Supreme Demon

Chapter 2525: Coming!

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Xian Gu Xinghai! This

It is a "greeting" from Xiangu.

The great man of Xiangu was sealed to the world by Tongtian, until it was published.

In fact. Fairy

The ancient Xinghai was born thousands of years ago. At that time, it showed a corner. I don’t know why. It ended up not appearing in the universe, but disappeared into the vast universe. The ancestors and the gods have seen it. and

And. magic

The ancestors also broke into the ancient sea of ​​Xian, disappeared into it, and the fairy material of the magic road and the magical power of Xiangu disappeared together with the magic ancestors.

It directly leads to the weak power of the magical power, not as good as the roster of death, and even less than the power of the void. because


After seeing the birth of Xiangu Xinghai, the blood-stained demon statues and the secluded moons and stars were almost excited to cry. They were waiting for them and wanted to find their fallen Xiangu Xinghai. "

Ling Feng, the ancestors are in the sea of ​​Xian Gu Xing, if you are still alive, then you will get the ancestors of the ancestors, if..."

Yu Yue Xing Jun is silent for a moment, his face is full of sadness.. "If the ancestor is gone, you must bring back the relics of the ancestors, and you must leave."

Yes! "black

Phoenix, black bears, and so on, are equally excited. he

They are full of birds in the Academy of Death, and naturally want to find the magic of the ancients, and if the ancestors are still alive, the magical forces will return to the peak, why do you need to look at the face of the list of death? he

We can build a college ourselves. "

Can only the characters in the first heavens enter? Ling Feng frowned and asked, he couldn’t talk about the feelings of the ancestors.

However, he is now a magic figure, and he is obliged to bring back the ancestors, or bring back the relics of the ancestors. when

Of course. he

Not an idiot, the two devils flicked a few words to die? "

No! ”

The **** demon face is heavy and said: "Tianzun and Mozun can enter, but the power of the ancient stars in the sea can make these characters lost. It should be that there is a substance that can restrain the power of the heavenly level and confuse its will. Chaos the soul!"

"Is the ancestor lost in the inside?" Ling Feng asked. "

Yes! ”

You Yue Xingjun sighed. "When my ancestors discovered the ancient sacred sea, they immediately sneaked in. The material was even more mad, and my ancestors disappeared."

"What about other people?" Ling Feng asked. positive

Often, the ancient stars of the ancient stars, only the magic ancestors are not enough, need more people.


He did not believe that after the advent of Xiangu Xinghai, the entire magic road could sit still.

"It disappeared together!"

The two devils were dull for a long time, and this slowly said: "I am missing with my ancestors."

"Why?" Ling Feng then asked. "

Xiangu Xinghai is a different place, vast and terrible, rich in material, unimaginable, but the power of it is really confusing to all beings, not only the heavenly, the demon, the demon will be affected, but also the heavenly characters will be affected, only However, that power has far less influence on Tiandao characters than Tianzun. ""

So, the Nethered Emperors have lost in it? "Ling Feng straight frowns."

Not sure! "quiet

Yue Xingjun was indulged for a moment, only to say: "When my ancestors disappeared, the demons immediately searched, but they did not come back!"

Xiangu Xinghai disappeared? ”

Ling Feng smiled a bit cloudy. "

Yes! "quiet

Yue Xingjun and the blood-stained demon sigh are sighing, and even more terrifying IQs are terrible IQs. In just a few words, they can infer the whereabouts of the ancestors and the demons.

"The time when the Xiangu Xinghai appeared was very short, and this is what we don't know. When the Xiangu Xinghai tears open the void, we only react, but it is too late." The **** demon said sadly. positive

Because of this.

The ancestors and the demons of the world did not return, and they disappeared together with Xiangu Xinghai.

Over the years, they have rummaged through the entire starry sky, speculating on the whereabouts of the Xiangu Xinghai, and some eyebrows, but the real point is not that they can figure it out.

but. a few

The Devil Respect thinks that the Xiangu Xinghai should still appear in the world, only because they discovered this world change, the fairy ancient sea is coming to the world, and this universe has been coming to the world for many years. each

A top class of material is available.

Various top celestial powers appear.

It is the vanity road that shows the perfect form, and Xianli also appears. It is said that there are still real dragons, etc., which can only be bred by Shengshi. and

And. Yu

The momentum of the starry sky became strong, and the genius came forth. It was not easy to create a heavenly character before. In those years, the characters of the heavens gradually increased, and it was easier to ask the punishment.

Needless to say. Species

There are signs that the flourishing world is emerging. that

Will the ancient star sea be far behind?

"Will the end of the world come?"

Ling Feng frowned, this universe is more terrible than he imagined. The prosperous world can indeed create many wizards, but it can create a lot of wind and rain.


After the prosperous age, it was "cold winter." that

The dark moments will appear. It is called "the year of picking the road." The top figures are like wheat, and only a few people can survive. The truth is confusing, and it is unclear who burns Tianzun. "

Yes! ”

The two sighs sighed and said, "I am waiting for the preparation, but it is hard to say if I can survive."

In fact, this is a big shuffle! ”

Yu Yue Xingjun said: "The Taoist figures are all dying, that is, the gods will die a lot. There are not many people who really survive. We just hope to find my ancestors and face this blood disaster together. ""

"Do you think that the face of the ancestors will get some truth?" Ling Feng magic eyes flash. "

It is! "Two

The demon esteemed the forehead and said with a smile. "The ancient fairy sea came into being, and my ancestors were in it, and they should know some truth."

It makes sense! ”

Ling Feng nodded and said: "Xian Gu Xinghai escaped the catastrophe. If there is a creature inside, when you should know the truth, even if there is no life, the Xiangu Xinghai is proof. Perhaps Xiangu and all things are evolving into us. Doors, even if we can't live in the world's 'winter', we can use similar space to hide in endless years."

Not bad! "Two

The devil's eyes are brighter, which is exactly what they are studying.

"We have already reached this point and naturally can't go back. If we find my ancestors as soon as possible, we will be more successful!"

it is good! Ling

The wind is at the forefront, saying, "I will do my best to find out the whereabouts of the ancestors."

in fact. Ling

The wind feels that if the demon ancestors are still alive, I am afraid that they will come out and stay in them for thousands of years. Can't they solve the confusing power?

of course.

This kind of problem Lingfeng will not say to the two demons. "

All major forces have discovered the ancient fairy sea, which is different from thousands of years ago, you will face the most tragic test of life and death in history! "quiet

Gorefiend said heavily. "Especially, I am afraid that many forces want you to die!"

"Ok, I know!"

Ling Feng evil charm smiled.. "I don't want to die, so they are going to die!"

Battle last! "black

Phoenix and other gears, as long as they can save the ancestors, even if they die in Xiangu Xinghai?

"Don't rush to find the whereabouts of the ancestors, let alone other people know your mission." Yu Yue Xingjun said: "The ancient fairy sea is like the sea, there are too many immortal civilizations, you can do your best to cultivate and stay strong. The strength is more conducive to finding the whereabouts of my ancestors."

Yes! ""

We will also go on the road. If the Xiangu Xinghai is really coming out, is the power inside different from the original? ”

Obviously. magic

Respects do not want to miss this opportunity, to find out the problem as soon as possible. versus

At the same time. each

The forces are all concerned about the Xiangu Xinghai. The Tianzuns have already been dispatched and began to spy. Some smart people have already figured out what.


Just three months later, the Xiangu Xinghai squeezed into the space and appeared in the stars. that

It is really a piece of Xinghai. Even if it appears in the ridiculous Milky Way, the scene is quite roaring. It directly breaks a piece of the Milky Way and knocks out a black hole and a dead star.

Dust and waves are endless.

The light wave, the road force.

Even the characters such as Tianzun can't be close. In the face of Tianwei, people are small, and only after asking the days will they have the power to despise Tianwei.


At the same time, this is exciting and exciting, only because the ancient sea of ​​the fairy has actually come to the world. "

The Xiangu Xinghai appeared, just like the original star! ”

"The ancient heavens can only send one star, and Xiangu sent a piece of Xinghai." People exclaimed.

“Is there a secret of becoming a fairy?”

A greater civilization is coming! "each

The great forces are insane, and the geniuses are moving toward the fairy star, that is, the gods are moving forward and want to make a fortune in them. not


Even if there is no secret of immortality in Xianhaixinghai, they also have immortal material. They are thinking about whether they can get something more conducive to the world, especially why the powerful Xiangu civilization will die in that world. Not the same? "

The Xiangu Xinghai has already arrived, and you will move on immediately. When the dust settles, let's go in. "The **** demon eyes are red."

Yes! "black

Phoenix, black bears, etc. are very excited, this is a good opportunity for them to turn over. "

Be careful! ""

understand! "Ling Feng is the forehead. Once he enters the Xiangu Xinghai, he is the enemy of the world, and the impact is very serious.


He still has to go in! he

Need material, he needs strength, he needs a truth more!

at the same time.

The small fish, the first person of death, and the coffin were also awakened. When they knew that the ancient fairy sea was coming out, they were amazed. In front of this sea of ​​stars, personal grievances can be put aside, and Xiangu Xinghai can solve the problem. Do not

Is it? according to

Wen, the first to ask for success, is now an emperor, and the small fish is only one step away. "

The prosperous world is coming! "hope

With the two emperors, the face of Lancome is not good-looking. In the era of genius, they are laying a track for the prosperous world.


All the five colleges were born with emperors. The exact number is unclear and they are all in a state of secrecy. However, they have no premonition that it will be less than the Academy of Death.

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