Supreme Demon

Chapter 2521: emperor!

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Everything in the void is bowed!

Two Xianli volleys flew out and suppressed the audience, completely defying the space rules and rules in the spirit beads.

Needless to say.

This is not a simple addition, but a kind of detachment, endless power, endless momentum, just a Xianli can live in the magic road, not to mention the terrible number of two.

Ling Feng is essentially no different from the previous one.

The road is still at the top of the spirit.


The strength is completely different. Even the figure of the emperor wants to defeat him. It is extremely difficult to at least defeat the character of the level of the demon. Only the second immortal force can not be displayed at the moment of life or death, otherwise it will be endless.


The emperor who wants to deal with the roster of death must go further.

"Not enough!"

Ling Feng sighed, his way is different, the three forces confront each other, if not Xianli maintain the situation, I am afraid that when Ling Feng asks, it will be smouldering.


He tore the celestial capital, let his own suppression of the heavens, and can move to the emperor, but he is limited not only by the suppression of the heavens, but also by the suppression of the evil road.

Any disintegration of Sandao Xianli will affect the whole situation.


Even if he tears open the fairy tales, he can go further, but how to take this step is still a problem.

However, it is different now.

When the second immortal force comes out, it will be able to contain the situation. It is not a problem to completely separate the three forces. It is much easier for Lingfeng to go further.

"I want to ask as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng felt the pressure. Once he was suppressed by the characters in the list of death, he would like to turn over.

This is a big trouble.

In the case that the second Xianli could not be published, Ling Feng’s only choice was to ask the emperor, at least it would not be too shocking.

Of course, that is what he thinks.


Ling Feng is different from the ordinary spirit, not only the problem of strength and potential, but the problem of space rules.

To know.

The ordinary spirit of the emperor asked the emperor to comprehend the second heavy space rule, and asked the emperor to comprehend the third heavy space rule, not only the space rule, but also the non-parallel and equilibrium, but a deepening of the heavy.

Then a triple concept space was born.

For example, the first weight is the red fire space, the second is the blue burning space, and the third is the cracking space.

The triple space is different, and this does not affect each other.

But if the triple space is superimposed, it can be cast extraordinary. The power is not what Ling Feng can now suppress. Just like Ling Feng is now, it is not the addition, but the explosion.


Ling Feng had created three major spatial rules, but these three spatial rules are fairly balanced, confronting each other, without deepening meaning, forming a space.

This has no deepening of strength and artistic conception. Ling Feng is naturally in the realm of Lingdi.

And he wants to step into the emperor, it is different from the ordinary spirit, he does not need to comprehend the fourth deeper space, I am afraid that the space is too difficult to find, even if it is born, it will only affect the current pattern, it is quite dangerous. .


He needs to find another way to take a different approach than the ordinary martial arts.

"How to ask?"

This is a tricky problem in front of Ling Feng.

"You can only rely on it!"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled. It was not easy for him to ask before, but since he got the tree, these problems are not so difficult.

next moment.

He sacrificed the Taoist tree, and the Xingquan sprinkled down, letting the Enlightenment Tree grow vigorously, and one of the petals fluttered out and floated into the world, while Lingfeng sat on the road of Enlightenment Tree.

However, the consumption of Xingquan makes him very painful.


After a while, his entire body was covered with petals, and the light rain penetrated into the body of Ling Feng, and the light was long and the momentum was faint.

In this state, Ling Feng sacrificed strength, not much, into the space of enlightenment, using the space of enlightenment to deduct the power transformation.

He directly opened the sense of the gods, integrated the whole world into it, and then went to the world to understand the various kinds of creatures, hoping to find more powerful powers than the heavens and the rebellious, or the immortals.

after all.

He has the great material power of Xianli in his body.


He searched for two months and still did not find any strength.

In this universe, heaven, rebellion, and magic are the top forces in the world, but whenever there is more power than the heavenly sphere, I am afraid that I will be punished.

The opposite of Ling Feng and Xian Li are the same.

A few days later, Ling Feng gave up this crazy idea, and this way won't work.


Ling Feng walked out of the second way, using the three spaces to blend together, but this road is even more embarrassing. When the two Xianli slowly spread out, the three kinds of space will explode the gas field and confrontational force, and instantly burst open in front of Lingfeng. A terrible space black hole, if it is not Ling Feng wake up in time, I am afraid that the devil must be seriously injured.


There is also a metamorphosis in the void. Although it is very small, it is assassinated by the same dagger, and it is impossible to prevent it. The speed has already broken the speed of light, and it has been banned from the sea of ​​Ling Feng.


The ban was flying out, and the life was shackled by this day.

Needless to say.

Wanting the integration of the three kinds of space, it is unrealistic madness. When the confinement space was born, it almost ruined the entire wind, showing how suffocating it was.

As for the confinement space, Ling Feng has also been deduced, but it will soon collapse.

Only because of the birth of confinement space, it is necessary to let the three forces blend together, not by sentiment.

“How to take this step?”

Ling Feng frowns and contemplates that his current situation is too tricky, and he is buried in himself.

Enlightenment flowers bloom all over the world.

Lingfeng sat in it, sinking and sighing. Unconsciously, he broke into the illusion, still in the direction of deducing the Tao, one can't, then ten kinds, ten kinds can't, then there are thousands.

Time flies.

Hurry for two years!

Who can imagine that it takes so many years to simply push the direction of the road?

How much can the spirits who have no such problems improve in two years?


This is the problem of Ling Feng. If you don’t open the situation as early as possible, he will only get deeper and deeper, and then completely fall into it.

“Is this the only situation?”

Ling Feng magic eyes open, looking at the sky, the petals are also dying at this moment, the enlightenment trees withered, the leaves are falling, so that the whole picture is full of poetry and painting.

Two years.

Ling Feng deduced a million results, and the ending is moving in the direction he wants.


He did find a situation between life and death.

The three kinds of roads can't be blended. At least he can't do it now. The two kinds of roads can't do the same. So what kind of road?

Although dangerous, in the deduction of Ling Feng, this ending is unique.

Against the road, heaven, magic!

I want to ask the emperor to give birth to a greater road, and this kind of Tao can't be found in the universe, it does not mean that Ling Feng can't shape this kind of Tao.


Lingfeng mouth rises and tells the truth.

This is not a combination of the three ways, but rather the integration of the two paths, but the collapse of one way and the integration into the other two ways.

"Looking at the door between life and death!"

next moment.

The magic road is forbidden, and it slowly flies up into the sky. The ancient will and power are awakening. The three kinds of space fly, the colors are different, and they are filled in the forbidden soil, forming a very different poetry.

Ling Feng Mou Sen cold, broke out of the top Tianwei, so that the three major space together, and then two Xianli and the other two spaces directly hit the magic space.

That is a magic fairy.


The whole sky has collapsed, everything is sinking, and the land of the magic road has been blasted. There are big holes on it, which are sore and shocking.

at the same time.

The magic fairy illusion broke out of the sky, and it is necessary to live with this kind of Tianwei, but Lingfeng’s intentions, even the magic fairy can be smashed.

Needless to say.

This is a space rule that tempers and ruins itself. It is as terrible as it is to tear itself away. If it is careless, it must be abolished and even killed.

In fact, this is the case.

When the magic fairy shadow cracked, Ling Feng's body was also cracked, and the pain spread throughout the body. Ling Feng's flesh and blood and the devil were all gone.


Ling Feng made a sorrowful sorrow, endured the pain of the evil road, and used the ban and the real water to make himself not really killed.


In this process, "Regeneration" is also shining, and Lingfeng's chest is sprayed with tens of thousands of rays, keeping the Lingfeng essence flowing.


It is still so unsatisfactory, Ling Feng's life essence is dying, and the pain is like a dark cloud covering the sky of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng spurted blood, black as ink, just like poisoning.


Ling Feng’s body was torn from the middle, even if the cosmic vision was dying at this moment.

The magic road has already been integrated into him, and in order to get rid of the magic space, the first thing is to let yourself go away.

The sorrow of the magic fairy is even more tragic.

It doesn't quite understand why Lingfeng wants to annihilate it, and the birth of spiritual power is terrible.


The anti-channel and the heavenly space are opening up the "big mouth" to quickly devour the space fragments and charms scattered in the magical space, and integrate them into it to make yourself stronger and stronger.

Just two hours.

Ling Feng's body was completely disintegrated, and the smoke in the empty sky was extinguished. At this time, "Regeneration" was run, too much water was spilled, and the prohibition was sealed by Ling Feng's remnant, and he was born again by the remnant.


Soon, Ling Feng disintegrated.

When Ling Feng refining nine lives and deaths, the magic fairy virtual shadow did not come over. Under the pressure of many forces, it slowly collapsed, forming an ancient magic into the other two spaces.

In an instant.

Stormy, falling into the sky.

The anti-channel and the heavenly space spew out magic, and the light rain is like fog, which makes the two spaces qualitatively change.

The anti-channel space is not only the shape of the petals, but also a touch of blue ink in the void color, which spirals and rushes straight into the sky, more like a black hole.

The space of the heavens is the same, and the black hole form is also present. The surrounding area is covered with golden light, and the clouds are steaming and beautiful. It is quite beautiful.

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