Supreme Demon

Chapter 1470: A husband is off!

Shenwuxing is a unique star.

In this star, there are terrible pressures that can confine the power of Tianzun and contain their lives at the level of Heaven.

but. This

It does not mean that Tianzuns have no means of restraint, like the old age, the destruction of the sky will not be affected, as long as the use of ban, avoid the treasure to suppress, you can exempt the stars from the pressure, to maintain the power of the heavenly level. Million

The old man shackled in the chest and shunned the treasure. He came from the ages of the ancients, and he was able to survive from the ages. Off

What about the day?

He carried the ancient Wuta, and the nine-door door was completely in full bloom. The power of the explosion was unparalleled. It was the ban and the treasure of the whole heaven. The strength was extraordinary. Every one of the doors was sitting in an undead life. This is the place where other treasures are unbeatable. . more

What's more.

The ancient Wuta and even the ancient sacred objects belong to the heavens ban. Even in the period of the kingdom of heaven, this top treasure is rarely available.


The Gaiwuwuta is too bad for the world. It is full of ancient Wuwang imperialism. Once it is published, it is a violent storm. Especially when the nine-door is in full bloom, there are almost no bans that can be compared with it.

Even the most fearful treasures can be imagined to what extent the ancient Wuta is terrible. this


The sky was angered, and the nine-door door was directly bloomed, and the demon statue was destroyed. It flew up into the sky and sat in front of Tonggu Cave.

He wants to do everything here to dare to swear by the gods, the devil, and the demon.

It can't be said that it is not crazy! but


This is the destruction of heaven, a character who can be juxtaposed with Burning Heaven. He has such power and has such qualifications. not

Undoubtedly. when

When Burning Heaven sits in the sky before Tongtian Cave, the stars, the demon, the demon and other characters are all eclipsed. If there is such a character sitting in the town, can the demon statue, the heavenly demon statue and so on come over? Want

Is it that they can't come?

The devils at the scene were all fish.

"Make them up!"

Ling Feng is full of ecstasy, although the burning of the heavens can not come, but the nine doors open, flying out a more **** character, and the anti-God is equivalent to a more than a world. only

If this ban is forbidden and the war is won, those forces of the stars, the forces of the Mozu, and the forces of the Yao will be damaged.

By then. also

Who dares to rebel against God? "

Yes! ”

Against the gods, the madness moves forward, although their wings are not full enough, but this time is the opportunity to sharpen, they have to use the magical domain demon, the stars of the sky to polish their edge. he

They quickly moved forward, incarnate in the darkness of the night, and vigorously harvest the heads of the stars and the demon of the demon. Do not

Over. he

They are still too weak. Don't say that the demon of the demon domain is the gods on the stars, they are all weak.

"One does not stay!"

The Tianjun regiment has swallowed hundreds of characters by the demon. Although they don't have too many waves on their faces, they are already angry and angry. They can die on the spot, but they will never allow the Mozu and the demon to eat them. This

It is forbidden, bogey!

This is even more anti-scale.

next moment.

Under the leadership of the Emperor Wudi, the Heavenly Forces went straight to the Demon and the Demon Legion. The power madness and wildness seemed to be worn for nine days.

Boom! One

The giant hammer of the handle seems to fly from the sky, and directly falls in the center of the Mozu Legion. The electric snake flies out and shoots around. On the spot, more than a dozen Mozus are killed.

and. that

The heavy weight, and the smashing of the sky and the mountains and rivers in all directions, led to the death of more than 20 Mozu characters.

Hey! One

The support of the arrow was shot out from the Heavenly Corps. The power was far from being rebellious. It was shot directly through a heavy sky. The space collapsed at this moment, and it could not stop the arrow.

"Insult me ​​to destroy the Heavenly Corps, you will pay the most tragic price!"

The characters flew up to the sky, pulled the mountains and rivers, and a mountain on the top of the head flew down from the sky. They were surrounded by purple-gold lightning, and there were four heads of phoenix guards. They used their wings to hold the mountain down.

Flying Phoenix Mountain! This

It was a treasure that was famous before the ages, heavy and fierce. There are few treasures that can restrain it. The four gods are different. One

Head fenghuang ice blue as a dream, the main control cold.

A fenghuang red as blood, the main control of the fire. One

Bit fenghuang void blue, the main control space. One

The head of Fenghuang is as black as ink, the main control is life and death!

Four fenghuang four colors, each of which represents a kind of power, and when these four forces appear together, it is the sky that collapses.

Needless to say. when

When the top treasure fell into the demon of the demon, the terrible scene, the cold light burst, the fire burned the sky, the space swallowed everything, the **** of death harvested the head, and this is not for one or two demons, but a magical object. "

town! "Have

The Emperor used the treasure to want to live this ban, avoid power, but unfortunately still did not live.

call! One

The blaze of fire rushed into the air, radiating to the surrounding, on the spot will devour dozens of monsters. Ding


There seems to be an ice layer appearing between the heavens and the earth, shining bright, and there are dozens of ice sculptures in the Mozu Legion, which is lifelike. Light

It’s the cold current and the fire. There is such a heavenly power, not to mention the space and the dying of life and death. When this light rain falls, the Mozu is red-eyed, and more than two hundred Mozu characters are so desperate. It also includes two demons.

How much is the loss? Of course

And this is not enough. fly

Tianhuang Mountain swooped forward and banned from hitting the distance. In the process, the Mozu Legion fell like a wheat. In the face of the forbidden and bogey, they were completely slag.

"Stay in town!"

Finally, several demons can't stand it anymore, and they will use the same ban and avoid the treasure to keep the situation.

Bang! One

The axe of the handle flew out, intertwined with electric awns, and more humanoids appeared. The arched guards were surrounded and blasted to the Phoenix Mountain. thorn

La! One

The sword of the handle appears, without a handle, only the cold light, when it flies, the void directly explodes, showing how terrible its power.

"Three thousand swords!"

A demon emperor shot, three thousand swords fly out of the air, flying from all directions, quickly into the same sword, cast a powerful sword like a mountain, from the virtual air to the flying Phoenix. whole

A void almost sank. huge

The big roar sounded a violent turmoil, and the mountain river was blasted out of the big hole of three hundred miles, and this is the result of the three demons doing their best to control, otherwise it is at least a thousand miles. "

Baichi! "extinguished

The head of the Tianjun regiment sneered, why did the flying Tianhuang Mountain be unfolded in the Mozu Legion? because

It’s not their people who die anyway. magic

The more struggling the family is, the more horrible it is, and the more dead it will be.

To know.

Although the flying phoenix mountain was powerful, the Mozu demons were able to dodge at least, but this time there was no need to dodge, because the four pieces of heavy weapons were too strong, they were smashed on the spot, and there was no fur. The rest.

"It’s really awesome. It’s really strong.”

People laughed and said, full of sarcasm. This

In this situation, the three devils do not shoot, they can only wait for the demon army to be destroyed, and the shot will only accelerate the destruction of the demon army.

I have to say that the Heavenly Corps is really poisonous.

In fact. three

The Emperor did not force Feitian Huangshan out of the scope of the Mozu Legion, but blasted it into the center of the earth. When the flying phoenix flies out, the scene makes the Mozu Legion want to cry.

On the sky. that

In the Tonggu Cave, there are people flying in the sky, at least at the heaven level. but

. he

They directly confronted the terrible destruction of the sky. When the ancient Wuta shines, the whole sky is illuminated, and the loud noise, a heavenly character is only hit by the light from the nine-door, and it is extinguished on the spot.

It can be said that the characters at the heavenly level are not the opponents of the heavens. difference

The distance is too big. "

Suppress him, otherwise we are not playing! ”

Several Tianzun and demon statues that flew out earlier were ugly, and the situation was much more difficult than they thought. The sky was terrible, and the ancient Wuta was almost invincible.

They all feel the chill. call


At this time, a demon statue flew out of the ancient cave in Tonggu, carrying an emphasis device, to live in the sky.


The smashing of the sky is strong, the nine gates are blooming together, and the gushing glory of the world is pouring out to the demon statue. When the power falls, the demon sorrows, even if he uses the Gestapo, but it is still less than Guwu. The tower, and he himself is even worse than the sky. "

Come dead! "extinguished

Step by step, a punch, the light from the nine gates was overwhelming, even into the punch, and then burst into a horrible atmosphere that made the devil eclipse.

"The magic into the world, a thousand gods!" He

Incarnation of thousands of magic, nine times of integration, each time the birth of a more terrible power, and nine times after the power is completely different, more than the past.


When he carries this power to fight against the sky. boom


The terrible light rain drowned him on the spot. He was very strong and stalwart, but this powerful and stalwart was only to show off the gas field that was stronger and more stalwart. One

When the husband is off, Wanfu is not open!

At this moment, the day is the one. versus

At the same time. a few

The Tianzun and the demon statues are called to the sky, and the power is endless. "

dead! "extinguished

The sky is simple and hegemonic. Every trick is not fancy, but it is a real hit. He punches out and jumps out of the space category and directly hits the head of a Tianzun, leading to the Tianzun brain Shooting, almost smouldering. he

One foot took it and landed directly on the top of another Tianzun's head. The squatting stepped down, causing the Tianzun to blast a blood hole.

He squirted a mouthful of gas and swallowed the mountains and rivers, which was a sword formed by the ancient Wu.

In an instant, he crossed the emptiness of the sky and nailed the celestial body to midair.

This is the master of one person!

Different from burning the heavens, the road to destroy the heavens is more inclined to the dark side. As long as the hands are divided into life and death, the forces like the Tianjun regiment are the knives in the hands of the heavenly kingdom. The sheath must inevitably see the blood, so they will not compare with others. Fight, but to defeat the enemy.

next moment. Off

The sky flew out and killed the other two Tianzun together.

The whole process is not artistic, it is very monotonous, there is no wonderful part, but everyone feels a dangerous sense of alertness. This is a wild wolf, and it is necessary to destroy all the invading creatures. (

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