Supreme Demon

Chapter 2516: Grind the knife of the fish!

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A pan pushes the **** of death!

For the Emperor Wu of the Death List, the pan is a nightmare. Of course


This nightmare will still appear, just next month.

For a time. whole

The Emperor Wu of the list of death gods are all frying, and the hatred of Ling Feng in their hearts has already surpassed the Haixing River. more

Let the gods of the death gods have a headache. The situation is developing in the direction of their out-of-control. Lingfeng actively seeks to sharpen the knife. After such a multi-game event, can the Wudi of the death list really maintain this state? only

I am afraid that these characters will be psychologically weak as long as they see Ling Feng, and they will not dare to fight. Session


The heart of the Emperor Wu of the list of deaths really has to be disintegrated.

The situation is grim!


Who is this sharpening knife?

They wanted to ask for a sharpening stone for the Emperor Wu of the Death God list. God knows that they have invited a disaster star. this


The catastrophe star appeared in the fish and water territory, step by step toward the more awkward palace, with a smile in his eyes, and the eyebrows would be melted, and around the fish and water territory, a demon emperor was eagerly aheaded. I hope, my face has the same smile as Ling Feng.

They are looking forward to it.

They are even more laughing. only

because. Ling

It is not the other characters who want to sharpen the knife, but the lesser of the list of death gods.

Yu Xiaoyu!

Ling Feng stopped in front of the Yushui Palace, looking at the imperial palace, full of envy, only the small fish had such treatment, and other characters in the death roster did not have such a palace, in terms of defense, this seat Gong Gong belongs to the level of Tianzun. "

Ling Feng came to sharpen the knife! Ling

The smile of the wind smiles, the sighs.. "Don't die, the Lord can dare to show up?"

The water palace was calm and the fish did not show up.

"Small fish, are you afraid to fight?"

The smile on Lingfeng’s face changed his taste, but he still smiled and said: “You asked me to come over to make a sharpening stone, but now you don’t dare to fight, do you want to use this method to restrain other potential figures in the list of death gods? ”

"Or are you timid?" Fish

There is still no movement in the water palace.

"The twenty-six characters of the list of deaths, the characters in the top two are currently in retreat, and the other twenty-three figures are injured." Ling

The wind turned and said, "But they are defeated, they are not afraid of life and death, they are not afraid of failure, they use their actual actions to defend the dignity of the list of death."

"What about you?"

Death Lord? Ha ha! ”

"Do you have the courage to face up to victory?"

Where are you when they fail? Ling

The wind stabbed the little fish and said, "Is it understandable that when they are wounded, you will still be shrinking, not going out for them, or even disappearing?"

The words are too hearty. Ling

The wind is trying to force out the small fish, and it is necessary to leave the roster of death.

Only because the other gods of the death gods were defeated, the small fish immediately shrank and let the twenty-three armed emperors of the list of deaths bear the crime of insulting the face of the death god. Is this the **** of death? that


When they are seriously injured and need assistance, will the little fisherman also give up on them? only

Regardless of their own interests, and neglecting the characters who support her, is such a small master worthy of their support? thing

In fact.

After the defeat of the Emperor Wu of the death gods, why did they not want a powerful figure to stand up and export bad luck for them? can

Where are the little fish and the two characters?

Have they not been disappointed in their hearts? when

When Ling Feng entered the fish water territory, although they were seriously injured, they were watching, hoping that the small fish could suppress the situation. "

He is worried! ”

In the fish water palace, the face of the small fish is straight. This

At that time, she was indeed not an opponent of Lingfeng. She had already had a confrontation a year ago. Although she has smelted a lot of Xianjin in the past year, Lingfeng is also making progress. In the previous strength he showed, Xiaoyu asked himself. opponent. This

Going out is nothing more than an increase in Ling Feng’s record. because

and. she was

In the tortoise in the palace, refused to come forward.

Originally, she felt that as long as she learned Ling Feng’s cheeky virtues, even if Ling Feng insulted her, she would not stand up, and everything would have to wait until she asked the emperor.


Ling Feng was too poisonous, and he came up with these heartfelt words. Want

Is she still not coming out, what would the Wudi people at the time of the death list think? he

We will be disappointed!

At the moment when they need it most, the Lord will leave it alone, and they will be chilling. dead

There will be problems with the roster of God. Do

tube. very

Many people are very clear about the purpose of Ling Feng, and know that the small fish is more beneficial at this time, but they will still be disappointed.

"He is like a glimpse!"

Blue 陨 陨 陨 陨 , , , , , , 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨 陨Now

They were stared at by "that". "

Don't be fooled! ”

Another Tianzun reminded that as long as the small fish does not come out, as long as the two characters have not yet appeared, the roster of death has not yet fallen, people still have hope in their hearts, and they will continue to work hard to cultivate and have hatred in their hearts. Can work hard.

can. Want

Is the fish lost?

The first Emperor of the Death List will be loose.

If the second **** of death is defeated?

The second breath of the Emperor Wudi came out. Want

It was the first death of the gods, and the Wudi people would sigh at the last breath.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

At that time, these Emperors did not face the courage of Ling Feng, even the first Emperor defeated, what qualifications do they have to fight? and

When Ling Feng is in the middle of their hearts, let it grow step by step until it becomes a monument. that

Time. he

They feel that this is a matter of course, they are willing to bow their heads. long

In the long run, it is very beneficial for small fish not to come out.

"Tianzun feels that I am not going to be better?" Xiaoyu smiled bitterly.

"Small fish, don't you think so?" asked Blue Dragon.

"This divergence is not very clever, but it is in the mind of those Emperors." The little fish sighed. "I really don't come out now. When I ask the emperor, the suppression of Lingfeng will cheer them up, but at the same time To a thorn, forever stabbed in their hearts, once they encounter the same situation, they will be shaken more doubtful."

At that time, the hearts of the Emperor Wudi were scattered! ""


I can't avoid this battle. When he comes, it means that he can achieve his intention! ”

The little fish smiled and he was still much better than me. "Even if it is me, it is not his last purpose. I am afraid that even worse things will happen!"

what? ”

The two gods have changed their faces.

"I go out, even if I lose, I will let them down, but they won't let them chill!"

The fish is miserable but laughs. "They can be disappointed with me, but they must not be disappointed with the death list!"

"Little fish..." two

The face of Tianzun suddenly changed suddenly. If they knew the little fish, they naturally understood it. They thought more deeply that Lingfeng’s divorce was too poisonous, and he did not use conspiracy, but the plot of red fruit.

A sword stabbed to cover the Wanli Xinghe, you can only face hard steel.

Retreat is a tragedy! Enter

It is also a tragedy! Now

They are not going to save face, but how to reduce losses. "

Hey, he dares to suppress our roster of death, then the Emperor of the Dead God can not suppress the Emperor? "Blue is said to be honest."


The fish sighed indifferently.

They still didn't want to understand. One

Hit it once a month, and ask the Emperor of the Death God to have the energy to complete such a great "feat"? more

What's more. magic

The Emperor was suppressed by them. What can they exchange for these demons?

Ling Feng's resentment? Ling

The wind has just entered the magical powers, and they can't talk about the feelings of these demons. They can't talk about the face, but they are not the masters of the magic. If you use this as an excuse to madly target the roster of death, then no one wants to practice.

Internal friction is a terrible war than the outer fight.

next moment.

The small fish flew out of the fish water palace and appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng, you have to worry!" Small

The fish said strongly. "My death list will not give up any one character. Today I challenge you in the name of the young master!"

not bad! Ling

The wind said with a smile: "There is no bad luck in my imagination!"


"However, the challenge can't be said, I originally asked you to come." Ling Feng continued. "I want to be idle and idle, this is not going to ask for a sharpening."


In the heart of the fish, it seems to have been smashed, and there is a feeling of moving a rock to lick its own feet. It is also more costly and murderous. As a result, it is felt like a sickle.

Have you heard that the sharpening stone is looking for it?

The knife needs to be polished when it is blunt, but now the sharpening stone is to blunt a sharp knife.

Such a wonderful whetstone, there are really few pieces in the world.

"Come on!" small

The fish don't want to talk nonsense with Lingfeng. Today, even if the gods of the death gods are disappointed, they must be tempted.

She came to defend the dignity of the roster of death.

"it is good!"


At the beginning of the war, the power of the sky was swayed at the beginning, and the earth was shaken, and the whole world almost collapsed. small

Fish is indeed not comparable to Xiaoxun, not only the strength of its strength, but its treasure is endless, even if Lingfeng feels that he is very poor. "

What you are embarrassed to show off the rich? "Ling Feng is very uncomfortable to say. No.

Over. small

Although the fish is strong, when the wind shows the top Tianwei, the small fish is still losing ground, and finally it is forced to a desperate situation. Ding


The prelude of the magic fairy unfolds, the heavens and the earth are exhausted, the road is disintegrating, and the space is burning away. small

The fish spurted the blood, and it fell directly from the void. It was covered with scars. A scream was heard and the eyes were gray. She had done all her best, but she was still not an opponent of Lingfeng. Boom

! most

After that, Ling Feng ended the battle with a fist and hit the small fish into the center of the earth.

"Little Lord!"

The one of the Emperor Wudi was blushing and wanted to tear Ling Feng. They didn’t want the fish to come out on the one hand, and they were looking forward to it. When the fish really appeared, they were full of expectations, but by this time it was Full of sadness.

This moment the fish is defeated!

At this moment, the list of the gods of death is returned to the hearts of the Emperor Wu!

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