Supreme Demon

Chapter 2527: Xianfu resources!

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Ling Feng flew down from the void, and the fog around him was immediately annihilated. Under the pressure of the powerful magic road, even the fog of Xiangu Xinghai could not keep the situation.

He looked directly at the fairy house.

The fog is scattered and the momentum is endless.

The fairy house is in the fog, only one corner can be seen, but this corner is enough to make Ling Feng excited and shocked, only because the fairy capital is actually embedded with Xianjin, although it is not as powerful as the world. The immortality is as pure as it is, but the fairy gold is only used for decoration, which is a bit scary.

The magnificence of Xianfu, the corner of the corner can cover up ten miles, showing how flawed the whole.

In the vicinity of Xianfu, there is the same light rain as the Xiangu Xinghai. Like the rootless ping, it falls from the empty sky and covers the whole fairy house.

When Ling Feng was close to the Xianfu, his true face also appeared.

In the fog, although Lingfeng has not been completely seen clearly, but this Xianfu has at least a hundred miles, and Xianfu is not completely built on the ground, a large part is buried in the ground, filled with fog. There is a huge amount of breath coming out of it.

"Different from the world!"

Ling Feng is not surprised. If Xiangu breath is the same as the world, it makes people feel strange.

To know.

Xiangu's terrain is completely different from the rhyme. When Xianjin came out, it was Xianli, which was naturally not the character of the world. It is because of this that there is such a name as "Xiandao", but there is no such thing as the world. .


If the Xiangu period relied entirely on Xianjin, it would not be possible to go to the original civilization. Therefore, Xiangu charm is particularly important.

Ling Feng thinks that Xianjin should not be the top resource of Xiangu. Otherwise, even if it is not pure enough, Xiangu characters will not be wasted.

If Xianjin is only a resource at the bottom of the Xiangu civilization, then...


Ling Feng came to the Xianfu, but he could look directly at the fairy house.

In the light rain of the hustle and bustle.

A cave is like a secluded magic mouth. It is opened in front of Ling Feng and buried deep underground. Only a small part of it stands on the ground. It is more like a underground palace.

Ling Feng was too small before this Xianfu.

"What will be behind the light rain?"

Ling Feng was full of faces and laughed, and forbidden from the forward, Xianli flew out with the magic road, and pressed against the light rain. At the same time, the burning blade also appeared in front of Lingfeng, carrying the annihilation Power, hit the light rain that is as thin as a flap.



The magical ground for the prohibition of the earth is that it can despise the prohibition of the Tao, even if the power of the heavenly level can be infiltrated, and the Burning Path and the Blade can be torn and incorporated into the prohibition.

Because of this, Ling Feng dared to make strides forward, not because of the thin light and rain.

In fact.

Even if the ancient light rain is extraordinary, it can not be seen in front of Xianli and Burning Road. When Xianli is integrated into the blade of the Burning Road, Tianzun will come and sigh.

In an instant.

The light rain slowly teared, forming a light door, and Ling Feng strode forward and walked into the light door.


Really presented to him.

There is no world-famous wave, and there is no dazzling starlight. The charm here is very weak, and only the fragrance of Xianjin and so on.

It is old and not rhyme.

After the years of immortality, even in the light rain, it is also seriously eroded by the years. If there is a fairy rhyme, I am afraid that it has already disappeared.


This is not a depleted Xianfu. It is because it is too ordinary and dull, so Ling Feng feels very abnormal.

To know.

Too ordinary house, can not be used for such light rain suppression, but also immortal.

This means that this fairy house is extraordinary.

And such a fairy palace does not have a strong breath, is it not that its material has already decayed in the age of Xiangu?


Xiangu is different from the ancient times. At that time, there were many materials in the immortality, and it was able to seal the atmosphere of the years. In the ancient times, the material of the immortality had already disappeared, and the material that could seal the years was too little.

"In the fairy house!"

Ling Feng smiled forward and banned from coming to Xianfu.

There is no door here.

Just because, the light rain is the door, although Ling Feng is easy to tear it, but this does not mean that other characters can tear open, need extremely powerful strength and power of Xiandao, especially the casting of Xianjin The space rules with "仙" quality and so on.


If you want to open the door of Xianfu, you need Tianzun, or many Wudi.

Xianfu space is very broad, pavilions and pavilions, but it is very clear, not like a cave house, more like a house, but this house is too big.

There is a futon in the front hall.

Needless to ask, Ling Feng can see that this futon is not simple at a glance. It is built from the Phoenix Nest, quite mysterious and full of great power.

Even if the Tianzun plate sits on it, it will take a long time to understand the different avenues, not to mention the magical emperor.


There is still a piece of fairy gold hanging around the futon. It is more pure and free of any impurities. It is like amber and emits a faint light.

If this happens in the world, this futon can sell a sky-high price.

"Not bad!"

Ling Feng is appreciating, and this futon receives the spirited beads. As for its role, it can be studied slowly. Now it is time to hurry up and explore the entire Xianfu. If you can take it away, you will take it away. You can’t take it away. I will dig it away.

Even the entire Xianfu, Lingfeng wants to pack together.

of course.

He has not done this yet, and he always feels that this Xianfu has other functions.

The Zhongtang is vast, but it is a plain. It is more like the performance of the great man in the immortal period. There are various weapons of the gods, which are stained with immortality. They only age gradually in the years, but the power is not weakened. The power of Tianzun and Tiandao.

Ling Feng did not hesitate to put it into the space of the Lingzhu.

Even if he does not need these weapons now, he must never leave it to the enemy.

The backyard blossoms for 30 miles, all of which are precious flower species. They are rare in the world, and there are many old medicines, which are extremely precious.

"Can cast the emperor!"

The smile on Ling Feng’s face is more prosperous, like a blooming flower.

He directly received this plain into the space of the Lingzhu, only because he found that the plain is different, the underground has the charm of the fairy, and the material of the immortal period, which can make these flowers and herbs grow more vigorously, otherwise they can experience Immortality is immortal?

Is this the whole fairy house?


This is just the first floor of Xianfu, and there is another layer below.

When Ling Feng came to the next level, he couldn't help but stop, only because the things displayed on this floor were different.

That is a pool.

Surrounded by immortal gold, like the amber of the amber.

Inward, it is like the iron of the void, the appearance of large and large pieces, neatly placed in the small pool.

Further inside, it is a small piece of void color copper, with green, more with azure and dark, so that the copper becomes different.

At the beginning.

Ling Feng really thinks that it is not copper. It can be extrapolated and beaten. In the end, he is sure that it is copper.

A kind of copper that did not appear in ancient history!

Xianjin, Star Iron, Bronze!

Is this the three grades of the fairy material?

Ling Feng frowns, contrary to some grades in the world, but it seems that bronze is more extraordinary, far from the immortality.


This is not the center of the small pool. There is a bowl of clear spring inward. It floats quietly in the void, flowing through the ancient light. It reflects the sun and the moon, as if the whole starry sky is inside, as if the whole space is inside. It seems to be buried in the ancient times.

A pool of autumn water washes the dust!

A bowl of clear spring Wang Xiangu!

Although Ling Feng did not know what the Qingquan was, but it was able to make Xianjin, Xingtie, Bronze and other arches, showing how extraordinary its status.

That is definitely a magical substance above the three substances.

"what exactly is it?"

Ling Feng meditates and wants to find the answer in his mind, but he is disappointed. I am afraid that those big forces may not be clear.

“Is this the real treasure of the ancients?”

Ling Feng was overjoyed, and the small pool was received on the spot, but it was different from the previous one. This small pool is very tricky. Even if Ling Feng uses Xianli and Burning Road, it can only be excavated one inch and one inch. It took a whole month to get rid of the small pool from the bottom.

What makes Ling Feng more shocking is that this small pool is heavy to the point of swearing.

He is currently an emperor, and his refining body has reached the level of the Tao. He can lift a huge weight of 2 billion kilograms. He can charge heavier substances in the case of using the spirited beads, but in this way, he will still put it one inch at a inch. The small pool received the spirited beads.

How big is this?

Xianjin does not have such weight. Stars and bronzes should not reach this level. Is it the bowl of clear spring?

What kind of substance is that?

But no matter what, these substances are now in the bag.

One landing is Xianfu, and it is still such an adventure, it really makes Lingfeng ecstatic.


Xian ancient star sea vast, such a fairy house, although not many, should not more than one or two?

What if it falls in his hands?

Just this Xianfu, Ling Feng feels that he can let himself step on the Taoist, and even go further.

"Let's find time to study!"

Ling Feng stepped out and looked at the already naked Xianfu. He came to the interest and prepared to move the entire Xianfu.


Suddenly, his eyebrows rose and he felt that there was fluctuation around him.

"Come on?"

Ling Fengyin measured the laughter, although the gods are not fixed, but it does not mean that no one else is in this place.


He has already got the resources of Xianfu first. What did they do?

Send it to death!

"Sin domain, the magic domain is still the virtual palace, the royal road?"

Ling Feng came to the entrance of Xianfu, and looked at the distance seriously and firmly, ambushing those people here.

"Today, I am the protagonist here!"

Ling Fengsen is open, the body is quickly integrated into the space, and the body is wiped out, so that no one can find it, otherwise the game will be very boring.

Is not it?

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