Supreme Demon

Chapter 1463: A glimpse!

The sky is turbulent!

There is no breath in the area of ​​100,000 miles.

The starry sky is dark, the mountains and rivers are disintegrating, and the endless power is flying toward the hurricane. It is that the power of Lingfeng has become unstable, and it is necessary to leave the body and fly to the hurricane.

Not to mention the starry sky and the magical characters in the 100,000-mile range.

Their power is also spreading, heading for the hurricane on top of Ling Feng. it

Non-transparent, can be seen.

This is not deliberate manifestation, but the power is completely uncontrollable and naturally presented. Display

Of course.

When the power is strong, even the sky can't cover these colors and forms.

In the hurricane, Ling Feng seems to see the blood of the endless **** Buddha, the color has also become different, in the eyes of people, it is a void color, but in the eyes of Ling Feng, it is a bright red blood color, revealing people The breath of hair.

Nothing can cover up. No

Any force can suppress it.

It is there.

The momentum can ask the fairy. of


This is the power that God Buddha has to sigh. It is not the power of law, but it has evolved the rules of space to the extreme, because it confines all space rules.

Heaven, rebellion, or magic. in

Before the confinement space is empty talk!


At that time, the stars and the gods, the demons and other demons also refused to image problems. The momentum of the hurricane was too horrible, the road of the square was disappearing, and the power disappeared.


That is the devour of the Tao!

Every time you swallow a kind of Tao, the power of confinement can confine that kind of Tao, directly causing those characters to have no resistance, and only let the power disappear.

If you run slower, you are afraid that the Tao will be swallowed up. "

what! "One

Wu Xiu screamed and was inundated by the confinement space and died on the spot. where

I am afraid that the gods are still a dregs in front of the confinement space. and


Its blood and strength are flying into the hurricane of confinement, creating a more terrible side of the hurricane. When it falls, all kinds of roads are disappearing, including the path of Lingfeng, which is more resistant because of the different paths of Lingfeng. It was not confined in a short time.


The situation is too dangerous, the hurricane is blocked by lightning, and it is even more swallowed by lightning. In a short time, it will reach a horrifying level. when

It appeared on the top of Lingfeng's head, and the hurricane of confinement could not be restrained, and the roads around it disappeared, only the hurricane came across.

In the face of the robbery, ** is small. "

Ling Feng! "leaf

The goddess is red and bloody. This level of catastrophe, although not a heavenly level, has surpassed the heavenly domain and is completely counter-introduction. This

The level of power is not what Ling Feng can currently match.

She wants to rush to the front and share some of Tianwei for Lingfeng, but she is dragged by the flying beasts. Even Lingfeng can't stop it, and the leaf witch is even more vulnerable. Now

in. Want

Let Ling Feng have no burden to face the sky. Want

It is the emergence of the leaf witch, I am afraid that the wind will be distracted, and it will be more dangerous.

"Let him do his best to face it."

The old man did not come forward, and the eyes looked blushing ahead.

He knows that there is only a hurricane in the past, and others can only watch. He is a god, but he can only do nothing when he encounters such a thing.

"If he dies, he will be dead in the starry sky and the demon!" Ling

In a hurry, close to the fist, Yu Yan pale, the situation is too dangerous, Ling Feng met the most dangerous moment in history.


They can only look far away, they can do their best to fight for the wind, but this time can only be sad. "

Don't be sad, he is not without a chance! Wan

The old man said heavyly, reminding the gods, don't panic, Ling Feng is special, powerful, and after asking for success, there are many places that they have not seen. not

It is impossible to suppress the power of heaven.


He sighed in his heart. The prelude to the soil and the prelude to the immortal have been published. What other forces in Lingfeng can restrain this fourth catastrophe? he

I don't know if Ling Feng can stop it and survive successfully, but he knows that if this time is overwhelmed, it will really be annihilated. "

It’s so spectacular that such a robbery is hard to see. ”

The Mozu’s head, the emperor’s mouth, is full of smiles. The previous three-day catastrophe was only more terrible in the momentum. This hurricane is different, there is no mighty momentum, only the power of restraint. Road

It is extinguished. also

Is it more terrible than this? before

The triple-day robbery can be restrained by the power of the Tao, but the fourth heavy robbery?

Do you rely on flesh and blood? also

Is it by spiritual strength to die? "

It’s a joke! "star

Some people are sneer, the top heavenly characters are the dregs in front of this power. The prelude to the soil and the prelude of the immortal are all disintegrated. What other powers can Lingfeng control? system

Making such a big move is just a joke. "

What a nice skin. "dead

Some people frown on the roster of God, and it is a pity that such a robbery has fallen down. I am afraid that Lingfeng is really going to be ruined. Session

Time. he

The blood bodies that we need will also disappear together. It is not easy to build the ultimate weapon. "

It just disappears, it makes people feel pity! "magic

The Taoist forces sighed with sighs. His eyes flashed, and he was eager for Lingfeng to go into flames. but


The fourth day of robbery is really terrible, even if his current situation is to face the hurricane, I am afraid to be killed, not to mention the wind. This

It will be the tragedy of the whole world.

"Oh!" Ling

The wind is full of hair and the head is upright. The whole person releases a massive momentum and faces the confinement. He is deeper than any human body.

The breath of the **** of death.

That is the frenzy of annihilation.

In this imposing manner, he felt that breathing difficulties, especially the moment when the road was forbidden, and the sound of the fairy was torn, his heart leaped and truly faced the death.

A sickle has fallen on his head. soul

The ban in the sea could not fly out. At this moment, the magic bones were being suppressed. Taiyi Zhenshui could not stop this kind of catastrophe, and everything evolved in an unpredictable direction. he

Only you can rely on yourself. "

The vastness of the mountains, the world! ”

At that moment, Ling Feng was crazy, and every expression on his face was so vivid.

This seems to be the last moment.

next moment.

His heart is spurting, and the mist of the mist covers his entire body. The sharp breath emerges from his heart, shining in the fog, and showing a bishou.

The color of the starry sky.

The vastness of the stars! star

Empty cold! only

There is a bishou, not big, but when it appears, Ling Feng's face quickly and gray, until there is no more breath.

He overdrafted the last force to make this final blow. "

It is it! ”

Liu Shushu’s eyes suddenly became bright, and I felt that the interception of the body was shining, uncontrolled flying, but did not rush to Lingfeng, but hung in front of her, bishou toward Lingfeng The direction. "

Is it in the first place? ”

Ling Feng can sense the original intention of intercepting the sky. it

In the head.

What is bishou that appears in front of Ling Feng? call

! positive

When people were confused, the cold trembled on the chest, a butterfly flew out quickly, opened its wings, and flew in front of the cold. it

More humane.

It sticks its feet on the front of the abdomen, slightly lowering its head, and bows in the direction of Ling Feng.虔

Honest and respectful. "

Interception! "when

When these two sharp instruments are bowed together, it means an exciting thing.

Real interception! when

At the beginning, Ling Feng abandoned two major weapons and surprised them. Until now, they really understood it. Only by abandoning these two sharp weapons can they directly sense the interception. Do not

Need a weapon, just because it can evolve sharp weapons. Do not

Material is needed only because it is above all matter.

It started in Wangu and finally came to the future.

can. Who

Zengzhenzhengjian has the power of interception?

now. when

When the two weapons were bowed, the cold and the Liu Shushu were excited. They were more devout. Only because of the real interception technique, only this magical skill can make the sky bow. odd

Surgery can be intercepted! no

There is no sound in the sound, a beautiful butterfly appears on the bishou, colorful, and instantly integrated into the trough, forming a brand.

Around that bishou, there is a faint soul, and there is a spirit to defend.

It holds the sky.

In the face of the vast hurricane, the scorpion scorpion looks very small, almost invisible to the extent of the eye, if it does not appear in front of the wind, I am afraid that people will ignore it. but

. on

This is the bishou, but the world is discolored, and the wind stops.

that moment. Road

The forbidden soil disintegrated, the sound of the fairy was shattered, but who had carefully discovered that those broken forces flocked to the handle bishou?

Bishou is unpretentious and has a texture like running water. Wei

The situation is flat, like an ordinary bishou that has just been cast out.

can. in

In the eyes of Ling Feng, it is the bishou that lifts up a day, that is the strong weapon of the gods to destroy the Buddha.

As soon as you see it, everything is dead. "

cut! "No

With extra words, Ling Feng did his best and integrated all the power into the bishou. He used the soul to push the bishou to the sky and meet the hurricane. boom

Long. One

In an instant, the whole world was submerged, and the hurricane was too magnificent, like a sea of ​​shoals, and the bishou in which the light and rain did not appear, naturally it was easy to be submerged.

however. No

What some people saw was that in that hurricane, a bishou bloomed to seduce the light of the world and banned from the sky. that

When the hurricane is confined, it is fragile.

At that time, the sky was shaking. that

At the time, the whole mountain and river world belong to him. boom


The range of light waves is too large, and the volcano is completely blasted, including the altar of the altar, but Lingfeng has already removed the old counter-master's tablet and the anti-theft monument, otherwise it will be in this light rain. The fly is gone.

Because the hurricane is too dazzling and the confinement space is created, people can't see through the truth and can only wait for the light to rain.


The volatility of this time is really terrible, and the dust waves swept out from the center, overwhelmingly, and it was almost inundated with the entire starry sky. (

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