Supreme Demon

Chapter 1480: He will come back!

Through the ancient battlefield! gas

The atmosphere is tight! whole

The heavens and the earth have been completely destroyed, and the bones are like mountains. The blood of the red blood turns into a blood mist floating in the air. The energy between the heavens and the earth also disappears. There is no aura and star power within a radius of 50,000 miles, which is horrifying and fearful.

The sky is slowly shining. Off

Some of the remaining characters of the Tianjun regime also dissipated in the dawn, with the unwillingness and regret of the sky, turned into a dust.

"When is the world really going to end?"

There are blood and tears in the sky, and the characters of the Tianjun regiment are left to leave. Even if they are unwilling, some people will never come back.

The wind that I thought was hope was also in the moment.

The twilight of the ancients of the later generations is still coming, just like the end of the kingdom of heaven. east

The Tian Clan, the Void, and other heavenly figures are trying their best to suppress the situation and make a sudden move in the direction of Ling Feng. However, the Mozu and the Starry Sky have already seen their intentions, so they are desperate to stop and let them have contact with Ling. The opportunity of the wind.

This is the same. Ling

The situation of the wind became extremely dangerous. When he was **** for four hours, he almost broke the sky and broke the battle power of the most powerful emperor in history. The demon statues were vomiting blood, arms and limbs collapsed, and even the body was broken. Tattered.


He is only a magician. when

The three demon statues were all overwhelmed, the strength was heavy and heavy, the momentum was like the tide, and the taboo force was used to seal the surrounding area. The scope of the activities of the xianzhi Lingfeng made it shrink into the inch and the "forbidden air" could not be displayed.

and then.

They appeared in front of Ling Feng, stabbed a knife on the shoulder of Ling Feng, and smashed his half-body. Card


A flash of lightning fell, burned all the way, so that Ling Feng flesh and bones and other damage, and it is quite serious, even if it is recasting flesh and bones, it is difficult to expel the power of lightning in a short time.

Boom! One

The stars fell and buried the wind in it, life and death are not clear.


Under the suppression of the three demon statues, Ling Feng was stretched, and if "Regeneration" played a powerful role, I am afraid that Ling Feng is now dead.

Still, he couldn't help himself. Health

The loss of life-skilled elements makes Ling Feng's rebirth every time difficult, and with great pain.

The demon's strike power is quite horrible. There is no dead angle. If it is not for Lingfeng to use the ancient Wuta, the burning road, etc. to save one or two drops of blood, I am afraid that blood will be killed now.

Throughout the battlefield, it seems that there is only one person left.

This is his own battlefield.


Just when Ling Feng was still alive and dead, the sky suddenly shone, and a vast expanse of Tianwei suppressed and came in this direction.

"The sky can be destroyed, the ground can be smashed!"

The figure appeared in a heavenly kingdom, and the footsteps of the stars and stars, the virtual light around the body shines, and the ancient **** Buddha appears to be guarded, and the whole person presents an unprecedented state of horror. he

It seems to be the sky. he

It radiates the light and rain of the world.

The stars are burning, and the nine-day star is falling.

He was very fast, and the lightning had already come to the gods and appeared in the place where Ling Feng disappeared.

"He is my disciple, even if it is a demon, you can't allow you to come to the lesson!"

Tianzun appeared, his face was full of anger, and all the stars in the sky would come from Tonggudongtian, and Tianzun, such as Burning Heaven and the Void Road, would not sit still and decisively.

the difference is. burn

Tian Zun’s mission is even heavier. He is a wall in the sky, responsible for resisting foreign enemies, and naturally wants the last to leave.


Waiting for him is the enchantment of the wind, but even the road.

In the case of a very critical situation, Burning Tianzun did not care so much, and flew back in the first place.

"Grand brother!"

The demise of the heavens suddenly dawned. The current situation was only when the elite of the kingdom of heaven was able to disintegrate, and it was this man who burned Tianzun. "

Destroy the younger brother, we are behind! ”

Burning Tianzun’s forehead, there is no smile on his face, and the problems encountered by the gods at this moment are too serious. Even the Tiantian and the Tiantian Legion can’t cope, almost the entire starry sky has been hit, and they have not met before the ages. This is the case. "

kill! ”

Burning Tianzun did not hesitate, and went straight ahead. The Heavenly Law appeared, and the kingdom of heaven fell from the top of his head and came directly to the three demon statues. he

Cross the space and go straight to a demon.

"Dead!" No

There are extra words, only the straightforward to the extreme killing.


The kingdom of heaven was too vast, and when it fell, the heavens and the earth collapsed and everything fell.

The demon statue was directly suppressed, the blood was on the spot, the skin was open, and the whole body was annihilated. "

Oh! "he

The screams of sorrow and rapid retreat, the other two demon statues are also regressing, they are too aware of the terrible burning of the heavens, the 18 heavenly statues are the best proof. although

Of course.

Burning Tianzun’s suppression here is stronger, and the strength is hard to reach the top, but enough to kill them.

"I want to run, no way!"

Burning Tianzun strode forward, punching nine heavens and hitting the seriously wounded demon.

A loud noise.

The demon body exploded on the spot, flesh and blood flew, and the soul of the soul wanted to walk away, but was burned by the gods and reached out and smashed. simple

Single rough! This

It is the handwriting of Burning Heaven. Wan

If Thunder! under

A moment. burn

Tianzun will kill the other two demon statues, and the shots will be like electricity, so that they will not have a chance to breathe.


The two demon statues do not have hard steel. It is impossible to burn up Tianzun without too many characters. Even those who hold the axe are not enough to see. The weapon is on the one hand, and the strength is on the other. in

In front of a truly powerful person, it is baichi that relies entirely on the weapon.


Just when they wanted to escape, Burning Tianzun took one foot and appeared behind a demon.


The country carried a huge weight and Tianwei fell down, directly suppressing the demon statue, and then the smoldering smoke was extinguished.

The gods are all discolored. anger

The burning of the sky under the wrath is terrible. The kingdom of heaven plays the top of the heavens, even if it is a towering axe.

"Get rid of him first!"

The family did not intend to let go of the wind, and felt that although it did not appear, it may not have completely died. because

And a few devils killed, and while burning Tianzun was chasing the last demon statue, the open axe suddenly rushed to the direction where Ling Feng disappeared. boom

Long. day

The ground was divided and cracked, and the power exploded. The force spread out and penetrated the nine heavens. In that direction, a **** fog burst, accompanied by the mourning of Lingfeng.

The open axe is moving forward quickly, and the blood mist is broken. "

This is the same roots, why is it too urgent? "One

The demon sacred appearance appeared in front of the open axe, and the power exploded, blocking the blow.

"Are you crazy?"

The demon lord said with resentment. "

He used to be the right way. We are incompatible with water and fire. Now he is a magic road. You can enter our way! ”

The demon smiled and said, "I am willing to give him a chance."

You are playing with fire and burning! ”

"At least he deserves to work hard!"

court death! "This

At that time, Burning Tianzun gave up and chased the last demon statue, and then turned to the Mozu, forcing several Devils to take it away.

"Are you still late?"

The magic demon is looking forward to the distance, sighing and frowning. He does not feel the breath of Ling Feng here, as if it is really annihilated.

"Not dead yet, but fleeing into the distance!"

The demon statue holding the open axe said that he sensed the breath of Ling Feng on the open axe. "There is still a breath!"

"He flies to the stars, that direction." He

Point out a direction.

"kill him!"

In an instant, Tianzuns rushed to the top and hit Lingfeng.

"Whoever hurts him, I will lose his power!"

Burning Tianzun killed his eyes and quickly flew in that direction.

"Don't be fooled!" Ye Witch's eyes were redder, and she struggled to recast her body and shouted. she was

Know that Ling Feng will definitely go far away from the stars. First

First, the current situation against the gods is not good, can not be the target of the public, Ling Feng's magical identity is too sensitive, it is very likely to succeed in the excuse of the starry forces attack. First

Second, only when he leaves, there is a chance to breathe against God. First

Third, he is the magic road, they will not belong to the same world.

but. This

It does not mean that Lingfeng will fly in that direction.


The speed of burning the sky is too fast, and the voice of the leaf witch is far behind the speed of burning the sky. "

Tune the tiger away from the mountain. Public

God's face was ugly, and Burning Tianzun was stunned by anger, and he wanted to save the Lingfeng and believe in the Mozu. "

go! "fruit

However, after the disappearance of the Burning Heaven, the Mozu gods immediately rushed in the opposite direction, and there was the direction in which Ling Feng escaped. "

Don't let them go! ”

Wannian Laojiao is very simple, directly hit the starry sky, and smells old, chaotic nine changes and so on.

"In the sky, we don't have so many taboos!"

Gai Xuan and others also killed the Mozu, and did not like the race. inverse

The top figures of the gods have also rushed to the stars, but they have been stopped. Now they are suffering from heavy casualties. They need to take a long break, and Ye Witch, Han Ruyue, etc. should also ask for success as soon as possible. when

Of course. also

Some people have stayed behind to prevent someone from attacking. One

time. whole

The gods of Wushu have become empty, only the voices of the sorrowful sorrows of the gods, and the backs of the lonely witches such as Ye Witch and Han Ruyue.

They lost!

Lost in a mess! This

It was the first failure of God, and it was the most serious failure.

Losing the wind, the whole anti-god is full of pessimistic atmosphere, full of sorrow.


After Ling Feng entered the magic, he even killed the most important people in Ling Qing and Ye Xinran, which made the chill and despair. Want

It is the friendship between Ye Xinran and Ling Qing who can't wake up Ling Feng's heart. Who can do it?

"He will come back!"

Resolutely and stubbornly said: "When he comes back, I will deliver the most powerful anti-God to his hands!"


She ignored the gods and flew directly to the distance. She retired and wanted to attack the realm of Wudi.

Just because she knew that she couldn't bring Ling Feng back at this time, she couldn't control the life and death of Ling Feng. Only she was strong step by step. Only when she can despise all the enemy in the world can she do it! (

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