Supreme Demon

Chapter 2490: hostility!

Nether! This

It is a gray river. star

There are many different things in the world, but the resources on the stars have already dried up, showing a deadly picture.

And the entire Galaxy looks more like a sly, full of death, like a creature flying out of hell, xiee and sly. This

There is no magic in it.

Only the gray matter is flowing, full of decaying smell. This

I am afraid that the forces of the stars can't find them, just because the real ghost is not here. "

Is this the Netherland? "this

engraved. Ling

The wind is volleying and standing, looking at the vast expanse of the galaxy, its vastness does not know how many times more than the supreme star, there is no such thing as a flying weapon, do not know how many years the emperor has to fly to cross the galaxy. "

Not yet! ”

One of the devils said with a smile: "This is just the entrance to the Netherland, and the real Nether is no less than here."


He flew directly into the Nether Star River, appeared on a star, and the lightning went forward, and soon disappeared into the Nether Star River. "

Ok? ”

Ling Feng frowned, the terrain here is very special, not like a galaxy, but more like a strange door. "

We use the Galaxy to sculpt the gates of the stars, not only to cover the eyes of the stars, but also to open the space behind the stars. ”

Another demon explained. This

In a few days, Ling Feng also knows the origins and names of these three devils.

“Yuyue Xingjun is saying that this is a special space behind?”

It is! "that

In the **** coat, the moon star, the forehead, smiled and said: "The Nether Magic Road can not naturally appear in the starry sky, the ancient magic ancestor once found an alternative space here, just on the back of the moon, not visible in a starry sky. local."

"The universe is vast, the stars are not the ones you see, there are more shocking things."

The three demon statues of the bloodstains said: "The Nether is immortal, and one day we will walk out of the Nether and hit the stars."

Obviously. quiet

The Devil's Road is not willing to be partial and wants to invade the stars. "

Ok! ”

Ling Feng’s forehead said that this is his dream, and he dared to pay for his characters.

Now his strength is not enough, but as long as he asks for success, he will kill those personal belongings one by one. "

Let's go! "quiet

Yue Xingjun is very satisfied with the performance of Ling Feng, a bloodthirsty demon has great use of space.

Under the leadership of the three devils, Ling Feng appeared in the Nether Star River, where the stars are very small, and some stars can even make their bodies fly, which is faster.

but. in

These stars also have special strengths, like the gray airflow, which can communicate with the entire Milky Way, and it has the fear of taking the sky and the atmosphere.

“The secluded gate!”

Lingfeng Daoguang shines, the strange door here is different, like a ghost, a natural, not artificially carved out.

But this is only a subtle singularity, not a strong gate, but more importantly, with this information alone, it is difficult to tell what type of odd door it is. and

The ancestors were able to find out that this strange door leads to a wider world, and it must be said that it is also a strange person.

"Not bad."

Yu Yue Xingjun said with a smile: "It is the secret door."

How can I get in? Asked Ling Feng.

not here. "quiet

Gorefiend said with a smile. "We are moving forward." Ling

The wind nodded, no longer asking, this is not important to him, the important thing is the resources of the Nether. very


The heavens and the sky passed by, and they quickly moved forward. For a full 18 days, they fell on a star. This star does not see any difference, even too ordinary, there is no strong atmosphere, and the defeat is not the same. There are pits, swords, and smashing between stars. dead

The gas is heavy and there is no life. gray

The color of the mist is flowing on this star, surrounded by terrible holes, as if it is a faint mouth. "

One hundred and eight holes, any one hole is wrong. "quiet

Gorefiend sneered and said: "Even if those characters find it here, they will die."


Ling Feng is indifferent and has no indication.

"Go, I will take you from above!"

The **** demon expression became serious, the vast magic directly flocked to Ling Feng, which attracted the alertness of Ling Feng, but Ling Feng did not stop, the three devils sat in the town, even if they wanted to do it themselves, fear it was Can't let him resist. under

A moment.

The vast magic directly enveloped Ling Feng, wrapping him to fly overhead. boom

Long. day

The air turbulent, there is a hole between the faint tears, and the 108 holes are illuminated, releasing a huge amount of force, a gray mist appears, tiling out, banned from the void. that

There is a dark, ink-like space. quiet

Meditation space! Ling

The wind is silent, the horrible power not only covers his body, but more importantly, blinds his senses, so that he can not sense its true portal, how is the 108 hole ignited, and how the strange door The release is not clear.


The three demon statues are not enough to worry about Ling Feng. If he pretends to be a madman to spy on the space of the Nether, it is quite scary.


I am blinded by the wind and let it not know how to enter the space of the secluded space. Even if he knows the area here, he will not want to come in.

Ling Feng didn't ask much, and didn't even have any interest. This is because the three devils are relieved. Time


As if in the past three days, in the law space of the demon statue, Ling Feng did not sense the time flow rate, only a vague concept of time.

Boom! Accompany

With a loud bang, the three demon statues appeared in a colorful world, where the gray, dark magic day shines, releasing a cold light rain, and on the other side there are two yin The moon flickers, the light rain is not so strong, but it also makes this piece of heaven and earth become dark and ink.


The space here is different in this place. In the turbulent atmosphere, there are a palace erected, some are suspended and some are integrated into the boulder, like growing here.

piece by piece. ban

From the spread to the depths of the secluded, there is a blur and it is not clear. This

It's not like a space, it's more like a galaxy, it's endless, and you can't see the margin.

It is a place where the wind can see, and it can form a country of God, and there are farther places, and there is something he can't see. "

Is this the Nether Day? ”

Ling Feng was dull and asked, the magical power is more magnificent than he imagined, even if the empty road is not enough to see in front of this power.

He is magnificent and magnificent. from

It has existed since ancient times, and it has experienced too much wind and rain and persisted until now. can


The genius of the magic road is dying, and generation after generation is not as good as before, not as good as the righteous forces, so it is only a sneak peek, and cannot compete with the right path.

There are such vast mountains and rivers, endless resources, but it is difficult to have a miracle.

This is a tragedy.

"Here is the Netherland!"

Moon Star Jun said madly. "A space like the magical space of the stars."

"We are from the Nether, we dare to call the sky!"

It is the voice of the blood-stained demon. "

Very good, with this space, I can confront the entire starry sky! "Ling Feng said with ambition."

The three devils looked at each other and did not speak. They were full of faces. very


They flew to the center of the Netherland, across the hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, and appeared in a vast expanse of land, different from those palaces, but a church-like building. on

There are several old characters in the face. quiet


The ancient handwriting is shining and shining, and there is a different light rain. Among them, it is full of fierce breath, as if it is a devil's eye, as if it is a magic blade.

This is the top force of the entire Nether Day, the center of the entire Nether Day.

I don't know how many monsters are fascinated, and I don't know how many magic geniuses have broken their heads and want to break in. can

There are not many that really can cross this threshold. "

Cross the Nether Gate, you are a member of my Nether! "The blood sorcerer said openly."

Ok! Ling

The wind did not hesitate, and strode directly. The entire starry sky emitted a massive magic light, hitting Lingfeng. At the beginning, it was like a weapon to scrape the bones. When it came to the back, it became warm and watery. It was a little bit of combing the flesh and blood of Lingfeng.

"There is no problem!"

"There is no righteous atmosphere in his body, and there is no intention to be unfavorable to my Nether."

The smiles on the faces of Gorefiend, Yuyue Xingjun and so on are even stronger.

The Nether Gate is from the ancient ancestors.

It is not only a slogan, but also a peek into the Nether's congregation, but any person who has a righteous attitude, or an intention intended to be unfavorable to the Nether will be sensed, and Lingfeng does not have this kind of breath. This

It means that Ling Feng is really coming.

He was recognized by the Nether Gate. "

If he has no disagreement, we can really train him! "quiet

Yue Xingjun smiles more and more, compared to the use of Ling Feng, they want to get Ling Feng's return. "

go in! ”

The three devils did not hesitate to go directly to the Nether and banned from moving towards the center. "We have arranged accommodation for you in the Nether, you are here Xiulian, wait until you adapt to the rhythm here, I will wait for you. Tailor your Tiangong and Xiulian styles."

"Thank you!" Ling

The wind is at the forefront, along with the three demon statues into the Nether.

Not much time. he

They came to a cave house, and there was no life around them. The magic seemed to be majestic. Looking down and the rotten atmosphere was overwhelming. Although it was not as magical as Ling Feng, the magic here was more dynamic.

There are several words carved in Dongfu. Such as

The real dragon is flying, like Fenghuang Nie. Seven


Obviously, this is the number in Dongfu and represents the cave house. "

In the future you can be here xiulian, what questions can you ask us! "The **** demon smiled and said.

"Good!" Ling

The simple wind of the forehead, this is exactly what he needs now. suddenly

Of course.

Ling Feng magic eyes, can not help but look around, in the magic fog, there is a pair of double white eyes looking at him in this direction, full of secluded air, carrying all the hostilities. (

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