Supreme Demon

Chapter 2526: Landing a fairy house!

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Just on the day. Fairy

The domain, the virtual palace, the demon domain, the emperor and the **** of death, the geniuses of the five major colleges came together, and flew to the Xiangu Xinghai under the leadership of Tianzun and Mozun. whole

Almost every starry man is flying to Xiangu Xinghai. and

The focus is naturally on those Wudi who have smelted the immortal gold. They are more familiar with the immortal material. After the talent is opened, their potential is not restricted. Once they get the immortal material, they can break the cage, advance to the emperor, and even Yu Dao.

In this respect, Tianzun, Mozun, etc. are weaker. world

There are not many immortal gold. If Tianzuns take a step forward, they don’t know how much resources they need to consume. The major forces can’t afford it, and there is no Taoist cultivation in Xiangu’s heaven. They are foggy ahead, one is careless. To be killed. because

and. No

Which Tianzun is willing to take risks. Do not


The Xiangu Xinghai is different. The resources inside are huge. If you can find the fairy gods that suit them, then they can also take this step. This is why they are willing to take risks.

"Get off, you are my hope of gloom!"

The blood-stained demon is solemnly handing over to Ling Feng and Black Phoenix, full of expectations and sustenance.

"The devil is too serious!"

Black phoenixes, black bears, etc. immediately squatted, and they shunned, they could not afford the magic hand. versus

At the same time. dead

The Emperor of the Gods of the Gods also flew out of the Death Academy in other directions and flew to Xiangu Xinghai. Although the major forces have the same goals, they will open different ways to prevent each other from looting on resources.

call out!

The next moment, Ling Feng and so on flew directly into the sky, passing by. Virtual

Palace College.

Xuankong and others are staring at the front, and the Emperor Wu of the Virtual Palace Academy has been working hard to build these years. Those who are retreating are also born. Fairy

The ancient Xinghai is a rare opportunity. As long as you can find a huge amount of resources in it, they ask the Taoist is not a problem. "

This will be a confrontation between the emperors. If the time of the Xiangu Xinghai is long enough, I am afraid that the emperor will be born. "mysterious

Empty and serious said: "We not only have to deal with the devil, the demon, but also the person, to be safe, Xiangu Tiangong can not be brought to the Xiangu Xinghai, you can keep in mind."


"Remember to be careful!"

Yes! ”



The giant astronomical boat of the Palace College passes by. This is the Tianzhou that several major forces have teamed up to create. The defensive ability is quite strong. At least a few Tianzong teamed up to break it. Fairy

Domain college. Emperor

Taoist College.

Magic Field College.

These three colleges all flew to the Xiangu Xinghai, the sky and the sky, the momentum swallowed the fairy, the powerful gas field eclipsed many forces, and there was a terrible airflow at the end of the Tianzhou, which evolved into a flame and spewed out.

Not only that. its

His forces also marched toward the Xiangu Xinghai. Gai Xuan and Gai Xuexue were among them. They did not have the immortal material and the heavenly power, but they were able to extract the heavenly power and material.

For a time. whole

The focus of the starry sky is the Xiangu Xinghai. Fairy

Ancient star sea.

This is more like a vast starry sky. The nebulous nebula is shaped like a hurricane, hovering upwards, and the stream of light will ignite around and be very magnificent. that

The stars are different from the stars of the world. Display

It is ancient, with traces of years and years, like swords and swords, and the power is like a mountain river, full of power. in

These stars are surrounded by a faint light rain, covering the entire Xinghai. and

That layer of light rain is extraordinary. Although it is as thin as a flap, it can only be regarded as a light rain to face the fear of death. It is because the light rain comes from Xiangu, which belongs to the immortal civilization and is extraordinary. and

And. that

There is also the immortal material in the light rain. It is only the initial contact, which can disintegrate the gods.

Needless to say.

This piece of Xinghai is not a **** that can be involved, that is, the heavenly characters must pay great attention, otherwise they will also be killed. this

engraved. in

Around the Xinggu Xinghai, major power figures have appeared. A Tiantian boat rides in the wind and waves. Each Tianzhou is very large. There are hundreds of kilometers in the sky and the sky. Of course

However, in front of the Xiangu Xinghai, they are a drop of the sea and a leafy boat, which is extremely inconspicuous.

Not to mention those heavenly characters.

"The material here is very different, there is no door, only the door can be opened!" Xuankong said. "

Then blast! ""

Not easy! ”

Xuankong solemnly said: "Xiangu civilization is different from the ages, and the power will be even more terrible."

Rear. Virtual

Several big men from the Palace College teamed up to drop down the gates and use these odd doors to cast more great power, forming a beam of light and a sword, and stabbing the light rain.

! nine

The sky is trembling, the light rain is like a fog.

The space of five thousand miles in a circle is rapidly disintegrating, and the strength of one heavy road is disintegrated and annihilated, and the four heavens are scattered, making the heavenly characters horrified. only


That is really terrible. It can penetrate the 32-odd space. If it is against the Emperor Wu, how many Emperors in the world can survive?

"Open!" Xuan

The air and other heavenly treasures are solemn and deliberately pushed down. Those space laws blend in power, exploding more powerful forces, piercing the void and tearing the light rain. door

opened! Of course


They didn't have time to cheer, and the light rain slowly merged and became complete. "

A strange door that can blend on its own! ”

"Only the immortal material has such a magical ability!"

"Break again!"

The big man has not given up, and it is impossible to give up at this time. he

We joined forces and made every effort to open up the light and rain. The vast and unparalleled power of space law, through the singularity of the door, the power became more powerful and hit the light rain. "

Nether town road! "mysterious

Empty and loud, a blue light hits the light rain, flying out of an ancient void, not into the universe, suppressing thousands of roads, actually the piece of light rain and life. Virtual

Empty town road!

It belongs to a ban on the empty channel, but I did not expect that Xuan Kong will bring it.


Xuankong did not dare to delay, the first time let the Emperor Wu into it, fearing that night dreams, the empty town may not be able to hold for a long time.


The Emperor Wu of the Emperor Palace did not hesitate, and the lightning rushed to the Xiangu Xinghai.嗡



Suddenly, an Emperor Wudi died on the spot. Although he broke into the light rain, he still had a faint mist and had a powerful attacking power. He even let an Wudi be killed on the spot, and its terrible degree can be seen. "

Be careful, use all your strength! "mysterious

The air was discolored on the spot, and these Wudi were still too small, and they did not use any force to defend. true

When they can completely tear open the "door" of Xiangu Xinghai? under

A moment. Virtual

Emperor Wu of the Palace made every effort to explode the power of Tianwei and bombarded it into the distance. This way, the fog was opened and flew into the distance.

They successfully broke into the Xiangu Xinghai. "

go! ”

"Come on!"

A few big men waited for the "door", while other Tianzun immediately rushed into the Xiangu Xinghai. They were the main force of this matchup and the protagonist. versus

At the same time. magic

The domain, the emperor, the fairyland, etc. all enter the Xiangu Xinghai.

Although the Xiangu Xinghai is extraordinary, it is very difficult to live in the world. It is a matter of time to get in.

Different from the four colleges.

The magical forces are much easier. They have a certain understanding of the Xiangu Xinghai. After a "door" is opened, the Yueyue Xingjun immediately let the Wudi emperor present the whole body with Xianjin, concealing the power and directly integrating into it. Those who are in the fog, are not subject to containment and influence, enter the Xiangu Xinghai.

The entire starry sky seems to have calmed down on this day, and the top figures disappeared together, all of which entered the Xiangu Xinghai. when

Of course.

Not only the five major colleges, but also other forces have come. They used the top banters and Qimen, and they joined forces with other forces to attack the Xianguxing sea light rain. After sacrificing many characters, they were able to enter. fan

The fog is heavy and the light is raining.

The Xiangu Xinghai is more terrible than people think. The power collapses in the first time, falls straight down, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and the whole body is about to be ignited.

Some characters have long been blurred.

What scares them even more is that the power of the scorpion can disintegrate the power of space.

Obviously. Fairy

There is a kind of mighty power in the ancient star sea. Ling

The wind has also been affected. Although the Magic Road is different from the soil, it is also contained here. Only the Xianli is not damaged, but the light emitted is also grayed out.

but. he

Not panic, even if it falls straight to the ground, he is more capable than other people. The Taoist body is integrated into Xianli and becomes more imprisoned. It is not easy to fall to him. Of course

and. thing

Feelings are not what people think. After falling for three thousand miles, the heavy fog is spreading. The power of their imprisonment is beginning to recover. The speed is naturally reduced. When it falls to five thousand miles, the fog is almost exhausted. Their strength has also recovered. whole

Although the Xiangu Xinghai can't see the bottom of the eye, you can also see the tip of the iceberg. star

Chen and Shanhe are rapidly expanding, and the power of the emptiness of the void also appears at this time, and they are all in all directions, even if they are the same forces, and they are joined together by this twisting force.

Everyone's placement is different.

They are more like being chosen by the stars, so they are different. call out


Time and space are distorted. Even if Xianli wants to change such an ending, Ling Feng can only fly to the distance with the twisted time and space. At this moment, he is alone, but it is more suitable for a little. As for the life and death of the magical emperors, he does not care very much.


Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyebrows were picked. In the fast-expanding stars and mountains and rivers, he actually saw a beautiful Xianfu. four

Zhou is completely filled with gold and rhyme, flowing with the ancient radiance, and erupting with the fascinating material of the immortality. In the center, there is a mansion, which is beautiful and beautiful, even though the ancient mottled traces of the years. . can


Still can't hide its peerlessness! that

Is it a fairy house? "

Landing a fairy house? Ling Feng grinned.

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