Supreme Demon

Chapter 2514: Let him squat for a few more years!

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This is a tragedy! dead

Many of the Emperor Wu of the gods were killed, but they were like collecting wheat. They fell in front of Lingfeng. Do

tube. in

Among them are the spirits of these characters, the genius of the vision of the world, but still in front of the wind, not that they are too weak, but the wind is too terrible.

The collapse of the war is a life and death.

Magic Road forbidden to sacrifice all living beings!

When Ling Feng really showed the kind of world-famous, even the characters such as small fish and blue dragonfly could not help but frown and sigh deeply. The Ling Feng at this time was far more terrible than the original.

With the strength of the genius of the current death roster, it is indeed not the opponent of Ling Feng. Boom

! boom


When the 22 geniuses fell, don't say the eyes of Xiao Xun and others, that is, the eyes of the little fish and the blue dragon are red, and they have never been bullied to this extent.

The genius of the entire force, Wudi, has fallen. This

What a sadness? only

The rest of Xiaoxun alone is struggling to support this situation. of


Xiaoxun is the genius after the small fish. It is the most smelt character in the present. He had a vision six months ago. He has an ancient Jinwu world, with a heavy psychedelic color, which makes people fascinated. not

Undoubtedly. Xiao

The vision of the news is Jinwu. This

Although the creatures are not as good as the dragons and phoenixes, they are also the souls that are hard to find in the world. They can be listed in the world, and the talents of Xiaoxun can be seen.

It is reported.

After the vision awakened, Xiao Xun went straight into the peak of the Emperor, and even took a small step toward the emperor level. This is a small step that made Xiao Xun unprecedentedly horrible. If the fish is unfathomable, Xiao Xun definitely has Qualifications to win the top three.

"The mountains are running out of water!"

Lan Lan said sadly. "If Xiao Xun is also defeated..."

Did not say it, only because the situation will be serious enough to make them tricky.

The entire list of death gods is in front of Ling Feng, then they still have to face?

At that time. small

How should fish choose? war

? also

Do you want to repeat the tragedy in the Nether Day?

No fight?

Where is the face of the Death List?

"The fourth in the roster of death?"

Ling Feng looked at Xiao Xun, and his mouth was sneering. "Is this the strength of your smelting of Xianjin?"

"It's really disappointing!"

Ling Feng said with a look of distress and grief, "If all these resources are given to me, I can suppress more, so it is a waste of waste!"


The twenty-two Emperor Wu’s depressed and sorrowful vomiting blood, they have fallen, do not have to face it?

This is not only insulting them, but also insulting the roster of death. Fairy

It is a waste of money for them, but is it worthwhile to use it in Lingfeng?

This is a great irony! but

. Ling

The wind is not a genius figure in the roster of death. It must be in his hands. The roster of death will be bloody. and


It’s not that the genius of the Death List is a waste. It’s just a metamorphosis of Lingfeng. What's more, this has only just begun. The role of Xianjin has not yet fully manifested. After the accumulation of time, Xianjin’s blowout, even Lingfeng. It may not be able to suppress these characters.

The role of Ling Feng is to polish the genius of the death gods. can

At the moment, it is more like suppressing! "

They are defeated, and me! ”

Xiao Xun finished the whole coat, striding toward Lingfeng, and the eyes were persistent and cold. "

You are not enough! "Ling Feng despised.

"I am not enough, there are other characters in the list of death gods!"

Xiao Xun does not deny that it is difficult for him to win with the strength of Ling Feng, but Ling Feng wants to suppress him, but it is not as easy as before.

but. which is

Then he lost, and there are other characters in the roster of death.

Small fish and the first and second Wudi on the genius list. Head

Before, these two figures were retreating, and the large-scale smelting of Xianjin was only directed at the realm of the emperor. This meant that the two characters must be emperors if they came out.

At that time, what about Ling Feng? No

There is Xiangu Tiangong, Ling Feng wants to ask the emperor almost zero. "

I will wait for them to fight! Ling

The wind did not care at all. When he saw through the essence of Xianjin and wanted to tear his own potential, what did the emperor and Taoist count?

The list of the first and second characters in the roster of death is indeed worthy of attention, but he is already at the peak of the spiritual emperor. Two spatial rules have already been born, and it is easier to ask the emperor. and


The appearance of the Taoist map made Ling Feng confident.

If there is no immortality, then it will use the power of the Tao. By

By the power of the Tao, he tore up the more terrible potential, not belonging to Xiangu, but belongs to later generations. in

There is no possible time to ask, this is the most terrible. not


As long as the wind opens up its potential, it will be invincible at the same level, unless there are people who can tear their potential on their own. "

war! ”

Xiao Xun Bao was solemn and murderous. When the light golden space appeared, there was a round of sun behind him. It suddenly evolved into Jinwu, flying for nine days and crossing the void.

call out! that

Only Jin Wu flew into the body of Xiao Xun, sprayed a thin ray of sunshine, and then emerged from the hands of Xiao Xun, bursting out of the imposing manner. this

Engraved, Xiao Xun is like a sun. "

Jinwu cracked the sky! Xiao

The news is big, and the sound is a thousand miles.

The sun's space burst into a sea-like fire, and the raging rushing to the wind, the fierce fire will turn the five hundred miles into ashes, and the terrible light rain is burning the void space.

Its power is almost equal to the realm of the emperor. "

It is not weak! ”

Ling Feng is like a Tian Zun. He is reviewing the power of Xiao Xun. He looks down and looks at it. and

Rear. magic

The forbidden soil suddenly appeared. He fell into the forbidden soil and embraced the guzheng. The sound of leisurely sounded at this moment. that

It is the magic fairy overture!

That is the magic fairy song!


The spurt of the sound is heavy and heavy, and each weight is a pressure, and each weight is a fierce glory. When this celestial sound is pushed horizontally, the radius is covered. Fives

Ten miles is still too small compared to five hundred miles. can


The power of these fifty miles is like a sharp sword. It sounds like a giant drum. It blasts heavily and weakens the five hundred miles of the sea. The sun is one by one in this force. The dots are grayed out until they are finally extinguished.

Hey! magic

The forbidden soil was banned from the sky, falling from the sky, falling on the top of Xiaoxun’s head, and using the magic road to ban the Tianwei to harden the shackles in his hands.


The metal trembles, from time to time, the heavens and the earth become exhausted. each

As soon as it sounded, Xiao Xun had to step back one step backwards. When the sound was heard nine times, his feet had already entered the soil and he could not retreat.

"Kill!" Xiao

The news was forced to blink, and the sound of screaming was suddenly suppressed.

The golden volcano in his body erupted into a volcano, and his essence was like a tidal wave. It carried the world-famous and hard steel. Of course


His strength is still too weak. After a short period of stalemate, he was directly smashed into the center of the earth by the magic road, and the power was disintegrated. and


The magic road was directly smashed down and suppressed on the head of Xiaoxun, letting him work hard and not moving.

Dignified fourth Wudi! actually

However, it was suppressed like this. that

Approaching the realm of the emperor is still not worth mentioning in front of Ling Feng.

Don't say that the twenty-two geniuses are dumbfounded, that is, both the small fish and the blue dragon are stunned. I didn't think that Lingfeng would be strong.

"Approaching the realm of the emperor!"

Blue 陨 抽 抽 , , , , , , , , , 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨long

After the waves, the waves pushed forward, and the waves before the death died on the beach.

If Ling Feng asked the emperor, then the emperor of the entire starry sky would bow to him, only the Taoist Emperor could turn the tide. "

Don't panic, he should stop here! ”

In the distance, one of Tianzun opened, and the Taoist is cold. If Lingfeng is currently relying on the magical forces, he will be optimistic about the three devils. At this moment, he wants to remove it.

Such a person is a scourge when he is a human being, even if it is a demon, it is not appropriate. Do not


What makes him a little bit is that Ling Feng does not have Xiangu Tiangong. It is difficult to smelt Xianjin into the body. It is a matter of time to stop at the peak of Lingdi. If you want to step into the emperor, you need to bow to them. can

. dead

Will the roster of God satisfy him? "

I hope so! "small

The fish said with anxiety.

At this moment, she is all stunned. Ling Feng, who just asked, can only rely on the magic of the sky to fight against the top figures, and the power is scattered, not concise, and there are many flaws, and the Ling Feng at the moment has a feeling of being reborn.

It is not the growth of power, but the control of power. Display

Of course. This

In the past few years, Ling Feng is doing his best to tap his potential. "

Xiao Xun lost! ”

The little fish frowned and said, "The face of my death list..."

Don't think too much. ”

Then Tian Zun comforted. "This is only temporary. When the genius of my death list is thoroughly released, Ling Feng naturally wants to worship at our feet, and let him be proud of it for a few more years!"

It is released for the small fish, otherwise the strength of the small fish will also damage the face of the death list.

"Don't worry, Xiao Xun is defeated. It does not mean that Ling Feng suppresses all the genius Wu Di of my death list."

He said with a sneer. "Wait, the two characters are getting through, and they will be born in a few years. When they are in the emperor's position, they will completely suppress Lingfeng!"

It is this reason! ”

The little fish is full of bitterness, and the two gods are opening at the same time. Can a woman like her be smart, can she not understand their intention? in

In the realm of Lingdi, Lingfeng is invincible.

no doubt.

After suppressing Xiaoxun, Ling Feng began to ransack and robbed the geniuses of these geniuses, especially the Xianjin. Pot, several people were in a coma on the spot. "

It’s really too much! "blue

Hey, he said, but who can say? dead

The Emperors of the Roster of God are coming to the immortal gold of Lingfeng. If they export and drink, then after these geniuses suppress the wind, can they not rob their treasures?

Let him squat for a few more years!

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