Supreme Demon

Chapter 2486: 捅天尊!


One step ahead, the sky is shaking.

The two magic roads are like two mountains, which contain the prelude of the magic fairy. The space will be destroyed in a short time, forming a terrible big hole. that

It is melting! image

It was the snow that met the fire, like a rock that met the lava.

In front of the magic fairy sequence surface, the space is snow.

and. Two

The magic road is resonating between the forbidden soils, pushing the forces to the unpredictable level, and the sound of the sounds of the fairy sounds, the voids are collapsed, and the fragments of space fall down and melt in the void.

next moment.

The ancient Wuta, the Burning Path, and the Eight Stones flew down, and they were integrated into the Forbidden Earth. The wind and the body trembled, and the endless magic was emerging. The magic from the ancient times was not completely scattered on the Shenwuxing. Instead, it was detained by Ling Feng into the spirited beads and integrated into the body.

In an instant. that

The vast expanse of Tianwei directly broke through the sky, far more terrible than before.

"The law of the beasts and stars!"

The Tian Zun, who was in the court, shouted, his hands pushed forward, and a starry sky appeared. four

Zhou is a beast, the middle is a star, and each other is guarded, and the law of the beasts and stars is revealed in an instant, and it is deduced to the unpredictable.

Bang! huge

When the blast is blown up, the triple force and the heavy weapon are shot down on the starry sky against the law of the tens of thousands of beasts.

The ancient martial tower, the burning road, the celestial blade and the octopus, one by one, the force collapsed, and the power of the magic road was grayed out. Because the top rule was the top rule, the magic road was torn, power Four scattered. but


The law of the beasts and stars is also gray, a star is annihilating, the stars fall apart, and the beasts die one by one.

A loud noise.

The magic road forbidden soil actually withstood the law of the beasts and stars, and became gray with it until it finally disappeared into the air. "

what? ”

Everyone was shocked and his face was shocked. He did not expect that Ling Feng could withstand the power of Heavenly Law. Is this going against the sky?

To know. This

They are not gods, they are not xianzhi, they can make full efforts, and the law of the beasts and stars, although not the top rule, can not be underestimated, non-magic emperors can match, that is, in the level of Tianzun There are not many characters against the law of the stars and beasts.

however. this

Engraved, a demon emperor turned against the world, withstood the violent amount of violent violence. simple

Straight thoughts. "

What about the world? ”

Some people know a lot about Ling Feng. I have heard that this kind of power was born in Ling Feng, but I have not seen the power that it really shows. first

before. Ling

The wind was once suppressed by the beastly star Tianwei, and the injury was very heavy. Now, with the same power, it suppresses the beastly star Tianwei. What does this mean? and


There are two magic roads in the Lingfeng body, which have never been seen before. only

There is such a momentum and shock in the world.

"It’s really coveted."

The court is full of envy, and can lift the power in a short time to an extremely terrible point. This is how much martial arts dreams of.

Looking at the ages, I can't find such a person.


Tianzuns are quite eager. In the level of Heaven and Heaven, even small progress is terrible. Like burning Tianzun, it is only a small step at the level of Tianzun, but it is already horrible to let the gods chill. The point. Want

Is it possible for them to get a stalwart, even if they are burning up? "

Hand over, we can make you die a little faster! "One

The devil can't help but ask. "

Baichi! ”

Ling Feng straightened his eyes and completely despised the demon statue. Do not say that the gem of the world came from the star nuclear, that is, can understand comprehension, will Lingfeng tell them? on

If he said it, would these gods believe? This

The problem of baichi is only the devil can ask. "

Then kill you and get it directly from the soul! "magic

Zunsen was cold and laughed, and forced to come forward. He would join forces with Xianting’s Tianzun to kill Ling Feng.

"Let's come over!" Ling

The wind is strong, even if it is surrounded by the gods, demon, and demon, it is not flustered. ancient

Wuta, Burning Road Tianjian, and Eight Stones are all in full bloom, and it is full of light and rain. He takes Star Spring again, so that the Gestalt can last longer. "

kill! ”

The next moment, he went straight forward, and the triple ban was hit together to the demon. "

court death! "magic

Respect is even more crazy. It is a step faster than Xianting’s Tianzun. The magic light on the body is filled in an instant, like the dark magic flower in the night sky. Each petal is like a mountain, releasing the vastness of Tianwei. When it fell, the law trembled and the sky was empty.

Boom! mountain

The river is turbulent and the atmosphere is boiling. It is like a mountain's petals shot to Lingfeng.

thorn! air

The gas is burning, the same as splashing ink, even if the flames are all ink, forming a unique landscape, but let the space blast, instantly annihilated. This

It is the law of the devil!

This is the magic flame rule!

The petals are not real petals, but a magic flame. when

When the Law of Magic Flame came to Lingfeng, it was banned from the three bans, and it violently screamed, and each other was particularly eye-catching, creating a heavy wave until the triple ban was broken, and the two magic roads were forbidden. Press down and face the law of the terrible magic flame. boom



Long! Virtual

The air tremor is more serious. It is the sound that can make the heavenly characters seriously injured. The stars in the autumn moon and the stars fall down one by one, and they are scattered and turned into ashes in the process of falling.

Only hands can pick stars!

This is the power of Tianzun. puff

Ling Feng spurted blood and was hurt by the flames of the flames. Although his power rushed out as soon as possible and expelled part of it, he was still injured by Yu Wei. However, the Magic Flame Law also did not kill the Ling Feng, but helped the upwind. The power. he

It is a miracle to be able to withstand the characters like Tianzun and Mozun. "

See how many times you can hold! ”

Demon scorns, many Tianzun, demon statues overlook the Lingfeng, at this moment Lingfeng is reluctant to escape, and he can do his best, without any worries to kill the Lingfeng, won the world.

Ling Feng's face is heavy and more crazy.

He is full of blood, adding to its magical charm.

but. Correct

The last two demon statues, Tianzun, he must be seriously injured, and so many pairs of demon statues, Tianzun? No

Have a living!

"Purchase in the end!"

Lingfeng hysterical madness, completely ignoring life and death, directly killing the demon statue, and death. One

time. whole

The stars and rivers are bursting, the stars are rapidly dying, and the Lingfeng is flying again and again, and the flesh and blood is blurred. That is, the magic of the sky is being broken at this moment.

He collapsed eight times and recast nine times.

His physical strength is running out and his blood is burning. Of course


He is still not as good as the demon and the gods. When the goddess of Xianting killed the image regardless of the image, he was like a straw and was beaten up. The body collapsed again and almost never recovered.

He is overdrafting vitality.

Can be useless.

"Hey, you are looking for death!"

Fang, a figure of galloping came, and the lightning came to the face of the gods, demon, and demon.

Wannian old, chaotic nine changes appear.

"Block them!"

Several Tianzun and demon statues came out together, and they were confronted with the old man and the chaotic nine-changing spirits. They lived in them and allowed them to resent their enthusiasm. In the case of many forces participating, he could not help each other. Looking at the wind and blood.

"A quick battle, burning Tianzun is coming!"

Tianzun’s characters and creatures’ faces are serious, and the district’s old-fashioned and old-fashioned souls are naturally not in their eyes.

But what about burning the gods? that

But killing the 18 characters of Tianzun.

When the Shenwuxing **** battle, he made a manpower to suppress the stars, so that the stars in the sky would be infinite. what

Waiting terrible? but

Is Ling Feng so easy to be killed? he

Like the undead, Xiaoqiang, even stubbornly smashed over, even if the body was beaten by the smog, it can still recover, and the powerful vitality makes the figures and souls of the audience in the field frown. "

Er and other generations, **** it! "end

As a result, the burning of the gods appeared, coming from afar, carrying a space storm, almost breaking the sky. Come

Not only him, but also a few Tianzun on the stars of the sky and the elite of the gods. "

kill! ”

Without any hesitation, the anti-God elite was furious on the spot and killed the gods. "

town! ”

Heng Tianxing several Tianzun on the demon statues, do not hesitate to let. "

Devils invade the stars, when! ”

Burning Tianzun directly flies to the demon statue and the character of Xianting, the treasure of heaven under the head, the law of mass is like a sea of ​​turmoil, and horrified the world. "

go! "magic

The figure of Zun and Xianting did not hesitate, and walked away directly, joking about the burning of such a god, it is mortal. but

Their speed is still too slow. When the character of Xianting wants to walk away, the treasure of heaven has fallen, hitting his body directly and keeping it underneath. "

wake up! "burn

Tian Zun completely does not care about the demon and the character. He pays more attention to Ling Feng. If Ling Feng can reverse the magic road and return to the right path, what is the area of ​​the demon?

His eyes flashed with a glimpse of the world's light and rain, and he was completely immersed in Ling Feng. He used the powerful spirit of the soul to incite the spirit of Ling Feng to "advise."


Ling Feng's magical light, a painful voice, the atmosphere of the right way and the magic of the air confrontation, bursting in his body, especially on the soul, almost his soul will collapse. shape

With the same flesh and body.

"No!" He

Yang tiannu drink, make a dull sound, the body is violently twisted, the magic light is like a mountain, so that the power of burning the sky will not spill on the soul. "

Ling Feng, still not awake? ""

Shenwuxing has ended, and the starry sky is strong, I also suppress it! "The burning of the Dominion said, worried that Ling Feng is distressed against the gods, do not worry about the future.

"What about rebelling against me?"

"What are you doing with me?"

"I am...magic!"

Ling Feng struggled fiercely, but he was still dragged forward by the burning Tianzun and came to him. but

His will is unyielding and stubborn. "

wake up! ”

Burning Tianzun made a popping sound, which was full of terrible righteous voices, to wake up the sleeping wind.

"The right way is not tolerated, I am the magic road!" Ling

The wind shows a sly and crazy smile, and the eyes are full of strange colors.. "If I am a demon, it is necessary to let the demon of the entire starry sky come to the dagger!"

Finished. he

The hands quickly evolved, and a bishou appeared, burning into the chest of the burning god. (

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