Supreme Demon

Chapter 2523: Some people are destined to be brilliant!

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He is tired.

He is full of dust.


He is more full of anger!

In six years, it has created an extraordinary spirit, and cast an extraordinary wind.

After cultivating life and death, Lingfeng Jingyuan consumes too much, even if it is too much water, it is difficult to moisturize in a short time, so Lingfeng would like to "hibernate" and recover blood in sleep.


He was too "naive", and the Emperor of Death did not want Lingfeng to "hibernate". When the coffin was born, they couldn't help it. They wanted to give Lingfeng a little color to see.

They are coming.

With the misery of six years ago.

With a sad feeling six years ago.

More with the anger at the moment.

They want Ling Feng to sing and conquer at their feet.


Ling Feng is impossible to let them do.

"My king is born, this is a big trouble!"

The black phoenix face is directly black, that is, the black bear is also numb claws, Ling Feng still does not know that the coffin has been born, if it is rushed up, I am afraid that it will be bloody.

call out!

The black phoenix broke into the territory and appeared in front of the wind.

"My king, the emperor of the death **** list was born."


Ling Feng glanced, sleepy black phoenix, the consciousness has not fully recovered, but not so much for the emperor.

The emperor of the district.

Why are you panicked?

Not the Tao Emperor!

"Emperor?" he asked the next moment.

"Yes, it was just born today." Black Phoenix respectfully responded, now Lingfeng is the hope of the whole magic road.

"Is it so urgent to be born?"

Ling Feng grinned, but did not really put the emperor in his eyes, but he also understood this kind of mind, I just want to stand up?

Is it just that Liwei is the wrong object?

"My king, the emperor is different from the spirit emperor..." The black phoenix concealed the point, and Ling Feng really wanted to die. The emperor was very troublesome.

"Oh, emperor!"

Ling Feng Mou gradually wakes up, becomes cold, and looks directly at the coffin. He does not need to look for it. It is because the unique emperor's breath is too familiar and belongs to other characters.

"Hey, Suzaku?"

The coffin shoulders are full, and the two creatures are too conspicuous. Ling Feng can see that it is not a real creature, but two major spaces.

"Ling Feng can dare to fight with my death?"

"It’s a long time to bully us, it’s time to pay!”

"Come on, reproduce the courage of the year!"

"Ling Feng, you won't be okay?"

The Wudi people on the list of death gods were full of smirk, and they did not put Lingfeng in their eyes. Now they have the backing of the coffin, why are they afraid of the wind?

"What are you afraid of?"

Lingfeng grin, isn't it an emperor?

Can you go to heaven?

Two years ago, he asked for success. He went straight into the realm of the emperor and naturally did not fear the spirit. In the next two years, he was trying to improve himself and curb the power in the body, so that the momentum would not be obvious. Otherwise, what people will see now is An emperor can overlook them.

Even the spirits have no courage to come forward at this moment.


This is not the situation that Ling Feng wants to see. He is rarely suppressed here, but as long as he walks out of Death Academy, he is in danger everywhere, and the emperor and the second Xianli are his means of life.

"My king can't!"

The black bear came in and tried to discourage it.

"My king thinks!"

The demons are showing their loyalty at this moment. If they don’t hold a group at the Death Academy, they will be easily eaten by the Emperor of the Death List.

“No need to say anything!”

Ling Feng looked directly at the coffin and said, "You want to fight, then you can fight!"

"it is good!"

The coffin came forward and smiled, but the smile seemed to be squeezed out of the teeth, full of killing.

She came to Ling Feng and looked straight at Ling Feng.

"Is the first starry sky ever?"


Ling Feng was not afraid, and there was a faint light rain in the body. The image disappeared instantly, the beard naturally fell off, and the sleepy eyes became radiant and radiant at the moment.

He became the young man of the handsome and beautiful.


The coffin screamed coldly and gestured to the Emperor of the Dead to retreat, not to be hurt by their strength.

In fact.

Do not need her to say more, the Wudi have long been far from the battlefield, one by one, laughing and sitting, waiting for Lingfeng to be suppressed by the coffin.


Many Wudi are organizing language. As long as Lingfeng falls, they will immediately insult and suppress the language, let them feel their pain and suffering for six years.


Ling Feng indicated that the black phoenix and so on are far away. It is not that they can get involved.


Although the black phoenix and the black bear do not want the confrontation between Lingfeng and Lingbi, they are now unable to contain them. They can only sit sadly and wait for a tragedy to end.


The Wudi and the Emperor of the Emperor flew out of the territory, and they looked forward to each other.


What they didn't think was that the two characters in the game didn't start. More precisely, the coffin sacrificed strength after the Wudi left, and the space and the Suzaku space were all filled, but When Ling Feng looked at his face with a smile, the two big spaces were quickly grayed out.

Ling Feng is volleyed and fluttering.

He looked at the coffin with a smile, and his body was released with a touch of momentum.

That is the gas field!

Emperor gas field!

He did not sacrifice strength, but looked at the coffin calmly, letting the body's gas field sway out.

The coffin is also volleyed and confronts Ling Feng.


At the beginning, she wanted to use the emperor's power to directly suppress Ling Feng, and use the same spike to kill Tian Wei to make it bow down, but when the emperor's gas field came, everything changed.

There was a faint stun in the eye of the coffin, and the shock turned into panic and sorrow.

It’s just a moment!

If she is shocked, her strength will fade away in an instant. It is not that she can't do it, but she doesn't dare.

Just because.

At this moment, Ling Feng is like a universe. Without any loopholes, it reaches the level of "water overflow". It is even more impeccable. As long as she dares to do it, she will be killed.

That is all-round suppression!

He seems to be telling her what the king is.

Any angle is a dead door.

This is Ling Feng!

Once the starry sky!

The coffin did her best. She didn't want to keep this state. She wanted to find out the flaws and suppressed Lingfeng. But for a moment, she still didn't dare to do it.

A scent of scent, the scorpion keeps that qualification, and dare not move.

At an hour, the spirits of the spirits burst out of cold sweat, and the souls are shaking.


She still didn't have the courage to play that power, and she didn't have the courage to look straight into the eyes of Ling Feng.

As if, there is a black hole that is swallowing her.

"Gestalt... Emperor!"

Ling Ling mouth whispered, full of sadness, she thought she was the first person to ask the emperor, can suppress all enemies in the world, after his birth, he could not help but want to take the Lingfeng Sacrifice, but did not expect It will be such a scene.

Three hours.

The coffin has been in this state, and the heart will be disintegrated.

Her wrist is full of blue veins, and she has cold sweat on her forehead.

She looked at the winds of Ling Feng.

People around the territory are even more incomprehensible, especially the Wudi who are on the roster of death, one by one. What is the situation?

Isn't the spirit to suppress the wind?

Black phoenixes, black bears, etc. are also blinded, but as long as the scorpion does not suppress the wind, it is the best ending.

"not bad!"

For a long while, Ling Feng said elegantly, and he was appreciative of the Lingbi.

The coffin is sad and sad, but more is sighing. She knows what kind of enchanting she has encountered.


She even knows that Ling Feng is appreciating that she has not done anything, otherwise it will be even more tragic.

This is the first time in her life to be praised like this, because I dare not do it...

When the gas field that swayed out disappeared, the coffin dared to move the almost numb hands and feet, but how can the numb heart be able to move?

"You don't have enough Xianjin?"

She was indulged for a moment before she slowly asked.


"You don't have Xiangu Tiangong?"

The coffin then asked.


Ling Feng forehead.

"The starry sky is well deserved!"

The coffin flew down the void and arched it toward the arch of Lingfeng. This only slammed out of the territory, and the whole process made the Emperor Wu worry.

How can they understand?

There is not enough Xianjin, no Xiangu Tiangong, how can I ask the emperor?

It is not a fairy here.

Here is the world!

Ling Feng relied on his own tearing of talent, this is different, the death of the roster of the book has not been done for so many years, appeared in Ling Feng, how to fight again?

The fairy gold can be cracked.


What is really terrible is that Ling Feng, a character who relies on the strength of cracking Xianxian, can’t even live in the sky, and what other characters can live?

Needless to say.

Ling Feng will be invincible and live another wonderful.

The emperors who asked when the world relied on the celestial sacred talents were his sharpening stones.

She lost nothing.

The former top-ranking Lingyun was in front of the powerful Lingfeng at this moment...

This is a battle without smoke.


Even if there is no smoke, it is still wonderful!

The incomprehensible coffin actually broke hands, and the emperor’s character did not suppress the wind.

Is this a miracle?

Many Wudi are inexplicable and want to ask questions, but the spirits are disheartened and have no explanation. They are forbidden to fly out.

Some things don't need to be explained!

Some people are destined to be brilliant!

And she is only the first tragedy, then the next tragedy?

"You are very good!"

Whenever she thinks of the words of Ling Feng, she is bitter in her heart.


Her heart has a problem and she needs to solve it herself.

in spite of.

The Emperor Wu of the Death List is not satisfied with this ending, but they know that if they dare to insult the wind, they are looking for death.

no doubt.

The era of Lingfeng has not ended and continues.

"The thief is good!"

Some characters are so vomiting blood, why is the **** Ling Feng unable to suppress?

What exactly happened?

"We can wait, even if it fails 100,000 times, but as long as it succeeds, it will be enough!"

Some people said with a bite.

Lingbi "do not want to" suppress the wind, but they also have the first death, there are fewer masters and small fish, and the genius Xiaoxun, they do not believe that the district can also turn the sky?

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