Supreme Demon

Chapter 1466: Nine doors!

ruins. odd

The door shines, and the Quartet is suppressed, but it is not easy to trap those who are in the heavenly level. Of course


Those gods did not escape, but looked coldly at the front. It was the direction of the wrath against the gods. They raised their lips and took a cold smile. Ling

The wind is desperate.

That power will not be let go, otherwise it will endless. he

They know too much about the potential of the anti-God. At present, the anti-God is stepping into an unprecedented development period. Even if there is no wind, they can make strides forward. This situation is what they do not want to see. Take


They are afraid of the wind, and they are afraid to burn the gods and the old man, and they can't find the position of the **** Wuxing. This makes the anti-God develop to this extent. Now

in. he

We must get rid of the gods as soon as possible, otherwise they will be killed when they grow up. dead

The purpose of the roster of the gods and the power of the magical power is even more different. They want to refine the dark **** into a ghoul and enter the devil. If it succeeds, it will be a sharp knife. not


The anti-God is now too young and tender, far from the opponents of the stars, the Mozu and other forces. Once it touches, it is necessary to smash blood and kill.


This is the courage to rebel against the gods. When the people need them, even if they are in front of the mountains, they are as hard as they are. "

war! "Such as

The burning flame is burning, and the anti-God is carrying the tiannu meaning, killing into the distance, the dark gods set up the gods to kill the strange door, the butterfly carries the flashing electrode speed, and stabs to the demon domain.

This is the arm of the car!

This is the banyan tree! can

. Who

Dare to be a **** of darkness? When power comes, they can make a difference.

"The end of the world is at this time!"

The witches burst into flames, and they rushed to the front, banned from the confrontation of a few devils, and the violent power seemed like a devastating flood, which made people suffocate.

"I want this day!"

Ling Qing shed tears of blood, Ling Feng died, her heart was empty, only dead battle! day

The rules of the road shine, and a sword breaks through the nine heavens and kills a demon. She wants to fight **** battles.

"And us!"

The oriental poetry flies and her eyes are moist. She thought that many people would sacrifice, but never thought about the wind.

The so astounding characters were annihilated in the question. Who

Dare to believe? east

The characters of the Fang clan came. They did not rebel because of the death of Ling Feng. Only the two people who led the oriental clan were the Oriental poetry and the oriental Ying Yu, and the characters of the Tianzun class were fighting in the stars, suppressing the whole battle. The rhythm. east

Fang Shishi is a heavenly girl with a strong sense of affection. She is grateful to Ling Feng, and she is dead in the end.

no doubt.

The power of the Eastern clan is even more taboo, especially in the starry sky. When they do things, they will shrink their hands. Now no one wants people to know which forces they come from. "

Do your best! "east

The poetry of Fang Shishi has fallen, and people have rushed to the front. For the forces on the starry sky, the confrontation on this level, the Eastern clan is still very deterrent.


The eastern clan gods are heads up, facing the forces of the entire starry sky, and they are also full of pressure.

It is precisely because of the appearance of the gods of the Eastern clan, the pressure on the anti-God has plummeted, but this has no effect on the anti-God.

What they want is the opponent to die!

"Let's come!"

In the distance, a pair of characters flew, an old and strong, a beautiful and dusty.

It is the cover and cover snow.

They did not bring the forces, the power of the Yaozu, it is not very useful, but the real strength is them, so they came.

Previously, they were hiding in the dark for assassination, but now there is no need to hide. One

Tian Zun, a heavenly figure. Do not

Needless to say, these are two people who cannot be underestimated. Because they are involved, they have further reduced the pressure of anti-God and allowed more people to have a chance to survive.

but. when

The front is touching and the confrontation begins.

The rebellious people are still like wheat, falling into pieces, and the blood of the red is reddened by the heavens and the earth, and even more red is against the clothes of the gods.

The situation is over. only

There are thousands of years old, chaotic nine changes, and so on, to be able to keep the situation, but when the demons and other characters use taboos to treasure, they are also held back, difficult to get rid of, can only watch the horrible death of the gods. This

How long can the situation last? "

All die! ”

The forces such as the starry sky, the demon, and the roster of death are all in power, stepping forward and pressing forward, and presenting a knife-shaped type, which is to plow the whole god. Million

The old man wants to speak, but he can only look at the leaf witch who has been completely crazy, Ling Qing, can only sigh. Ling

There are too many dead cijis in the wind. Ye Witch and Ling Qing are just two of them. What is even more terrifying is that the anger of the anti-God is already in full bloom. Now it is ignited by Ye Witch and Ling Qing, and there is no possibility of extinction. Of course


Just as the butcher's knives of the Mozu, Starry Sky, Death List and other forces are about to fall against the top of the gods, the white sky suddenly darkens.

Initial time.

The grayness only appeared on the top of one or two characters, almost in the blink of an eye, and the grayness drowned the sky.

The battlefield is quiet at this moment.

People can't help but look into the sky. It is this eye that makes the gods tremble, but they panic, that is, the Mozu, the Death List, and the Starry Sky are no exception. day

Empty and dark. image

It is always night. can

It is not the emergence of the night, but a god, Heaven and the body with the body to fill the entire sky, and then cover up the light. he

They are like stone people, dressed in stone, one with a single expression, no emotions, but the momentum shows how terrible they are. and


They are numerous, far more than any other force, even if the starry sky is far from enough in front of this power. he

They are like from the ages. full

Face and temperament. because

They appeared to calm down the entire battlefield, and the gods did not blindly confront each other. This power can completely subvert the entire battlefield. If they do it because they do it, it would be too much forfeited. "

What are these characters?

People look at the characters and frown, these guys from the mysterious are very dangerous. can


No one responded. that

These characters stand on the void and do not kill immediately, but look down at the bottom, without explanation, they can distinguish between the enemy and me.

Although the majority of people did not step on the ancient martial arts, but there is an ancient atmosphere. and

And. From

In the overall situation, it is indeed tragic to reverse the gods. There are too many deaths and injuries, and the land is full of bones. This

It is a blood debt. but

. he

They are not in a hurry. Although the stars and the demons are not weak, they are really not seen by them. As long as the situation is stable, then they are not in a hurry. he

They looked up at the sky and were waiting for someone. ...


! No

There is any substance, and the entire nine-door door is dark. Look

It is ridiculous to have no vitality. this


Ling Feng is here slowly moving forward. His footsteps are as dark as the nine-door. Even if he tries his best, he feels that he is struggling, and sweat is falling down his cheeks. he

The eyelids are very painful. he

The body is about to burst.

He knew that if he couldn't hold on, he would have to be beaten. This

It is the treasure of the ancient Wuta, representing a supreme power. Tianqi was very good, but it was only limited to the heavenly level. Now he also came to this level, which can open a higher level. Do not


This level is much more terrible than he imagined. that

The boundless darkness is a kind of power. Even if the three-way road is in full bloom, it will not be able to resist this dark power.

It is not a question of the prohibition of the earth, but the power of darkness is a law. he

Now walking in the law of darkness. and


The law of darkness has the power to corrode flesh and blood, and to make his flesh and blood damaged, that is, the power is contaminated with this power and becomes detrimental. "

No matter whether it is light or dark, it can't be changed. ”

Ling Feng’s obstinacy persisted and insisted. “That’s Guwu!”

The entire nine-door door is full of ancient martial arts, different from Tianqi's half-step version, but the complete ancient martial arts, and the atmosphere of burning Tianzun is very similar. This

It is exactly what he is looking for. "

open! "sheet

After the engraving, the prelude of the immortal in the forbidden soil was filled with a heavy shining, tearing the law of darkness. in

Under the imposing power of the immortal, Ling Feng strode forward and walked a hundred miles before stopping. "

Still not at the end? ”

Ling Feng has some movements. This dark law is extraordinary in power. It is not only a hundred miles, but it has already forced him to this point without any prestige. If it is really full, can it be penetrated?

to here. Road

The prelude to the soil and the prelude of the immortal is fast and gloomy. It has been unable to contain these forces. If Lingfeng is to move forward, it needs more power, or stronger power to restrain the law of darkness. "

Then Xianli will fight for it! "ban

In the soil, light and rain, a fairy force emerged, thick and sturdy, among them the fairy palace emerged, surrounded by fairy fairy. Ling

At the same time as the wind asked, his fairy power was also improving. Especially at the moment when the gods opened, the endless powers poured out, and his fairy power grew rapidly. Now Xianli is no longer the same.

Hey! Fairy

At the moment when the force blooms, the law of darkness automatically recedes, like a wave of water plowed by a sharp sword.

That is purification!

That is annihilation! in

In the face of the divine power, the laws of darkness are to be wiped out. "

this is……"

In the darkness, a voice finally sounded, full of suspicion and ecstasy. He wanted to test this later generation of ancient Wu, but he did not expect that he did not need to test.

Three kinds of roads are made.

Xianli emerges! he

It has already taken the step that no one has taken in Wan Gu, the most ideal state of Guwu. call


The next moment, the boundless darkness disappeared. A middle-aged man in black appeared in front of Lingfeng. He looked at Lingfeng with a burning look, as if he saw the treasures of the world.

"Xian Li?"

The middle-aged voice asked with a bit of trembling. "

Xianli! Ling

The wind is grinning, and there is pride and glory.

"You are better than I expected!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"It’s not good to disappoint the ancestors!" Ling Feng said with a smile. "But, this time I want to invite the seniors to come out!"


kill! "p

s.. Tonight, go ahead and continue tomorrow! (

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