Supreme Demon

Chapter 1477: Are prey!

Void turmoil.

The world is uneasy! One

The devil empties up and stands out, playing the world-famous force, treating the demons of the demon as prey, and treating the stars as gods and dogs, the power of the world, and the world.

A ban on flying, let the world's gods and devils bow down.

He is like the devil! he

It is the devil! magic

Sexual light spills over the sky and despise the gods. Boom

The boulder stone is trembled, flying from the void, and the gods and ink spots are all in it. Not only this, but also the eighth heavy stone flying out, it is a faint light, completely transparent, and the lightning thunder is shot. It is intertwined with the power of space rules, different from the path of Ling Feng, but the fourth.

however. This

The seed is not affected by the Lingfeng Road, but is fully integrated into it, driven by Lingfeng. when

When it trembled, it seemed to be sinking in a thousand miles. The heavy giants penetrated into the space and merged into the flesh and blood of Lingfeng. not

Undoubtedly. This

It is the space at the body level! Genus

Rules for body space!

When it breaks out of Tianwei, don't say that the characters at the heavenly level, that is, Tianzun feels the chill, only because their strength, flesh and blood are affected, the strength is not as good as before.


There are too many rules on Ling Feng. If you want to deal with this kind of rule with your heart, you have to deal with the other three rules. Even if they can keep the rules, they have to bear the heavy weight of the heavenly level.

Tianwei is the world! This

It is king!

Bang. when

Eight heavy stones were shot together, and when the suppression was in front, a Tianzun was stunned on the spot. He used the power rules to curb the rules of the body, but it was only the rules, and he was holding the heavy weight.


Ling Feng burst into a bang, and the octopus directly pressed over and took the Tianzun to the sky with heavy weight. Connect


The Guwu Tower and the Burning Path Tianrui carried the sky-carrying Tianwei to fight up, that is, the forbidden soil of the Tao was releasing the power of heaven, and the multi-power blessing was on it. The figure finally did not hold on. puff

He spurted his blood and his face was pale. "

dead! ”

Ling Feng was very direct, and a step went to the face of Tian Zun, a thousand miles across the mountains and rivers, making people staggering.

A ban was flying out of its sea of ​​souls, like a lightning bolt, directly hitting its body. Under the heavy weight, the Tianzun did not dodge in time and was hit on the spot. under

A moment. he

The body collapsed, and the road wounds spread from the eyebrows to Dantian. No

There is a soul flying out, no power to escape, just because it is all stunned by the terrible Tianwei, and then played the smash. simple

Single rough! dry

Crisp and crisp.

A **** is so desperate! in

The gods and demons of the field are all chilling, and this kind of lingering wind is indeed shocking. It feels that they are copying the original Burning Heaven, or the previous annihilation, they are all top level. Do not

The same is the destruction of the sky, the burning of the heavens is truly supreme, and the place where Ling Feng is powerful is that he knows how to use his own advantages and the advantages of Shenwuxing.

He is able to make himself 200% outbreak.

At the time of people’s horror.

Suddenly, the boulder suddenly collapsed from the void, and the demons who were screaming and trembled did not react, and it was too late when they exclaimed.

Boom! One

The loud noise, several heavy stones collapsing together, especially the eighth heavy stone, is not what they can resist now.

More than 800 demons died on the spot.


Ling Feng seems to be particularly "careful" to the "family". The boulders did not fly away, but they were once again suppressed by the speed of lightning. For a time, the ground was cracked by this force and the surrounding became It is ridiculous and dark. also

More than seven hundred Mozus are killed.

This number makes the Mozu demons all eye-catching. With this momentum going on, they simply can't stand it. boom

Long. star

The emptiness gods are sighing and rejoicing. Fortunately, Lingfeng has not targeted them. Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable, and they are rapidly retreating. At this level of competition, only Tianzun can do it, and if they are rash, they are all cannon fodder.

Such sacrifices are not worth it.

Thus they decisively evacuated. but

Ling Feng did not let them go like this, the octopus did not appear, and the ancient Wuta appeared. boom

Long! nine

The sky was torn, the space was collapsed, and the stars and the gods could not escape the bad luck. They were directly killed by the ancient Wuta, and there were thousands of deaths and injuries.

"This is your price!"

He said with a smile, although he was very sad when Ling Feng entered the magic, but this time can only smash the past, they will try their best to let Ling Feng come back from the magic road.

The only remaining characters and dark gods of the Heavenly Corps are looking at this scene, and there is no pleasure in their hearts. people

The Lord is still terrible. In times of crisis, he puts up the sky against God.

call out!

Suddenly, a support arrow appeared behind Ling Feng, like a lightning bolt, so fast that it is impossible to prevent. of

Indeed. Ling

The wind did not escape, and was directly smashed by the sharp arrow. The heart is the lifeblood of the human body, but it is pierced by the sharp arrow, so that he is not damaged, but the most powerful place of the Mozu is resilience. The damage is not enough to make the wind blow.

and. too

A true water played a terrible role in it, enabling Ling Feng to recover in a short time. "

Demon statue? ”

Yin Hong's blood splashed on his face, Ling Feng sticked out his tongue, his head slammed his blood, and his face was filled with a sinister smile. he

Haven't started to the Yaozu, they are looking for the door first.

"I hope you are stronger than the Mozu and the Terran!" Ling

The wind smiled and said: "And, you must be strong, otherwise I am afraid that you can't come over!"


The ancient Wuta on his head, the blade of the burning road on the wrist is shining, and the octagonal stone around it releases the skylight, and the whole space becomes violent due to the move of Lingfeng.

"You... dying!"

When the sound fell, Ling Feng rushed into the direction of the demon in the direction of the demon, and the triple top banter fell together. He did not fight against the demon, but to the demon, the day. Demon **** and so on. when

When the world's light rain fell.

The starry sky of the Yaozu is terrible. This level of the Yaozu can't stop the Lingfeng, and it is directly killed. The death and injury is much more fierce than the starry sky.

To know. This

At that time, Lingfeng used three major taboos, and the bombardment surface was wider, resulting in more deaths.

In a short period of time, nearly two thousand demon people died, including three demon emperors. "

you wanna die! Demon

A few demon statues of the family are completely furious, madly chasing them, to kill the wind.

however. Ling

The wind is not entangled with these demons, but into the demon sluts, using three taboo weapons to destroy the opponent.


When he hit the second shot down, the surrounding demons died even worse. Many of the flesh and blood did not have to be left, and the smoke was directly destroyed. straight

It led to more than a thousand demon people. "

Ling Feng children, can dare to fight with me? "One

Demon statue shouted, do not want Ling Feng to go on like this, they can not afford, death and injury too many Yaozu, will be on their strength.

but. he

We will not get the consent of Ling Feng. Ling

The wind is still strong and forward, like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, pushing quickly, killing a demon emperor, the demon god, etc., while Ling Feng is in the center of the demon, so that the demon lords do not dare to kill the killer, only step by step Approaching, but this is obviously not acceptable. "

kill! ”

Ling Feng plowed a blood line in the demon army, and let tens of thousands of demon slayers die.

"Damn, Ling Feng, I want to break you down!"

The demon lords are completely red-eyed, and too many demons are dead. Such blood debts are too heavy.

indeed. positive

As Ling Feng said, they need to be strong enough to face such a tragic situation.

"Then one will not stay!" Ling

The wind was very cold, and the eyes burst into the light of people's hair. He once again broke into the demon army, step by step, and the road was completely full, and the space of five hundred miles was confined. Direct explosion. "

Kill him directly! ""

Even if you sacrifice some people! ”

The demon family has a few demon statues, and directly kills the killer. Anyway, these demon people have been unable to survive because of the wind, but want to force out the wind, and the small ones that they want to sacrifice can only sacrifice part of the demon. "

Demon swallowing fairy! ”

The first demon singer, a demon appears in the void, the first two horns, the abdomen wings, like a whale in the sea, more like a bird in the sky.鲲

Peng! This

The emergence of ancient creatures in the world is daunting, and when its power is down, the day is even more brave.

and. that

Only Peng Peng opened his mouth and wanted to engulf this world.

boom! it

Directly swallowed to the demon army, to connect with Ling Feng to do it.


Ling Feng is much faster than they think, directly dodging past, and heading to the Yaozu in another direction. thorn

La. burn

Dao Tianjian carried the skylight and annihilated the large demon army, and then he appeared in the other direction, and then murdered.

This is the shrinking of the ground into a big magical power. fast

Until the demon can not catch up, can only eat soil. and

When Lingfeng stopped, the entire Yaozu regiment had already destroyed most of the time, and the remaining Yaozu regiments hid behind the demon lords to prevent being killed. dead

What is the injury?

It can be said that the majority of the demon people of Shenwuxing have been destroyed, and the cruel demons are very curious to cry.

"Ling Feng, can you dare to fight?"

Several demon statues directly came to the battle, to force the wind to fight. "

What are you afraid of? Ling

The wind smirked and laughed. "Killing some obscure shrimps, it is time to kill a few big fish!"

When striding forward, the strength of the body was heavily blasted. When he came to the front of the demon, the prelude to the fairy had already sounded in the forbidden soil. It was different from the previous one. Gloomy momentum. Imitation

The Buddha is a demon in the wolf.

It seems that the sky is falling apart. Imitation

The nightmare in the Buddha's **** is all coming out. and

In the forbidden soil of the Tao, there are also gods and corpses floating in the void, and the headless bones are mostly, and the blood of Yin Hong and the blood of the ink splashing each other. This

It is the prelude of the magic fairy! "

Today, you are all prey! "Ling Feng is full of killing, the performance is extremely exciting and bloody. (

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