Supreme Demon

Chapter 2491: What is the devil?

Seventy-two holes!

The magic light shines here and the breath is constant.

There are no lively trees in Dongfu, and some are just a demon tree, completely decayed and mottled with traces of the years.


It is these magic trees, but full of magic, there are terrible magical light shrouded, not dead, but turned into a magical Taoism, those branches and leaves full of power, can kill the right way.

There is a lake in the middle of Dongfu. The lake inside is like being splashed with ink, dark and unfathomable. It emits a faint chill and is full of magic power.

Magic Lake!

To know. The magic road xiulian is different from the right way. They are not relying on the aura of the heavens and the earth and the power of the stars, but the power between the heavens and the earth to the yin to the evil. Therefore, the xiulian is more difficult. After all, there is not much power between the heavens and the earth to the yin to the evil, like the original Yellow spring water

The world is rare.

This magic lake can't be compared with Huangquan water, but it is also rare in the world.

however. It is this magic lake that goes to the yin to evil, so there are so many in the secluded days, Ling Feng speculated that there should be such a magic lake in every cave, and his 72nd magic road is not the end of Dongfu. This means that there are hundreds of magic lakes.



He has just been exposed to the Netherland, and even if the three devils are very generous, they will not put the true magical treasure in front of him.


This magic lake is not a rare magical treasure in the secluded days.


The appearance of this magic lake is indeed beneficial to his xiulian, and the magic lake is not only used for xiulian, it can also baptize flesh and blood, expel road injuries and so on.


Ling Feng directly pushed the lake away, step by step to the magic lake, felt the cold charm of the lake water, and felt the power of the magic road immersed in the skin, his magic eyes shining bright.

There is a force in the magic lake, which is rapidly infiltrating into his body, so that the wounds on his flesh and blood bones will recover little by little, and the righteous breath will be expelled.


The magic here is gray, although there is no refinement of the magic before the ages, but it is more corrosive, and it is more attacking to the stars of the world.

but. Even the magic in the magic lake wants to recover the trauma of the wind, it is not so easy, it needs more time and magic. After all, most of the road injuries in Lingfeng come from burning Tianzun, and the laws before the ages are not in the world. Characters can match, seep

Throughout the flesh and blood, the lethality is terrible.

A full eight days. Ling Feng has been sitting in the magic lake, and the body's injury has been forced out a little bit, and it is surprising that the power of the violent temperament of Taiyi Zhenshui, the temperament of the road, is also pouring out, not Affected by the enchantment of the wind, and in the connection

When I touched the flesh and blood of Ling Feng, I was actually "splashing ink."

This is the same.

Ling Feng's recovery speed is faster. In a very short period of time, his injury is contained, and when the water in the magic lake becomes clear, his road injury has been restored.

ninth day.

He opened his eyes in the magic lake, emitting white light, and the body's trauma was completely restored, exuding the ancient magic light.

at the same time.

Ling Feng's flesh and bones are like being tempered, becoming more sturdy and sturdy, exudes the ancient demon, and the magical road is also refined in the magic lake. The prelude of the magic fairy is even more terrible. Once it rings, it can suppress the nine cents.

"Is it burning?"

Ling Fengsen said coldly, "When the demon king asks respect, he will kneel down your head!"

He walked out of the Devil Lake.


The Magic Lake is completely clear, and the magic inside is completely integrated into his body, which means that Magic Lake has lost its effect.

"This magic lake is just enough for me to make a little progress."

Ling Feng sighs, his magic path is different, he needs a lot of resources, and the magic power of Magic Lake is far from enough.


The magic lake water is living water, and there is a constant influx of springs, which makes the magic lake become dark again, and it will take some time to recover to the previous state.

"Isn't it the old magic spring?"

Ling Feng looked at the spring water and could not help but say.

If these old magic springs can make him a big step, but the ecstasy should be reluctant to let him waste.

of course.

In the 72-hole house, there are some other magic roads to the treasure, different from the magic lake, for Lingfengxiulian.


Suddenly, Ling Feng’s eyebrows were picked and looked in the direction of the hole, where he sensed the breath of other magic figures, not the three devils.

His body flashed and appeared in the hole.


He looked cold and looked at the seventy-two holes, and the devil fell on several demons.

That is the five emperors, all of them extraordinary.

One of the emperors had a horn on his head, and his body was covered with scales. He was like a pangolin, and he was cold and white, and he became gloomy when he saw the wind.

The other four demons are humanoid, and there is nothing special about them, but the atmosphere is very strong.

"Are you the characters brought back by the three devils?"

The singularity of the top of the head asked, looking to Ling Feng's eyes full of bloodthirsty and crazy, more greedy taste.

"What is it?" Ling Feng said lazily.

"I heard that you were very beautiful in the stars, so you can get the attention of three big people?"

Because of the special origin of Ling Feng, the impact is too great, so the three big men did not tell the true origin of Ling Feng, only that Ling Feng is a genius, that is, the name has never revealed a half point.


These five emperors do not know.

"It should be like this!" Ling Feng grinned, not a cold for the five emperors.

There are five emperors in the district, and he does not have to explain so much to these people.


The one-headed creature sneered and said: "I am also from the starry sky, once famous stars, right, we are your ancestors!"


Ling Feng is very uninterested.

"Seeing the ancestors, are you still coming to worship?" Another emperor asked.

Ling Feng's magic eyes are cold, just staring at the humanoid emperor.


This world is that Tianzun and Mozun have no such qualifications. Which onion are they?

"The dagger will not be used."

The one-headed creature on the top of the head looked very big, said. "However, we really want to accept you as a younger brother. Have you ever wanted?"

"This is your intention, right?"

Ling Feng was light and indifferent, and sneered and said: "When I first came, I felt the hostility around me. I want to come because of you?"


"The Nether is different from the starry sky. The resources here depend on strength. It is not unlimited. If you work hard, you will be qualified to enter the Ghost Cave. I just came over and came directly. Is your heart very uncomfortable?"


"You are very upset, so you want me to be very upset!"

"I was brought by the three demon lords. It is a star genius, so you want to step me under your feet, so that you can get the magic appreciation and get more resources, right?"

"Is this man a devil?"

Five emperors thought in their hearts.

They are very secretive, at least they think so.

"The law of the jungle, should it be reflected here?"

Ling Feng slanted five emperors and said, "If I don't want to, is it supposed to be a fight, fight for life and death?"

"Oh, you are a man!"

The headed unicorn spirit smiled and said directly. "There are two choices in front of you. The first one is bowing, the younger brother is the second, and the second is the food in my mouth!"

"Which one do you choose?"

"You have no choice in this multiple choice question."

Ling Feng sighed and said. "Would you like me to come out?"

"First, decapitation, respect for me."

"Second, you will all be the soul of my butcher's knife!"

"Which one do you choose?"

"It's really a hard battle." The one-headed horned sorcerer smiled and laughed. He was famous in the Netherland, especially in this area. Only a few demons were able to sit on the same level with him. The "newcomer" demons even dared to swear at him, and even threatened to

Put away the younger brother, or the corpse.

Is this the most fun joke in the world?

“In this way, are you unwilling to make a choice?”

The one-horned creature took a step forward and said, "That's up to me to help you choose!"


He swooped directly to Ling Feng, and the one-corner on the top of his head released the lightning like ink. He was banned from forming space rules. When he fell, the magic around him was trembled, and the space was **aozha.

Lightning is the yang to the new, while the magical lightning is to the yin to evil.

Once you touch it, the Emperor will be seriously injured.

"Look, you always grab my lines!"

Ling Feng sighs sigh, whether in the starry sky or in the magic space, he seems to be very easy to get into trouble.

Some people are too good, the world is full of opponents.

Ling Feng thinks that he is such a character.

"Dare to be the enemy of the heavenly beast, is this guy full of food?" The four emperors sneered at the side, and the beast of the beast called one of the top ten beasts in the world.

Because the heavenly beast skin is thick and thick, the natural refining body, the general demon can only scratch his itch for it, it is difficult to hurt his flesh and bones, and if the single beast is shot, the emperor will be seriously injured. Dying, the body is torn apart.

I don’t know how many characters are corpses in these years.

There are no rules of the void that are bound by the rules, either surrender or die.

however. Their smiles just appeared, they completely coagulated on the face, only because Ling Feng raised his hand, directly hit the claws of the Tiando beast, strong hard to smash its hard leather armor, unyielding power horizontally push the sky The single beast, that is the lightning rule

Being shattered by the students.


The punch collapsed and blocked, and fell on the face of the beast.

Is the skin thick and thick?

Is the leather armor strong?

In the face of the supreme collapse, everything is a chicken.


On that day, the single beast was directly smashed out, and a large mouth spurted blood. A deep blood hole appeared on the leather armor, such as ink and blood rushing out, blackening this mountain river. It is a deep-eyed, straight-eyed stare at Ling Feng, full of grievances. (

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