Supreme Demon

Chapter 2488: All the people are enemies!

Love yourself! Ling

The wind once smashed them a knife, and now it is a knife.

A knife is even more fierce. burn

Although Tianzun collapsed and flew in the wind, he almost had the life of Ling Feng, but he could not stop the sudden interception. Display

Of course. in

During these days of Lingfeng's enchantment, his progress was very fast, and the interception technique changed qualitatively, becoming more unpredictable and violent.

Because of this. Ling

Only when the wind is respected and injured by the burning of the sky can the wind leave the leaves of the witch and the body of Ling Qing, let them disintegrate little by little. also

It is the death of two anti-God elites.

Such a result is unwilling to see it, and it is unacceptable to the people of the world.

"Ling Feng!"

Tsundere bird, cold like a moon, etc., burst into tears, painful.. "They are your love!"

The tragedy happened to them.

If Lingfeng’s mind is still there, how can he do this kind of thing?

If he still has consciousness, should he be very painful? "

Hopeless! ”

Burning Tian Zun’s deep sigh, he was disappointed with Ling Feng, but he should not be able to do anything with a little consciousness.

Ling Feng can move his knife to him, and he can move the knife against the gods, but Ye Witch and Ling Qing are really the most important people in Ling Feng's life. even

Such a character, he can start, is Lingfeng still Lingfeng?

"Then send you to die!"

Burning Tianzun is reluctant to repeat this tragedy. Everyone who is against the gods is too loyal to Lingfeng, preferring to die for him. If Lingfeng appears to be against God, what would it be?

Who dares to move the knife to Ling Feng? This

Only he can start in the world.

"Death!" Burning

Tian Zun is bizarre and resentful, and Tian Zun's law appears. The vastness of the sky-like power is oppressed by Ling Feng. The horrible power is repeated. The entire Qiuyue River is trembled and makes a broken voice.

Bang. One

A small star collapsed on the spot. thorn


The autumn moon-like star river splits in an instant.

The whole scene once made Tianzun, the demon statue, the demon sage panic, and when they burned the sky, they used to use the pen, that they were all flustered. "

Tianzun is too serious, we think he still has a save! ”

At this time, there was a voice coming from afar, and several demon statues appeared. Together, they burned Tianzun and suppressed the power of the law and the top treasures. They lived against the vast expanse of the heavens and the sound of the mountains and the sea. Boom


Rumble... whole

The heavens and the earth are falling apart, and the mountains and rivers are annihilated.

The heavens and the earth are exhausted.

Everything has become small at this moment.


The few devils vomited blood, but they were not as horrible as burning the sky. When the power was exhausted, the burning of the gods was like a bottomless pit. It was rushing out more violent power, destroying the three demon and the wind. Drop it.

In fact. Do not

With the three devils open, Ling Feng has been running wildly, and lightning left. This

It is not his dojo. It is terrible to burn the heavens. If he asks for success, he can be bloody, but it is not the time.

The leaves are full, and the ban in the sea of ​​the sea is forbidden to fly out, with Lingfeng leaving at a speed of light.

In an instant.

Ling Feng lost his track. "

chase! ""

Don't let him escape! Fairy

The big man in the court and the demon statues and demon statues are not willing to let go of this opportunity. Naturally, they will kill Ling Feng for the first time, and they will be eliminated, so as not to have a long night dream. and

The three devils were lightning-sucking and didn't want to entangle with the Burning Heavens, just because they were not the opponents of Burning Heaven. and

And. he

Their main purpose is to let Ling Feng leave, and now their purpose is achieved, it is naturally unnecessary. "

go! ”

The three devils left at the speed of light, and the body plowed the space in midair, forming a terrible flame. "

Where to go! ”

Burning the heavens and wrath, punching through the space, falling into a demon statue, letting him bleed on the spot, almost killed. boom

Burning the heavens and the strong, a mess, directly hit another demon statue, a palm shot, the mountains and rivers are full, the ancient law is awakening, let the demon sorrow, the semi-biased body is smashed, if they are prepared in advance Very full, I am afraid that it is already dead.

Needless to say.

The three devils have come prepared, and they have already branded the Qimen on their bodies, and even the top Tianzhou is in the distance, so that they can fly away in the first time.

"Damn!" Burning

Tianzun’s eyes are red, and he can only watch the characters leave.

He did not pursue it. At this time, there was no need at all. The super-Tianzhou was too fast. Even if he exhausted his physical strength, he might not be able to chase the three devils, and Lingfeng’s whereabouts were unclear.

The Mozu Demon, the Starry Sky and the Demon are also disappearing. "

Big hidden danger! ”

Burning Tianzun lamented that the top figure once was a miracle, but at the moment it became a nightmare against God. Who

Over? miss you

Here, Burning Heaven wants to kill Starry Sky and so on. "

Can't he come back? ”

The cold is full of sorrow, the greatness of the anti-God comes from Ling Feng, and now this greatness has to wither.

Burning the sky, frowning, no opening. he

Looking into the distance, the heart is secluded and cold, if he can also be willing to come back, even if he is doing his best, he must face the starry sky. but

Ling Feng can't come back.

They don't have to face the entire sky, but what they lose is the future.

Without the anti-god of the wind, the sharpness is lost. No

There is a strong wind against the gods, there is no strong wild vision. No

With the anti-god of the wind, they look empty and sad.

Ling Feng is not only the future of the ancient world, but also the direction of the gods. Losing the wind, the gods will be confused, and there is no direction.

"If he really can't come back, I will have to get rid of it and not let it be a nightmare!"

Burning Tianzunsen is cold, Lingfeng is like his child, but the anti-God is the future that the whole heaven is looking forward to. He does not allow any problems with the rebellion.

"But they have to pay the price!"

Cold as the moon is close to the fist, killing the spirit, the impact of the wind is too heavy, not only against the gods, but also them.

That used to be loved. All

Want to run out in the wind?

"One does not stay!"

Tsundere bird hairpin, his best brother is so enchanted, never come back, what a sad feeling?


He even hates the stars, the devils, and the demons. As long as he gets the chance, he doesn't mind letting these forces and characters vanish. he

They sat here for ten days, and Burning Tianzun was to seal the Qiuyue River in the town of Geshiqi. Until the tenth day, the gates of the Geshiqi were exhausted, and their lightning disappeared into this world.


Magic Road Lingfeng! people

Everyone can kill!

This is the stinky mouse of the whole starry sky!

It seems that just this night, Ling Feng has become a mouse that is all the enemy from the top of the stars. east

The Fang clan, the empty road, etc. are highly vigilant. Is it not enough to be a vigilant figure who burns the heavens and loves them? and

Xianting, Dianxiandao, etc. were wary. They finally failed to kill Lingfeng. The Lingfeng under the speed of light was really terrible, and the whole process was perfect. It was caused by the appearance of Burning Heaven. Do not

Over. burn

The Tianzun and the anti-God elites did not end up in the end. They were seriously injured by the top talents they created. The characters such as Ye Witch and Ling Qing were all killed by Ling Feng. How


For some forces and people, it is really sad.

For other forces and people, this is really... great!

They can't wait for Ling Feng to take a few more knives.

Because of the wind and the wind, the burning of the gods can not be less worrying, threatening to move the sword against the stars, but now? he

Was slashed by the wind! should

Is it very sad? should

Is it hard to accept?

Should you be born to die? can


They are very cool. whole

Stars are looking for the whereabouts of Lingfeng, and at this time the Eastern clan has not stopped, the empty road has not appeared, even the burning people do not hesitate to kill the characters, if they still block, really want to be enemies with the entire starry sky.

and. Ling

The wind is annihilated, only the devil is left. What else is worthy of their help?

They used to value Lingfeng as their potential and ability. Even if Lingfeng entered the magic, they did not give up, just because they believed that Lingfeng could return to the right path.

what a pity.

In this way, Xianting, Dianxiandao, Yaozu, etc. have no scruples, and they are looking for the whereabouts of Lingfeng. Of course


Ling Feng is a little lower than they think. Even if they are sealed, they still can't find the whereabouts of Ling Feng. This makes many power figures frown, worrying about the recovery of Ling Feng's injury and revenge on their forces. "

Have you got the news on the face of the Mozu? Someone asked. "

He is smarter than we think. After discovering the problem, she decisively cuts off the breath and erases some marks. We have not yet gotten its whereabouts. "One of the Mozu demon statues opened, and some headaches.

The branding on the open axe is very special, even if the wind is easy to change, cut off its breath, you can find him. but

The problem is here, the branding on the open axe is still there, but Ling Feng has no breath. "

Xianli! "magic

Respecting and sighing, only Xianli can make this difference, and can isolate the branding power on the axe.

"He should not leave too far, seal the space of a billion kilometers, and we narrow down the scope step by step." The famous people of Xianting said that they could not go so far at the speed of Lingfeng, and his injury was still so heavy. only

I still want to be in this starry sky.

They are suppressed step by step, and it is bound to find out the whereabouts of the wind.

"no problem!"

Soon, they got a response and started to compress the range. of


Ling Feng did not go far. After a million miles away from the battlefield, he flashed into the spirited beads, cut off the breath in a short time, did not let the open axe sense, and then took the Star Spring and used Taiyi Zhenshui to recover. .

When his injury recovers, he immediately uses the power of the magic fairy to erase the magic and breath of his body.

and then. he

Use the dragon's secret technique to make it easy, and use the power of the gods to change the sky and become another person. but


He flew out of the devouring beads, and when he appeared in another starry sky, the magic couldn't help but sink, only because he saw the three devils, he looked at him with a smile. (

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