Supreme Demon

Chapter 2487: Love!

Blood is red.

The drop of the answer is falling.

Burning Tianzun’s chest was pulled out of a blood hole, and the internal organs were clearly visible. The ultimate strength was pouring out of the body, and he was to be completely abolished. magic

The forbidden soil stirred up the prelude to the magic fairy. ancient

The Wuta, the Burning Road, and the Tiandao are releasing the Bohai Tianwei, and they are all falling down to burn the Tianzun. burn

Heaven is lost.

He did not think that Ling Feng would start to him, until the pain came, he only came back to God, his face was incredible and grief.

"Ling Feng, wake up!"

Burning Tianzun is like a kind father, Ling Feng is his child, he does not want to be enchanted by the wind, is using the strong soul to wake up the magic wind.嗡


The banned system emits a shining light rain, and the life will burn the soul of the gods, so that it does not hurt the magic of the wind. "

I am not sleeping, what do you wake up? ”

Ling Feng sneered and said: "You are the same as those people, are you using this power to get rid of me?"

I am burning heaven! ”

Burning Tianzun said that he had long known that there was such a ban in the spirit of Ling Feng, and he could restrain the law, even if he did not know whether it was beneficial.

"burning Tianzun?" Ling

The wind and the magic are shining, and the cold light is shining.. "I didn't know it before, but I will remember it at the moment!"

Ling Feng’s power went even further, and it was stabbed to burn the heavenly body. The triple weapon was shining, and the Burning Heaven must be done.

"Ling Feng, are you really crazy?"

Wannian old man was shocked. At this moment, Ling Feng was not like an individual. He even started to burn Tianzun. It was the top character of the anti-God, the genius of the ancient world.

If these years have not been burned, how can the anti-God develop to this extent? "

Ling Feng? ”

Ling Feng is a bit awkward, and there is a moment of loss of consciousness, but it is still a gloomy smile. "Do you call me like this?"

Ling Feng, do you really want to break into the magic road? ”

The old man was so sad that he asked, "Can you remember me?"

Which one are you? ”

Ling Feng squinted and looked at him with disdain. "You want to target me, you have to pay the price!"


The gods and the burning gods are all awkward. The Lingfeng of this state is too strange. It is not the person they know, but a demon king. and


Ling Feng’s mind has long since been lost. At this moment, they are in front of them, a demon who is swallowed up by humanity.

"Man, can you still remember us?"

The top figures flew, and they were sad. They were all elites created by Ling Feng. Hidden, Qin Ao, Lin Yong and so on.


Ling Fengyin’s testimony: "You are all people who want to lose me!"

Lord, we are not! ”

Said in a hurry. "We want you to return to the right path, not to be too deep!"

"Kill!" Ling

The wind did not hesitate, and quickly approached Hidden, Qin Ao, Lin Yong, etc., the lightning between the killer, the triple ban and the power together, fell on those who did not have any defense against the top of the elite.

Bang. No

There is dodge!

No defense.

The anti-God elites stood in front of Ling Feng in the same way, letting Hai Tianwei fall down, they had a smile on their faces, and they had tears in their eyes. in

In the mad and terrible power, their flesh and blood are dry, like broken ceramics, and they disappear and disappear into the heavens and the earth.

Gray smoke is gone!

This is the end of the elite of the anti-God.

They did not die in the hands of the gods of the stars, did not die in the mouth of the devil, but died in the magic path of the Lord.

"Ling Feng!" burning

Tian Zun’s eyes are cracking, and the killing is suddenly bursting out. “They are against the future of God, and it is the power that you personally build!”

If I am a demon, this day is me! ”

"Unfettered, the sky is a tour!" Ling

The wind stunned and burned Tianzun said: "The Magic Road is my Supreme, I am willing to dedicate myself to this."

You are too deep into the devil! ”

Burning the madness of the sky, said quietly.. "I can't wake you up, then wake you up!"

Of course. because

The hidden, Qin Ao, Lin Yong and other elites were wiped out, and the Burning Tianzun was completely provoked. His intention was to bring these characters to awaken the spirit of Ling Feng, but did not expect them to step into Huang Quan. and

And. magic

Dao Lingfeng is too terrible and bloodthirsty. There is no impression of rebellion. There is only bloodthirsty madness. This

Is the kind of Lingfeng still the person they want? This

Or is it the future of the ancient world?


He punched out, like a mountain and river, completely ignoring the power of the law, directly hitting Ling Feng, the ancient Wuta, the burning road, and so on were all suppressed by this punch, that is, the eight stones were collapsed. it

Forbidden to fall on Ling Feng. under

For a moment, Ling Feng fell, the flesh and blood was blurred, and the whole person almost collapsed.

"Oh, you really are killing me!" Ling

The madness of the wind hysteria, the magic sound that makes people look cold and cold.. "Reverse God, burn heaven, I will remember one by one, you will all pay the price!"


He vomited blood and flew, knowing that he was not an opponent of Burning Heaven, and wanted to take it away in the first place.

"This is a devil, there is no humanity, Tianzun should not be angry, we will help you!"

Ting Tian Zun and the demon sages laughed a lot. The performance of Ling Feng made them feel "happy". In that state, they were forced into the devil, and the mind was completely engulfed by the devil. The current Ling Feng is a demon king. he

Never return to the right path!

In the Shenwuxing seriously injured Yews and Ling Qing, here stinging and burning Tianzun, and even more to get rid of the anti-God elite.

He is ruining the gratitude of the entire starry sky step by step.

He is step by step alone!

He is stepping through the top of the road! he

It’s a devil!

"Roll, what are you?" Burning

Tian Zun angered and said, "If it was your original persecution, how would he enter the magic?"

When I thoroughly find out which forces are involved, they will be liquidated one by one! ”


The court gods can't help but tremble. Some of the characters present are afraid that they can't escape the relationship, but if they are burned, they will be detached.

"Ling Feng, if you really can't wake up, I would like to get rid of you!"

Burning the heavens is in the blood, a singular wind that is completely enchanted, if it is against the gods, then the whole rebellion will collapse. he

Worried about such a tragedy.

"Reassured, I must work hard!"

Ling Fengyin’s testimony: "When I am a demon, I will kill you one by one!"

kill! "burn

Tian Zun was extremely angry and laughed. This kind of Ling Feng really made him too disappointed. He would rather not have such a genius, nor would he be willing to rebel against the damage.


The vast expanse of Tianwei hits Lingfeng and collapses into three kinds of bans. It also annihilates the magic road and the prelude. It is necessary to know that the Burning Heaven is different from other Tianzun. His powerful mess is not comparable to Lingfeng.

"Oh!" Ling

The wind screams, the body is rapidly disintegrating, and it is really to be annihilated in the void.

Hey! positive

At that moment, a banned flight flew out, releasing starlight and light rain, one star shining, one with a magic bone in the ups and downs, the ancient voice singing in the Zen, actually to the power of burning Tianzun. "

What is the ban? "People are shocked and they have long known the difference in Lingfeng."

"Tian Zun, please be merciful!"

However, when the sky was empty, several beautiful people flew in the air and appeared in the sky boat. for

The first one is two dust-free and fairy-like fairy-like characters, with tears in their eyes and sadness on them.

"Happy, Ling Qing!"

Burning Tianzun was shocked. I didn’t expect that because of the appearance of Ling Feng, the figures of the anti-God also came out together.

"Wind, it's me!"

Ye Xinran's face was pale, and the road injury has not fully recovered. Especially the injury that Ling Feng stabbed in her heart made her sad. but


After getting the news of Ling Feng, she still appeared for the first time.

She wants to wake up the consciousness of Ling Feng, not letting it break into the magic path, and become a madman who only knows how to kill.

"Little wind, I am my sister!" Ling

Full of blood and tears, these days happened in Ling Feng, she felt the same, almost mad, but Ling Feng is not dead, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, she must work hard. she was

They are coming to Lingfeng.

The anti-God elite can't wake up the wind, they still want to try, or die. "

Don't go, he is crazy! "The old man is not at ease. At this time, Ling Feng has no previous memory, but instinctive bloodthirsty."

He wanted to stop the two characters, but was set aside by Ye Xinran and Ling Qing. she was

We went to Lingfeng step by step. "

Xiaofeng, wake up. Ling

Clearly said: "Let's go home!"

"Wind, I am not against the Lord, I want to be a woman!"

Happy and bright, but very firm, no shame. "

who are you? ”

Ling Feng Mou is like an ice, cold-eyed Ling Qing and Ye Witch said. "Is this a beauty?"

The wind is us! "leaf

The heart of Xinqing and Ling Qing are sinking, and Ling Feng has no impression of them at all. This is quite terrible.


They are not quite sure about the "magic root" in Lingfeng. Is it the true demon respect? that

Has the demon devote to the consciousness of Ling Feng? "

Chaos my magic, when you! Ling

The wind and the magic are desperate, and they have killed the Yews and Ling Qing, and they directly hit them. The power is like the Bohai Sea, and the three banters appear together.

"you dare!"

Burning Tianzun has long been holding back. Ling Feng’s “state” made him crazy. If he did not take into account the feelings of Ye Xinran and Ling Qing, he would have shot him to death. and

This moment is really unbearable.

He was going to kill the two women who were crazy about him.

He can't help himself in this future!

Bang! One

The punches broke out, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the Lingfeng flew like straw.

"Oh, I thought it would end?" Ling

The wind is flowing with blood, and the yin test laughs.. "You are too... innocent!"

However, between. Virtual

The air turbulent, the micro-microwave smashed, and a bishou did not know when it appeared on the top of the leaf witch and Ling Qing, carrying a terrible Tianwei will smash. thorn


That is the power of the sky! that

It is a question of life and death! leaf

The witch did not make a sound, just looked at Ling Feng gently, Ling Qing slightly closed his eyes, silently endured the pain.

There is a kind of pain called heart cold! Have

The kind of injury is called sorrow! (

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