Supreme Demon

Chapter 2511: Get into it!

She smiles like a flower!

She is a snake!

This is the little fish.

Ling Feng opened three hundred cents of gold, and was suppressed by his life to one hundred and fifty. To Ling Feng came to this sharpening stone, he did not suffer in business. If Ling Feng could polish out the genius of death, that is the sword of the world. Other forces must succumb to their edge. can

Ling Feng Tianwei is alive, it is not easy to want these people to do it. This

If it does, it will not work?

just now. small

The idea of ​​the fish shows the power. The cause of the disaster is that those celestial gold, the genius of the death gods, after they tasted the sweetness of Xianjin, naturally want to get it from Lingfeng. God

Yong is sometimes forced out. only

If the fairy gold on Lingfeng is not consumed, the geniuses of the list of death gods will be crazy and will not die. This

What kind of genius is not a pillar?

What's more, Ling Feng does not have Xiangu Tiangong, and Xianjin is a waste.

This is a full game, and Ling Feng is just a chess piece in her hand.

indeed. this

Engraved, Ling Feng is shrinking in the palace, but how long can he stay? One


Three months? also

Is it three years? when

The geniuses of the list of deaths are progressing, pointing to the peak of the Emperor, even when the emperor and the emperor, Ling Feng also lost value, and in the process, the geniuses of the list of death will be honed and confident. can

To say.

Ling Feng appeared, still does not appear, it is good for them. and


Even if Ling Feng finally stunned, the old and the dead did not show up, they did not get much benefit, but with a hundred and fifty pieces of immortal gold, it would abolish the first celestial celestial celestial world, is not a great pleasure in life?

Women are all vengeful, let alone women like small fish! "

Hey, these scenes are rare! "blue

Hao Tianzhao said with a smile, and forced Ling Feng into the palace, not dare to appear, just think about it makes people feel very happy.

"The first day of the past, I am afraid I have to abolish it!"

The man sneered at the side, sneered at Ling Feng, completely unfocused. "

Nether day is afraid to regret it! "One

The characters are laughing at and ridiculing. "I thought I would come back to a great god, but I don't know it was a waste!"

Yuexingjun and the blood-stained demon face are ugly, they also know that the situation is tricky. The fairy gold in the hands of Lingfeng is the cause of the disaster. Those geniuses in the roster of death can't wait to swallow Lingfeng. Naturally, they will not let him go. Ling Feng appeared, it is necessary to be attacked by a strong attack. can

If Lingfeng does not appear?

Then, he has no courage to face the blood, and the heart is disintegrated. This kind of waste is far more terrible than the waste of strength.


What makes them puzzled is that Ling Feng is not weak. In the beginning, the small fish could be suppressed. Even if the two characters who are not in the top of the list of deaths should not be weak, at least in the list of death gods, these geniuses have not yet grown up, completely Can be suppressed.

What is he afraid of?

"Is it not seriously injured in the fairy field?"

The two devils think of it, and only this explanation is reasonable.


Inside the palace.

Ling Feng is far away from the bar, with a smile in his eyes. The little fish thinks that he is naturally clear. Is it really easy to use him to make a sharpening stone? Fairy

Kim needs the ancient heavens to come to the sacrifices, and this is also very clear. but

Does this affect him?

When the "Void Road" is fully revealed, the human being is the universe itself, and everything is integrated, not to mention the ancient Wudao is not weak. What about Xiangu Tiangong?

Why have they been weak? Million

In ancient times, Xiangu Tiangong did not die, but he still bowed to Guwu, what?


"Void Road" is problematic, but it is perfect in Lingfeng, reaching an unprecedented level. When the universe comes out, everything in this world can be melted, and Xianjin is only part of it. Fairy

Gold does come from Xiangu, but it does not mean that only Xiangu Tiangong can sing and blend.

As long as it is strong enough, any heaven can be melted.

However, the gods of death, the power of the magic, and other heavenly powers can not be done. he

What we don't know is that even if Lingfeng's empty road has no way to sacrifice the fairy gold and integrate it into the body, Ling Feng can still sacrifice. Because he has a fairy power in the forbidden soil, this is the strongest force to restrain everything. The amount, smelting the fairy gold is really simple. small

The fish is too confident, but the problem is still too superficial.

As for why Ling Feng does not come out... He is waiting.

The geniuses who waited for the roster of death appeared one by one, waiting for them to be mad, waiting for them to roar and mad.

When they are red-eyed. that

At the time, the genius of the entire list of death gods was born, and many troubles were saved. Only because Ling Feng knew that such things could only be done once, otherwise those geniuses would be huddled up. whole

The whole month. dead

The roster of God jumped out of twenty-three geniuses, and headed by Xiaoxun, the small fish stood by.

but. Ling

The wind still heard some other messages from the ears of those people. The characters like Xiaoxun and Xiaoyu are not the top Wudi of the Death List, and the two more powerful ones, but they have not appeared.

"Eight pieces of gold, this number is quite impressive!" Ling

The wind is at the forefront. This is the number of smelting celestial figures on the first day of the death list. It is still much weaker than him, but it is top in genius.

and. Have

It is not the strength of the smelting of the immortal gold to determine the strength, but to see its way. Ling

There are too many roads in the wind, and the balance is down. Each road is just five cents, and the character has smelted eight pieces, which has to be taken seriously. when

Of course. This

This is due to the limited number of Xianjin previously obtained by Lingfeng.

In fact. Ling

The wind is also pondering, want to see where his limits are, how many pieces of gold can be smelted. pole

Limit, temper, progress!

This is the martial arts! This

In the past few days, he did not smelt Xianjin. Instead, he looked at the ugliness of the geniuses on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was digesting the income and understanding the secrets of the fairy gold. This is more beneficial to him. The next smelting. "

Almost all together! ”

Ling Feng smiled and looked at the distance, and the two bursts of fierce light in the eyelids.

next moment. he

Then it meets the noise and the noise, and it appears in people's field of vision.

In an instant. that

The voice that was still insulting and scorning disappeared at this moment. People looked at Lingfeng with a gaze, filled with jokes and disdain. They had been so long, and they waited for so long to force them out.

however. Ling

The wind did not open, and the face did not have the color of shame, but flew into the distance and appeared behind the emperors. Boom


Blocks of boulder fall between the heavens and the earth, stirring up endless dust, making people inexplicable.

Boom! First

The two giant mountains fell in the distance, and the ground of the bombardment swayed and the dust was flying. Do not

To say that other Wudi, that is, the small fish are somewhat inexplicable, how does it mean that Lingfeng hits the giant mountain at this time?

Is he going to fight? can

It is not necessary to lay a huge stone in the distance.


The third giant mountain greets the wind, slams into the distance, sinks into the ground, emits ink-like light, grows in the wind, and becomes a mountain.

Boom! when

When the fourth giant mountain came down, the face of the small fish changed, and it was a bit ugly. She felt uneasily uneasy, and Ling Feng was not so simple.


In a short time, she also reacted a bit, but she knew that it was an octopus.


The fifth giant mountain fell down and directly sinked to the center of the earth, letting the ground sink into a large piece, and the huge mountain radiated to the surrounding area. The light rain filled the sky and it was quite terrible to keep the whole ground. Boom

This is the sound of the sixth giant mountain. Do not

In the same five blocks, this giant mountain fell into the sky, bursting into a turbulent sound that was dull for nine days.

Hey! most

After the second two landings, the seventh and eighth giant mountains also fell, especially the eighth giant mountain, so that the small fish feel a glimpse of the heart, there is a feeling of breathlessness.

The octopus is full.嗡

a few

At the moment when it was fully present, the eight giant mountains were sent out to the sky, radiating to the surroundings, and quickly communicating with the world, connected to each other, and connected with each other. Ding


The wind stands in the void, raising a hand, and the eight giant mountains emit a crisp sound, forming the same body, emitting overwhelming light and rain.

A wall of light appears and will be sealed in all directions. Eight

Heavy stone Qimen!

Ling Feng has very little research on Qimen, but octagonal stone has such a power, can live in all directions, rely on each other's breath and strength, and he is now played by him, which is more nurturing the power of top heavens, any An angle is quite strong, even if a character like Xiao Xun wants to open it is extremely difficult. and

When Xianli was embellished on it, the octopus stone climbed to the extreme. that

It is the power that heavenly characters can't touch! "

Became! ”

Ling Feng had a smile on his face. He appeared very quickly, that is, he did not give time to the Wudi to think. After the Eighth Stone Gate became, he did not have so much scruples.

Don't want to escape!

"Late!" small

The fish sighed and the heart was sad.

She is still too small, Ling Feng, previously thought that he would not be a whetstone, is mad at it. this

It was discovered that this bureau had started from Xianjin, and it had already begun. Lingfeng had to strike all the Emperor Wu. phase

When it’s hot! phase

When it is violent! and

This is the style of Ling Feng.

"What is it?" Lan Yu Tian Zun frowned, did not understand the intent of Ling Feng, but also felt that the situation is wrong.

"He wants to suppress the whole game, one will not let go!" Small

The fish said dullly.. "Qimen Town Seal, even the genius of my death list wants to escape is a luxury!"

He dares! ""

This is not tusha, but repression, he is a sharpening stone. "The little fish faintly said. "This is within the rules, and the genius of anger is not afraid to use the wind to start? ”

“Get in!”

The little fish said with some anger and anger. "We are still too young to marry him. This person is not only to suppress the genius of my death list!"

"What else does he want to do? Do you want to get rid of the genius of my death list?"

The face of Lan Lan is full of killings.

"No, he has not been so timid!"

The little fish headed for the head, but shook his head and said, "I am afraid that this is even more terrible than killing these geniuses!" (

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