Supreme Demon

Chapter 1468: Tonggu!

The poles of the gods shine. Such as

The same eternal! people

The demon and the demon tribes even joined the alliance, and together they sacrificed the top weapon of the gods, releasing the gale of the world, and pushing it to the starry sky. At that moment, the nine demon demons were flying, and the momentum released was trembled. three

A kind of power came out together, igniting the starry sky, and even tearing the surrounding rain.

Even if the Tianwei suppression on the Shenwuxing is scattered, it is not really exhausted, but it is only weakened in a short time.嗡

When those clouds of the world fly into the sky, a large hole appears, engulfing the surrounding light, dark as ink, full of corrosive charm, as if it is a secluded magic mouth. not


Under the pressure of these characters, the starry sky, the demon, the demon and other forces are extremely devastating, and the hearts of the people are scattered. If they do not react as soon as possible, I am afraid that these forces will run away. Not so optimistic. because


The three forces formed an alliance and together they produced the top weapon and the treasure, which inspires the vision of heaven and earth.

"Quickly live in them, or you will endless trouble!"

The face of the old man has changed greatly. The situation is more complicated than they think. The three races of man, demon and magic are extraordinary. At this moment, the preparation is very full. I have already expected this situation.


At this moment, the light rain is too dazzling, I am afraid that there will be a big surprise. The situation will be very bad for the anti-God.


When the sky opens, the power bursts in an instant. Although there is only the top of the heavens, it cannot be underestimated. "

town! "One

The shovel blade flew out of its hands, like a bolt of lightning, killing it into the distance. thorn

La! that

The shank boring knife is too eye-catching, banned from penetrating the void, appearing in the big hole, bursting out the power of the nine heavens, actually tearing the whole hole apart, and stunned those celestial gods, demon statues, demon statues are eclipsed.

"It's useless!"

The demon scorned and said with amazement: "Tonggu has already begun, then there is no possibility of being blocked!"

"Is it?"

A cold voice rang in his ear, Ling Feng did not know when it appeared next to him, and the ancient Wuta lightning town fell. Boom


The loud noise, when the demon statue did not react, it was suppressed. "

you! ”

The face of the demon statue was furious, and he was suppressed at the heavenly level in the strength and consciousness of Shenwuxing. In this level, Lingfeng belongs to a different kind, and the strength is too strong. It has reached the level of letting those gods respect the jealousy. this

engraved. more

It is a testament to the horror of Ling Feng.嗡


The prohibition of the soil, although the law of space can not be restrained, but on the flesh and blood of the demon statue, still let the devil honor fierce.

Just a moment. that

Only the skin of the devil is left, and the flesh and blood are eroded and ruined. The tingling sensation makes it scream. "

Although Tonggu is difficult to stop, what if people die? ”

Ling Feng said coldly and faintly, the force fell heavily and fell directly on the demon.

A loud noise. that

The demon annihilation is instantly annihilated, and only the law power wraps the soul to fly out of the battlefield. "

Damn it! "he

Roaring in the distance, losing that body is also a heavy blow to him, and it takes time to recast that body.

"Destroy you!"

Ling Feng was ridiculed and completely did not put the demon statue in his eyes. "This is the **** Wu Xing!"

so what? ""

My territory! Ling

The wind pointed at his nose. in

When the voice fell, others had already appeared next to the demon statue, and Xianli blessed down on the forbidden soil of the Tao. The forbidden soil could not restrain the space law, but Xianli was different. in

Under Xianli, the weak space rule is earth slag.


The demon statue did not hesitate, and the lightning left. Although it was hit by Xianli, it only scattered part of the soul, and it did not have much influence on itself. and


He disappeared into the distance.

"I don't want to chase it, it's just a virtual body!"

The old man opened his mouth and saw the truth. The true body of the demon did not appear. He only spies on the virtual body. "

I hope other characters are not virtual! ”

Ling Feng coldly took a glance at the direction in which the demon statue disappeared, and then flew to the sky and the sky and the demon statues. only

Just one action, let those goddess, demon statues jump straight.

Ling Feng has some evil spirits. He has the ability to kill the heavenly characters when he is a god. Now he asks for success. The ghost knows how terrible it is. "

kill! ”

Ling Feng Xian Li poured into the consciousness of the gods, and looked at the void at a glance, especially those gods who had light rain on their faces. Among them, he saw several Tianzun of Xianting, and the moment of killing was heated up.


It’s like blowing in the wind. Ling

In the heart of the sea, the light rains and smashes, like a rain, but with the wind and rain, it is a simple bishou.

The bishou is not big, it is engraved with a beautiful butterfly.

The butterfly is so vivid that when it soars, it collapses in nine days and everything falls.

next moment. that

The handle bishou flew to a fairy goddess in Xianting, but the speed was not fast, but the whole world was trembled, the space was thick, and the speed and footsteps of Tianzun were imprisoned. "

go! Fairy

The Tianzun of the court did not dare to hesitate, and even the demon statues almost disappeared, let alone him?


Just when he wanted to fly away from the place, his face could not help but pale, only because the handle bishou had appeared on his chest, so that he could not react.

"How can this be?"

His face was unbelievable, his face was red, and blood was flowing out of his seven scorpions. After a while, his body collapsed, and even the soul broke at that moment. "

It is not true! Ling

The wind said with some regret that although the flesh and blood are very real, but the soul is endless, the heavens and the earth have not fallen.

This means that the character is not swearing.

What makes Ling Feng depressed is that Tian Zun, who is present, is afraid of being very reluctant, and he has not come over. So even if he removes all the gods and demon statues here, it is just to make them a virtual body. "

This is trouble! "although

However, they can't get rid of their true body, let Ling Feng feel sorry, but this time can not care so much.


The heavenly technique was fully unfolded, and a stream of light broke through the sky and appeared directly in front of a Tianzun.

Sting! when

The light rain is scattered, and those who are in the sky are directly killed. "

So terrible? "small

The fish looked at the scene from afar, and the heart was full of surprises. This kind of lingering wind is really daunting. If you let it ask for success, what will happen to this starry sky after that? Want

Find a way to get rid of it! "

It’s useless, even if we are killed, you can’t stop it! ”

The last one of Tian Zun gave a sneer, the birth of the ancient power, is rapidly expanding, no power can contain.

Although the destruction of the sky and the old age are powerful, the power is just a more horrible force to cast the ancients, making the process of its birth faster.

"I am coming to blast!" Ling

The wind rushed directly into the sky, and the ancient Wuta tower was rapidly enlarged. On the other hand, the forbidden soil and the Xianli, the star-shaped barrier of the stars, were added to the ancient customs. boom

Long. whole

The world was turbulent, and the emptiness was loud and lousy. It almost collapsed in nine days.

The ancient Wuta Tower is so shocking that it hides the sky and hides the sky. The life will cover up the ancient times, and Xianli will block the big hole, and cover the whole Tonggu. Boom

Through the ancient turbulence, you can't swallow the power of Xianli and the road. In the power of Guwuta, it was really blocked. It was so shocking that the people in the field were really stunned. There is no way to live. "

Useless, you can't stop! "far

Fang, those vain bodies flying in the sky, falling in the sky, coldly watching this scene.

"That's a try!"

Ling Feng does not believe in evil, and the interception of the gods directly hits Tonggu. versus

At the same time. Off

Heaven and Wannian Laojiao also rushed to Tonggu, and the power frenzy surged out and fell together on Tonggu.

In an instant. whole

Everything has become gray. force

The amount of 涟漪 万 万 万 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , he

They rushed quickly and wanted to curb the rhythm of the wind. "

I don't think about it! Wan

The old man, the annihilation, immediately kills the front, and wants to stop those gods. Of course

and. on

At this time, the void suddenly collapsed, and the force exerted by Ling Feng on Tonggu was disintegrated at this moment, and the whole Tonggu released a breath of the world, almost devour the mountain. most

At the end of the day, they still could not contain the birth of Tonggu.

The faint hole is magnifying, forming a scary hollow of three thousand miles. its

The power in the middle of the river sprang up, and the power between the mountains and rivers of Shenwuxing was extended, and the latter light appeared in the distance. After a while, it fell in the center of Tonggu.


In the light path, there are drums and roaring sounds, and there is a banner to make a sound, and then a group of black and magic fog floats from afar and slowly pushes to the Shenwu continent.

"That is the Demon Legion!"

The old man looked ugly and said in a hurry.

"Not only the Devil's Legion!" The face is heavy, and what he sees is not the Heavenly Corps, but the real horrible figure in the Mozu.

Behind the Mozu Legion. also

It was a heavenly army coming from afar, wearing a battle armor, it was very old, with a terrible momentum roaring out, and lightning came to the **** Wuxing. "

Roar! "One

Only the monsters came forward, running, and the whole light was swaying and roaring.

The army of the Yaozu also appeared.

"I will wait for the real body to borrow the ancients!"

Those characters are excited to say that Tonggu can cut time and space, is not bound by the power of Shenwuxing, and completely appears to reach the level of Tianzun. Such a straight face, the old man, they have no jealousy.

"The same kill!"

The cold and cool opening, he is not incapable of disintegrating the momentum here, but does not want to be damaged.

He can't bother with things that can be solved simply. but

Now he has to do this.

"Come on!"

Wannian’s old man said that their current strength cannot be underestimated. It is definitely a level of burning heaven, and even more terrible. It is not a problem to kill dozens of heavenly gods. (

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