Supreme Demon

Chapter 1469: Destroy the world!

Tonggu! This

It belongs to a great magical skill between heaven and earth. Public

God did his best to open the hole, lead to the stars and the fields, and even to the ancient times, to awaken the ancient creatures and characters, and led the World Corps to deal with some tricky characters.

of course.

The ancient art is very embarrassing, the direction is not fixed, and once it starts, it is difficult to stop. Even the person who uses the ancient technique does not know which direction it leads.


As long as the ancient art is unfolded, it is necessary to have some unpredictable things, and even some terrible anecdotes that people cannot understand. where

I am afraid that it is the power of Xianli and Taoism that can't contain the ancient art.

It’s not because Xianli and Tao’s forbidden soil are not terrible, but because the ancient art is strange, it can swallow the power. Although Xianli and the road’s forbidden soil can indeed contain the power of Tonggu in a short time, Lingfeng is now The power is still too limited.

He is not strong enough! not


When Tonggu was fully populated, its caves became more vast, like scattered around. Among them, the Tianmo Legion and the Humanitarian Corps appeared, carrying stalkers and frenzy, and hit Shenwuxing.

And. because

Through the advent of the ancient times, they were contaminated with these charms and became different. They were able to cut off the mysterious power of Shenwuxing to suppress and bind, especially the Tianzuns, who were not affected.

"Is this a **** Wu Xing?"

A demon statue flew out of the ancient cave, looking at the Fangshan River, his face filled with a smile. "I really don't want to use this magic!"

The face of the old man, the annihilation, and so on suddenly became chilly. This is the culprit of emotion. It is the use of ancient techniques, and the alliance with the starry sky and the demon family. "

The Mozu should be annihilated before the ages! ”

Tian Tiansen opened his mouth and looked directly at the character.

"People who are still alive after the ages?"

The demon lord looked to the sky and had a playful smile on his face. "I have eaten a lot of people, but I haven’t eaten the celestial gods before the ages. Today I can appetize."


This is a rare thing in the Mozu. After all, everyone belongs to the same type. It is a bit nausea, especially those with human nature, but this one is an alternative.

In fact.

The Mozu is completely different from the Magic Road. The Magic Road belongs to people who are mad, or have mental problems, and the devil is the devil.

They are not people!

They are born with the magic blood of the Mozu.

They are more full of magic.

They regard all the creatures other than the Mozu as prey, as long as they are not demons, even if they are humanoids.

"Eat me?"

The image of the annihilation is to hear the most funny joke in the world, his face is cold, and he said, "If you are a human figure, you can eat it today!"

It is a foodie!

The gods around the gods listened to the nausea, while the demon statues were ugly. They were non-human and non-magic, and belonged to the type that was eaten. However, they were not vegetarian. Those who died in their mouths these years were not in the minority. only

It is they who are relatively "low-key". "

Let you see what the real power of the world before the ages! "extinguished

Smiled with a strong confidence, although through the ages, the Heavenly Corps is still not weaker than before. Once it breaks out, can the demon and the Terran of this starry sky really suppress it?

I don't think about it!

"The Heavenly Corps, show your strength!"

Yes! ”

When the sky was unfolding, the whole world was bright, and the Heavenly Corps was violent at this moment, carrying the power of mountains and rivers to the Demon Legion and killing the Terran Army. day

The road is ahead.

God is behind!

The steel knife is going, it’s all over the ages!


Just one word collapsed and the nine days were eclipsed. The Heavenly Legion was calm and step by step, each step took a different momentum, and when they came to the legions, it seemed that the entire starry sky belonged to them.

They are trump cards!

They are kings!

"The heavens and the regiments before the ancient times, we are already looking forward to it!"

The characters led by the Mozu Legion are sneer, saying that the ancient heavens were amazing. They had no chance to compete before, but now they finally have a chance. day

Road? day

God? he

We also have it!


Without any hesitation, the Mozu Legion confronted the Heavenly Corps for the first time, and the two forces slammed into lightning.

The next moment, the outcome is divided.


Tiandao, Tianshen, and the Mozu Legion also have a large number. This is the elite force that the Mozu has built for many years, not to mention the elite of the Devils. However, when the Scorpio is destroyed, the tragedy occurs. thorn


A heavenly figure headed by the Heavenly Corps is proud of the Scorpio, holding a bow. When it is opened, the momentum and power of the entire starry sky will flow in his direction, and when the bow is full and shot, it is surrounded. The space is completely viscous, that is, the heavenly characters are bound by the sticky space.

puff! paint

The black blood was spattered from the eye of the heavenly character, and he also fell to the ground at that moment.

Simple and more overbearing! Do not

Just reversing the true meaning of the gods in the boxing, the Heavenly Kingdom is also interpreting this true meaning. and


They are more unsolvable than the gods. "

cut! "extinguished

Most of the Tianjun regiments carry the sickle, and the power created by Tiantian will naturally bring out the unique style of the heavens.

That is death! and

When the Heavenly Regiment lifted the sickle, the wind and rain suddenly became fierce, and all of them rushed to the handle and fell down.

The space of five thousand miles was thickened, and the latter handle fell. "

Oh, no! ”

On the spot, there was a sorrowful voice from a demon emperor. His body moved too slowly, even if he did his best. thing

In fact. sad

The drama is more than him, the entire Mozu army is in tragic, the situation is more serious than they think.


The face of the demon statue changed greatly, staring at the Tiantian Legion, and there was a cover-up in the magic.

"Bound heaven!"

He saw the problem and learned the terrible things of the Heavenly Corps. Although it was not the real bound art, it was improved.

Binding is so special, how easy is it to understand?

But this does not mean that the heavenly technique cannot be applied to the ordinary martial arts. The great man of heaven will improve it and integrate it into the legion. When everyone inspires some spirituality, when these spiritual exchanges are in the same place, the eruption is terrible. Binding power, even if it is a heavenly character, it is difficult to break free. Now


The Heavenly Corps showed this kind of pseudo-binding art, directly imprisoned the Mozu Legion, and then strangled.

This is the terrible of heaven. "

It’s really enchanting! "people

They took a sigh of relief, and they were even more awed by the heavens. They were able to do this. The Heavenly Corps paid a lot, but got more. this

engraved. Off

The Tianjun regime really has no solution, who can curb the bounds?

"The original heaven was really curious!"

The demon smiled and said, suddenly opened his mouth, zoomed in the void, and reached the front of the corps. throat

Hey! One

mouth! number

The characters of the 100th Heavenly Corps were swallowed up by him, struggling in his magic mouth, making a sorrowful sorrow, and the demon lord did not let them go, but chewed and snorted, just That voice made a lot of people's faces change and almost spit them out.

The Heavenly Corps did not have grief and indignation, only endless killing. from

The moment they became the Heavenly Corps, they had already foreseen death, but their brothers died in the mouth of the devil and were chewing. This kind of insult was not something they could bear. "

Not really bound to heaven, almost taste! ”

The demon sighs and is very disappointed. He is very excited about the binding of the heavens, but the gods of the Heavenly Corps do not master this magical technique, just the fur.

People are shocked.

Feelings, this demon statue will not only be chiren, but also acquire its ability in the process of chiren.

Is this engulfing magic? "

Who dare to swallow me to destroy the Heavenly Corps? ”

Destroying the sky and looking at this scene, instantly frying, it was created by him, which is equivalent to bone blood, but also its taboo. although

However, the Heavenly Corps can't live the next day, but it can't be insulted by the demon.

"People, use your ancient Wuta!"

"it is good!"


The ancient Wuta directly flew to the sky and landed on the top of its head. In an instant, the nine-door door was completely opened, and every door was flooded with light, dispelling the night and illuminating the ages.

It is at that time. Off

The momentum of the heavens is bursting, the originally suppressed road is untied at this moment, and the power is uncontrollable and heavy. The original middle-aged appearance, because of the recovery of power, his appearance is also recovering, in a short time. It became a young man of about 30 years old, and he was in full swing. One

A look can break the ages!

You can pierce the sky with a punch.

He exudes a daunting momentum and despise the ages. God

Phoenix, Zhenlong, an ancient Tiangong is flying around it, arching him, and a sickle on his head and eyebrows is boiling, a illusory real.


I don't know when, a sky flies behind him, stands upside down, exudes a fascinating atmosphere, and stirs up the colors of the ancient world. he

It is a sickle in the sky. Do not

It is the sickle of death, but the sickle of the heavens. "

Insulting me to destroy the Heavenly Corps, I want to smash you up! "extinguished

The big step forward, the top of the ancient Wuta, with this weapon to town the **** between the mountains and rivers, not affected by the heavens and the earth, broke out the momentum and strength of the top Tianzun, and burned the heavens to give more.


The word collapsed and worn a golden cracked stone. whole

It seems that all the heavens and the earth are sinking at this moment, only the shadow of the sky.

He came to the demon in one step.

The next moment, he slammed the neck of the demon statue, lifted it up, and slammed it on the ground. Boom


He did not let go of the demon statue, madly carrying him on the ground, pulled out a big hole, and then a sickle directly pierced his chest and shredded it.

"It's a virtual body!"

The face was cold and cold, and the killing was heavy. I didn’t expect this demon to be so cautious. With the help of the treasure, I couldn’t see it. "

When your deity comes over, I will smash you! "extinguished

It’s cold and cold, and it flies directly to the past, sitting in the hole of the town, waiting for those gods to appear. (

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