Supreme Demon

Chapter 2519: Nine visions!

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Xianli blends.

The momentum is rampant.

To the rhythm of the rhythm, so that the flesh and blood of Ling Feng become different, more sturdy, just like the emperor body, and the human and physical universe further spewed, inside the lightning cast the stars and the sea, not only confined to the body, but also toward the void In the midst of evolution, the entire universe is undergoing qualitative changes.


The void universe in Lingfeng has become more vast, and it is not limited to the body, it can affect the surrounding space.

Although the void universe spreads into the void, there are not many, only five feet, but the five-square circle is a deadly range. It can be called the pure land of the universe. Once other characters fall within this range, it will be suppressed by the top, even if it is Space rules and laws must be annihilated.

That is the pure land of Ling Feng, no way, no power in it.

Because of the different universes, the potential of Lingfeng was torn apart. Because Xianli is integrated into it, it feels more like tearing the fairy tales.

Needless to say.

There is a great influx of temperament, and the potential for tearing is unprecedented. The flesh and blood are dried up by the previous limits, like a dry riverbed, which requires a lot of resources to nourish.

The **** between heaven and earth does not add to the body, so that Ling Feng can go further.

of course.

This is just the previous cracking of Xianxian, which can make Lingfeng enter the realm of the emperor, but if you want to step into the emperor, you still need to tear the talent.

This is the embarrassment between heaven and earth.

Every step is extremely difficult, and tearing the genius is just opening a door.

"This is just the beginning!"

Lingfeng magic eyes shine, bursting with amazing light, tearing talent is only the first step, and it takes more power to want it.

The road to the gods is still shining, the gap is not closed, the ancient temperament is like a tidal wave, pouring out over the sky, submerging the Lingfeng, infiltrating into the dry flesh and blood of Lingfeng, not only in Moisturizing, it is even thinner.

The mighty power shocked the sky.



The flesh and blood of Ling Feng swelled, just as the same hungry man swallowed the sweet spring and made a squeaky voice. His flesh and blood bones also became light and rainy from the previous pale colors.


A strange light, like the same heavy petals spread out, showing the beasts.

It was a fire phoenix, and the mouth whispered, and the fire of the void color spewed from its mouth, and it radiated toward the surrounding wind, and it slowly collapsed in a short time.

A vision of talent.

This is not a strange thing, but anyone who can tear the talent can surprise the vision. The difference is that Ling Feng tears the fairy capital.


What is really amazing is that Ling Feng’s surprise is not a single vision.

To know.

As soon as the rhythm of the Tao has just come, the body of Ling Feng has undergone a shocking change, which in turn reveals a vision, but only a primary vision.


In a short time, the second most important vision appeared, and a splash of ink appeared in the dragon. There was a hole in the circle around the dragon, and it was deep and bottomless, showing a fierce temperament.

That is an abyss.

It was the dragon that was born in the abyss.

This kind of dragon is mysterious, and its strength is even more unpredictable. It is a terrible dragon in the dragon family. Although it may not be able to juxtapose with the candle dragon, it is not comparable to other dragons.

And after its appearance in the phoenix, it also shows that this second vision is more extraordinary.


For Ling Feng, this vision is still just beginning. The temperament is far from being scattered, but it is rushing to Lingfeng, and it is integrated into the body. The flesh and blood are more violent and the power is more exciting.

The whole space is trembled.

Not much time.

The third major vision appeared, it was a **** god, above the real dragon and the fire phoenix, unlike the arrogant bird and Tianqi, this bird is more heroic, like an eagle, proud Scorpio, tearing open the nine heavens.

The eyes opened slightly and the entire space was suppressed.

That is the **** of the gods above the sky!

To know.

In Xiangu, this bird was once known as the fairy.

What is even more different is that the **** of the gods is gray and dark, and the feathers are not too bright, and the eyes are red, but it is a magic bird.


Because of the wind and the wind, its vision is completely demonized.


The gods and gods are still not the ultimate vision, and there are more visions in the temperament, which are showing out one by one.

The fourth vision is a star!

Ancient and solemn, revealing the terrible momentum that makes the nine days bow down, this star is not in the world, but from the ancient times, the ancient times, its momentum is even more proof of this.

Some terrible things happened that led to the destruction of many stars, and this star was one of them.


The vastness and unpredictability of this star is definitely more terrible than the current Supreme Star.

The fifth vision is a galaxy.

Between the world.

The blue color floats out of it, centering on the previous big star, and outlines a gloomy star river. It also has terrible light rain on the edge, and forms a broken stream, completely covering the periphery.

The scope is not large, but to really let go, it is vast and endless. It can't be calculated by "inside", but by light years.

The sixth vision is a black hole.

Different from the ordinary small black hole, this black hole is quite vast, directly swallowing the fifth vision of Ling Feng, and erupting the power of the mountains and the sea, completely ignoring the rules of heaven and earth.

For Ling Feng, this black hole is more like a space.

A large space belonging to the universe!

Deviate the space of the rules and rules of the space!

However, the retrograde space was born more differently.

The seventh vision is a piece of Xinghai.

It consists of black holes, white holes, and stars and rivers. It is magnificent. There is no sea water here, and some are just the "sea" composed of stars.

Tianwei is stirring, and everything is bowed.

No one can imagine how vast this piece of Xinghai is. In the endless light and rain, the white and the night alternate, appearing in one day.


If this piece of Xinghai is placed in the vast universe, it is still very small, and the real universe is hundreds of millions of times larger than the Xinghai.

This is the case with a drop in the ocean.

The eighth is the universe.

It is only Lingfeng that can't cast the universe. He can only brand the universe in the body. This universe is composed of the endless sea of ​​stars.

Needless to say.

The universe is almost the end of power, mysterious, until now people have not taken the universe, not only the road is bound, the talent is bound, everything in the world is bound and imprisoned.

The universe is heaven!

This means that the path of Ling Feng has come to an end.


The strength of the road is still not scattered, and it is still coming to Lingfeng, and the face of Lingfeng is even more solemn.

He feels different!

Is the universe the end?

next moment.

His body turned over the river, and the power of terror poured out heavily. The universe suddenly collapsed, forming a large black-painted hole, and more cosmic prototypes appeared around the wind, not limited to one.

Parallel universe?

Ling Feng is puzzling, he can't touch this level at this level, that is, burning Tian Zun and other characters are afraid to be stunned.

This is why Tianzun needs to ask the sky.

Ask the day, know the cause and effect!

Ask the sky, know the heavens.

Ask the sky, know what the day is!

Six big holes!

The dark image is splashed with ink, from which there is endless Huaguang, there are blue, reddish, and magical light... The six colors appear together, and the gushing out of the momentum is more different.


These six large holes seem to be the brand that flew out of the Ling Feng soul sea, that is, the prohibition can not be maintained.

"Six roads!"

Ling Feng suddenly shocked, remembering what happened in the Wan Mo Ling Yuan, he is not clear, but since it flew out, the soul of the sea has these six imprints.

Six detached universes?

Ling Feng is dumb, not very clear what this is.

However, his vision is more important than one, and six appearances appear after the prototype of the universe, proving that the six is ​​a more mysterious force than the universe.


Is there not six in this universe?

Very confusing!

At least, these six roads are beyond the scope of Ling Feng's understanding, and they will not be known until they ask questions.


Suddenly, the six holes and the heavens merged, and the six forces spurted in a hole in the sky. The Gale gas field that moved the mountains and filled the sea broke out. It directly collapsed the universe and went straight into the sky, and opened up in the sky. Three heavens, let it present a chaotic and awkward state and picture.

"what is that?"

Ling Feng was awkward, on the sky, the sky that was blown open.

White light swallows the sky, the petals fly, and the holy world reappears like a fairyland.

Is that really a fairyland?

The six wonders can only open the wonderland?


Soon, Ling Feng found that something was wrong, only because there was a character in the picture of the peace, swaying the sky, 10,000 roads, a person is more like a fairy.

His body was stunned, surrounded by white light, and the crane was guarded.

His face was vague and shrouded in auspiciousness.

He seems to hold something in his hand.

What seems to be hanging around his waist.

There seems to be something flying on his head.

He carried the entire sky and marched forward.

Who is he?

Ling Feng is more puzzling. There are many things that he can't understand today, like a piece of ancient history is quietly spreading in front of him.

In history, or is there really such a person in the world?

Is there a fairy in the world?

Six, fairyland, the character... Because of the nine-fold vision, a mysterious thing is unfolding in front of Lingfeng, as if to uncover the historical scene of Xiangu and the ages.


The six roads quickly annihilated, and the branding flew to the soul sea of ​​Ling Feng, and the scene on the sky was also extinguished at this moment, leaving little time for Ling Feng to understand.

In fact.

Ling Feng didn't think much about it. Some things even if he knew it was not what he can solve now. He only needs to step forward and solve the problems around him.


As the end of the temperament ceases, the endless power is pouring out from his body, his flesh and blood reach the state of "water overflow", the power is spewing, and the flow continues.

The former Lingfeng was like a lake, and the water was dry and exhausted.

Now Ling Feng is like a lake spring, the water is not exhausted.

Even more amazing changes come from the magic road, the three forces are surrounded by light rain, bursting out of vitality, and there is a momentum of integration.

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