine days. This time it was not invisible, but a form.

It was like a hurricane that fell. swallow

Nine weather conditions, star color, it is amazing that there is not too strong fluctuations around, only in that hurricane has a breath of hair.

Only Ling Feng can understand the pain and horror of life and death.

Life and death! that

It is the power that God Buddha has to sigh.

Is it heaven? ban

close! ban

Close everything! "

I don't want to die, the sky is hard to collect! Ling

The wind screams, all the power in the body is shot at this moment, not only the forbidden soil of the road releases a brilliant light rain, the sound of the battle of the fairy sounds, the three paths in the body have emerged, intertwined with power With the thunder, and at that moment, the twilight rain in Lingfeng’s heart is also born. (

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