Supreme Demon

Chapter 2515: Take the initiative to sharpen the knife!

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Essentially. dead

The **** roster does not want to let go of the whetstone of Ling Feng, and the fairy gold on Ling Feng is the cause of disaster. This is not prepared for Ling Feng, but prepared for the top genius of the Death God roster. image

Small fish, Xiaoxun, etc.

You can use the fairy gold to ask the emperor. Session


Ling Feng is their fish, they can be allowed to slaughter, so if it is contained at this time, then the magic road Tianzun can excuse, then they have nothing to say. and

And. Ling

There are 150 pieces of immortal gold in the wind, and twenty-three geniuses are only a few dozen pieces. he

They are still cost-effective.

"Wait, then!"

The little fish Taoist said in a desperate way: "The genius of my death roster will not be abolished because of this, and Ling Feng’s move will arouse their hatred and force them to fight their war!"

Of course. This

The kind of repression is not enough to disintegrate the heart of the genius of the genius of the death gods, but it will be counterproductive. Under the pressure of Ling Feng, the martial arts of the list of death gods want to change such a tragedy, they must try their best to advance until the wind Step on the foot.

but. Ling

The wind did indeed have a great impact on the Emperor of the Dead, but at least for a long time, they could not recover. "

When I asked the emperor, it was necessary to bow down and kneel in front of me! "small

The fish smiled coldly. "At that time, I will know what I did wrong today!"

It’s like this, let’s go through the Lingfeng. It’s not the style of the Emperor Wu of the Death List. When the life and death were fiasco, she came over, let alone this situation? No

There is pressure, where is the excitement? No

There is a sense of failure, where is the joy of success?

They are willing to wait! "

Very good, as long as you have this ambition, Ling Feng is the fish on your knife sooner or later! "blue

The forehead is full of faces and laughs. in

In his view, the path of Ling Feng has come to an abrupt end, it is difficult to go to the emperor and the emperor, but the small fish and the **** of death are the qualifications.

This is their chance! This

The matchup ended in the form of the tragedy of the Deathly List.

The mentality of the gods of the death list has changed a lot. It is too fast to let the sadness come, so that they can't react, but this is a rare victory for the magic figure. special

Don't be black phoenix, etc.

Although they were previously malicious against Lingfeng, they had bowed since they had a match with Xiaoyu, and Lingfeng baked the unicorn queen. Now Lingfeng represents the magical forces and they are more recognized by them.

"My king is great, I am grateful!" Black

Phoenix first flew, looking at the wind, full of laughter. dead

The roster of God is eating, so that they are very happy in the hearts of these demons, and they can't wait to hold the wind.


Is this the magic road to open the situation?

Do you want to contain them in the roster of death, can you really contain it? Hugh

miss you!

"My king is mighty!" Black

The bear appeared, like the black phoenix, he also hoped that Ling Feng could win, and Ling Feng did not let them disappoint.


In this matchup, they saw Lingfeng’s Tianwei, the character of Xiaoxun who was about to step on the emperor, and was also labeled as a dog in front of Lingfeng.

What strength is this?

How is Tianwei? "

There is only one king in the magic road, it is my king! ""

Hey, there should be only one king in the entire starry sky! "magic

The Taoist emperors appeared, and they complimented Ling Feng. The geniuses who were previously on the roster of death were overwhelmed. Now, through Ling Feng, they also gave birth to a bird. Even

What is powerful?

This is!

What is Weiwan? This

That is!

"However, the Emperor Wu of the Death List will not give up, he will be even more dangerous!" Black Phoenix reminded. "

Yes, we don’t have Xiangu Tiangong, even if we get Xianjin, it’s useless! "The black bear demon said.

"This is exactly what we want to say!"

The Moon Monarch and the Bloody Demon Appeared, looking at Ling Feng and frowning.. "The Death List is extremely strict with the protection of Xiangu Tiangong. Xianjin is willing to take it out, but Xiangu Tiangong is a taboo."

Although the roster of death is not the right way, it should belong to evil.

Can Xiangu Tiangong is not affected, still available.

Although this heavenly power does not belong to the magic road, tragedy may occur, but as long as it falls in the hands of the magic road, it is not a problem to find a route that can be practiced by the magic road. but

. dead

The roster of God is not willing to take it out.

"No problem, I found the former part of Tiangong from those Wudi!"

Ling Fengyin measured the laughter.. "The list of death gods is very vigilant, did not teach the whole heavenly power, but only pick a part, until they get the realm of the emperor to get the second part of heaven."

Oh? Is there such a thing? "Two

The devil's eyes are bright, even the heavenly emperor and the emperor's part of the heavenly merits are quite good, as long as they work hard to improve, they can let the emperor smelt. "

Great! "black

Phoenix, black bear, etc. are all bright, like just rubbing oil.

Now. Ling

The wind handed over the talents he had received from the hands of the armed emperors to the hands of the two demon lords, who drove out the righteous evil powers and gave birth to the magical Taowei.

of course. This

I would like to thank the five emperors who valued Tiangong and feared that they would be flawed and branded. "

Worth improving, or practicing! ”

Yu Yue Mojun said with a smile on his face. "Ling Feng, you made a great contribution!"

It is exactly! "its

His demons also have their foreheads, and they are really grateful to Ling Feng. Without this fairy god, they will stop abruptly, and sooner or later they will be killed by the roster of death, and even the entire Starry Wudi will be far behind.

"I can't talk about it, I just don't want to stop!"

Ling Fengsen smiled coldly. "They don't want to let me go, then I have to go step by step!"

Rest assured, as long as Xiangu Tiangong is improved, I can naturally let you practice, but this is only a part, and it is difficult to get the latter part. "Two

The devils frown, and after losing some of the heavenly power, they also have to stop at the spirit.

"I will find a way!" Ling

The wind and cold smiled and said: "As long as they can live with them, Xiangu Tiangong is not impossible."

it is good! ”

The two devils like to fly to the territory without self-satisfaction, to improve Xiangu Tiangong as soon as possible, and not let the magical forces fall too much. "

This is the fairy gold that you got from the hands of the Emperor Wu, you will score a point! "Say


Ling Feng threw out the previously obtained Xianjin, all distributed by the black phoenix, and also sacrificed his thirty pieces of immortal gold, together with the black phoenix distribution. "Now we are the same forces, I hope not to have internal friction. ""

Yes! "black

Phoenix, black bears, etc. are overjoyed and respected Ling Feng. This

Personal things are not only powerful but also powerful. and


He is telling the audience that they will get more in the future as long as they follow him. first

Pre-repression, now appease. One

Hand stick, hand radish.

This is the kingly style.

It is true that this is Ling Feng’s intention to buy people’s hearts, but who can be sure that this is not cultivating his own strength?

not to mention.

Xianjin and Xiangu Tiangong are indispensable to them at present.

of course. This

The price is not to betray, and not to provoke internal troubles.

Hurry for a month.

Those wounded death gods are recovering. This recovery is not only an injury, but also a psychological "severe injury", and their hatred for Ling Feng is even higher.

Since that day.

The Wudi of the list of death gods had only one goal, which was to suppress the wind and make it a pig. and

People like small fish choose to retreat, and they should ask the emperor in a short time to stumble.

"Should it be recovered?" Ling

The wind and the magic are shining with crazy little flames, escaping from flying out of the territory and appearing in another territory.


Within the palace of the territory, a face of Wudi suddenly changed, and did not expect that Lingfeng would appear here.

"Yes, it is me!"

Ling Feng said with a smile.. "The list of death gods asked me to sharpen the knife. I want to be idle anyway, and I will not take the initiative to sharpen the knife."


Wudi’s face was pale, and this cargo is afraid to hit him.

It was just the end of the tragedy. He thought that the incident would have subsided. God knew that he would recover. This sharpening stone came to the door. he

What are you doing?

"You will not be timid, don't you dare?" Ling Feng looked strangely at each other. "

No! ”

"Why don't you come out to sharpen the knife? It must be known that the knife should be worn more and sharper and sharper!" Ling Feng kindly reminded.


Is the empire of the death **** list timid? It’s really disappointing, you are smearing the list of death gods! "Ling Feng despised.

"Dare, you have to fight me and fight!"

Of course. dead

God's roster, the Emperor Wudi's face is not as thick as Lingfeng. After a few excitement and insults, he finally couldn't bear it. He took the initiative to go forward and compete with Lingfeng. Boom

! Knot

There was no suspense in the bureau. He had just rushed over and was directly knocked over by the wind from the back of the pan, and turned over the dead fish eyes, his legs straight and his mouth vomiting blood.

"Although the strength is not good, but at least there is no smear of the death list, you are very courage!" Ling

The wind did not insult again, fearing that the goods would not be suicide. Do not

Over. he

I have not let go of this Emperor Wu, and I have searched it for a while. There are not many treasures, but there are two pieces of Xianjin. "

Goodbye next month! Pro

At the end, Ling Feng waved his hand and explained the essence of the devil.

"next month……"

The Emperor Wu directly stunned and passed away. There is no doubt that such a nightmare has just begun.

Not much time.

Ling Feng appeared in the territory of the second Emperor Wudi, and he was quite strong and actively sought to sharpen his knife. "

You don't even have the courage to do this? Really shame on the roster of death! ""

Oh, kill! ”

Boom! One

The pan was traversing the world, turning the Wudi town to the ground, and foaming at the mouth.

"Next month, goodbye, work hard!"

Ling Feng waved his hand and headed for the third territory...

this day. whole

A list of death gods turned over, many Wudi were photographed, and Xianjin was looted. It was Xiaoxun who could not escape. It was difficult to move on the ground, and the most impressive ones were Ling Feng, and the dark one. Pan!

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