Supreme Demon

Chapter 2529: Come on?

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Four emperors.

Each one is a spirit emperor level, the strength is not weak, can force the two Wudi to retreat, its strength can be seen.


These four demons are not weak in the position of the Mozu, and they are bluntly able to open the characters of the light and rain gates. How much is it?

At least not too weaker than Ling Feng.

"Mo Yu, Shan Wo, you are responsible for sitting around the town to prevent others from appearing, and I and the hole flash to break the light rain gate!"

A black warrior said that he was bathed in the magical spirit, and the magical eyes were as sharp as an eagle. People did not dare to look at him unconsciously, and among the four emperors, he was the one headed.

The Mozu is different from the Star Force.

They are not in this starry sky, but in another starry sky. They come from Xiangu, and some are not comparable to the stars. They are described in unfathomable terms, and they are not exaggerated.


When the Mozu entered the Xiangu Xinghai, they used the top power to make them less dispersed when they fell, and they would not be too far away, so they could quickly merge and form a terrible force in this power. In front of him, I don’t know how many Emperors, demons, and emperors will fall.

When people react, they are the masters of the entire Xiangu Xinghai!

What is this handwritten?

And the person who can cast these handwritings, only the devil in the world!


The important people of the Mozu carry the taboos to the treasure, and their intentions are more direct than people. It seems that they have long known that there are top resources in the sea.

"The Mozu can cross the fairy, it is not unreasonable!"

Ling Feng exclaimed, he is sure that there are some immortal materials in the Mozu, many things are only guessing, and the Mozu get accurate news.

This is the gap!

The Mozu is unintentional, and the starry sky is unbeaten?


The luck of the Mozu is not very good, especially the four emperors in front of them, actually encountered Ling Feng.


At this time, Xianfeng Xinghai, Lingfeng is not the top character, but he is the most indispensable person, even if the Lord must pay attention.

King of the World!

IQ is unparalleled!

Will such a character be a simple character?


At the time of Lingfeng's contemplation, the demon-headed emperor has already started, and his hand flew out a banner, releasing a massive atmosphere, and spewing out the endless glow, like a lightning and a light rain, directly slamming into the light rain gate, and Create terrible waves.

The light and rain gates are violent and turbulent.


Even the flag is difficult to open the light rain gate, and it stops in a moment of turmoil.


The second banner appeared, carrying a heavier and greater force, and fell on the gate of the light rain. At the same time, the hole flashed and flew together with the headed demon emperor, and broke out more violently. The flame of light blew out the whistling sound of nine days, and the light and rain that hit the door trembled more intensely.

This is not enough!

Then, the third and fourth flags flew together and were knocked down by the two emperors.

In an instant.

Tens of thousands of turbulence, space annihilation.

Nine days seem to have sunk at this moment, even if the wind is discolored, he thought of these four flags.

"Crashing the sky flag!"

He once saw it in the ancient scrolls of the gods. This flag is extraordinary and powerful, and it is a glorious treasure.

The collapse of the flag is a total of eight sides.

With all sides on the same side, the world will bow down.

This is not a false statement, it has such magic.

However, what Ling Feng did not think was that this humane treasure was actually in the hands of the demon, and it was four sides when it was born. However, the Mozu only got four sides, while the other four sides were in the world. Find it.

"Unfortunately, there are only four sides. If the eight sides are the same, what is the light rain gate in the district?"

The headed Devil sighed and truly mastered this banner before he could know how terrible the collapse of the flag was.

Just four sides, I almost took his time and broke out five times of Tianwei. If the eight sides are only ten times Tianwei?


Under the attack of the two emperors, the light rained the door, there was a crack, not as strong as before.

"The hole is open!"

The two emperors immediately saw hope, and they were so excited that between Xianfu and them, they were only separated by a strange door.


The world is shaking and the power is different.

The four flags are like burning, the power is soaring, when the town falls, Wandao is falling, the sky is sinking, saying that it is a collapse of the flag is not a false statement, if the eight flags are born together, I am afraid that the sky will Collapsed.

Perhaps, because of the collapse of the sky flag too much, it was only after the heavens rebelled, separating them, and not being able to merge one.

Just a scent of effort.

The light rain Qimen could not hold on, and was disintegrating.


The four devils are all excited, and they are even more pleased with the magical road to the treasure. The light and rain that makes the starry sky helpless is not worth seeing in front of them.


The head of the emperor broke out, doing everything in its power, not hesitating to lose the real yuan, let the four flags burn more intensely, and hit a heavy wave, and really want to break the light rain.


The light rain Qimen suddenly darkened and there was a hole, and the two emperors walked along the hole and opened the whole light and rain door.


The hole flashed with ecstasy, but it was not in a hurry.

For Xianfu, they know more than the starry sky, but they are also limited to ancient books, so every step must be cautious and not wrong.


The head of the devil has long been unable to wait, the first time into the Xianfu.


When they broke into the front hall, they couldn't help but hold back. The resources here were all "picked" clean, and there was no residue left. The bareness was not like Xianfu.

"what happened?"

The smile on the face of the hole flashed completely and collapsed in the wind.

They did not expect to do their best to get only such a result.

"Look inside!"

The headed demon is calmer and said: "Maybe the ancient years have passed, the resources of the front hall have long been smashed."


The next scene made them feel colder. The resources in the middle hall and backyard were all "picked" clean, and there was no hair left. What does this mean?

Is the entire Xianfu just an empty shell?

Did the characters of Xiangu have already evacuated Xianfu?

The four emperors were quite unwilling to find more resources, so they found the small pool.

"Come on?"

When the four emperors appeared in front of the small pool, a character in the small pool was smiling and looking at the face, like a greeting, kindly said. "Come on?"

that moment.

The four emperors were completely stunned.

They did not think that Xiangu resources were not found, and they even found a character.


This character is still very familiar to them.

Ling Feng!

This is a character who was once listed as a "nightmare" by the Mozu. It appeared in front of them in a living way, as much as a living ghost.

To know.

The light rain Qimen did not collapse and was damaged, but they appeared in front of them completely, and they even tried their best to get in. How did Lingfeng come in?

What the **** is this?

"The place is small, do you want to be here, or go to the middle hall?"

Ling Feng smiled and got up, his face was more intense, and he "appreciated" the expression on the faces of the four emperors.

Very surprised?

More shocking?

Yes, who said that when you come in, you must disintegrate the light rain gate?

"Ling Feng, it turned out to be you!"

The head of the devil said with a sigh of relief, until now it is only returning to God.

"Exactly me!" Ling Feng laughed.

"Shenfu resources are you evacuated?" The four emperors returned from a short-lived disappointment and did not panic. This is not a starry sky, not a god.


They are not the original Emperor Wu, do not need to be so jealous.

"Exactly!" Ling Feng said with a smile. "In fact, this Xianfu is poor, or do you want to find another Xianfu?"

"Ling Feng, you are really crazy!"

The head of the demon is cold-eyed and sneer. "Selling out the resources of Xiangu, I will not kill you!"

"If I don't want to hand it over?"

"Ling Feng, are you still the first star in the sky?"

"That is what you said, I have never said it." Ling Feng said "modest".


"The Starry Academy was established. We have already been different. Is it really when we are afraid of you?" The four emperors said coldly and came toward Lingfeng.

In their view, Ling Feng is dead and is the peak of the Emperor.


Ling Feng is more terrible than the average character of the Emperor, but what about it?

Can you win the characters who have smelted the fairy gold?

Not to mention four!

“Tear the talent?” Ling Feng frowned and said. “It’s really tricky!”


At this time, the four emperors have already been seated, forming an attacking Qimen, directly killing Ling Feng, like a sharp arrow coming from all directions, to shoot Ling Feng.

"Today, let you know what is called the ancient emperor!"



The terrible light rain filled the world, covering the sky, the ancient power is awakening, even more terrible in the sea of ​​Xianzhai, almost covering the entire sky, quite scary.

"Imperial Emperor Wu?"

Ling Feng slightly raised his head and looked at the sky and said: "I am not a fairy emperor, let alone return to Xiangu, I am the demon emperor."


The power in his body quickly awakened, and the emperor’s momentum broke out to cover the whole world.

"This is... the emperor!"


In the next moment, the faces of the four demons were disastrous, and they were going to take it away. They did not dare to confront the Lingfeng. Others did not know what the emperor was, but they were clear.

Just because of the clarity, I feel tremble!


They want to escape, but Ling Feng did not think about letting them escape to heaven.

When his power poured down, the four emperors were directly in the void, his face pale, the terrible emperor's gas field was shrouded in them, and the chilling momentum reached the soul sea.

Here, Ling Feng is like the **** of death who dominates the night!

Forbidden by the soil, the world!

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