Supreme Demon

Chapter 2508: I want to be the Dean!

Death Academy!

This is a college that has been created by the magical powers and the roster of death. It can be juxtaposed with other colleges in the sky, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

in fact.

The power of the magic road is nothing but a virtual one. The school of death is completely controlled by the roster of death. The magical power has no immortal material, so the ancient material that can be obtained is very rare.


The roster of death does not want to divide too many resources of immortality. Although the forces of the magical road are allied with them, it is not a roster of death.


Ling Feng wants to get Xiangu resources is quite troublesome.

The boat whizzed past and pierced the void.

Ling Feng flew out of the Nether Star River and walked in the distance. The three devils came to the two, sitting in the Tianzhou, to send Ling Feng personally to the Death Academy.


After the Tianzhou was flying out of the Nether Star River, it suddenly flashed and penetrated a black hole directly. The whole space was distorted, and the time and space changed qualitatively. Even Lingfeng directly jumped over the billion-star river and appeared in a vast river. between.

The boat did not stop, but the lightning forward.


The Tianzhou glimpses, and a strange door in the space is shining, and Tianwei is erupted. The Tianzhou is integrated into it and disappears into the starry sky.


The emptiness of the void, a canoe from the empty sky, broke through a heavy space, appeared in a dead ruin.

The stars here are dark and quite large.

But the momentum is like the sea.


Ling Feng looked into the distance, and the gloomy stars actually formed a sickle shape, emitting gray light rain, like a death sickle, revealing a fierce light, almost to break this piece of heaven.

"Is there a roster of death?"


The **** demon face said solemnly: "The roster of death is a different place, not a star of death."


Ling Feng frowns, this piece of Death Star River is very different, surrounded by dead air, although it does not reach the level of Huang Quan, but it is not weak, even if Tian Zun wants to attack is not easy, let alone Tiandao characters, such a Star River is too suitable Live and build power.

However, the roster of death is not in this galaxy.

Isn't there a more extraordinary star field here?

"It is not!"

The blood-stained demon said with a smile: "This is the place where the death roster is powerful."

"What do you mean?" Ling Feng asked.

"The Death Star River is extraordinary, but there is a more extraordinary place!"

"Where?" Ling Feng asked.


The blood-sucking demon nunnus mouth, toward the direction of the Death Star River.


Ling Feng slightly glimpsed, the list of death is not in the Death Star River, but the direction of the **** demon is in the direction, which is strange.

next moment.

He used Xianli and looked straight ahead.

The sky is still gray, the Galaxy Wandao has become more clear, even if it is dead, I still want to suppress the fairy power of Ling Feng, but because of Xianli through the eyes, let him see a different picture.

There is a darker galaxy above the Death Star River.

Dark Star River!

There are not many stars in this dark star river. Roughly count only a hundred stars, but each star is very vast and huge, although it is not comparable to the Supreme Star, but it is second only to the Supreme Star.


The smog of light huangse appeared around it, and it really seemed like a yellow spring atomized.

Needless to say.

This galaxy is more terrible, in the dark, if it is not special, it is hard to see, and in the case of the death of the Star River, can really be vigilant, and notice that there are several people in the dark star river?

Even if Tianzun is blindly coming in, I am afraid that I will be killed.

The list of death gods is high and hopeful, overlooking all beings, and killing opponents.


The Dark Star River and the Death Star River can be attacked and defended. They belong to a complementary form. Even if the opponent finds the Dark Star River, it is difficult to attack. The Death Star River can defend.

Such a fierce situation, it really makes people feel chilly.

"It’s really terrible!" Ling Feng’s forehead, paying more attention to the list of death gods.

"Death Academy should not be in the dark star river?" Ling Feng asked with a squint.

"It is not!"

The **** demon esteemed the forehead and sighed. "The roster of death found a pretty good place. It is more extraordinary than my secluded day, but if the Death Academy is located here, it is necessary to influence the roster of death."

Ling Feng does not say.

He knows that the "impact" in the mouth of the blood-stained demon is not to affect the safety of the roster of death, but to expose the secrets of the roster of death to the power of the demon.

Now they are allies, naturally nothing, but if they are not alliances?

With the degree of caution in the roster of death, nature will not be in danger.

"The list of death gods also has a talented female emperor!"

Yu Yue Xingjun said seriously: "Without the wisdom of small fish, the roster of death must be at least back to the millennium!"

"The small fish is really smart, so far only one defeat!"

The blood-sucking demon is in the forehead, laughing and looking at the demon statue, the only defeat of the small fish is defeated by the hand of Ling Feng.

Although it is not the implementation of Ling Feng, but everywhere is the pit, there is no Ling Feng behind the palm, I am afraid that the candle dragon, Ling Qing, falling rain, etc. can not play the top role.


The two devils opened their mouths and urged the Tianzhou to fly to the distance.

Two days later.

They appear in another star field, just behind the Death Star River, in a dark corner, very hidden.

This is a star, hidden in the space.

The stars are broken, but they are not broken.

This is a star, the fire is shining, the temperature is high and scary, it can roast people, but the fire is not red, but the flame of death from the nine secluded, dark as ink, boiling terrible fire Light, let time and space become distorted.

Here, Ling Feng did not find the Academy of Death.


He was able to sense that there was indeed a breath of small fish on this star.


At this moment, Ling Feng can be sure that the surface temperature of the star is too high, and no living thing can survive, but this does not affect the heavenly characters, and even the heavenly figures.


It is unrealistic to want to sit on this star and practice.


Inside the star?

call out!

The sky boat passed by and came directly to the star, holding a terrible high temperature. For the characters such as Ling Feng, the high temperature on the star is just hot air.

The canoe flies in a distorted time and space, and the lightning disappears.

When the wind senses that the surrounding atmosphere is different, he has already appeared inside the star.

It is different from the surface of the star.

The four seasons are distinct and the spring blossoms are very beautiful.


This is not like a star at all, but more like a galaxy.

Wan Dao Xingchen is dotted with rhythm, like a torrent of water.

"Black hole!"

"Twisted time, across hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers!"

Ling Feng was shocked. The star is not an internal void, but the interior and the surface blend together, twisting time and space, forming a lightning passage, and sending people here.

"Not bad!"

The blood-stained demon said with a smile. "You are really different. I didn't find it when I first came over."


In that piece of the Milky Way, there is a magnificent palace, which spans thousands of miles.

Nine avenues lead to the palace, and the surrounding of the palace is covered by the mist of the huangse, giving off a suffocating atmosphere.

"Yellow springs are mad!"

Ling Feng moved, he had also received Huang Quanshui at the beginning, naturally it is clear that the nature of the fog, and covering thousands of miles of yellow spring smoke, just think about it is crazy.

Is this the blessing of death?

"The foundation of the roster of death is really extraordinary." Ling Feng said.

"Can you come from all ages, which power is simple?"

You Yue Xingjun sighed. "If it is not the magic ancestors suddenly disappeared, my magical forces also have the scale of today!"

Ling Feng magic eyes flashed, not moving, as if not heard.

"Go, let's go!"

They flew down the canoe and appeared on one of the avenues, walking towards the center of the palace.

"Oh, it’s really a rare guest!"

In the distance, there is a Tian Zun waiting, looking at the blood-stained demon and the moon-moon star, full of laughter.

Behind him, the little fish came quietly, and the eyes stared at Lingfeng in an elegant manner.

"You can be late!"

The little fish came to the front and said with a smile. "This is not like your character!"


Ling Feng is also laughing. "I should come over earlier, such a magnificent scene, it is really looking forward to."

"It is reported that you have done a lot of big things in the fairy field this year?" Xiaoyu smiled.


Ling Feng shrugged a little, did not care.

He knows that some news can't hold back the top forces, especially the death roster and other forces. I am afraid I have been staring at other colleges.

"The fifteen genius characters are missing. I guess only you can do it."

"It seems like this is true."

"This is merit, I am willing to represent the College of Death, to meet you with a fairly reasonable condition." The small fish head, the merits should be rewarded, this is the rules of the Academy of Death.


They also really hope that Lingfeng can come over, and the power of Lingfeng can be used to sharpen the knife.

"A fairly reasonable condition?" Ling Feng Mou flashed.


The little fish did not open, and the Tianzun was the first to open.

"So, can I mention the conditions?"


Ling Feng held his chin and thought about it. Hesitated for a moment. "Is this a reward?"

"Is it...".

Suddenly, the little fish, the Tianzun was a little hesitant, and Lingfeng’s hesitant attitude gave them a very bad feeling.

"That... I want to be the Dean!"

Ling Feng said without hesitation.


All the gods in the field are arrogant, not only the small fish are screaming, but the three are in the same place.

What did the goods say?

He is going to be the dean?

Dean of the College of Death?

He is not in the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the stars?

"Cough, Lingfeng this condition should be reasonable!" The smile on the face of Tianzun was broken, and said stiffly.

"I am unreasonable?"

“Very unreasonable!”

"okay then."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said, "I want a hundred gold."

"You... I don't think about it!" Don't say that Tianzun, that is, the little fish have been stunned by the lion's big mouth.

"You see, you are not allowed to agree so reasonably."

Ling Feng grinned. "That is still the dean!" (

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