Supreme Demon

Chapter 2509: Sleeping whetstone!

I want to be the Dean!

The entire Death College is quiet in front of the door, and the needle can be heard. Ling

The appetite of the wind is not small, even to be the dean of the Death God Academy, this is simply going to heaven.

The College of Death is an elite college created by the death list, and many resources are available. Can you let Ling Feng be the dean?

That is an idiot! image

How can such a clever person like Ling Feng ask such an unreasonable request?

Obviously. This

The goods are worthy of the Xiangu resources in the College of Death.

If the Death Academy is in the hands of Ling Feng, then Xiangu Resources can be cleaned up by this cargo.

"Ling Feng, don't you think this is too much?"

The **** of the blue sky, the face of the **** of death, said with a gloomy face.

"I know you won't agree!" Ling

The wind whispered.. "But, this is what you asked me to mention!"


"We are talking about reasonable conditions!" Blue is desperate to beat people.

"Actually, I think it is very reasonable."


Ok, then three hundred cents of gold! "Ling Feng is very "reasonable"."

impossible! "blue

陨 拒绝 陨 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ?

"I don't want to make such a big move at Xianyuan College?" Ling Feng smiled and asked. "

No, no! "blue

He simply refused. "

Ha ha. Ling

The wind looked at the small fish, and the yin test laughed. "How does the Death Academy think it is reasonable?"

Up to three pieces of fairy gold! "blue

Yan Yin said with a calm face. "This is our bottom line!"

Ling Feng’s movement in Xianyu College is definitely worth the price, and even more prices. After all, Starry Academy is a contribution system. Lingfeng’s contribution is sufficient.


Ling Feng had tried to get rid of the small fish several times and almost succeeded. The roster of death was very angry and resentful to Ling Feng, and he was crushing the wind. "

Is this your reason? Ling Feng asked.

"Exactly!" Blue

It’s cold and cold, if it’s not Ling Feng’s person is too special, and there is value in use, I’m afraid that the death god’s roster has already blasted it, and even killed it.

He is not only a sharpening stone, but also a knives.


Ling Feng smiled more gloomy and said: "I believe that you will agree to take out 300 pieces of gold, but I hope you don't think too long!"

What do you mean? ”

"I am afraid I can't wait!"

Are you threatening us? "blue

We are more angry, we want Lingfeng to enter the Academy of Death, one of which is to prove that the geniuses of the Death Academy are making progress after getting the gold Starry forces. can


They will not accept the threat.

"Do you really think that I will not kill you?"

You do not dare! ”

Ling Feng is cold and eye to face. he

Not only are they competing for resources for themselves, but they are also vying for resources for the magical forces. This is how the two great magical characters can naturally feel, so when Lingfeng opens, they do not speak out and wait and see. and

As long as these two are standing behind, Ling Feng is not afraid of the roster of death. borrow


This has always been what Ling Feng is best at.

The atmosphere instantly became tense, and Tian Zun was so overwhelmed.

"Oh, what do you want to do with Ling Feng?"

The small fish opened at the moment, and looked at Lingfeng with a straightforward look. "No matter whether it is three hundred cents, it is unreasonable for the dean. I think you should be clear about yourself. What is your intention?"

"Intent?" Ling

The wind squinted, the yin test said. "Is it an idiot?"

Asked at his nose.


God frowns, with Ling Feng's talent and intelligence, who dares to say that he is an idiot?

"No!" The little fish heads. "You are the top smart person in the world!"

Then why should I be your sharpening stone? ”

Ling Feng said: "Want to take my magic knife, are you thinking too naive and too simple?"

indeed! "small

The fish nodded and said with a smile. "But you are still here!"

I am not agreeing to come, but to talk about a relatively reasonable condition! Ling Feng said to the heavenly man.

"Say it!" Blue

With a sigh, it is indeed a trouble to meet these smart people. Some things can be seen directly. They already knew that Lingfeng would open the lion, but did not expect Lingfeng to be a blue whale. "

Three hundred pieces! ”

"too much!"

The little fish shook his head and said, "This is the price that my Death Academy can't afford."


three hundred! ”

"One hundred!"

three hundred! "Ling Feng stubbornly said, do not make concessions."

One hundred and fifty, this is our bottom line! "small

The fish said seriously: "I think the emergence of the Starry Academy, the goal is you, in the world you are the best sharpening stone, but not the only!"

Ling Feng is the imaginary enemy of the entire Starry Academy.

Only by defeating Ling Feng can you prove the power of Xiangu resources. not

Undoubtedly. where

If a college gets Lingfeng, its progress is quite horrible. As long as it is not an idiot, the Death Academy will naturally try its best to win.

"Real!" Ling

The wind didn't stick to it, the magic flashed, and then said. "But this is the first step, I have a second condition!"

"Do you have conditions?"

Lan Lan almost didn't get angry, but it was 150 yuan, and it really fell into the hands of Ling Feng. God knows what terrible things will happen. If he steps into the Tao Emperor?

"Death Academy will not be a genius, but as long as the talent is outstanding, we will train!"

The small fish saw the intention of breaking the wind and said directly. "

it is good! ”

Compared with Ling Feng, the characters of the Magic Road are not worth mentioning. Even if it is the Xiangu resources, how many pieces can you get? quiet

Yue Xingjun and the blood-stained demon are relieved, and the magic is bright. This Lingfeng is really terrible. In a short time, it solved the problem that plagued them for a whole year. to


After the magical genius gets the Xiangu resources, it will not be dropped by the entire starry sky.

quickly. Ling

The wind has received 150 cents, and the School of Death is also fully open to the magical genius. As long as they are talented enough, they can get more if they contribute enough. when

Of course. positive

As the small fish said, the sharpening stone is not only the Lingfeng, but also other starry geniuses.

The advent of Death Academy is to put all the geniuses of other colleges under their feet, and Lingfeng is an important part. dead

Seminary! sit

Falling on the dilapidated stars, surrounded by a faint yellow light, dead in the air, there is a vast expanse of stars, although the death list is different, close to death, but not the real dead, and here The dead air is not prepared for them, but the gods refining the list of death gods. blue

Hey left. he

I was too lazy to take care of Ling Feng, and I was afraid that I couldn’t help but die this konjac. small

The fish led Ling Feng to his territory.

That is a restricted area. dead

The seminary is vast and the soil is forbidden. Every genius can get such a forbidden soil. Among them, there are palaces, mountains and rivers, and the scenery is beautiful.

But what's more important is that there are a few small stars, dotted on the sky, and the endless star power, providing a continuous source of resources for Wu Xiu.

of course.

These have little effect on Ling Feng, and he needs magic more. because

and. Ling

This piece of wind is a bit different. The stars that appear on the scorpio are not shining stars, but a magic star. The magical power is scattered. "

This is your territory! ”

Xiaoyu said: "My death school is not too phoenix, but if you go out of college, you need to get our approval, more need to be branded, otherwise the entire college will be affected in the event of an accident!"


Ling Feng calmly nodded.


At the stall where they were talking, the territory of Ling Feng was turbulent, the wind was cold, and the momentum was endless. A character came to the air and flew in front of them.

"What is Ling Feng?"

It is a young man with red lips and white teeth, and the gods are like jade, but the triangle eyes are very cloudy. "

The first day of the starry sky was in the realm of heaven, right? He asked.

who are you? Ling

The wind lazily raised his eyes. "

Death Hill roster Akiyama! "The young man said arrogantly. "Hey, it is said that you are the sharpening stone of the high price of my death list. I am thinking that it is a pity to not use it immediately!" ""

Oh? ”

Ling Feng Mou became gloomy and turned to look at the little fish.. "Is the message already spread?"

Yes! "small

The fish eyebrows opened his eyes and said, "One hundred and fifty pieces of immortal gold can't be wasted like this."

The line is that this is the price you have to pay!

Can the sacred gold of the list of deaths be so good? "

Oh, I see. Lingfeng shrugged and said that he didn't care.

He directly squatted down the small fish and banned himself from going to the palace. He said, "The young man is not available at the moment, and he has no mood. He wants to rest!"


He disappeared directly into the palace.

"……"Do not

To say that the autumn mountain, that is, the small fish are smashed.

Is the goods dry?

Didn't you promise to do the sharpening stone?

The knives are all ready, the sharpening stone ran away?

"Ling Feng, can you dare to fight?" Akiyama said coldly. "Is the first day of the starry sky so smashed?"

Xiaoye wants to rest, you wait until the Lord wakes up and say! Ling Feng grinned.

"Oh, timid like a rat!"

Akiyama Miyazaki said: "Are you resting? I am waiting for you here, waiting for you to wake up to suppress you!"

"Good!" Ling

The sound of the wind came from lazily, and I plan to "sleep" for a few years here. hasty

Three days in a hurry. Do not

To say that the autumn mountain is the annoyance of the small fish, the character of this product is shameless, whether it is in the right way or the magic road. and


At this time, the small fish also found the problem. Lingfeng only promised them to make the sharpening stone, but it was not to say that when the magic knife, he could "sleep" for a few years in the palace, even for decades.

And if he appears every few years, "magic knife", it is estimated that they will live alive! (

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