Supreme Demon

Chapter 2512: Who is sharpening the knife?

What is the most terrible for Wu Xiu?

Not a win or lose! which is

The Lingfeng can suppress all the emperors in the field, but for Wudi, this is just a fierce battle in their lives. but

. Want

Is Ling Feng disintegrating the hearts of these characters? This

Or is it a fierce battle in their lives?

This will be a tragedy! Want

It is the genius of the death dynasty. The geniuses are distracted. Once they meet their opponents, they will be flustered. They will not dare to move forward and fear, and these geniuses will be truly abolished. This

It is the problem that small fish are worried about.

Brewing for a month. Ling

The wind will list the twenty-three geniuses of the list of the gods of death, and use the eight stones to live in all directions, so that these geniuses will not have the opportunity to escape. When he is on the road and overlooking the emperors, is it really simple? ?

There is a defeat that will last a lifetime. that

It is spike!

"Ling Feng Bao Bao, you finally dare to appear?"

A Wudi coldly looked ahead. He used to have some jealousy about Ling Feng. However, Ling Feng had been hiding for a whole month. These geniuses had already expanded and did not put Ling Feng in his eyes. "

Satchel, can't bear the pressure at the moment? ""

Oh, let the deity send you to die! ”

Another Wudi should be more direct, flying to Lingfeng on the spot, fearing that other Wudi had seized the opportunity.

Hey! One

The light and rain of the road unfolded, and the space whistled and appeared in the air, showing a blue color, which was a sharp sword.

Condensed space is a sword.

Such a space "sheathing" is bound to hurt.


At the same time, the sword in his hand is shining, and the space sword is integrated into it. He shot the Wandao Haomang, shot the nine-day Xianwei, and banned zisha to Lingfeng.

In his body, a bright white light shines, and it is as fast as the wind. From Dantian radiation to the surrounding, in the end it is rushing to the soul sea. yuan

Xiantiangong! This

It is Xiangu Tiangong. positive

Because of this heavenly power, he has the power of today and today. can


People still ignore the body of Ling Feng, there is a universe.

The stars are eternal, and the universe is flooded. Do

In the body! when

"Void Road" came out, there is really nothing to do with heaven.

"Look at it!"

The face of the Emperor Wudi was filled with a sly smile. The lightning appeared in front of the Lingfeng. The power was like a tidal wave. It quickly hit the front of the wind, and the sword was worn out.

The space is blasting.

In the face of such a sword, the space is a chicken.

The sky is getting dark! ancient

The old temperament came from Xiangu, and the golden treasure was awakened by everything. when

What is the Wudi can't do if the potential is full? he

We are willing to compare the ancient Emperor Wu. "

Lingdi? ”

Ling Feng mouth sneaked at the sneer, these characters really feel that smelting the fairy gold can compete with the Emperor Wu Shi? can


They neglected a problem. The potential to tear open does not necessarily depend on Xianjin. The later generations are not Xiangu. They can also be used to bring out the Emperor Wushi. Even if there is no immortality, they can go to the emperor and even the emperor. Level, but the speed is much slower. Million

How many geniuses in the world have come from ancient times?

What are some surprises for a few people who have made a living?

Ling Feng feels that there are such wizards in the world, but he has not yet appeared. not


Without relying on Xianjin, stepping out of an ancient avenue, such emperors and emperors will be even more terrible. dead

The gods' book got the fairy gold very early. Why did the fish begin to smelt the fairy gold until now? he

We did not save the little fish in the next generation to tear the talent, and then asked the emperor, the Taoist mind? This

Some days Lingfeng is studying Xianjin and has learned some secrets. Fairy

Gold can indeed tear the scorpion, let the Wudi’s potential blowout, but also form a dependence. Once the sacred gold is lost, other resources have limited effect on them. There is no talent and no resources, and the taste is not good. Right? This

The same is true! can


If you rely on your own strength to tear open the shackles of talent, then it is the sea to fish, the sky is high, the birds fly, the world's endless resources are available, and the fairy gold is also available.

This is terrible!

"Xinjin is just a resource, and my talent does not need it to tear open!"

Ling Feng is strong.

before. he

I want to smelt Xianjin as soon as possible to reach the limit of flesh and blood, so that I can tear the talent, but at this moment he only wants to do it by himself, and Xianjin is only used to fill the resources of flesh and blood. this


He confronted the Emperor Wu, and he intuitively sensed this. by

I am the king.

And now is the moment to witness the miracle. Boom


Ling Feng greeted the Emperor Wu with a stagger, and the drums made a loud drum sound. When the world was stirred, the power of the collapsed road was full, and the forbidden soil was integrated into the war boxing, making a terrible shock. boom


Just a punch.

It is more like a thousand fists, bursting out of the unparalleled Tianwei, the road is exhausted and disintegrated at this moment, and the war boxing is bravely forward, and the sword is suppressed by an inch, and its power is grayed and decayed. After all, in the collapse of the war, the flames are extinguished.


The Emperor Wu screamed and fell directly from the void, and the arm holding the sword was abolished.

It was actually a smash of the collapse of the war.

boom! under

For a moment, his voice stopped abruptly, and Ling Feng landed on his mouth with one foot, and smashed his chin and waited for it. "

Is this the power after smelting Xianjin? ”

Lingfeng is looking down at the Emperor Wu, and his eyes are full of contempt.. "But so!"

An Emperor Wu bowed! Be

Ling Feng directly suppressed!

Although the strength of the Emperor Wu was not as good as that of the original fish, it was also a moving person. After all, the Emperor Wu who was smelting Xianjin was actually defeated by Ling Feng.

More importantly, he despised the genius of the list of death gods.

"Looking for death!"

A blue Emperor Wu Fei flew out on the spot, carrying a horrible force and hitting Ling Feng.

There was a brighter color on the blue sky, and the red clouds rolled over, carrying huge weights and Tianwei, and the mighty power was shocking.

Red Cloud Space!

The red cloud is the same as the sharp edge, which can open up the power of the world. Of course

and. on

It was such a Tianwei, when the war broke out, it also happened to be amazed, disintegrated on the spot, and the power was swallowed up by the power of Lingfeng.

After a loud noise, the blue Emperor Wu screamed.

The collapse of the road was like a broken bamboo, and it was forbidden to hit the front of Emperor Akiko, not only ruining his arm, but also breaking his half-body.


Ling Feng was like a dragon, and one foot stepped on the face of the Emperor Wu, and looked at the Emperor Wu in a bird's eye view.

"If I am a bag, what are you?"

Ling Feng teased and laughed, but did not put these characters in his eyes.

"Then let you know the price of this sentence!"

The Emperor’s mouth is quite horrible. He is at the peak of the Emperor’s Emperor and has a hand in hand.

This character is not weaker than the original small fish, it should be the top five of the death gods. "

kill! ”

When a word collapsed, the Spirit Emperor swooped to Lingfeng. There was no space to surprise, only a concise sword, but the power became even more terrible.

Who said that the rules of space are the most terrible?

When the space rules are integrated into one trick, then this trick becomes terrible.


Condensed and not scattered, the space is suppressed in a very small range. Once it breaks out, it is a space explosion, which can make a terrible wave in a short time, enough to kill a spirit.

choke. One

The handle of the knives traversed, carrying the heavy landscape, and with endless swordsmanship, which embodies the rules of space.

One knife is the space! One

The knife is the rule! One

The knife is life and death!

No gorgeous, some are just the strongest killing tricks.

have to say.

Such a character is more important and more vigilant than the former Emperor Wu. In simple terms, the two former Emperors were only powerful in force, and this is technically powerful.

Just as the difference between high-rise buildings and solid foundations.

There is no contrast at all. but

. Ling

The wind is not weak and the foundation is more solid.

call out! he

The body flashed, like a lightning bolt, the burning blade appeared, killing the character, no gorgeous moves, only attacking the unparalleled combat skills.

If the Emperor Wu is a wild wolf, then Ling Feng is a tiger.

when! One

The sound was fierce, the two characters confronted each other, and the two weapons slammed in the void and made a light.

Sting! Ling

The wind blade is like a rainbow, and one stroke and one style are all performing an art.

Art of death!

Light rain is like a curtain, and the whole world is filled with light and rain. Even people like Xiao Xun can't see what is happening in the light rain. Do not

Same as the previous light rain. This

These light rains were completely evolved by Ling Feng and the armed forces of the Emperor Wu. Only the strength to the extreme, the almost artistic power can reach these standards, because of this, the light rain is heart-rending. Boom


Suddenly, the power dissipated and swayed around, and the two characters in the center also appeared in front of the people.

People are full of expectations, but they can look ugly in an instant.

Just because. that

Not the picture they want to see.

I saw that Ling Feng stepped on the Emperor Wu, and the Burning Blade was so cold and pointed at his head. There was no power to pour out. Only the moves were illusory, like the dragon and the phoenix flying, screaming. when

The power is exhausted.

Ling Feng is so proud of the Emperor Wu, more proud of the audience.

He seems to say that he can kill in both the power level and the comprehension and artisticization of combat skills! full

The field is silent, and the needle can be heard.

For the first time, people felt guilty. Before, they only knew that the wind was terrible, but they didn’t know where the wind was terrible.


They finally felt the breath of death.

The artistic warfare comprehension and the power of the world, this is a comprehensive spike. "

Is this resistant? ”

Ling Feng overlooks all beings, like the King of the World.

"Come back!" He

Looking at the small fish, the eyes are full of provocative taste, the whole person is like a madman.


He also searched the three characters all over the body, and Xianjin and various resources fell into his pocket. "

not bad! ”

Ling Feng slammed his mouth, smiled, and then stared at the surrounding Wudi, his eyes filled with greed. 10(

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