Supreme Demon

Chapter 1484: Akizuki Seishi!

Starry shut up!

This is a very brave move.

Ling Feng used his powerful strength to "conquer" the forces of the stars, and Xianting and Dianxiandao could not make any sound. Just as Ling Feng said, he must be killed by his forces, and no force can be prevented.

Although their affiliated forces, the kingdom of God, etc. will not hurt their bones and bones.

But don't underestimate these affiliated forces, the kingdom of God, etc. Without these forces to provide endless resources and deal with all kinds of trivial matters, the whole force will also have no small problems.


These weak people are still very important.

Moreover, if Ling Feng kills these little people and forces, they ask, but it will even colden the hearts of these forces and people. How many people will pay and work for them at that time?

Forces like Xianting and Yaozu are all smart ones, and naturally they will not do such stupid things.

They shut up for the first time.

Although this will make their face damaged, but in the face of the future of the entire force, this face is really not worth mentioning.


This does not mean that they will let the wind blew like this, the anger that is suppressed in the heart, after shutting up, it will be more turbulent, and as long as the opportunity is caught, they must live to kill the wind. On the one hand, they shut up and endured this tone. They arranged for Emperor Wu and Tian Zun to be scattered around the forces. On the other hand, they mobilized more people, especially the powerful martial arts at the top level, to find out the whereabouts of Ling Feng, as long as they found Ling Feng. Hurricane

The rain will fall on the spot.

Forbearance for a long time.

People naturally will not let go of this opportunity, sneer at the Yaozu, the oriental poetry, the oriental Yingyu, the anti-god, etc. are all scythe, the empty road is to heat the knife, let the demon's wounds squeak .


Some of the characters of the Yaozu are angry with each other, and the characters of the oriental poetry are heart-wrenching.

They are despising the demon, but they are angering the demon. As long as the demon characters are angry, they will scream and scream, and the ones waiting for them will be the madness and slaughter.

In fact, if not a few demon emperors stopped, the demon statue really wants to explode.

The gods of the districts dare to despise them like this, and they can’t bear it.

"It is reported that Ling Feng once appeared in Xuan Yueshan barbecue, the fragrance is thousands of miles away, attracting countless monsters, and even alerted the powerful Wu Xiu!"

"Three days ago, Xuanyue Mountain had been astoundingly illuminating, and the rhythm of the road was flying thousands of miles. The sky was raining, and the pure power could almost create a hole in the sky!"

When this news sounded.

The entire starry fryer.

People took a sigh of cold, the heart was greatly shocked, and it felt incredible, while the demon genie was ugly and almost fell to the ground.

Ling Feng is on the barbecue... this food!


This kind of magic is very taboo, and it won't be chiren or even sorcerer. There is only one race.

Yaozu! At the beginning, Ling Feng had done a demon statue in the battle of Shenwu's life and death. He took off the chess head, that is, his body was moved to the devouring beads, and he was coveted. If it were not the demon, he was afraid that he could Give the demon to the spot


Needless to say.

Three days ago, it was the demon statue that fell in Lingfengkou, and only the demon sacred flesh and blood could release the tens of thousands of miles of light rain, attracting thousands of miles, the sky was falling, and the spirit was scattered.

The tibia falling from the Xuanyue Mountain is direct evidence.

Ling Feng did not have a **** demon, but instead baked the demon, which made the demon squad almost blow up, and the entire demon was resentful.

This is a great insult!

"Find him out!"

Several demon statues said hysteria, using the top legion of the demon, scattered around the heavens and the earth, asking them to find the whereabouts of the wind along the Xuanyue Mountain.

In fact. The face of the Mozu is even smoother. The branding on the open axe has always been there, but the Mozu has to hide a lot. Now the battlefield of Shenwu has come to a close, they must also guard against the stars and the demon, if they let them know the Mozu Current whereabouts,

Then they are equally dangerous.

Especially in the face of the gods, it is necessary to kill the Mozu.

"found it!"

Finally, in a few days.

There is news out there on the Mozu, but it does not tell the truth, but a low-key message to the major forces and the Yaozu.

"It’s still daring, it’s crazy to this point!”

"He wants to die, then send him to death!"

Xianting, Dianxiandao, etc. are all furious, and the Yaozu even wants to eat Lingfeng flesh together.

Obviously. The demons of the Mozu are aware of some things. The stars and the stars are not harmonious. They are divided into multi-party alliances. The Oriental clan, the Void and the Anti-God belong to one alliance, while the Xianting and others belong to another alliance. The Guanghan Palace and Yaochi are neutral. Position, demon

The family is another system.

The roster of death, the power of the magic, and so on.

Ling Feng is rather miserable. It belongs to the object of suppression by various parties. Many forces hate him and want to hack him.

This is exactly what the Mozu wants to see.


They avoided the empty road, the eastern clan, etc., and sent the news to the many forces such as Xianting, Yaozu, and the list of death gods. As a result, they were more likely to deal with Lingfeng.

"Be low-key and prevent other forces from knowing."

The big people in Xianting are warning that they just want to get rid of the wind, and they don't want other forces to know, especially the oriental clan, the empty road, the anti-god, etc., otherwise they will endless troubles.


They set off and flew into the distance.

"They found the Lingfeng falling!"

The old man is ugly and has an insight into the truth.

Those who are familiar with Ling Feng are seriously injured and dying. They are currently retreating. Although they are in a hurry, they know that with the current strength, they are appearing in the stars, but they are just cannon fodder.


They endured grief and went to practice one by one, and asked as soon as possible.

It is difficult to find the whereabouts of Ling Feng by the characters of Wannian and Burning Tianzun.


They are smarter and focus directly on the demons such as the Mozu and Xianting, as long as they have a little movement and can immediately know.


Many famous people such as Xianting and Mozu appeared and flew far away. At this festival, only the fall of Lingfeng can make them pay attention to it.

"Notify Tianzun, let's keep up!"

The old man told the candle dragon and several other emperors, and he took the lead in a single step. He worried that Ling Feng would suffer at the first time. At least he could help him and he could persist in the burning of Tian Zun.


The candle dragon and so on did not dare to delay, quickly flew back to the Tibetan star, informed the burning of the sky, and the Wannian old man and the chaotic nine changes to the creatures to keep up with several big people in Xianting.

Autumn month.

This is not the autumn moon, but a unique galaxy.

Qiuyue Xinghe.

The stars here are like the sea, in various colors, and they look very magnificent, like a colorful ocean.

Crescent moon ocean.

Every star is not big, ranging from thousands of miles to millions of miles, and irregular, not so much a star, but rather a meteorite.


These stars are sullen, star power and aura have long been exhausted, gravity is extraordinary, belonging to the white dwarf galaxies, even the gods are life-threatening here, always worried that they will be directly crushed into patties by the heavy weight.

The gloomy star river is more like a fallen autumn, hence the name.


Ling Feng is in the midst of the Qiuyue River, squatting in the heavy weight, let the power grow further, especially the flesh and blood approaching perfection.

Here is the forbidden land of Wu Xiu, but it is his holy place.

call out!

On this day, the sky became gloomy, and several demon statues appeared in the ocean of the crescent moon. They directly banned the galaxy. They stood in all directions, playing the ban on the road, casting extraordinary doors, even a fly. Go out.


The Lingfeng Taoist suddenly sinks and feels the sky changes, and the whole person becomes chilled.

He did not think that the devils would catch up here.

"Come on, then kill it!"

No fear, no timidity.

Some are only bloodthirsty crazy.

The different terrain here can weaken the power of the martial arts, even if it is also affected by the demon, and his physical influence will be weakened.

He has a dominant position.


The Devils know this too, so they are not eager to attack and have been waiting.

Two days later, Ling Feng’s face was ugly, only because there were stars and gods coming from afar. Most of them were Tianzun and Demon. These characters hated Lingfeng. At this moment, they found their whereabouts, and naturally they would not let go.


There is no extra language, Tianzun, demon statue, demon statue, etc. directly into the Qimen, banned from the star where Ling Feng is located.


After breaking into this galaxy, their faces could not help but sink, feeling the heavy weight, and the power was actually suppressed by life.

"Everyone should be careful!"

"A lot of people and creatures of the heavenly level, can't you still make a demon?"

People come quickly, and the power of the heavenly level is played, directly supporting the repressive power of terror, and moving unaffected.


Their hearts sank and a strong sense of warning appeared.


Their Taoist eyes could not help but look down to the feet. It was a huge stone, like a star, very vast, square and dark, as black as ink, can not see any difference.


It is this boulder that makes them cold and vertical.


The boulder suddenly moved, rushing toward the distance, banging on a star, and thunderous bangs broke out.

In an instant.

The gravel is like rain, falling down. Several Wudi-level figures died on the spot. They couldn’t resist the terrible treasures on the boulder. What’s more, the power in them collapsed. The heavy pressure in the Qiuyue River also followed. Milled while he

Their souls have escaped.

But in the face of such a terrible Tianwei, the soul is too fragile, and the scene is disintegrated.

A Tianzun was badly hit and flew down from the Milky Way, and one arm was abolished.

"Hey, is it really easy for us to deal with?"

"After finding this place, you can suppress me?"

Tianzun, Mozun, and Demon are all angry. The body of Lingfeng is here, and the octopus is hidden in the Milky Way. It is a strong Tianwei and hurts them.

but. The heavy weight of Qiuyue Xinghe is not insurmountable! (

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