Supreme Demon

Chapter 1485: Under the mountain river map, Ling Feng!

Autumn moon stars. Rose

Li is like a month.

but. that

The colorful moon appeared at this moment, as if it had been opened by people, the stars were scattered and scattered together, and the colorful colors were scattered together. magic

Respect, Demon, and Tianzun flew together. he

Looking down at the wind, the road is sharp and fierce, like a wolf, and Ling Feng is the prey in their eyes. whole

The stars are covered by their momentum, and the tyrannical power is pushed across. The eruption of the mountains and rivers, the power of the heavenly level, unfolds, and dispels the pressure in this galaxy, even if it is too heavy, it will not affect Tianzun. character. when

Of course. Want

It is the law that is played and spread out. The flesh and blood of the day will still be affected. It will not be as tragic as the heavenly characters, but it will also bleed, which will directly lead to the whole battle tending to the wind.

after all.

They have not tempered the flesh and blood, so that they reach the level of the heavenly level, but as long as the law is in the body, their flesh and blood is the physique of the heavenly level.

Ling Feng did not kill the Tianzun class for the first time, but instead directed to those who were at the heavenly level. They had to kill these fish first.

Let the demon, the heavenly, the demon and so on.


The octopus flies in all directions, hidden in the Milky Way, making people invincible, and when they try their best to fight down, the heavy blessings in the autumn moon stars, each boulder is branded with autumn moon shadows, which looks magnificent and chill.

In the loud noise, one of the Emperor Wu, the Emperor, and even the Emperor are bleeding, they are completely slag.

Hey. blood

The sound of broken meat sounded at this moment, accompanied by the sound of heavenly figures and the painful sounds of the souls. Their flesh and blood were disintegrating, and their souls were annihilated.

Short time. dead

Injury more than a dozen Tiandao-level characters and creatures, so that the demon statue, Tian Zun and other red eyes. "

Exit now! ”

A character in Xianting speaks bluntly and warns the creatures at the heavenly level. At this time, don't touch the demon king of Lingfeng. "

Yes! "that

Some heavenly level creatures have already retired, and naturally there is no hesitation. Lightning flies out of the Qiuyue River. Of course

and. he

They want to retreat, but Ling Feng did not intend to let them go, the octopus and the ancient Wuta screamed, shuttled in the Qiuyue River, forbidden to hit a heavenly spirit, the speed is very fast, crushing lightning speed of light, there is a species The feeling of a moment.


A demon emperor did not have time to escape, and was destroyed by the ancient Wuta on the spot. in

In this level of Heaven, Ling Feng does not say that he is invincible, but there are few opponents in the world.

Boom! Eight

The heavy stone formed a magic light, pushing a few stars horizontally, blasting on the two emperors, vomiting blood to them, tearing the chest and Dantian, and disintegrating and annihilating on the spot. Connect


Their magical spirits were also smashed into ash by the terrorist forces that emerged from the octopus at that moment. only

Only a moment, three heavenly figures are killed, and this result makes all major forces move. The strength of Lingfeng seems to be more terrible and more solid than before. not


After asking for success, Ling Feng was just starting at the level of the Emperor, and after so many days passed, he squandered Xianting and dumped the fairy road, and his blood-stained demon, and baked and eaten the demon, the power is naturally Rapid growth, further understanding and understanding of spatial rules.

At last.

He retreats in the Qiuyue River and has more progress in strength. This is the situation now and now.

"It really is going to be against the sky!"

People exclaimed that it is even more taboo for Ling Feng. If such a character climbs to the end of the Emperor, it is really a capable person who can defeat the demon.

If he asks for success, how many characters can stop him?

I am afraid that the Tianzun, the demon statue, and the demon statues who are present must bow down.

Is this the end of the game that they are willing to see? Display

Of course not!

Then we must do our utmost to destroy this terrible future!

By the time when the first characters and souls of Tiandao exited the Qiuyue River, they had already killed six characters, which proved the horror of Ling Feng. "

Want to use the heavy weight of Qiuyue Xinghe to suppress me? ""

Then you are really whimsical! ”

"The heavy weight on the Qiuyue River is not a Shenwuxing. We can restrain it!"

Several Tianzun stood side by side, with long hair shawls, exuding the top Tianwei, and then they flew out a roll of mountain river map. its

There are sun and moon mountains and rivers.

There are beasts overlooking nine days! Have


When this mountain river map unfolded, Tianwei rushed out heavily, confronting the huge weights on the Qiuyue Xinghe River, bursting out of the sturdy Tianwei, smashing the terrain here, annihilating each other, and letting the terrain here disappear. in

In the mountain river map, Tianzun and Tiandao’s first-place characters are unaffected.

"It’s really ready!"

After being surrounded by huge weights, the Lingfeng magic eyes sank and could not help but look at the mountain river map. This mountain river map has a huge and heavy Tianwei. can

Resist the heavens and the earth. Display

Of course.

These characters have long expected the speciality of the Qiuyue Xinghe, thus bringing heavy treasures, so that the advantages of Lingfeng completely disappeared, and then they can be destroyed.

"There are many long night dreams, everyone will do it together!"

The demon statue is the most active, and I can’t wait to make the wind breeze.. "But the flesh and blood of Lingfeng should be kept for us, I want to bake it and eat it!"

"In this way, I have not killed enough before!"

Ling Feng laughed at himself and said, "Look, I am still too kind!"

"Be merciful, your uncle!"

The court, the immortality, the demon, etc. almost jumped, and the goods tusha had so many characters and demons, and they even talked about kindness in front of them.


Do you want to face? Milli

No doubt. This

More ciji demon, Tianzun and so on. "

According to reports, the roster of death, the devil and other characters have come? "Ling Feng Yin measured the ground and looked around.

I don't know why, there are several Tianzun in the roster of death, and several demon statues of the Mozu are feeling chilly.

"I want to know the location of the Death List and the entrance to the Magic Road!" Ling

The wind is outspoken and tells his intentions. He wants to hit the roster of death and the Mozu, especially the Mozu. As long as he breaks in, he is not so easy to be discovered. Session

Time. that

It is his world.

"Unfortunately, you will never know." A demon sneer said coldly. "You will die today!"

"If I don't die?" Ling Fengsen smiled coldly. "


"No one can save you, it’s useless to shout your throat!"

"If you say this, I will work harder to live. This kind of starry sky and the Mozu will be lively." Ling Feng said Yang yang said.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill directly!"

One of Tian Ting directly killed Ling Feng and did not speak with him.

In the picture of the mountains and rivers, his power is bursting, and the top rules are released. The whole starry sky is full of stars, each star is purple, and there are sombs and so ons around the stars. Million

Beast Star Rule! that

The stars are the law, the beast is the law! square

The space of five hundred miles is covered up, belonging to the home of Xianting, the Tianzun.

Tianwei is soaring, and he wakes up thousands of miles in the sky.

At this time, the strength of Xianting Tianzun is far greater than that of the original Wuwuxing. It belongs to the true Tianzun, and non-Lingfeng can suppress it. "

kill! Ling

The wind violently shouted, the ancient Wuta, the octopus, and the Burning Path are all screaming, and their power is heavy.

Guwu Tower carries Xianli.

The octopus carries the heavy weight and body rules.

The Burning Path Heavenly Blades are used to intercept the sky. three

Heavy strength, triple blood butcher.

Moreover, the Magic Road forbidden soil also carries the rules of the three powers, together with the law of the beastly stars of Xiantian. that

A moment.

It seems that the entire autumn moon and the stars are filled with these forces, the power is endless, and the momentum is endless. Such a large-scale confrontation is not possible to dodge.



The entire starry sky is bursting, and the ancient Wuta tower directly falls on the law of the beasts and stars, causing the law of large pieces to annihilate. The stars and the beasts are killed and fall into the sky, and the ancient Wuta is also killed by the law.

The octagonal stone and the body domain rules fell down, and the law of large pieces was crushed, but it was still three hundred miles flying by the endless law of Tianwei, smashing a small star. burn

Dao Tianjian and Magic Road were suppressed together.

In an instant.

The mountains and rivers are stirring, and the sounds are whistling, and the destruction here is a mess.

but. burn

The Daotian Blade and the Magic Road are not flying together. They are not as good as the law of the beasts and stars. However, the many forces of Lingfeng are still slamming the law of the beasts and stars, making their powers gray and the law weakened too much. Roar

Ling Feng opened his mouth to spit out a huge amount of magical gas, like a handle with a sharp sword, lasing to the law of the beasts and stars, to resist.

Sting! thorn


A ray of light tears the sky, some of the magical swords penetrate the stars and the beasts, but the law of the beasts and stars is still falling down, bombarding them on Lingfeng, letting them explode for 30 miles, hitting a star, and the skin is fleshy. Big mouth spurting blood, like splashing ink. he

It’s just the devil, and it’s still not enough to see in front of Tianzun.


Ling Feng made a wolverine sound on the star, his eyes were more white and covered with blushing blood. under

A moment.

He directly sacrificed the star spring and took it.

The ancient Tianyin was blasting, and a banned forbidden soil was emerging, dark as ink, and there was a prelude to the immortal.

Two magic roads are forbidden.

Two prelude to the fairy!

In this world, only the world can be done. The difference is that the magic road that appeared after that appears to be very embarrassing, completely blurred, not really come out, the power is not as good as the real magic road. because

Ling Feng asked for success, the effect brought by the world's cliffs is getting smaller and smaller, and the cross-level is much reduced. Wu

The tenement is tenfold.

Wu Shenjing is seven heavy. true

God is five. day

God is triple.

At this moment, he stepped into the emperor, but he had less than one strength. Of course

and. on

It is this heavy force, but let Ling Feng's overall momentum move to a rather terrible point, almost the top of the emperor, can overlook the gods, and at this level he can open mountains and rivers, press Tianyu. "

The law is not unbreakable! ”

Ling Feng was strong and forward, and the two magic roads were forbidden. The prelude to the immortal was spewing, and the blade was broken. (

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