Supreme Demon

Chapter 1465: The Heavenly Corps!

The treasures of heaven are very strong.

Even the strength of the Tianzun class has not been able to collapse its mountains and rivers, especially in the depths of the ground, there is a road to the town of Shanhe. Of course

and. on

At this moment, the mountain river is disintegrating, and a small stone sarcophagus appears in front of the people. The stone sarcophagus is in a triangular shape, like a tomb. odd

The door shines and the stone is fixed.

The stone sarcophagus is already dark, but when the light rain of the center falls, they bloom in a secluded ancient light, flowing through the ages of the ages, as if to wake up from the ancient times.

In fact. positive

It is the shining light of the center, which will spur the power of burning the heavens and not be integrated into it.

What power can do this? only

There is a real controller of the treasures of heaven!

"The power that the gods of heaven will leave before they die!"

Heaven is ecstatic. when

At the beginning, he also participated in it, but the kind of Qimen has been failing and can't be eternal. Since he left, the gods of heaven have not given up, but they have actually done it.

just now.

The advent of those stone sarcophagi has been confirmed.

"After the death of the ancient martial arts, life and death in a moment, please come out!" Burning Tian respectfully and sincerely said. Of course

and. that

The treasures of the kingdom of heaven have not seen the movement, so that the Burning Heavenly Respect thinks that there are problems in this. The great figures of the ancient times are unpredictable, but after all, through a thousand years, Qimen and Shijie are still able to remain intact. very

Hard to say. but

Just when Burning Tianzun wanted to fly to the treasures of the heavens, the light of the National Treasure Center suddenly burst into full bloom, dazzling, even the characters like Burning Tianzun could not see clearly.

In the meantime, there seems to be a phantom. he

Came to the front of the stone. flutter


He kneels in front of Shijie, respectful and sincere dagger.. "After the ancient Wu Ling Feng, please come to the predecessors to solve the current trouble!"

Thousands of ancient times, endless life! ""

After the ancients reappeared, when it was born! ”

"I can wait for your last fight!"


A stone sarcophagus is divided, an ancient figure rises from it, wearing a stone coat, the whole face is mottled with stone marks, and it is evenly distributed. It is not like a living creature. Throughout the ages, he has already been with Qimen and Shi. It is integrated into one. that

It is a top god.

Although across the ages, his breath is not as good as before, but it is still surprising.

And this sarcophagus is like a starting point.


The sarcophagus tears open and walks out of a celestial body, and quickly spreads toward the center. When passing a mountain, the cracked sarcophagus is not the top god, but the top heaven. character.


Karaoke! Imitation

The entire starry sky of the Buddha is the sound of the torn stone. Don’t say that the gods are burning, that is, those stars are full of horror. Who

Can you think that the characters of the ancient times can still survive?

A full quarter of an hour.

The mountains and rivers in the treasures of the heavens were completely torn, and the stone sarcophagus was torn apart. The characters did their best, and they looked at the distance with fierceness and looked at Lingfeng. "

I have limited time, I shouldn't have come out at this time. "in

At the most central location, a top heavenly character opens his mouth and looks directly at Lingfeng.. "I was born for the last moment, let us be born in advance, how can we deal with it at that time?"

I will take a different path, and the future generations of ancient Wu will also be far beyond the ages, we will face the blood of the disaster! ”


The character in the Treasures of Heaven has a slight frown and a stone slamming.


When Xianli appeared from Lingfeng, the characters in the treasures of the heavens were all bright, and when the empty roads and the roads were released, they shut up completely. This

The kind of characters are worthy of their appearance. This

People like them are worth their lives. only


He has already surpassed the ages of the ages and embarked on the avenue of no one.

"If you wait until that time, it will be more beneficial to you." The voice of the head of the character became clear.

"Can't wait!"

Ling Feng said heavily. "The power of the later generations is too weak, but our strength is still too weak, but as long as we give us enough time, we will become stronger and stronger, so that we will have the strength to face the end of the world. We will play this world." Not the same as the ancient Wu Dynasty."

"Please fight for the future generations of the ancients!" Ling

The wind respects the dagger and he knows the seriousness of the problem.

These characters appeared across the ages, and they were subjected to heaven pressure. Every moment, they were overdrafting vitality, and soon they would decay and live today.

This is the last force left by the Kingdom of Heaven, hoping to turn the tide at the last moment and win more time for them. he

Now use it, then the next end will be facing them alone. "

I have already come out, and I will fight for the future generations! ”

"Please!" Ling

The wind lifted his finger to the **** Wuxing, and then the body slowly dissipated.

"Dignity for the kingdom!"

"For the glory of ancient Wu!"


The gods of the country seem to be very cold-blooded and do not need much language. They step out of the treasures of heaven and ban themselves from going far. that

Not one or two characters, but 100,000, a million top gods, heaven. he

They are the true elite power of heaven. when

Of course. its

The top gods are the majority, while the heavenly characters are rare. Even those big people who want to successfully seal the heavenly characters are very difficult. The consumption of various resources and powers tells them how this is.


They still did it. "

Once the Heavenly Kingdom of the Heavenly Army! "burn

Tianzun was shocked. This army has always been mysterious, that is, he has not touched much, which is equivalent to the present.

I didn't expect to be here.

The gods of the Heavenly Remnants also saw the Burning Heavenly Respect, and they were far away from the forehead. At the same time, they were very pleased. Before the ancient times, there were indeed some amazing characters who could live to this world.

and. Have

Before the end of the ages, the goddess of heaven and earth sat in the town, and I believe that the ancient Wu of this world will not disappoint.

"Please open the door to the sky and let me wait!"

"Good!" Burning

Tianzun did not say much, directly blasted the door of the starry sky, and was the largest open, allowing the squadron to reach the battlefield in the shortest possible time.

"After the ancients, Wuwu will be handed over to you!" said the headed figure. "

I didn't do anything, I just guarded before their wings were full, in fact he was even better than we thought! ”

Burning Heaven knows what these characters are most uneasy about, and therefore speaks bluntly.

"Then we are relieved!"

The head of the character said slyly.. "But there is still one person!"

The leader of the Heavenly Corps? ”

"Not bad!"

"I think he is going to come out!"

He burned Tian Zun and laughed wildly. He had never understood before. Why did the ancient Wuta and other sharp weapons be so low-key, and why it was so terrible, even if he could not control it. and

Now he has found the answer. he

It used to be a member of the kingdom of heaven. can

He is not the leader of any power.

Not to mention the power of the Heavenly Corps. "

Where is he! ”

"What do you mean?" asked the first person. "

If I didn't guess wrong, he didn't appear at the moment, I was afraid that I would ask for that person! ""

I am the leader of the Heavenly Corps? ""

It is! ""

He is really good! ”

The head of the character completely let go of their hearts and was able to ask for their leader, which means that Ling Feng and later generations have been recognized by the leader. This

What are they not worried about?

"Our opponent is?"

"The whole starry sky!"

It turns out that we are just as good! ”

The head of the character is laughing and laughing, not jealous, not panic, not contempt. and

It is a kind of glory.

Only the kingdom of heaven and only Guwu are qualified to challenge the entire starry sky. Take

They are before them, but now they are against God.

They have the same blood in their bodies! and


Only dare to face the entire starry sky, it is called ancient Wu. "

Brother, take out your enthusiasm, let us take a look at how this future starry sky can! ”



The Tianjun regiment swayed to the Shenwuxing, and the imposing temperament came with the ages of the ages. It seems that the world must return to the ages.

"He is still alive!"

Burning the sky and screaming at the sky, there is a kind of surprise that can't be stopped. Only Ling Feng can lift the ban on the treasures of the kingdom of heaven. Now, when the corps of the corps is coming out, who will suppress it? Who

Dare to suppress?

What is this power?

The day of the wild grows up, and the overall level of top heavens and top gods are qualified to compete with the Heavenly Corps. and


That requires Qin Feng to reach a height high enough.

At present, the sky is still too...innocent. this


Ling Feng is appearing in front of the Nine Gates, looking at the glorious ancient Wuta, his heart is tidal. from

The moment he got the Guwu Tower, he always thought of coming to this door, and had the courage and strength to push it away. He used to be a fantasist, but now he is really doing it.

"I hope that heaven will not let me down, I need your strength!"

"At this moment!"


Ling Feng pushed hard to the nine-door..."

It's really not weak, but in front of the demon domain, you are a scum! ”

The demon gods are full of contempt, and it is really not to put the current power of the anti-God in the eye. Except for the top level, other characters against the gods are still not enough. It

Before, the dark **** faced the magical domain, but the elite.

"It's all good stuff!"

The eyes of the gods of death are shining, they need new "arms", and these characters of the anti-God are excellent materials in both qi and spirit, and can create strong soldiers.

"If it is fully enchanted, it will be even better!"

The Taoist force is still sighing, thinking of letting Ling Feng enter the magic with the devil. Now

There is no hope in it.

"The determination to die is good, but the strength is almost taste!"

Some people also expressed their views on the starry sky. Before they were worried about Ling Feng, now that they are dead, they can completely defeat the gods.

Obviously. he

We also know the truth of endless troubles. People who have always been scribbling and not killing roots are everywhere. They don’t want to repeat the same mistakes and follow their footsteps. Of course

and. on

When the anti-god is going to be in front of those forces, the sky is suddenly dark when Ye Witch is crazy. (

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