Supreme Demon

Chapter 2493: Cow devil!

There is only one demon in Nether!

This is what Ling Feng means!

That fierce breath, the violent magic, the madness of the sky.

The other side of Ling Feng is being revealed.

The four emperors looked at Ling Feng like this, and suddenly felt the chill. The character of Ling Feng is not a general madness, I am afraid that he will touch the terrible characters of the Nether.

To know.

The Netherland has existed since the ages. There are not only three demon statues, and some are not seen by others. On the level of the emperor, there are some people who are shocked, especially those who are light. The eye can not help but beheaded.

In front of those characters, the beast of the sky is only a small shrimp.


Because they bowed to Ling Feng, which is equivalent to despising those characters, it is necessary to despise and kill.

Although the rules of the magic are few, the law of the jungle is more serious, but the same as the forces of the stars, they are not to betray, once betrayed will not be trusted, and the end is obvious.

They are afraid of death and bow down.


They lose the possibility of bowing again. If Lingfeng is dead, they will die, or they will end up more miserable than death.

"Repression of the beast of the beast, this person's strength does not seem to be underestimated."

In the distance, inside a cave.

A magician holds a luminous cup, and the liquid inside is blushing, giving off a faint **** smell and the mellowness of fine wine.

Bloody Mary!

This is a fine wine smelt and brewed with Emperor Wudi's blood. It is sweet and fragrant, with a touch of blood and scent, and makes the emperors like it. He held a beautiful female devil in one hand, holding a luminous cup in one hand, shaking under the gloomy magical sunlight, feeling the **** image of the luminous cup, as if he could sense that the former Emperor Wu was dead. Sadness and struggle


“The three devils brought them back personally. Does this mean that he is more valuable?”

Another demon emperor was not screaming, and Ling Xiao’s sitting on the side, leaning against the table and chairs, looked very lazy.


His voice is full of fierce temperament. "At the beginning we asked the Emperor that there is no such treatment?"

"It is reported that the three devils have spent a lot of effort on him, and even used the Tianqi Gate, so that he can extradite him here."

"What kind of character is it worthy of three big men?"

"It seems to be a bit of a thing now!"

The magician holding the **** Mary said with a sneer. "Is it just like this?"

"What do you see?" the lazy devil asked.

"he is injured!"

That Junjun said with a smile. "Tiandu beast is just a small shrimp, but the strength is not weak. Although the character is strong, it will explode the Tianmu beast in a short time, but it is only showing its strength. One side."

"He has already got our whereabouts from the sea of ​​the beast, but he didn't come to the door. What does this mean?"

"He is jealous!"

"Not bad!"

"He is very jealous!"

Yan Jun said with a sneer. "If the small shrimps in the area made him hurt?"

"Then he is even more taboo!"

"This should be the reason why he dare not come to the door."

"It's really a bit interesting!"

The lazy emperor smiled and said: "Our devil seems to be very ignorant of the rules of the magic. He is currently a member of the magic road. He is at the level of the emperor. He should come to the dagger for the first time. Do you still have to wait until we personally Go ask him?"




This is the main theme of the Magic.

Due to the emergence of Ling Feng, the three demon statues attached great importance to them, which attracted the dissatisfaction of these devils. However, some resources and balances in the magic path were only due to the ripples of the wind, and even the bias, which is obviously not the devils. Willing to see.

They are very strict, when is it so crazy to be a new emperor?

"He doesn't want to beheaded, then he will be beheaded!"

Yan Jun took a sip of wine and said that he was playing with the face of the devil, and said, "If you don't care about the face of the three devils, I will use his blood to smelt the wine!"

"Let the cows go!"

The lazy emperor said, "The cow is not a beast, but is it enough for the devil to drink a pot?"

"it is good!"

The two devils toasted together, and one of the devils quickly disappeared and flew into the distance.



The loud noise is bursting, and the void is dull.

A mountain-like creature is coming to the 72-hole house, the speed is wonderful, and the lightning has already come to the front of the cave.

The fur is like ink, the two horns on the top of the head, the body is majestic, the bull's eye is as big as a lantern, the cow's nose is gasping, the thunder is loud, the air is overflowing, and the terrible breath almost makes the sky collapse.

"The cow!"

The four emperors saw that the face of the cow suddenly changed. At this time, they saw the devil's determination to the character.

The cow demon is the next member of the devil, belonging to the top elite.

Appearing at the moment means that the devil has already killed the spirit of Ling Feng.


The demon contempt of the four emperors, did not regard them as the same level of creatures, completely contempt.

The creatures like the demon are faithful to the demon. They hate betrayal, and they despise things that the human race is betrayed.

The four emperors did not dare to resist, and they voluntarily entered a dilemma.

after all.

On the one hand, their new master, they have betrayed the devil, and if they betray the new master, then the whole phantom can not accommodate them.


Just when they hesitated, the cow demon had already started, and in a moment they killed four emperors, and the horns spewed out of endless gas and directly hit the four emperors.


The air is stirring, and the momentum is roaring.

The clear air split four in the void, killing four demons, each of which is like a chaotic initial, bursting with a suffocating momentum, and there seems to be a sword shining in the clear air, power bursting.

They shot down between the lightning.

The mountain river collapsed and the momentum roared.


A demon empire was caught off guard, and was directly blown out by the clear air. The body was torn and almost killed.


Another demon emperor only felt pain in the top of his head, and the qi was turned into a hoof and fell from the air, hitting his body and damaging him.

The other two demons responded quickly, but they were still less than the terrible of the demon. They were killed by the scene and the injuries were heavy.


The four demons did not have much resistance, fearing to anger the demon, passively bearing this blow, and exchanged the understanding of the devil with the price of serious injury.

“It’s all waste!”

The cow demon scorned and looked down on the four emperors. If the devil did not command him to kill the four emperors, I am afraid that the four emperors should have died.

The four devils clenched their fists and saw that the cow was not good, but not as strong as the cow.


They are human races, and there is such a proud bone in their bones, but unfortunately these years have already been wiped out.

"A cow?"

At this time, Ling Feng Shi Shiran stepped out of the cave and came to the battlefield.

He first looked at the four emperors, and the eyes were sharp, as if they were looking through their minds.

"This is the first and last time!"

Although the four emperors are not as good as the demon, they really want to be bloody, and the devil must be injured. But the four emperors are afraid to do it, fearing the demon.

If he did not need some servants at present, he would have killed these demons.

He doesn't need a dog to watch, but a dog that needs to bite.

If you can't even bite, what is the use of this dog?


The four devils squatted directly in front of Ling Feng, and they were trembling with trepidation. The magic of Ling Feng was too sensational, as if it was a bottomless abyss, full of people's breath.

This is what they have not felt in those demons.

"You are the new emperor?"

The cow demon gasped and glared at the bull's eye. "Now I will go to my boss immediately, otherwise I don't mind killing you!"

Ling Feng smiled.

"Either beheading, or die!" said the cow, cold and mad.

Ling Feng is smiling.

"The new emperor does not understand the rules, then I will teach you the rules!"

Ling Feng is still smiling.

"Are you looking for death?" The cow was furious.

"How long have you lived?" Ling Feng finally asked.

"13,000 years old!"

Niu De proudly said that even in this age, even many Terran emperors don't want to live, and he did it, which has a lot to do with his step-by-step progress.

“Is this kind of beef very chewy?”

Ling Feng’s words were too strange, and the style of the painting changed too fast, causing the cow to not react.

"what did you say?"

The smile on the face of the cow is gradually stiffening.

"I'm hungry!"

Ling Feng patted his stomach and said with his head on his arm. "Do you like being braised, steamed or boiled?"


The cow demon made a huge squeak, showing the strong anger in his heart, this is the first person who dares to talk to him like this.

The four emperors are trembled and their faces are white. They have never seen such a violent person. They even threatened to eat the demon, which is almost the top demonic creature.


Ling Feng lifted his eyelids and said with a smile. "This will me too!"

"I used to be vegetarian!"

The cow devil said seriously and madly. "But after meeting you, I feel that I can change my appetite."

"For example, eating meat!"


A loud noise, the cow demon was directly collapsed, and one tooth was knocked out, making a terrible sound.

"I am sorry, I am really hungry, so please hurry up!" Ling Feng touched his stomach and said sadly. "To tell the truth, I have not eaten cows for many years, and the meat is not fresh, let alone You are such an old cow, but there is no way. The species here is scarce and you can eat less.

. ”


He flashed and fell on one foot. He trembled for nine days, the ground subsided, and the terrible sound of the sky was roaring.

The four emperors were blasted on the spot and spurted blood.

At this moment, Ling Feng broke out of the monarch's momentum, proud of the world, one hand can pick stars, one foot can crack the Milky Way.

The devil is bowing, and the sky is annihilating.

The burning road is in hand, the world is doing its best!

This is his arrogance!

This is his madness! Who dares to fight against it? (

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