Supreme Demon

Chapter 2528: Xianfu dispute!

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Xiangu Xinghai is too vast.

Many Wudi and Tianzun, Mozun, etc. came in, but the number was too small, like sand spilled in the lake, and the tiny waves of water were not spattered. miss you

It is not easy to meet one or two people here. Partial

The temperament has just come in and has encountered a lot of positions.


It's like a big fish in a lake, a bonfire in the desert, and it can be seen from afar. Ling

The first discovery of the wind is because he is full of strength, can be seen farther, and Xianli can restrain the charm here, naturally can come quickly, and other characters, even if found, want to tear It’s not easy to fly the ancient fairy tales.

but. Fairy

The charm of the government was quickly discovered, and some characters are coming in this direction.

"Not a person of the same power?"

Before Ling Feng looked at Xianfu, the Emperor Wu might not be able to sense the momentum that came from afar, but he could sense it. and


He is no stranger to the atmosphere of the major forces, such as the Magic Road, the Mozu, the Yaozu, and even the Xianting, the Void Road, the Guanghan Palace, etc. are very clear, naturally able to judge.


Ling Feng said with a smile, his body was hidden in the void, waiting for the game to end. call out

. Do not

For a long time, an Emperor Wu appeared in front of Xianfu.

"Xianfu!" He

Wearing a purple gold armor, the face is full of excitement, did not expect to see these taboo "resources" in the fairy star. simple

Straight heartbreaking. "

This Xianfu is mine! ”

After he was ecstatic, he immediately calmed down and quickly opened the fog, appearing in front of Xianfu, and holding a heavy treasure in his hand. It was a jade bead, as big as a bowl, emitting a blue light rain in space. In the case of the influx of rules, it is possible to tear open the fog.

It is because of this heavy treasure that he can find the whereabouts of Xianfu.

"This light rain is a little trouble!" He

First shot the intensity of the light rain, and then the eyebrows, the light rain is very strong, the same handle defensive weight, want to break open, there are only two ways. its

The first is to find out the weaknesses of these light rains, so that it is possible to break through the entire light and rain.

The second is a strong break.

however. This

The light rain gate is a fairy door, and it is easy to find weaknesses.

and. Time

It’s too late to be there. I’m afraid that when he breaks the light rain, other Wudi, the Emperor, the Yaozu, etc. have found it. At that time, the Xianfu can be said to be nowhere. but

. Strong

What about force? more

Tricky, in terms of the strength of Qimen, one or two of his level of Emperor Wu may not be able to break. "

I am afraid that I can't eat it alone! "that

Wu Di is very sorry, what a good resource this is, if he falls into his hands, then he, even the whole family has different voices in the stars.

If you summon the characters who come to the same power, then this Xianfu resource will fall into the hands of the forces, and the nature is completely different. Do not


If you want to break the light rain of Xianfu, you will only rely on the same door.

The next moment, he sacrificed the beads, hit the sky, wrote the content inside, let the same door know, and the fairy star is too vast, it is not easy to notify, so he shot more than a dozen times, in a superimposed way To the distance, I hope to be sent to the hands of the same brothers.

"You have to brand it to prevent it from being discovered by other people!"

Wudi is still quite cautious. He can't open the light rain gate now, so he has to seal it first and not let it leak. Say

Finish. he

The blue jade beads in the hands glow, and a Dodge door swoops out of it, shrouded the sky, and wants the whole town of Xianfu. can


Guangyu Qimen is much more powerful than he imagined. Even if he played the nine-fold seal, he still couldn’t seal it. There was still a lot of anger, which made the Emperor Wu’s frown, and he was waiting for further seals. Can not help but jump. "

Damn it! "he

Said dullly, it has already sensed that the breath of other characters is coming in this direction. Defense

Can't live.

Then you can only defeat the enemy. can

To reach this step, you need more than just talent, you need to be enchanted and smart. Display

Of course. This

Wudi is such a character. He flies out of lightning and finds a hidden place to hide, peeping in the dark, waiting for other characters to appear.


Only a moment of effort, another Wudi appeared here.

Her eyes were sharp, flying two lights, like two flying swords, shooting in the sky, breaking the fog.


Like the previous Tiandao figure, she was shocked by the light in her eyes. What a big event can be found here?

of course.

She is more cautious than the previous Emperor Wu, directly sacrificed a few Lingzhu, directly pinch the explosion, in this way to the same door for help, only because she found around the Xianfu, there is this hidden nine ban, and this Obviously it is not what Xianfu should have.

what does this mean? Have

People go one step ahead! and

Xianfu resources did not move, the light rain gate was intact, or the character had left in advance or hid in the dark. thorn

La! positive

At this moment, a strange light flew in, carrying a terrible weight and powerful lethality, came to her back. "

Oh, I have already expected it! "that

The female emperor did not panic, the lightning escaped, and then sneered and looked behind him, the body's momentum was heavily shocked, and the momentum collapsed into a fog.

"I knew that I should not play the nine-fold seal."

The purple gold armored Emperor Wu appeared, his face flashed a bit of annoyance, if he had not left these seals before, I am afraid that this moment can seriously hurt the female emperor.

By then.

No one can steal the resources of Xianfu with him. "

Is Xianting such a mouse generation? "The female emperor said with a sneer."

The characters of the virtual palace may not be able to get there! "purple

The Golden Warrior Wudi sneered and said: "What is wrong with you?"

"The same as you!"

The female emperor did not hide and bluntly. "

Ha ha! ”

"You and I are not the same door, come to fight!" The female emperor bluntly said: "The living person gets the fairy house!"

Why not join hands to open Xianfu? "The Purple Emperor Wu is very hesitant and does not want to fight."

With the tiger to seek skin, not worth the candle! "The female emperor said simply and directly."

well said! ”

Wujin Warrior Wudi sneered and said: "That is a place to live and die here, self-requested the peak of the Emperor, has not been a battle!"

"War!" two

The Emperor Wu is very direct, there is not much language, Xianfu is in front of him, and more words can't conceal their covetedness of Xianfu. It is impossible to make an attempt, and sharing interests is even more unrealistic.

They are not part of the same force and they are hard to trust each other.

and. on

It is they who join hands and want to open the light and rain, and can only sit on the equivalent of the forces.


They all want to stabilize everything here, and it is just convenient when they come to the same door.

Rumble... whole

The world was smashed, and the confrontation between the emperors was fierce, especially for the two spirits.

They played for three whole hours, the purple gold armor Wu was injured, one arm was fallen, and the female emperor was messy, spurting blood and not hurting. with

At one level, I want to live and die, and most of them are the end of both losses.


Just as they were killed and killed, the third person appeared. that

Is a devil! and

It is not the Nether Emperor, but the devil from the Mozu, a more pure demon.

Needless to say.

The devil did not hesitate, directly hit the two Emperors, and wanted to get rid of the two Emperors.

"court death!"

The two emperors were not weak, and they rushed out and directly attacked the emperor. The entire battlefield was more chaotic. day

The ground collapsed and everything was dying.

The confrontation between the three emperors was quite fierce. Even if the female emperor was better than others, the situation could not be flattened, and the demon emperor was relatively fierce. Only because the two emperors were at the same time, they hated the emperor.

but. positive

Because the emperor appeared, the two emperors did not dare to fight for life. Once they removed the other party, they would also be seriously injured. At that time, the emperor would be cheaper. "

Not enough fun. Ling

The wind is not in a hurry, I don’t think the three characters can break the light rain door now. Even if they break open, they will be unlucky. complete

actually. Now

The Lingfeng in the wind is not the original Lingfeng. take advantage of

When the three characters were killed and killed, he sat down and studied the material obtained in Xianfu. Needless to say, Xianjin did not say much, he was very clear, but the star and bronze?

Or is it a more mysterious bowl of clear spring?

In order not to attract the attention of three people, Ling Feng did not smelt, but was in the eight-door gate of Guwu Tower.

quickly. three

All the characters are seriously injured, they retreat from each other, they are not allowed to hit the moment of life and death, and they are all waiting. If the characters in their forces can arrive in time, they can defeat the enemy. "

coming! ”

At this moment, Ling Feng magic eyes shine.

call out.

call out! three

The direction of the breath quickly appeared, coming to Xianfu.

It is not a character of Xian Ting, but a character of a virtual palace, but a demon.

"Damn!" Purple

The gold armored Emperor Wudi screamed, and was very angry. He did not expect that the demon had three emperors in this area, and arrived one step earlier. The Xianyu characters were too far apart, even if the news could be delivered to them, I was afraid of a moment. Half will not be able to catch up. "

go! "that

The female emperor was very decisive and took the first time. Correct

The last demon emperor gave them a headache. For the four emperors, that is the end of the nine deaths. Fairy

Although the government is good, don't be greedy.

and. which is

The Mozu people temporarily get Xianfu, and they may not have no chance. As long as the Mozu is not able to open it, and the characters in their forces arrive in time, this Xianfu is still theirs.

"Kill!" four

The devils naturally do not want to let them go, but the female emperor and the purple gold armor Wudi are very embarrassed, the first time to go, the speed is naturally faster than the four devils. in

In a short time, they disappeared in front of the Mozu.

"You have to open the light rain door as soon as possible!"

The four emperors calmly analyzed: "The two Emperor Wudi must have notified the same door, we have to hurry ahead of them."

"Well, I brought a treasure. It is very difficult to get rid of the whole door, but it is not difficult to tear us a gap. Let us go in!"

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