Supreme Demon

Chapter 2517: Sharpening stone is too hard to hurt the knife!

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Death **** less dagger!

This is the tragedy of the entire Death Academy.

Ling Feng has shown the strength of decapitation, even if it is difficult for a young fish to end up in the end.

The Emperor Wu of the list of death gods shed tears, and the power of the magic road is crazy.

Even if there is no immortality, there is no immortal Tiangong, Lingfeng can still suppress the death of the Emperor Wudi, how powerful is this?


They are even more eager to see that the third master of the death list is beheaded in front of Ling Feng. Which is the first and second Wudi?


The two are retreating, there is no emperor's strength, I am afraid that it will not be born, and Ling Feng has not smelted Xianjin. Once the two characters take a step in the morning, the unlucky ones will be them.

But what about them?

There is no top resource, no Xiangu Tiangong, it is difficult to confront the two characters, the longer the time drags, the more unfavorable they are.

"Black Phoenix, Xianjin will be divided by you!"

Ling Feng was eager to make a fuss, and the pieces of fairy gold that had been searched from the small fish were handed to the hands of the black phoenix and distributed by her.

For the other treasures of the small fish, Ling Feng did not move, otherwise the death roster would really tear the face.


The black phoenix said with joy, that the eyes fell on Ling Feng, a warm.

The soul worships the strong, the black phoenix is ​​no exception, and at this moment the wind is the strong in her eyes.

"Where is the first and second Emperor of the Soviet Union, where is the death?" Ling Feng asked the enemies around him.


Black Phoenix pointed out one direction: "Only the two territories are now sealed by the gods to prevent being disturbed by other people."


Ling Feng stunned for a moment, and his mouth raised a cold smile. I was afraid that the two Tianzun were guarding him?


Ling Feng wants to grind the two knives is not realistic, the two Tianzun do not want this situation to happen, but for Ling Feng, this is still a pity.

"Let the two devils study as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng will also hand over the fragments of Xian Gu Tiangong from the hands of these Emperors, and hand it over to the Black Phoenix, who will transfer the two Devils.


The black phoenix bowed his head and admired Ling Feng. Although this person is crazy, he is very loyal and never thinks about it, but takes it out for everyone to share.

"The situation is not good for us. Once Xiangu Tiangong is at hand, you will cultivate as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng wrinkled, pre-feeling that a storm is coming, the two characters in the list of death will not let themselves wait for decades, and at most, this roster of death will have a terrible drama, until then, only by themselves is not enough.


The black phoenix and other emperors also felt the pressure, and the more the Lingfeng suppressed, the more the violent rebellion of the death gods.

Once they can't keep up with the situation, then this anger will swallow them up.

By then.

They are the real sharpening stones.

It’s a month in a hurry.

Ling Feng flew out of the palace and was banned from appearing in a piece of territory. The roster of death needs him to be a sharpening stone. Then he will play the role of the sharpening stone to the most vivid place.

Needless to say.

For the Emperor Wu of the Death List, Ling Feng is still a nightmare.

"Who will suppress him!"

A female emperor was crying, and the pear blossoms were raining and sad.

In the face of Ling Feng, the face of the Death List was torn and shredded, and they had the heart to defeat the enemy, but they were unable to return to heaven.

"Wait, when the two Emperors came out, it was his death!"

Xiao Xun said quietly. "Now we have to endure!"

For such a hard-nosed character, Ling Feng has always been not very gentle, directly hitting Xiao Xun on the ground, unable to climb for a long time.

"Is the fish closed?"

When Ling Feng pushed twenty-three Emperors, he came to the fish water territory and could not help but sigh.

Here, it is sealed by Tianzunqimen. Don’t say that Emperor Wu is not easy for Tianzun to break into.


After being beaten, the little fish was so painful that they had to concentrate on cultivation. They did not ask the emperor not to be born. Under the sway of Ling Feng, they had to force themselves to make rapid progress. Xiao Xun was like this, and the little fish was like this.

Now, their goal is only one.

That is Ling Feng!

They are miserable and do not mind more miserable and more tragic.

Just because.

They are waiting for that big victory, they can fall to the next game, but Ling Feng can not fall in one game, as long as he falls, it is the death!

Never turn over!

“It’s really a headache!”

Ling Feng squinted and felt the pressure in his heart.


In the hands of twenty-three armed emperors, he still got some immortal gold, all of which were distributed by the black phoenix. For him, one hundred and twenty pieces of gold were enough.

"How is the progress of the two demons?" Ling Feng asked.

"I am improving, I want to come soon!"

The black phoenix is ​​full of faces, which is unprecedented news for the magical forces, meaning they will also be able to cultivate.

"That's fine!"

Ling Feng’s forehead, said with a smile. "I will suppress them for a few more months!"


For the Emperor Wu of the Death List, it is a purgatory. It is better to die than to die.


They know that when the fish and the two characters are not born, they are the fish on the wind, and more importantly, in the past few months, their roads have not progressed, they have stagnated, and the hearts have almost collapsed. .

This time people realized the intent of Ling Feng.

Too poisonous!

In the fifth month, the two devils smiled and flew out, bringing exciting news.

Xiangu Tiangong improved successfully.

It should be called Xiangu Magic!

This kind of news naturally can't hold back the two gods of the death list, so they are angry, but there is no way. The improved Xiangu Tiangong is completely different from the previous one.


This is just the first part. There is no middle and back, and the demons will still stop at the spirit level.


This also reminds them that to keep Shougu Tiangong, Lingfeng can't get the middle and the back, otherwise it will be troublesome.


Let the devil be depressed, let the tragedy of Tianzun ecstasy happen.

The improved Xiangu Magical Power is not suitable for Lingfeng, although Lingfeng can use the ancient magic power to sacrifice the fairy gold, but it is not acceptable to integrate into the body.

"Hey, is it really easy for me to improve my ancient heaven?"

Lan Lan sneered and said. "Fantastic!"


Ling Feng is just a case. The black phoenix is ​​not affected. It can smelt the fairy gold. This is to make the two gods frown.

"Ling Feng, you should not worry, your physique is special, I am afraid we have to improve your physique!"

The two demon statues are quite dedicated to Ling Feng, painstakingly researching, to create a magical power for Ling Feng.

"Working both of them!"

Ling Feng’s forehead, serious face, but there is no such worry in my heart.

His "Void Way" is too special. He created the universe in his body, and he gave birth to the power of the fairy, completely restraining the magic power, and thus appeared in such a picture.

In fact.

He does not need such magical powers, "Void Road" is essentially a more unpredictable celestial power than Xiangu Tiangong.

"That will then sharpen the knife!"

Ling Feng is very uncomfortable, so it makes the death of the Emperor Wudi even more uncomfortable.

"The sharpening stone is too hard, it is easy to hurt the knife!"

Blue sighs.

Ling Feng was not prepared for the Emperor Wu at this time, but prepared for the post-emperor. The goods were too hard and terrible, and the murder knife of Death was hurt.

Ten times!

Ling Feng will ruin the murderous knife of the list of death gods. Now the entire death school talks about the "wind" change. Those Wudi see the Ling Feng like a ghost, and even at the end they are numb.

Especially the tenth time.

They did not suppress, but let the wind violently.

Their heart broke down in front of Ling Feng.

This is the most serious tragedy in the history of the roster of death.

There are no choices for the two heavens, and they can only wait for the characters to be born.

"Shin-Islam retreat?"

A few days later, Ling Feng got the news and sighed.

"Cool ink is closed?"

The next day, Ling Feng got the news that made him feel depressed.

"Yanshan is also closed?"

The next few days.

Ling Feng will receive such news from time to time, those Wudi were beaten by him, and they will ask the emperor through retreat and retreat, and then step on Ling Feng.

Once retreat, Ling Feng can't target them.

"Is the whetstone too hard to hurt the knife?"

Ling Feng grinned.


The roster of death was hurt by him and he had to avoid the edge.

in fact.

This day, the wind has long been expected, as long as they retreat, it is a difficult problem in front of Ling Feng.

Can he still be a few years old?

Although the two devils have done their best and made many improvements, they still don't fit him, so they want to tear their potential, and even ask the emperor to rely on himself.

The next month.

Ling Feng did not appear as scheduled, which made the remaining Wudi sigh of relief, but more curious why Ling Feng did not come?


They got the news, and the "nightmare" and "disaster star" actually began to retreat.

"Do you feel dangerous at this time?"

“Is it too late?”

"It’s been a year since we suppressed us. We didn’t get the celestial power of Xiangu. How do you see your retreat?”

"Is this a few people who are afraid of my death list?"

"Yes, can you hide for a few more years?"

Without the suppression of Lingfeng, the entire Academy of Death was calming down.

The Emperor Wu of the Death and the Emperor of the Nether are practicing in madness, trying to tear open more potential faster and ask the emperor.

"too late!"

Lan Lan sneered and said: "For up to five years, the two characters will be born, what do you take to resist?"

They are waiting, and they are looking forward to it.

The two devils are frowning.


Is this important for Ling Feng?


Five years?


There is not enough Xianjin, there is no fairy magic, but he does not need this, he will use his own strength to tear open the potential and open the door of the Tao.

He did not know if there were any characters in this age.

He doesn't even know if there are any characters in the future generations that will go out of this step.


He is going to take this step!

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