Supreme Demon

Chapter 1476: Magic Town Wangu!

Quiet and eternal. Imitation

Buddha is in a hurry. ancient

Wuta issued a heavenly mansion, the shadow of the heavens appeared, and the suppression of the half-starry sky, the nine-door door released a large amount of essence, endless, which shines the momentum of space rules and rules, and then flocked to Lingfeng, into the forbidden soil of the road in. can

It is such a prosperous picture that can't cover the magical light that is overwhelming, but is infiltrated by magic light and splashed with ink.

In an instant. ancient

Wuta is like a prosperous ink painting, there is no landscape garden, some are the world's killing field, Jin Ge iron horse is galloping, Wan Bing is in confrontation, making a slap in the face, and even there is a drum in the explosion, sensation in the world. One

The devil was born from it!

A devil swallows! he

Stepping forward, holding the top weapon to burn the heavenly blade, full of **** momentum, and above there is a virtual shadow of the interception.

Ling Feng is just a magic, which does not affect his strength.


It is that the interception technique has been splashed with ink and it has become dark, but its death is even more terrifying.

The endless magic ignites, the strength of Ling Feng at this time is not the same as before, to the point where the heavens are stunned, and the magic power is still in the shackles, so that the Mozu, the stars and the gods are in a slump, and the power is fast. weak. only


There is a corrupting force in the magic of the ancient times, not only for the stars, but also for the devil.

"Kill!" Ling

There is no other thought in the heart of the wind. Some of them can only completely suppress the killing of the scorpion, as if the anger and the killing of the age of the world will be completely released at this moment.


He appeared in the sky above the Mozu, sinking in the footsteps, making a dull bang, the top flesh and the shrinking of the earth into a large magical power burst, the massive force will drown Tianyu. under

A moment. magic

The domain of the demons collapsed, the power is not a level at all, although the wind is still the level of the emperor, but he can control the magic of the mountains and seas, it is not that they can suppress.

When the power falls, they are like being killed by ants.

"Oh no!""

Why did he become a demon! ”

"Damn, we are the same devil!"

The local screams screamed and screamed, and wanted to dodge, but in this range, even dodge was just futile. only

Only a moment of hard work, they will die and die, even if the emperor can not stand such a foot, only the devils can be spared, but they are also heavy.


A magic light tore open Tianyu, open a large starry sky, let the stars on Tianyu burst.

The magic light flew directly toward the stars. brake

That. star

The emptiness of the gods, the death and injury, and the magic of confrontation, they are obviously weaker than the demon of the demon domain, even if the Wudi people are killed at this moment, the gods are disintegrated in the first time. "

Devil, everyone gets it! "star

Some people in the air are shouting, let more people and forces to deal with Ling Feng, otherwise such a devil will survive, it will be another demon Lord.

"Kill me?" Ling

The wind smirked and the lightning rushed forward. The ancient Wuta carried a 10,000-ton heavy bomb.


The shouting voice came to an abrupt end, and an Wudi was killed and killed in this way. The ancient Wuta was not only huge but also terrible rules and laws, which was hard to suppress.

"Oriental clan, empty road, you help to abuse, you should pay for it!"

There are powerful figures shouting in the void, trying to lead the stars and the wrath of the stars to the two forces of the Eastern clan and the empty channel. "

What is the crime of wanting to add? "east

Fang Shishi smiled and said: "If you want to do the Lingfeng, how can you force it to the point of entering the magic?"

When he was not a devil, he made you so jealous. Now he is enchanted? ""

He has long been deeply rooted in the body, and even without us, he will break into the magic road sooner or later! "A Tianzun opened his mouth and saw it more clearly. There is indeed a magic root in Lingfeng."

"Are you afraid of this?" Oriental poetry looked directly at the other's eyes and asked. "

A character who can be beaten by love and loved ones, we are really jealous! ”

Some people are sneer, the previous Ling Feng's practice makes people chill, and after the enchantment, humanity annihilates, even to Ye Xinran and Ling Qing, if not for the old man, the time is out, I am afraid that the two characters must be fragrant. .

"However, fear is not enough."

One of the gods praised. "Before you enter the demon, I can beat him into the devil. Now I can annihilate it like me!"

Fang Shishi’s mouth is rising, and he laughs.

She did not say much, just because she saw that Ling Feng had already flew in that direction. "

There is no way to cut the sky! ”

Ling Feng looked awkward, but the means were more fierce. The Burning Path Blade carried the interception technique and the whole world was beaten by this Thunder.

A day immediately collapsed! cut

The most terrible thing about heaven is that it ignores the power of rules and rules, pure power, and pure sharpness.


"Looking for death!"

Tian Zun coldly looks at Ling Feng, raising his hand is the law of space, igniting in the void, like a space of fire.

however. Let

What he didn't think of was that the handle of the burning road defies his power of space law, and he opened it strong and killed him.

"what happened?"

He was immediately shocked and shunned backwards, but the speed was still a slow step. shop

The magic of the sky is coming, wrapping him in it, and Ling Feng is flying into the magic and dead.

In the magic, the wind is not affected, while the heaven is affected. Ling

There is no space law in the wind, but the overwhelming magic is his law.


Only half a column of incense time, the Tian Zun will spurt a mouthful of blood, and fall from the void. "

Xianting! ”

Ling Feng volleyed, staring at the Tianzun, the bleeding in the magical eyes, extended into the void, full three feet long. "

Want to target me, then I will also let you pay a heavy price! ”

No one refutes, no one even speaks.

No one knows whether Ling Feng is embarrassed or not. He does not know the origin of the character, but as long as someone opens his mouth, it is tantamount to sitting on the fact that Xian Xian attacked Ling Feng. There is no problem with the revenge of Ling Feng.

It is also equivalent to the default. from

The contradiction between Lingfeng and Xianting has escalated, and Xianting has become the most powerful back pot king in history.


In fact, this kind of thing does not need to be opened. Everyone knows that these characters must have the Tianzun and Wudi of Xianting. They cannot let such an excellent opportunity. "

Then it will be torn! Ling

The wind bans from flying down, and the overwhelming magic is his strongest means. When he appears in front of the god, there is no knife, but hands-on.

He grabbed one of Tian Zun's shoulders with his hands.


The Tianzun even the rebellion could not be done. It was so torn by Lingfeng, the blood was dripping, the internal organs were flowing, and in the flesh and blood, he was too much. call out

His soul flies out of the sea of ​​souls, fights taboo power, wants to live in the wind, and escapes.

but. Ling

The wind is one step faster than him. The murderous blade carries the Gestalt light directly to the soul of the world, and he faces the taboo force.

The situation of losing both sides?

People can't help asking questions. Of course

and. thing

Feelings are more horrible than they think. When the taboo power carries the nine-day sky in front of Ling Feng, Ling Feng soul sea flies out a piece of gold paper, like a sharp knife, directly slamming forward.

choke! Virtual

The air violently screamed, and the incomprehensible power of Tianzun was actually contained in life and it was difficult to enter the inch.

When Lingfeng has no bondage, it is a time to do its best.


This ban has been suppressing the bones, but it is different now.

Ling Feng stepped into the heavenly level and had the strength to drive this ban, letting it break out of the top Tianwei. If it was a true Tianzun, he would still be afraid of a few points, but only the taboo force of his soul, in this ban It is still too weak in front of me.

next moment.

The interception technique passed by and carried the burning blade, and fell directly on the soul of the god, leading to the destruction of its soul on the spot. "

how is this possible? ”

This is the last voice of the soul of the day.

With incredible, with regrets and sorrows, it disappeared into the world.

This scene is almost frozen! people

We thought that once the wind was in the magic, it would be terrible, but did not think that he would be so terrible, tearing the heavens, a sheet of gold paper suppressing the soul of heaven and earth, the tyrannical power finally let the heavenly demon statues feel the breath of death. because

for. just

When the page of gold paper came out, the momentum was terrible, and they even felt the shudder. Display

And easy to see.

Lingshi’s Gestapo is not only the ancient Wuta, the Burning Road, but also the gold paper. "

That is... is it really? "extinguished

The sky is cold and vertical. He has heard of some things, and it is the top event in the world. These big things are that people who ask the heavenly level must be shocked and moved. its

In that, the page of gold paper is in it.

"I didn't expect it to be available!"

Looking at the wind in the sky, the more grief, if there is no magic, this world is afraid that no one can suppress its edge, the future of the entire starry sky will belong to the later generations.

Can you get the Burning Path and the ban, and the characters are not qualified to ask the immortal? "

Today, you are my prey! Ling

The wind and the evil spirits look around, the mind is unclear, but full of killing, one eye can penetrate nine days.


He rushed directly into the distance, broke into the magical area of ​​the demon, and slaughtered them a large piece, that is, the devil is injured. When Lingfeng uses the prohibition at all costs, the demon can also kill. complete

actually. This

It is a **** Wuxing. It is much easier to remove the big banters on the top of the demon head and let them be suppressed. and

And. that

The ban is similar to the interception technique, and it can restrain the law.

Rumble... whole

The sky is in the middle of the sky, and the wind is striding forward. The demons of the demon domain are defeated by the army, and then they are killed in the starry sky. The starry sky is insane. Finally, he breaks into the demon gods and will completely blame it. in

When the road is over, it can suppress thousands of people. in

Devil, you can swallow the town of the ancient world!


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