Supreme Demon

Chapter 2522: Lingbi!

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Azure Cave!


This is a hurricane composed entirely of petals, showing the picture. In fact, this is not so simple.

Can be called the road!

The magic fairy is disintegrated, and the power is integrated into these two large spaces, allowing it to directly break through the virtual, not limited to the space, forming the space of the Tao, because it is the fusion of the two spaces, with the opposite of the road and the heavenly space. It can also be called the anti-airway and the sky road.

This is a terrible space for stealing the sky!

This is the worldly frenzy!

Hastily for four years.

Ling Feng asked step by step, step by step to the level he wanted.

just now.

He realized his ideals, let himself break through, break the **** of this world, and successfully climb the realm of the emperor.

Needless to say.

The anti-airway and the sky road will not be the magic fairy shadow, the anti-channel space, the heavenly space can be juxtaposed, which is equivalent to the second heavy space rule of the ordinary emperor. It is deeper than the first heavy space rule, and the horrible degree can be imagined. .


After the summit of the emperor, the magic of Ling Feng dissipated a few points, not as strong as before, but even if he sat quietly sitting there can give people a great pressure.

This is the emperor's gas field!

Tianwei belongs to the king!


Ling Feng can clearly perceive his own tyranny. He has a contempt for the sentiments of the sentient beings. He understands why the ancient characters are more terrible than other characters. The emperor is indeed not the same as the spirit.

More directly, now he can completely overlook him.


Ling Feng's eyes are faint, looking through the fairy, from now on he wants to break the fairy myth.

Five colleges in the sky?

They are all his sharpening stones!

Throughout the ancient times, the emperor is a thousand people, and the emperor is a thousand people. The people who can really seal the road are rare figures. These characters are only afraid of being impossible in the world, and they are all made in those sharpening stones.

Only in the wind and rain can we polish the strongest wings.

"I am king!"

Ling Feng was cold and laughing, and his eyes were full of brilliance. After asking the emperor, he was not afraid of any challenges.

Death list?

It was just a joke.


Time is always too hasty.

Six years is a time for mortals to be one-tenth of life, but for martial arts, especially the Emperor Wu and the gods, this is just a journey in their long life.


For the Emperor of the Academy of Death, these six years are their most enjoyable years.

The demon who oppressed them retreats, and although the demons have begun to cultivate the magical powers of the immortals, they are far from their opponents in speed. After all, there are still many problems in the improvement of the two gods.


In the immortal material, the demons were also restricted. The initial influence was not great, but the later influence was unprecedented.

six years ago.

They were miserable by Ling Feng.

Six years later.

The demons were beaten by them.

The former Lingyun Zhuangzhi was almost wiped out by Lingfeng, and now they are looking back at the hearts of the emperors.

"The things are human beings, we are all different in six years!"

An Emperor Wu exclaimed that nowadays he has made great progress and has approached the strength of Xiaoxun at the beginning, but he has not been wild enough to despise Lingfeng.

To know.

The strength that Ling Feng showed at the beginning should be second only to the emperor. Only the emperor can suppress it in the world.


In the past six years, they have made rapid progress. As long as they give them enough time, they will be able to fight the wind in the future without falling into the wind, and even suppress Lingfeng.

"What about the demon king?"

“Do you really want to shrink like this?”

"Xiangu Tiangong is a sacred ancient fairy, so he can understand? Want to figure it out?"

"wishful thinking!"

Many people are ridiculing, and they don't think that Lingfeng can do it. Otherwise, it is not Lingfeng's genius, but they are too idiotic.

"Oh, my king is born, it is bound to suppress you all!"

Black Phoenix said coldly.

"Hey, is that phoenix wanting to be eaten by roast? Or do you want to warm the bed?" A smile of the spirit emperor.


The black phoenix is ​​directly black face, but more is the helpless flower, and the era of the magic road is about to pass.

"Ling Feng?"

A top spirit emperor opened his mouth and sneered. "What if he was born? My two gods of death are about to be born. It will be two emperors. I have to see what Lingfeng is going to suppress!"


Black phoenix, black bear, etc., a wave of sputum on the face, it is deep.

This is the most tragic situation they expected. The Lingfeng retreat has not been born for such a long time, which means that he has not found a solution yet, and the two demon faces are also unable to do anything, and the two geniuses of the list of deaths are Retirement for eight years.

Numerous resources, the powerful Xiangu Tiangong and the tearing talent, asked the emperor for eight years.

By then.

How do they face it?

Can you face it even if Ling Feng is born?

Too hard!


When the demons are low, the waves are raging in the distance, and a territory is slowly cracking. The light and rain are scattered, and the gates shrouded above are also scattered at this moment.

The bright light almost covered the entire sky.

A character bathed in the light rain, like wearing a colorful war suit, stepping out of the moon, looking like a jade, 10,000 words, overlooking rebirth.

On his shoulder, a scorpion, a suzaku like a naughty child, cheers.

The shape is the same as the gold.

Suzaku is like a fire!

It is not a real creature, but two spaces, and it is a vision born of its tearing talent.

貔貅 space and Suzaku space.

no doubt.

Suzaku can be tied with the dragons in the four great beasts. Naturally, it is not comparable to the dragons. It belongs to a deeper level of space, and the space rules from the beasts are more direct and terrible.

She is wearing colorful clothes, and the whole person exudes a heart-warming atmosphere.


The entire Academy of Death is boiling, and the Emperors of the Death List are looking at the kings who are returning from the moon, while the demons are as dead, and the most tragic situation is coming.


The first emperor of the Death List was born!

The name of the coffin is destined to resound through the void, even if it is placed in Xiangu is a terrible figure.

To know.

Even Xiangu, who can ask the emperor's spirits, is not much, but it can be said that it is one of the best in the world, and the whole starry sky is only the emperor, but the emperor who has to pick one can see how difficult it is.

The Tao Emperor chose one of the emperors.

More unimaginable.

At this moment, the character who picked one of the spirits in the spirits came out, not a small fish, but also the first spirit of the **** of death, but the second spirit of the emperor.


An Wudi excited eyes are wet, this is a miracle in the history of the death list.

Looking at the entire starry sky, I am afraid that I can't find a few people who can be tied with it. The Void Academy is only a decade old, and one or two emperors are very shocked, and the coffin is one of them.

It can be said that now the coffin has the power to look down the entire starry sky.

"The coffin is mighty!"

The Emperor of Death did not appreciate it, and paid more attention to the coffin, and they waited for several years to wait for such a character to be born.

"The emperor came out, and all the lives bowed!"

"Who dares to swear at me?"

The Emperor Wu of the list of the gods of death is very excited. Some old Wudi are even more excited and wet. They waited for so many years to wait for an emperor.

"Ling Feng? Let him come out and die!"

The Emperor of the Dead, who had long been screaming, waited for the two emperors to come out and suppress the wind.

"The trouble is coming!"

The black phoenix frowned, and they have been bullied over the years, and their end is no less than the original **** of death.


The Emperor of Death still did not forget Ling Feng and wanted to suppress him.

after all.

That is the hurdle that they have always stepped forward. Only when they suppress the wind, they are truly victories.

"My king is afraid..."

The black bear frowned straight, and the last emperor, Ren Lingfeng extraordinary is only unlucky.


The emperors are very worried about the wind, at least the strength of Ling Feng at the beginning is to be on the top of the coffin, I am afraid to bow down, the scene is not what the magic figure wants to see.

"The two demons have not found a solution. My king wants to ask the emperor not knowing what year and month."

The black phoenix is ​​a headache, and they are actually holding a breath.


This gas is not possible to scatter.

in spite of.

They did their best and worked harder than the Emperor of Death, but they were still less than the Emperor Wu of death, let alone the emperor.

"Ling Feng?"

The spirits came slowly, listened to the sounds around them, felt the people's minds, and knew what happened at the beginning. It was even the tragedy of the little fish.

What a sad story?

"where is he?"

Lingbi cloud lightly asked, in the realm of the emperor, her mentality is peaceful, even in the face of Ling Feng, the former Wizard of the Stars, there is no pressure.

Strength makes it.

"Currently retreating!"

A Wudi came to the coffin and said with a smile. "I am afraid that I am even more afraid to go out now?"


The coffin smiled slightly, light and indifferent, and did not put Ling Feng in his eyes. "Is he doing something before?"


"Let's go!"

Lingbi knew that there was an anger in the hearts of these Wudi. In fact, she was also angry in her heart. Lingfeng actually suppressed the small fish?

To know.

She is a sister with a small fish, how can she see the small fish being bullied?

What's more, Ling Feng had almost killed the fish, and she had long wanted to settle with Ling Feng.


The Emperor Wu immediately moved forward, broke into the territory, and yelled at the palace.

"Ling Feng, are you not very crazy?"

"Come out and die!"

"When the emperor of my death came out, I asked if you dare to fight?"

"The devil, is it ridiculous, has the magical power been degraded to this point?"

The Emperor Wudi was abusing their voices, and they were full of enthusiasm. Didn’t they see the coffin beside them?

The emperors are very sad. They have the heart to kill the thief, but they can't go back to heaven.

Now, they can't think of how to solve the current situation.

"What a noisy?"

One voice sounded, it was very lazy, and a young man’s beard residue from the Emperor’s sleepy eyes came out.

Ling Feng is really sleepy.

After smelting a field of life and death, after flying out of the spirited beads, he only wanted to sleep a lot, but he did not expect to wake up when he just fell asleep.

Therefore, Ling Feng is very angry.

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