Supreme Demon

Chapter 2520: The second Tao Xian!

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The void is dull.

Ling Feng Pan sat in the space of the spirited beads, the eyes are dazzling, the gas field is shocking, as if it is a demon statue, overlooking the beings.

His flesh and blood filled, releasing the top Tianwei, the emptiness of light rain fluttering between flesh and blood, casting a god-level picture, each piece of flesh and blood is like a galaxy, each acupuncture point is like a star, and the dead hole is the universe. The top star is called the Supreme Star.

The magic road forbidden soil shines in its dantian, Dantian has no light curtain and limit, without any restraint and suppression.

And the full picture is in the forbidden soil of the magic road, the terrible power of the top of the spirit emperor is radiating little by little, even if the wind is blowing cold.

At this moment, the magic road is not allowed to be juxtaposed, and it can really suppress the top Wudi of the world.

Triple power blessing, Ling Feng is like a man.

When the magic eyes shine, the whole void seems to collapse. Although the space of the devouring beads is different from the void of the big universe, it is still scattered and annihilated.

at least.

Ling Feng feels directly that he is not as good as before. The strength is increasing too much. The triple force reaches the state of “water overflow”. The dry well is water, unstoppable, and all are the temperament. This power is not Star Power. The magic can match.

He really went to the top of the Emperor and looked down on all beings.


Is this enough?

The real intention of his cracked immortality was to ask himself to ask the emperor, and the spiritual emperor of the district had already been unable to control the vision of Lingfeng.

of course.

There are two more situations that make him pay attention to him. The first is that the confrontation between the three kinds of Taos is not as fierce as before. The momentum is blending and quite meaningful, but it has not yet reached that level.

The second case is Xianli.

Since the birth of this Xianli, Ling Feng has borrowed the power to make it step by step, and has now reached the level of Feixian, overlooking the extent of sentient beings, but still does not reach the level of "Fengxian".

This makes Ling Feng puzzled.

Obviously, the current universe is difficult to accommodate the true fairy power, or it is to restrain the birth of Xianli, and Feixian is not a real fairy.


At the time when Ling Feng was unable to do anything, the fairy power was actually different. The light rain and the rain became more and more ambiguous. There was a faint light between them, and I wanted to split it.


When Ling Feng’s eyes are bright, he always feels that when he cracks Xianxian, Xianli is also in a state of horror, and the power of shackles is born.

"What could it be?"

Ling Feng muttered to himself, he did not know what happened to Xianli, but as long as this power is in the body, as long as it is still in his controllable range, then the change of Xianli is beneficial.

“Does this want to evolve the ultimate form?”

Lingfeng mouth is rising, showing a beautiful arc.

next moment.

His strength surged out, and on the spot, he opened a gap in the "God to the Road", letting the massive temperament flow from it, but what Ling Feng did not find was that the temperament at this time was relatively thin, and there was no It was as strong as before.


"To the God of the Gods" makes a dull tremor, the sound is not big, the sound is not heavy.

Massive qiyun flew to Lingfeng, and it was rushed to Dantian. In the process, Lingtian’s dantian shines, “Void Road” runs wildly, the universe prototype appears, and the nine visions behind it come out, one after another, really Surprised in the world.

His flesh and blood is calm, and he does not deliberately devour his temperament, but let him flow to the magic road.

In fact.

It is the magic road that has not swallowed the rhyme, but let it flock to the fairy power.

Xianli drums, the previous limit is also disintegrated at this moment, bursting out a larger "appetite", able to swallow more power.


A hurricane appeared around Xianli, and the four elephants appeared. The guards were around, making the fairy force more ambiguous and fuzzy. Lingfeng could not see what was happening at the Xianli Center.


The temperament is constantly flowing into Xianli and is integrated into it.

Initial time.

Xianli calms like a calm lake, without any waves, but when the time disappears little by little, the still water lake surface is also a little bit swaying, and it is pushed around.


Over time, the “lake surface” became more unsettled, from the undulating waves to the rushing shore, which took only 18 days.

The entire sky is squirting!

Wandao is bowing!

The space of the spirited beads is disintegrating.

Just because the "shocking" is not a lake, but a fairy.

Needless to say.

The temperament of the temperament caused the blowout of Xianli, which gave birth to more Xianli. At the same time, the three forces of magic, rebellion and heaven were also scattered and integrated into Xianli.

after all.

The birth of Xianli is not only the temperament, but also the need for more strength, and these three forces are an important part of Xianli.

In fact.

These are not enough. After all, this is the shock of Xianli.

On the twentieth day, Xianli stopped short, and the temperament and triple power seemed to be hindered and could not be integrated into it, which made Ling Feng frown.

After a while.

He knows the truth. There is a light curtain in Xianli to curb the birth of a larger miracle, which requires more powerful power to disintegrate it.


Ling Feng sacrificed the star spring and let it blend into Xianli.

"Xin Jin!"

On the spot, Ling Feng blasted dozens of celestial gold to let the golden material flow to Xianli.

not enough!

"Chaotic blood!"

This is what Ling Feng got in the chaotic nine-changing spirit. Although it is not a real chaotic blood, there are chaos origins, but not much, but it is only a terrible force behind Xianli.


The power of the celestial force provoked the sky and the light rain, and the light rain was also ruined in the process of chaotic blood.

In an instant.

Xian Lijun, the momentum is endless.

Endless light rain is coming out of it, dazzling, even if it is Ling Feng can not open his eyes, can only use the sense of God.

The limit of Xianli is like being broken open, and the power that comes in is more. The massive breath and matter disappear into it, so Lingfeng feels painful, and in the end, the rhythm becomes lighter and makes Ling Feng was shocked.

It’s just a demon.

How much rhyme does it take to cast a fairy?

How much material do you need?

And if a fairy is really born in this world, I am afraid that the charm of the entire universe will be cleaned up?

at last.

The immortal force seems to reach the realm of "water overflow", the rhythm of the passage automatically dissipates, the triple force flies back to the magic road, and the stars and chaotic blood also fall down. Only the fairy force is guarded by the four elephants, in the void The sky is shining.

A full five days.

Ling Feng has been immersed in it, sensing the change of Xianli.


On the sixth day, the surface of Xianli was actually tearing. The process was very slow and lasted for a long time, but Lingfeng patiently waited.

Kick, wipe...

Xianli made a cracking sound, and more and more, the sound is not big, but it is enough to shock the world, only because the terrible power is about to be born out of it.


A light flew out of it, falling in the forbidden soil of the magic road, only the size of the baby fist, very inconspicuous, white and blind.


When I saw the white light, Ling Feng was crazy.

Because of that, it is the embryonic form of Xianli, the same as Xianli, which was born at the beginning, but Xianli is still very weak.

The second fairy force!

"Dao Shengyi, one life, two, two things!"

Ling Feng feels a little excited and excited.


Xianli is only a force, limited to a glimpse. Unless Lingfeng can ask the immortal, it will stop abruptly, but now it is different. Xianli can evolve and derive more Xianli. This is not just a force. It is a real knives.


Xianli will release its true light rain!

Just because.

It won't stop, only one or two!

Just because.

It can annihilate any power, and the heavens must also bow down.

Now, the second fairy power is born, will the third fairy power be far behind?

Ling Feng is not afraid of how difficult it is to create Xianli. He is afraid that Xianli can only do this. Now that the method of Xianli has been found, there is no power, and any character can stop the crazy demon.

"Give it!"

At this moment, Ling Feng is unparalleled, endless resources are like a hill, and all efforts are made. Xingquan, triple power and chaotic blood are all hesitant to push to the immature Xianli.

at the same time.

The vastness of the temperament is also coming to Xianli, and the tide is so turbulent that the Xianli will undergo qualitative changes in a short period of time.


In just a few days, the fairy force became even more unspeakable, and it seemed that one of the cents was flying.

next moment.

The fairy flew out of Xianli, stepping on the moon, and squatting, overlooking all beings.

Above the flying fairy!


Suddenly, the fairy disintegrated in the void, disappeared, and the second fairy force flowed through the Sheng Shi Xiaguang, appearing in the magical road of Lingfeng.

Same as the previous one!

Two Xianli go hand in hand.

The whole magical roads have become different, and the whites are brighter. Xianli spreads in all directions and lights up the entire sky. They form snow trees, snow trees, fairy tales, cranes and dragons, and dragons and phoenixes. When the road to the magic road is raging, the magical road is also undergoing subtle changes.

Although the three forces have become weaker, they have become more and more powerful when Xianli comes, and they are going to lift up.

a long time.

Ling Feng opened his eyes and did not need to sense. He could see two Xianli more directly.

"I wanted to crack the immortality, I did not expect this kind of creation!"

Ling Feng was satisfied, and the second Xianli was an accidental income, which happened without he thought of it.

When he carefully understands the power of the two powers, he is frightened. The flying fairy is indeed close to the power of "Feng Xian", and if these two Xianli are used properly, it is a big killer.

When the emperor came, he must bow down!

of course.

The second immortal force is too important. If it comes out, it is necessary to be shocked. I am afraid that the list of death gods and the celestial gods and the devils will not let him go, at least to study.


This second fairy power cannot be presented to the world at present, and he will continue to forbear.

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