Supreme Demon

Chapter 1467: Heaven is mighty!

On the ruins. dust

The soil is flying, and it will not be able to calm down for a long time. can

. field

The face is surprisingly calm, without any waves, people look directly at the top of the head, that is, the crazy anti-God people are calming down at this time, only because they have the same breath in those characters.

Especially the leaf witch.

Her intuition is very sharp, and it is the helm of the true meaning of heaven. It is natural to feel the blood flowing in those characters. This

The sudden arrival of these characters is somewhat confusing. but


The leaf witch still feels different.

At this time, the person who can evoke the ancient martial arts of heaven should not be burned. If he has such strength, he should let it come out at the beginning, and will not wait until this moment.

There is no such strength in the reverse of the gods.

Among them, Ling Feng, who has the most contact with the kingdom of heaven, especially he has ever received the treasure of heaven, his strength and talent are more recognized, and the current miracle is only the treasure of heaven can be stimulated, she has no time to ask Burning Tianzun, can intuitively tell her that these characters have a direct relationship with Lingfeng.

what does this mean? Ling

The wind is not dead, only he can live to activate the treasures of heaven.

He is still alive! in

The field is all smart people, like Ling Qing, Han Ruyue and so on, they will react and not be sad. Display

Of course. in

Before the terrible disaster, Ling Feng sacrificed the interception technique, and the lightning escaped into the spirited bead, which was not affected by the robbery, and this was the last one. After the smoke disappeared, Ling Feng could calmly lay out and move out. The Heavenly Corps. This

It is precisely what the anti-God is looking forward to.

In this way, they don't have to be so eager and impulsive, they can sit and wait.

"The situation is not right!"

The small fish looked at the sky, and the eyebrows were close. The smell that she felt in the Heavenly Corps was too familiar, and she always felt like a god. "

It is very wrong, do we want to withdraw? ”

The gods of the death list began to retreat. The strength of this corps is too horrible, very evil, and facing up, they have almost no way to live. "

Don't panic! "that

Tian Zun, who is headed by the list of death gods, said with a smile: "The strength of these characters is not weak, but it is not easy to deal with so many people, not to mention the victory is not with you, but with us."

What does old mean? "small

The fish was slightly stunned. At this time, the Tianzun was able to remain confident, and the cards were not uncovered. "

Wait, the move is so big, if it's so good, is it too small for us? "that

The old mysterious smile, not broken, but the gods wait patiently, don't worry.

Even if these characters are not weak, they have the means to restrain and solve them. "

Yes! Public

God promised, completely relieved, waiting for the last moment to appear.

"Do we have to wait?"

Some people in the Taoist forces are also playing drums, and their hearts are panicking. These characters are really strong and make them feel tricky.

"Mo pan, we have our own countermeasures."

The Taoist Tianzuns smiled lightly and did not panic, but looked down on them. If these characters belonged to the other party, it would be a good thing to target the wind and the gods. If they belonged to the anti-God side, then they would ruthlessly ruthlessly. Area

District Heaven Road, God only. "

Is this coming to death? "star

The air side should be much more direct. Although it is taboo, it is more likely to figure out the source of this power.

and. star

The emergence of such a force in the air does not give them enough peace of mind. If they can be completely removed at this moment, they will be able to feel at ease. "

What is that power? ”

Several old people of the Eastern clan frowned and asked, these forces are unknown. If they are directed against them, then the whole battle will be amazed. At that time they are all cannon fodder.

"Reverse God!"

Oriental poetry is light and laughable, and some things don't have to be asked.

She knew that Ling Feng was still alive. This should be the last card against the gods. Otherwise, it would be too much to play against the stars alone.

"Ultimate power?"

should be! ”

As a result, the Eastern clan gods are relieved, and they are also very excited and arrogant.

"They are coming!"

Qin Laobao is solemn and respectful to the sky. Only Lingfeng can sacrifice it. Only the kingdom of heaven has such a standard.

"What are they waiting for?"

Wannian Laojiao already knows this result, but what he does not know is why the Heavenly Kingdom Corps did not move at this time. If it was started earlier, couldn’t it solve the problem? "

They are waiting for someone! "leaf

The witch said bluntly. "But they are still too proud."

"Do you have to wait until that person appears?" asked Wannian. "

should be! ”

The leaf witch's forehead, frowning. "Too pride is the strong side of heaven and the weak side."

"When we give us time, we are also giving time to the stars, the demons, etc."

Ling Feng’s forehead was still somewhat disappointing to the forces of heaven. They only saw the current strength, but they did not see how terrible the whole starry sky was.

They are now pre-stressed.

The starry sky and the demons are not as simple as that. ...


! positive

At this time, the nine days of the same, the breath swayed. Virtual

There was a moment of dullness in the air, and the waves were slightly turbulent. There were nine dizzying lights flying out like a real dragon, and Suzaku was shocked. In that halo, a middle-aged man walked out without a mountain-like power. Only a faint temperament. that

The quaint face is like the quaint sword on the body.

simple. level


He is more like an ordinary person than a extraordinary person. but

. on

It was this character who appeared, but let the Tianjun regiment boil instantly. One person’s excited body trembled, and they could not cry, otherwise they would have blood and tears at this moment.

After a long time.

They meet again. "

Destroy the Lord! "he

They are full of affection and excitement. They are the same as the wild, but they are the elite forces created by the lord.

They are loyal to the kingdom of heaven and more loyal to the lord.

And this middle-aged person is exactly what they have to wait for.

"Well, it’s great to see you!"

The lord smiled a little, his face was full of pride and self-confidence. Before the ancient times, he personally sent these characters into Shijie, and now he has to watch these people detest. "

Let's do it, let these people see the elite power of heaven! ”

There is not much to say about the destruction of the Lord. He knows that every minute is bad for the Heavenly Corps. Although the Heavenly Corps is very confident, the consumption of time is too important. "

Yes! ”

At the next moment, the Heavenly Corps flew down with lightning, and the butcher's knife in the hand had already merged with the stone scorpion, forming a stone knife with the same handle.

When the stone knife fell down, the mighty power would be swallowed up for nine days.


The family was the first to be unlucky, swallowed by the handle of the stone knife, even if the magic light is not enough to see in front of this power. "

You can't bully after the ancients, you should die! ”

The head of the heavenly figure quickly fell down, and the power was like the mountains and seas drowning the ground. boom


A large hole appeared in the ruins and it was directly collapsed. star

The power figures in the air have fallen into a big film, and they are dead and wounded.


Daoguang unveiled the prelude to counter-attacking against the gods, destroying the smog of the stars and the stars, and the terrible light rain made people fully aware of the terrible power of heaven.

"The kingdom of heaven before the ages?"

"The greatest power!"

People are shocked, and the name of the kingdom of heaven can scare a big one.

Tianzun people can still stand it, but other people have no such confidence and patience. They have already retired.

"Don't go back, we haven't lost yet!"

One Tian Zun shouted. "

It is said that this is the starry sky, not the ancients! "One demon statue said."

A group of rotten characters, can you make us so afraid? "magic

Respecting the opening, coming from afar, although this time he was also suppressed at the level of heaven, but the impact is not great, just because he carries the treasure. thing

In fact. Do not

It is only them, that is, the power to destroy the heavens is suppressed at the level of heaven. There is a terrible power on this star, targeting them.

"It's still the taste of the ancients!"

Tiantian took a deep breath and sneered at him. He had already entered this star before the ages. At that time, this star was much more than the present. but

That pressure is still the same pressure. bundle

The bond is still the same bondage. "

Kill it! "extinguished

The day opened and looked cold in the distance. The killing was like a tidal wave, and then he flew up and hit the distance.


Lightly drink and blast in the crowd. One

The Lingfeng, which did not appear straight, appeared in front of people. He held a pagoda and released a massive momentum. The tower was in the forbidden soil of the Tao, and was surrounded by three kinds of roads, and then released the sky. "

kill! ”

When the Guwu Pagoda fell down, it became a tall tower of eight thousand feet, which opened the heavens and horrified to the extent of suffocation.


The ancient Wuta fell and roared for nine days.

The ground is directly penetrated, and Ling Feng is not aimed at the stars in the sky, but in the sky.

"Looking for death!"

Tian Zun's face is ugly, using nine days of mysterious ice, releasing the cold force of the world, directly hit the starry sky, and the confrontation with Ling Feng. Of course


He was still too small, the power of the ancient Wuta, was suppressed by the ancient Wuta on the spot, and the flesh and blood were blurred in the power of the ancient Wuta, and then the smoke disappeared. "

Oh no! "he

It is a tragedy, but it has not changed this tragic fate. under

For a moment, he died.

"Can't do this!"

Tian Zun’s face is heavy. At the level of Tiandao, Ling Feng is terrible, and the appearance of the sky can be rewritten. Two

The top heavenly killer is almost unstoppable.

"Join hands!"

Respect, demon and demon statues look at each other, and then the power rushes out together and rushes to the sky.

And. One

The shank of the handle is shining, and it is forbidden to break through the cosmic sky and collapse for thirty-three days. "

Not good, stop them, they are going to tear the stars and get through the light! ”(

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