Supreme Demon

Chapter 1479: A person's battlefield!

The 2,470th chapter of a man's battlefield!

The sky is red.

A demon statue was washed and stripped by Ling Feng, leaving only flesh and blood and bones. The crystal clear flesh and blood made the Lingfeng index finger move, but let the demon family cold hair upside down.

At this time, they suddenly remembered that when Ling Feng pushed the Yaozu, there were many mysterious mysterious disappearances. Now I think it should be taken away by Ling Feng, to be washed and stripped, and stewed into a pot.

and. he

We have also heard that during the invasion of the Mozu, the demon king had grilled the Protoss of the Mozu. Now

in. he

They are going to be tragedy and will be placed in the pot to become a sea of ​​seafood.

They are very suffocating.

The suffocation is not only the problem of Lingfeng eating the beast, but the fierce means of Lingfeng killing the demon statue, which makes every demon feel the pressure, especially those demon statues, all feel the pressure of the mountain, the cold hair is upright, I always feel that if they are careless, they will also become delicious in Lingfengkou. "

Get rid of him together! "for

The demon of the first one is very jealous of Ling Feng.

This is the devil, if you ask for success, is this world **** demon respect, etc., is it a tragedy?

At this time, they have not been able to take care of the face problem, and they can do the Lingfeng only if they are damaged. They are willing to do so. with

There are also demons and star gods who feel pressure and chill. If Lingfeng grows up, what kind of dog will they live? "

Don't let it live! ”

The other two demon heads, if they survive, they will die. under

A moment. he

They killed the past with Ling Feng, and the power was like a tide, with a roar. One

The demon statue is wearing a golden armor. The track is sharp and full of wildness. When flying, it directly cuts through the void, while the hand holds a hatchet, full of rust, but very old. Display

Of course, it is not an ordinary hatchet, but an ancient taboo. "

Come dead! ”

He shouted, his voice was like a wave of air, and he washed away. One

The hatchet fell from the void in nine days, and the space was like a wave. It was severely cut, and the terrible power almost tore the world.


The other demon is more violent, and his hands are open directly, as if to embrace the entire starry sky. Are

Engraved. Wu

Clouds are densely packed, thunderclouds are rolling, and there are shocking lightnings flying down from the air. Just an electric snake will open a hole in the space, which is even more terrible than the sky robbery facing the wind. complete

Actually, this is the lightning of the heavenly level.

When the demon's hands fell, the thunder of the sky rushed to Ling Feng, overwhelming, like the magic of the sky.

"Stars and thousands of ways!"

The third demon slain, holding a list, the golden light shines, the momentum is endless. in

On the top of the stars, the sky was overwhelming, and corresponding to the stars in the sky, they even led them down and hit Lingfeng together.

The whole momentum is terrible to an unimaginable extent. three

The demon lord went to the Lingfeng killer together, the situation is quite critical, and in the distant stars, Tianzun, Mozun, etc. came quietly, trapping Ling Feng, and not eager to do it.

"We do it!"

The old man knows that he can't wait, although Lingfeng is in danger, but they believe that Lingfeng can return. and

And. which is

It is the magic, the Ling Feng is also a hundred times stronger than the stars and the devils. "

it is good! "smell

The old forehead, Ling Feng is more like a child in his eyes. At this moment, his child is being bullied. How sad and sad is his father's heart? "

Remember your promise! Mixed

The chaotic nine-year-old creature was also red-eyed. Although his contact with the anti-God was short-lived, he did see too many miracles.

Once upon a time, the ancient world of heaven!

Xianli, the void, and so on, all show the difference of Lingfeng. and


It is very different from the gods, and it is completely different from the stars, the devil, and the demon. This is his recognition.

not to mention. This

Some people are really shameless, he can shameless, but others can't shame in front of him. "

We also do it! ”

Gai Xuansen's cold opening, looking straight ahead, striding forward, the strength of the body is like a tidal wave, full of pressure. "

You are damned! ”

The sound of Xuankong is cold, the eyes are red, and the top genius of the void is so enchanted, which is equivalent to the dark history of the void. Virtual

The empty road not only bears this shame, but also loses a person who can ask the immortal. One

The legend turns into a stain of eternal life.

This is the sorrow of the empty road. not

Undoubtedly. Virtual

One of the empty roads came to the sky, so that the situation against the gods improved a lot, but still not optimistic.

"Do you want to be an enemy of the entire starry sky?"

"Helping the magic, do you know what big mistakes you will make?"

Someone is questioning, the tone is very cold, and there is no such thing as Xuankong.

"You are colluding with the Mozu, isn't this a big sin?"

Xuankong forced to ask. "Is there anything wrong with Ling Feng? You are targeting him like this? It is because of your targeting that this has led to Lingfeng’s enchantment. The real mistake should be you!"

"The roots of his body are deeply rooted. The reason why we forced him is that it has already exposed its magic roots. It should not be a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

"He is right!"

"But he is now a magic road!"

The stars in the sky are quite sinister, catching the point that Lingfeng is enchanted, and want to suppress it. he

They stand at the moral high ground and criticize the influencers such as Ling Feng and the Void Road, and force them to dare not do it. "

You lead me to the emptiness of the genius, this account must be liquidated! "mysterious

Empty and overbearing said: "Before Lingfeng did not make mistakes, you should not start it. This is your fault."

"Even if Ling Feng is enchanted, I will not kill the vain before he does not do anything that hurts the world!"

If he does something that is insulting, then my first empty space will annihilate him! ""

If we don't ask, let's ask now! ”

The stars in the sky are screaming, and although Xuankong is reasonable, they still cannot accept it. "

What about you? "star

The emptiness of the gods looked to the cover, full of Sen cold.

"I have been saved by him!"

Snow and snow bluntly said, "My family has a good report, even if it is a demon, it must be repaid!"

"Do you want to report the devil?" Someone laughed. "

It is! "cover

Snow and snow forehead, said: "Before he made no mistakes, we should repay!"

"What if it is wrong?"

"Then, after signing up, try your best to kill it!"

"You are really the same kind!"

"Yes." Cover

Snow and snow forehead, sneer and said: "We are equally alive and bright, unlike some villains!"


When his words have not been finished, he was interrupted by the oriental poetry. "The elder sister said that it is very reasonable. This is exactly what I want to say. My oriental clan also owes his kindness. This time, I should repay it."

Of course. This

Some of the characters are carrying the banner of repaying their favors, but they let other power figures do not know how to speak.

"Have you ever thought about what it would cost?"

"The worst is just you!"

"……"Do not

Needless to say, the current oriental poetry is quite fierce. boom

rumble. This

At the time, the whole world was bursting, and the terrible momentum collapsed for nine days, making people look disastrous. in

In the other direction, Ling Feng faced three demon statues, even if it was the top of the ancient Wuta, he was beaten beyond recognition and was terrible. but

His vitality is quite tenacious, strong and scary, and his power is raging and blasting.


A skylight tears the sky, and the interception technique came out at this time. It broke out the power of the heavens, and directly cut off a demon's arm, letting it scream and scream, and then the arm became a wing.

Boom! Eight

Heavy stone arrogant forward, like a seal to guard the eight sides, horror demon.

then. no

The endless magic comes from all directions, completely covering up Ling Feng and the three demon statues.

The magic is on the starry sky, and on the starry star.

This is an endless battle! because

The Mozu, the Starry Sky, and so on, the Eastern Clan, the Void, and other forces can't beat it, and Ling Feng can only rely on himself. This

It is a battle that belongs to him alone.


Lingfeng has a knife in his chest, and the skin is open, and the whole person has to split open, and vitality is rapidly losing.


Another Tianzun murdered, and the big stars smashed their faces and fell, and the fluttering blood was blurred, and the smoke flew out. "

died! "dry

Crisp and crisp. Of course

and. on

When the demon looks good, the emptiness of the emptiness, the figure of Lingfeng reappears, crosses the space, and the burning blade carries the interception technique, which is born in the heart of the demon statue. At the office. this

Come. Ling

The wind is trying to tie its dantian, but the demon's alertness is too high, and it is actually avoided.


It is this heart that is enough to make the demon sorrow, the strength is greatly reduced.


The demon face is blood, fast backwards, but the speed of the follow-up is not slow, and the use of the "forbidden" in the large-scale magical powers, directly into the space, and then appear . puff

Another knife, tied in the heart of the demon statue. thorn

La. First

When the three blades fell, one leg of the demon was cut. thorn


The fourth knife requires the second leg of the demon, which directly affects the demon's ability to act. If the other two demon statues are killed, Ling Feng can really do a demon statue.

Bang. no

The strength of the force surged out, Ling Feng was collapsed on the spot, his body was divided and he was dying. Ling

The wind did not recover, but was directly integrated into the space, and walked away. After moving away from that direction, he decisively collapsed himself and recasted. After a while, he carried a strong momentum to kill the seriously injured demon.

The whole world is in chaos.

The sky is empty.

Ling Feng is fighting fiercely, without fear of life and death. He is the top demon in the magical power. when

After Ling Feng used nine deaths to get rid of the limbs of several demon statues, the three demon statues also gave birth to retreat. This demon king is simply not strong, too terrible. "

Thoroughly suppress it! "three

The demon is awkward and full of envy, to solve the Lingfeng.


It was then that the horizon was shining and a flood of breath came down. (

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