Supreme Demon

Chapter 2513: One person suppresses a force!

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Light rain is like a curtain!

Ling Feng is proud of the sky and looks down on all beings.

He huddled in the palace for a whole month, and once he came out, he suppressed the genius of the four death gods. Among them, there was a very solid Wudi, which was hailed as the first person in the roster of death.


It is such a character who is still at the foot of Ling Feng.

The void is lost.

People are so stunned that they don’t dare to associate the previous bag with the crazy demon at the moment, but this is Ling Feng.

He is such a character!

"Who is sharpening the knife?"

Lan Lan looked at Ling Feng and deeply sighed. At this time, Ling Feng was really daunting. The collapse of the war and the boxing can suppress a spirit emperor. What kind of Tianwei?

What is the realm of this?


This is supposed to be a genius in the roster of death. At this moment, it is more like Ling Feng's sharpening of the knife. By the strength of the genius of the gods of death, the strength of the genius is used to temper the strength, and the genius is overlooked by a crushing attitude. I am afraid that I will not be able to linger for thousands of years.

"Stop him as soon as possible!"

Lan Lan said.


The little fish sighed. If Lingfeng had not appeared yet, or when Ling Feng just appeared, they had to stop it. There was still hope, but it was too late to think about containment.


They can contain this situation.

What do the geniuses of the list of death gods think?

They will think that this is Tianzun who is a little bit of them. They think that they are not the opponents of Lingfeng. They are psychologically weak and will cause a radical situation.


Even if they can stop the situation at the moment, then what?

Can they contain it for a lifetime?

In the next day, Ling Feng will challenge these people. How do they face it?

What kind of knife does Lingfeng need to wear? They were ruined.

This is even more hopeless.

"Yeah, it's too late!" Lan Yu meditated for a moment, and sighed and said.

Although he is a god, sometimes the situation is formed, even if he wants to stop it.

The situation is out of control, they can only wait for this tragedy to end.

"Come on!"

Ling Feng despise the genius, the tone is quite big, to challenge everyone.. "Let's come together!"

"court death!"

This sentence is like a gunpowder barrel, which blasts in an instant.

People are crazy to kill Ling Feng, but not everyone. Although they know that Ling Feng is very powerful, but they have not yet regarded it as a figure of Tianzun level, they can naturally suppress, and if they are all on, that is The real psychological weakness is not saved.


Ling Feng's feet were hard, squatting on the ground, making a loud drum sound, letting Ling Feng be torn apart, and the whole person was like a lightning blaze to the void.

He punched out, the road was disintegrating, and the power of moving the mountains and reclamation was pushed out.


Nine days are roaring.

This punch was born and fell on the body of an Emperor Wu, even if the Emperor Wu was suppressed by the soldiers, but he could not live in the town and was killed by Ling Feng on the spot.

A loud bang.

The Emperor Wu was planted from the void, his forehead blasted, and his blood was overflowing.

If Ling Feng was not allowed to stay in the last moment, I am afraid that the Emperor Wu will be killed on the spot.

after all.

Here is the Academy of Death, and the Death List will not allow their Emperor Wu to die. As long as Ling Feng still wants to practice at the Institute of Death, he can't start it.

not to mention.

Ling Feng did not have this meaning. Keeping these genius lives is much more useful than killing them.


The next moment, Ling Feng is like a whirlwind, disappearing in the same place, appearing in the other direction.

In the hands of the burning road, the same blade of lightning fell down, carrying the magic road forbidden soil, showing the gray ink, suddenly suppressed, so that the opponents could not catch up.

When the tremors.

A Wudi head with a tripod, fell from the air, and directly "planted" into the ground.


Ling Feng's feet fell, and one foot happened to fall on the head of the Emperor Wu.

It is this condescending look!

That is the gesture of contempt and shame!

Twenty-three Emperors of the Dead list are almost insane. Until now, they have not been able to suppress the wind, but they have been suppressed. So far, five geniuses have been stepped on by Ling Feng, which is not just suppression, but It is really stepping on the foot.

They can ask for success, which one is not a person in the dragon and phoenix, the pride of the sky?

Have you ever been insulted like this?

Want to die, you don't understand?

"Kill, I will trample it to death!"

The three emperors were mad, carrying space and burning light rain on their heads, and the white light in their bodies, followed by a unicorn.

That is a **** vision!


After getting the gold and fairy gods, the genius of the death roster has been greatly changed, and the vision can be born.

Needless to say.

This genius is more terrible than the previous figures.


It is such a genius that is not enough to see in front of Ling Feng.


The magic road is forbidden, and it carries the Tianwei that annihilates the Wandao. It is directly suppressed by the empty air. There is no extra words, no extra fancy, and some are just the terrible magic that is cold and extreme.


When the magical road was banned from the void, the space power came from all directions, and the tide was suppressed in the space of the Emperor Wu, and the heavens were mighty and rolling.


The magical space became a sword, thin as a flap, falling from the void, and the blue space was opened on the spot.


The purple Emperor Wu did not catch up. More precisely, he did not expect Ling Feng to open his space.

This is simply not human!

It was because of the rush that he was seriously injured. He was shackled by the sword and half-turned. If Ling Feng stopped in time, there was no killer, but he was also tragedy.

"The strength is not weak, but it is really disappointing."

Ling Feng looked at the distance with a sly look, his face full of smiles.

call out!

He disappeared and flew into the distance.

Just because.

A Wudi flew down from the top of his head, holding a heavy device. The purple space is like a wave of water spreading, directly hitting Ling Feng, and the radius of five hundred miles is within his attack range.

This is a wide range of space!


This kind of space attack power will be relatively weakened, far from the terribleness of the former Emperor's compression space.

"The sky is going to collapse!"

"The road is awkward!"

"I am king!"

The purple space collapsed heavily, like a burning purple fire, turning up the sky and waves, completely pressing against the wind, not giving him room to dodge.

The rule power is the same as the shackles, strangling to Ling Feng.


Lingfeng speed ghost, the lightning disappeared, and then he flew into the sky, the magic road forbidden soil refers to a song.

Prelude to the fairy!


When the crisp sound is heard, the ancient magic sound is blasting, and the heavy and heavy roads are like the big beads and the beads falling into the jade plate. It is more like the sound of the mountains and the water, but because of this sound, the space of the whole world disappears. The power has become flat.


The purple space is like a bubble.

The fairy sound is pervasive, more like a sharp arrow from all sides, and it has been shot through the lightning.

Not only that.

At the moment when Xiansheng sounded, the other three attacking Emperors also fell from the sky, and space and power were annihilated together, and their bodies were subjected to top-level suppression, as if they were detained, and their faces changed.

"Hugh think!"

The four Emperors felt the intent of Ling Feng and tried their best to suppress it, so that Ling Feng could not be suppressed.


They are still too small and celestial sounds of Tianwei. When the sound of the fairy sounds from the initial calm to the violent battle song, the attack power suddenly changes, just as the warfare evolved into a sharp blade attack, and the horror is suffocating. degree.

However, the attack power was weakened and became a suppression of Tianwei.

"Do not!"

When the first Emperor Wu had a dull snoring, he did his best, and even the whole body was tense, and the roots of the blue veins exploded to counter the power of the fairy.


He finally did not withstand the pressure.


He had a soft knee and directly fell in front of Ling Feng. The grief and heartbreak of his face were written on his face, making him angry and desperate.


The second Emperor Wu did not withstand the pressure, so he collapsed in front of Ling Feng, and his knees were cut off.



In the end, the four emperors were all in front of Ling Feng, quite neat.


The four emperors were sorrowful and dying, vomiting blood on the spot.

This feeling is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

They don't want to be embarrassed, but they are still being suppressed.

What a tragic story this is.

With one force to suppress the five emperors, Ling Feng cast a terrible record, so that the genius Wudi who was present in the roster of death was all eclipsed and embarrassed to the extreme.


Up to now, people have realized that the real intention of Ling Feng was not born at that time, it is not a bag, but a layout.

This is a shocking hand!


Even if they are aware of the problem and have an insight into Ling Feng’s intentions, can they still have a retreat?


Retreat is to show weakness!

Retreat, dignity is irreparable!

Retreat, they are sharpening stones!

Retreat, the dignity of the entire list of deaths is lost!

They can't retire, even if they all fall, at least they can prove that they still have the courage to face.


There is no previous strong attitude, and some are just the ups and downs of the **** battle. If they want to save the situation, they must fight Lingfeng. One is not enough, then two.

At this time, the mentality of the geniuses of the Deathly Roster has changed. They have ignored too much face, but have to take into account the face of the power of the Death List.


As long as they can suppress the wind, they don't mind using some inhuman means.

Wheel warfare is one of them!

Consumption also consumes him!


The first Emperor Wu smashed out and went straight to Lingfeng, but was smashed by Ling Feng and fell to the ground.


The second Emperor Wu was killed, but he still couldn’t stand the Lingfeng Tianwei war fist and was shot and flew out.

The third Emperor Wu, the fourth Emperor Wu...

When an emperor fell in front of Ling Feng, the dignity and pride of the roster of death were also fallen together.

The blue dragonfly and the small fish all face heavy face. At this time, the Lingfeng is more unpredictable than the original in the Nether, and the strength is deep, and its speed of advancement makes people panic.

A person forces a force to the point where the mountain is running out of water.

This is the devil's Ling Feng!

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