Supreme Demon

Chapter 2492: There is only one demon in Nether!

Punch a punch!

This is the strength of Ling Feng.

He just asked for success. Normally, there is no such strength, but many forces are blessing him, making it extremely horrible, especially the magic road, which can disintegrate any space rules.

When the lightning rules are restrained.

The wind level is invincible.


Tiando beast does not know the origin of Ling Feng, and he does not know what terrible wars have happened in the sky these days, otherwise he will not come over to provoke the wind.

"who are you?"

The Tian Beast looked at Ling Feng and was full of vigilance. He did not understand the punch just now. Ling Feng easily smashed his strength and hit him in front of him. It was shocking.

“Is this important to you?”

Ling Feng said coldly. "Even if you know how about you?"

"Good to say, here is the Netherland, not the stars!"

Heavenly Beast step by step forward and said coldly. "Even if you are a very powerful person in the sky, but here is the dragon you have to give me a plate!"

Finished. His lightning disappeared, not really disappeared, but incorporated into the rules of lightning. In his hands, he did not know when a trident appeared, which stirred up the endless waves, which were created by space lightning, and the trident released lightning. Blue

It is like the sky, more like the sea.


Azure lightning penetrated the void, appeared in front of the Lingfeng, and the top-level power of Tiandao was released violently, and it rushed to Lingfeng.

The terrible power annihilated the heavens and the earth on the spot.

Raging like rain!

The four emperors saw this scene and flew backwards. They knew that the beast of the heavenly beast was angered and was using the power of the top level. Once this power was defeated, the heavenly characters would succumb to blood and death.


When the violent lightning flew down in front of the wind, it suddenly stopped. The lightning that was splashed with ink suddenly became darker, turned into a gray matter, spread out around, and a forbidden soil appeared in front of Ling Feng, releasing a violent power. The three forces inside were like petals, more like fog, when Yin Hong

One piece, sometimes dark as ink, sometimes foggy.

In the center, there is a holy tree that has never been splashed with ink and flows through the top power of the world.

"Not self-reliant!"

Ling Feng cold-eyed the beast of the beast, the magic road forbidden soil to send out the heavens and glory, suddenly suppressed, and the space lightning bolt collapsed.


In one step, he came to the front of the Tiando beast, and the five fingers opened and directly detained the beast.


He punched the face of Tiando beast, and the violent force made Tian Tian beast vomiting blood, and the pain was full. The leather on his face was completely broken, and the skin was fleshy and bloody.

however. Ling Feng did not let it go like this, but flew quickly, one foot on the belly of the beast of the heavenly beast, the terrible power passed through, the skin on the belly of the beast of the beast was blown up, flesh and blood Flying, the pain of the beast is full of convulsions, almost stumbled

on the ground.

If it weren't for his thick skin, the leather armor could hold on to this power, only to be killed now.

"You, I want to tear you apart!"

The fierceness of the Heavenly Beast was completely released due to the three blows of Ling Feng.

Its head horns, fangs, mouths, sharp teeth and sly expressions, with **** body, he step by step to Lingfeng, is completely endless.

"You still don't do it?"

He glared at the other four emperors and forced them to do it.


Tian Beast is not stupid, knowing that it is not easy to rely on himself to keep the wind, so it is necessary to force the other four emperors to work together, so that they can withstand the wind.

Previously, it wanted to collect the younger brother of Lingfeng.

Now, he wants to eat Lingfeng!


The four devils trembled, and they were very afraid of the fierceness of the beast of the heavenly beast. Even if the wind was terrible, it could only be **** the scalp.


They shouted and flew all the way to Lingfeng, and a heavy force accompanied the space rules to Lingfeng.

The sky is dark as ink.

They have different colors, gray air flow, corrosive power, and more magical power.

Although these four demons are not as good as the beasts of the heavens, they are not to be underestimated. Anyone who can step into the ranks of the emperor is quite terrible.


Lightning came out, and the dark color became more intense. It cast a full picture of the sky, especially the Trident, which issued the Bohai Tianwei, carrying a heavy sea water to the Lingfeng, and the sea water was a heavy day.

Endless sea water is suppressed.

It is a million days!

Needless to say.

At this moment, the singular beast is much more terrible than before. Whether it is at the level of strength or at the level of space rules, he has top-level strength to kill the wind.


When this heavy force came to Lingfeng, the space rules were annihilated, and a butcher knife appeared in Lingfeng’s hands.

Burning road blade!

One blade is in the hand, I have it in the world!

Mad Devil!


The dull and crazy whistling sound broke through nine days. Lingfeng held the burning blade and the instinct of the interception. The integration of the magical road and the soil made him become more and more horrible.

Sting! He opened the lightning on one edge and fell on the trident. The strong force banned the trident from breaking, the sorrowful beast of the beast, the hand holding the trident became unstable, almost collapsed, the whole body More like the leaves in the wind, I don’t know

How many miles?


Ling Feng held the burning road to the four emperors.




The four emperors did not have any struggles and were directly beaten out. The power collapsed in an instant, and the flesh and blood were burned and the blade was opened, almost collapsed.

"Is this your strength?"

Ling Feng came to the front of the beast of the heavenly beast, looking down at it in a condescending position. One foot fell on the chest of the beast of the heavenly beast and said, "No self-reliance."

A loud noise.

The chest of the Tianyin bet collapsed directly, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the internal organs were broken on the spot. The pain caused him to twitch, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not get away.

At this time, the fierceness was finally exhausted.

In the face of life and death, the Tian Beast became very docile and with fear.

"Big Brother, don't kill me, it's a little beast that has no eyes and offended you." The low voice of Tiando beast sounded.

"Big brother?"

Ling Feng is a bit stunned and grins. "It doesn't sound very good!"


"Say, who are you instructed?" Ling Feng forced the beast of the beast, although the strength of the beast of the beast can not be underestimated, but their hostility is far less strong than he had previously felt.

It can make his heart vigilant, obviously it is extraordinary.

At least in terms of strength, it should not be the level of the beast.

"Big Brother, what are you talking about?"

Tian Zaowu asked some confused, and his face was inexplicable.

"I don't want to? Is it still afraid?"

Ling Feng Mou became cold and directly collapsed in the Tian Tian beast's Dan Tian. He destroyed his way on the spot and said, "If you don't want to say more, then let me personally search for the soul!"


Tian Duo did not think of the madness of Ling Feng, and even collapsed his Dantian directly, which is equivalent to destroying his practice.

That is, the four emperors are dumbfounded, this is a demon king.

Not at all!

Completely crazy!

Completely paradise!

Ling Feng did not give them too much to think about the world, the sea of ​​souls stirred, the power of lightning flocked to the soul of the heavenly beast, directly penetrating several prohibitions.

"Oh, a little bit!"

After a while, Ling Feng mouth raised and showed a gloomy curvature. "Does my appearance make many people afraid?"

"Come on!"

"Either suppress me, or just like it!"

Ling Feng looks straight into the distance. In this whimsical day of the rule, either bow down to the younger brother or step on the feet.


The three devils brought him back, making many demons feel threatened. The appearance of the beast of the beast is just that these characters are fishing.

But is he a fish?

"If you dare to reach out the hand, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Ling Fengyin measured the laughter.. "Because I am not happy, I will not hesitate to get rid of it!"


He turned to the four emperors and became bloodthirsty.


The four devils were cold and sweaty. They saw the eyes of the beasts of the beasts. They knew the horror of Ling Feng. If they slammed the scalp, they were even more tragic, so they directly smashed.

"Big brother, we are just being driven."

The four emperors were quite unmotivated and sold the beasts on the spot.

Ling Feng looked directly at them, the magic eyes gave a faint chill, let the four devils squat, this is a demon, the characters who can directly get rid of the beasts of the beasts are not many in the Nether, but dare to do so. It is rare.


Ling Feng did not think, he did it.

Obviously, as long as Lingfeng can survive, this ghost will have another demon.

"I really need a few dogs next to me!"

Ling Feng said in a gloomy way: "You should know that I am different from the Heavenly Beast!"


"After that, we are the four dogs next to the owner!"

The four emperors decapitated at the foot of Ling Feng, expressing their loyalty, and even no sorrow in their hearts.

In the Nether Magic, sorrow is a very worthless thing.


They used to do the hurricane, but it is not easy to survive now. It is not difficult to be a dog. They used to be dogs in front of the beast, but now it is just a change of master.

What's more, it is still the individual.

At this point, they are more acceptable to the beast than they are.

"If you encounter something in the future, you can report my name!"

Ling Feng said to the four emperors. "I am the devil!"


The four demons open their mouths and frown. What is the name?

There are a lot of people who are called Devils in this Nether, and who knows who you are?

Ling Feng seems to see the thoughts of these four emperors, a cold smile. "Because I am the devil, so here is not allowed to be called the devil!"

Finished. He flew into the 72-hole day. At present, his real enemy is in the starry sky. There is not much time and energy to entangle with the emperor in the Nether Magic. Of course, if they bully to the head, Ling Feng does not mind teaching them to be enchanted. (

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