Supreme Demon

Chapter 2518: Cracked Xianzi!

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泠鸢 阙 阙.

A magic star hangs in the sky, sprinkling thousands of magic and spreading the entire sky. palace

阙 is very empty, although the overall coverage is 30 miles, but there is nothing in it, only Ling Feng sits in it, and the empty can hear his breathing.

in fact.

泠鸢 阙 阙 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩 掩


Because the palace is a filial wind, the Qimen here is also changing. It is not the star power but the magic star power.

however. this

Engraved, the power of the magic star was actually pushed by the power of Ling Feng, and did not flow into his body, but flowed over the palace, only because the wind was sitting on the ground, holding a scroll of God , slowly unfolding.


Autumn is like a spring, and the momentum is like a star.

That **** figure shows not only the mountains and rivers, but also the vast power of the road.

To the **** map!

Previously, Ling Feng had learned that the Shenjin Mountain was standing in the middle of the gods. At that time, he still did not understand, thinking that he could smelt those gold into the body and cast extraordinary ways. Do not

However, when he touched step by step, this thought was changing little by little. Take

The limit of the torn potential of the fairy gold is not a king, but it will be embarrassed. It is difficult to go further without the immortality, but if he relies on his own strength to tear his potential? that

The nature is completely different.

He will not rely on Xianjin, just to fill the power, the magic can, the star power can, the power is even better, who said it must be Xianjin? when

. dead

One of the Emperor Wu of the gods retired, especially the small fish and the two characters, so that he also felt the pressure, if he waited all the time, I am afraid that waiting for him will be the end of his death. because


He thought about tearing up the flesh and blood potential as soon as possible, opening up the treasure map of the universe, and opening up his own potential, and then he was qualified to ask the emperor. Boom


The magic road forbidden soil and the ancient Wuta, etc., all flew out together, and together they hit the road to the gods. The Xianli was flying out of the Lingfeng body, and it was forbidden to press the road to the gods. Want


Ling Feng is not Tian Zun. It is not easy to push this door open. Even if he has to do his best, he will be able to let the Taoist figure open a gap.


The multiple forces are suppressed together, carrying a heavy thrust, and the life will tear the road into a gap. Are


The massive force of the road is like a sea tide. Even if it is just a gap, the rhythm of the road is also ecstasy and moving. It is because of this power that the power of the magic star in the void is pushed.

Needless to say. This

Like the massive force of lightning, the lightning surged into the wind, completely drowning its flesh and blood, soaring in the human and the physical universe, erupting the Tianwei, and swaying the momentum of the waves. turn

River falls to the sea!

Initial time.

Ling Feng’s flesh and blood is only in the air, and the movement is not big. When the time is pushed forward little by little, his flesh and blood exudes Yingying Baoguang, like a layer of gold, and the top Tianwei is accompanying that. The color of gold has deepened and has become more intense.

The temperament is endless, and it flows to Lingfeng people and any corner of the universe. What you can see is that the color of the void is deepening due to the surge of gold treasure. whole

The universe is filling up a little bit, and together with the flesh and blood of Ling Feng.

after all.

His flesh and blood is the real universe. and


Every acupuncture point in Lingfeng's body shines with the golden treasure color, blending with the endless magic, and then becomes gray and gray, like the beginning of chaos.

The rhythm of the road comes from the Lingfeng Dantian, and the radiation is all around. In a short time, Lingfeng’s abdomen is swollen, and the momentum spreads. Each acupuncture point is like a star. A flesh and blood is like a dark galaxies, and the meridians. It is more like a galaxy.


Previously, these galaxies and galaxies were dry and had no vitality, and the emergence of the power of the dynasty illuminates these galaxies and galaxies, allowing them to become endless and release their breath. Do not

Only so. on

It is Lingfeng's magic road and the three forces are covered by the power of the road, the color of which has become lighter, but the essence of power is strengthening. whole

The whole two months. Ling

The wind is immersed in the power of the road, so that the body becomes full, and the power of the road also spreads out of the abdomen, rushing toward the chest and limbs of Lingfeng. image

It is the water droplets that are immersed in the earth and make a sound.

Lingfeng's chest and the flesh and blood on the limbs are slightly trembled, like there are millions of worms breaking into the body, accompanied by his blood squirming, a bit stinging, but this is not a lot of pain for Ling Feng.

The speed of the immersion was not fast. It took more than two months for the Lingfeng chest to fill, while the limbs took a full three months. that

The color of the splashed ink has been diluted a lot, and it has become gray and horrible. Display

Of course. to

The power of the road does not suppress the madness in the body of the wind, but it is "sprayed" at the same time as the influx, and it is dyed with magic. splash

The color of the ink is representative of the devil, but this does not mean that it is the only color of the devil.

The blood is flowing backwards, and the mind is lost.

The subject is human, not power. and

And. gray

The magic of the monk is more unpredictable than the magic of the ink color. Do not

day. to

The power of the road spreads toward Lingfeng's head, and the immersion speed is slower. Like the river water is smashing hard sand, you can see that Lingfeng is straight and straight, there are millions of insects crawling over, the blue veins twist and tremble, from the skin. Revealed, full of sense of sensation. and

The fine tingling became a pain, and Ling Feng was frying.

The head is not the most vulnerable part of Lingfeng, but the soul sea, the brain, etc. are relatively fragile, and the sting from this aspect is the most painful. Do not

Over. This

The kind of invasion is not Nie, the Ling Feng has even come to the Nirvana fire, let alone these invasions?

Although it is very painful, it does not affect the life and death of Ling Feng. he

Firmly smelt down. Fives

Month time!

His entire body was filled with the power of the road, like a balloon full of flesh, flesh and blood, blue veins revealed, Dantian with vibrato, the magic is full of pale gold color and blood color, so that Ling Feng looks even more terrible. blood

Meat limit!

For more than a year, Ling Feng stepped to the limit step by step. The rhythm of the temperament came from Dantian and filled the whole body. The gold color blended with the magic of the ink, and it became a gray color, more like a void color. magic

, Tao, demon. This

This is the void race, and the starry sky is made up of these forces. There is no difference in the nature of the universe, whether it is the Tao or the devil. it

They are all part of the universe.

now. Ling

Feng Jun Lin Ling Emperor Peak, overlooking the sentient beings, and when the magic road bans the soil to the limit, the Emperor of the Emperor is completely in front of him.

He is qualified to step into the sky. but

. positive

Like this starry sky, his flesh and blood are shackled, his genius is contained, and he wants to go further and only has to understand the power of space law, which is transformed by the rules of space, and this process does not know what year and month. because

and. he

If you want to progress in a short period of time, you must tear open the limits of flesh and blood, so that the rules of space can go further.

Xiangu Tiangong blessed on the immortal material, you can do it. Ling

The wind is jealous of Xianjin, relying on its own strength to tear up more powerful talents.

"Fu!" He

The eyes are firm, the road is solid, and the empty roads are shining through the sky. If it is not in the space of the spirited beads, I am afraid that the light will be discovered by the gods of the list of death gods.

Because he is in the space of the spirited beads, he is unscrupulous.


As the road to the gods made a vibrato, the gap became a bit bigger, and from it there was a massive amount of power to the road, and it rushed toward the wind. "

Oh! "when

When a person's limit comes, more than a trace is a burden, even if a feather is a huge weight.

This is especially true for Ling Feng.

Every inspiration of the rhythm makes his body tremble, the flesh and blood is damaged, the power is tearing his flesh and blood, the hole is blasted, and the bones are opened, and the gray magic blood is oozing out of the body. Let it become miserable. Of course

and. Ling

The wind is stubbornly persisting. Under the suppression of the Tao, it is easy to tear open the limits of flesh and blood.

There is no hard-willed iron will, no blessing of top power, no persistence in life and death, no magic to restore flesh and blood, I am afraid that it will be destroyed.


In just a moment, Ling Feng burst open and became a **** fog. but

His flesh and blood is recast from the blood, becoming more sturdy, hard steel to the rhyme, and the recast body can be incorporated into more temperament.


After a short time, his flesh and blood exploded again...嗡


After the 18th blast, Taiyi really surged out and maintained the situation for Lingfeng. The ban was flying out, releasing a huge amount of breath, blessing on Lingfeng, turning into a battle suit, allowing Ling Feng to Hold more until the charm. versus

At the same time. magic

The road is forbidden to melt, and its power is integrated into the body of Lingfeng, especially the fairy force. It flies away and blends into the bones of Lingfeng, and devours it into the rhyme.


This still can not save the situation, Lingfeng's severe pain spread from the body to the face, let him twist the whole, but the body is not so easy to collapse. he

Insist on!

He is practicing!

He is waiting for the miracle to be born!

Three months later, there was a flame in his body. It was because the temperament was too much, and the flame that was born and slammed into the body was enough to burn a spirit to ashes.

however. positive

Because of the appearance of this flame, Ling Feng's flesh and blood bones have experienced a life and death, and the light wall that bans flesh and blood is thinning in the fire, and the force that binds him burns together in the fire. Card

rub! end

In the sixth month, Ling Feng’s body shattered and shattered, and collapsed in the fire.

The soul of the Ling Feng is a mess, the devil will die. This

At that time, too much water came in, nourishing the dead soul that would die, let it become alive, and Ling Feng also recovered from the state of death, giving off unprecedented vitality.

The fairy light spurts and spreads all over the body. This

It is tearing the fairy capital!

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